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Rudi Rubiandini |
Oil mafia occurred since Indonesian imports of crude oil, will Corruptor in torment in this world and in the hereafter.
Indoneia held under President Megawati Sukarnoputri, I have a friend who works in a foreign oil company, when he was Chairman of the Indonesian Petroleum Association Society appointed a Russian oil company to be marketing reprresentative for crude oil sales to IIndonesia and Asia Pacific.
Using the services of a senior journalist who claimed to be close denagn Director of Pertamina and close to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, both the reporter failed to penetrate the "oil mafia'' that when it was pretty neat and tight.
Though the Russian oil company that wants to bid fairly crude oil imports and the offers of the lowest price.
During the Soeharto regime when BP Migas has not been established, there is power under control Pertamina, the company instituted is authorized to import oil, but unfortunately the majority of its stock owned by the ruler'' cronies''.
So how many thousand trillion dollars of state money lost due to the oil mafia cronies and'' it'', which seharuskan can be used to empower the people economically, and can be used for scholarships for children who are less able Indoneisia smart. This is the problem of the people of Indonesia and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in particular.
Cases of alleged corruption involving Chief Executive Special Unit Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini may not be the first in the scope of the oil and gas industry. The velocity of money is huge in this industry is prone to corruption assessed.
"May not be the first. Could be first-had also been going on," said Executive Director of Economic Studies Institute of Mining and Energy Rakhmanto Pri Agung in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/08/2013). He argues prone to corruption where there is rotation big money, involves the authority to appoint or direct auction, and there is business activity. include the oil and gas industry.
"Corruption can be anywhere. But this is different because of its magnitude. The greater the velocity of money, the greater the incentive for penyalahagunaan, "said Pri. In connection with arrests Chief Oil and Gas SKK Rudi Rubiandini, he says SKK Migas has the authority to appoint a third party to sell crude oil and gas parts of the country.
Designation through an auction or direct assignment because SKK Migas not business entities. It gives opportunities for corruption.
Investigators received information KPK since June. There are officials in the Special Task Force Executive Upstream Oil and Gas (Migas SKK) who received bribes for business permits. However, valid information about receiving bribes is Head of Oil and Gas Rudi Rubiandini SKK was received around the beginning of August.
On August 3, 2013, Compass received information about hand fishing operations (OTT) with a target of "great". Actually, there's nothing special with information about OTT before Lebaran. Last three years, KPK arrested the perpetrators of bribery ahead of Idul Fitri. When OTT time information call the target is quite "big", also gives another curiosity.
Up to a day ahead of Idul Fitri, the information failed to mention that OTT. Apparently, this OTT failure only to obscure information in order to maintain the confidentiality of operation. KPK investigator and investigator teams to keep moving on the ground.
Tuesday (8/13/2013) morning, KPK investigators get the conversation leads two people suspected to be bribe givers and intermediaries for Rudi. One of them is Simon Gunawan Tanjaya, top corporate executives trading and processing of crude oil from Singapore, Kernel Oil Pte Ltd.
That morning, tapped Simon was talking to Deviardi aka Ardi, personal golf coach Rudi, former Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources was.
In the telephone conversation, Simon and Ardi agreed to meet in the afternoon SCBD. KPK investigators stalking Ardi. During the meeting, Simon handed over to the U.S. dollar Ardi. Money deposited in the goodie bag.
City News / Henry Lopulalan Officer Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) showed evidence of big motor (moge) were seized from the house SKK Chief Oil and Gas, Rudi Rubiandini in hand catch operations (OTT), on page Building Commission, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (08/14/2013)
. KPK seized cash worth 690,000 U.S. dollars and 127,000 Singapore dollars and big motor (moge) brand BMW in the operation. Rudi caught red-handed by KPK moments after accepting a bribe from a person through an intermediary, at his home in Jalan Brawijaya 8, No. 30, South Jakarta, Tuesday (13/08/2013) night.
Furthermore by Ardi money is stored in a black bag. The next night, with the classic big bike ride BMW, Ardi Rudi headed home in Jalan Brawijaya VIII No. 30, South Jakarta. Ardi Rudi got home around 20:00. However, Rudi, Professor of Petroleum Institute of Technology Bandung, not back. Ardi wait while enjoying coffee at home Rudi. Some investigators and KPK investigators waited outside the house.
At around 21:30, Rudi got home. They talked for a while. Rudi had tried Ardi brought BMW motorcycles. Ardi intend to give BMW motorcycle to Rudi. Ardi has brought reg BMW's motorcycle.
Finally, the bag containing the money which brought 400,000 U.S. dollars changed hands to Rudi Ardi. Ardi home private chauffeur driven cars and Rudi for BMW motorcycles have been given to Rudi. Before long, the officials intercepted Ardi. He could not dodge. Around 22:30, officers returned to the home Rudi. Rudi surprised when the officer introduced himself from the KPK.
All the money was to be given prior to Lebaran holiday allowance. However, Simon could not attract a lot of U.S. dollars ahead of the holiday. Banks closed during Eid holidays. Continued after the withdrawal of money through the Idul Fitri holiday.
As always expressed KPK spokesman Johan Budi SP, during the Idul Fitri holiday, KPK office closed, but employees are still working there. They are still working is a catch Rudi, Simon, and Ardi. Such corruption does not rest, as well as the Commission.
Since its inception late 2004, the Corruption Eradication Commission makes us aware that we are not easily dazzled. Through corruption cases uncovered by the Commission, we became increasingly aware of the outside view and tempelannya. If we are still fooled as well, we are less likely to learn from experience is presented over and over for almost ten years.
We still remember, their anti-corruption campaign in the 2009 elections one at a time involved in corruption cases. Some of them are languishing in jail. Some colleagues seem separtainya will follow.
Those who use religious arguments politically while also experiencing it. Not just one. The last case was heard at the Corruption Court. The world of education is supposed to be a character building turned out to be colored by the disgraceful practices. The place turned out to be us suppose clean his dirty den of corruption.
Although we are aware of so much experience, the shock still appear to find that unexpected things happen again. Hand fishing operations conducted KPK, Tuesday (08/13/2013) night to Wednesday (8/14/2013) early morning, is the latest example of this. In operation, the KPK arrested Chief Executive Special Unit Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini with 400,000 U.S. dollars in cash.
"I was shocked and did not expect," said Minister of State Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan, yesterday.
Dahlan shock Rudi based on the simple introduction. To return home to Tasikmalaya, West Java, Rudi economy class train ride. Exposure to the media about this case also do the following photo Rudi carrying the economy class train tickets.
As quoted by Reuters, Dahlan argued, Rudi has many opponents in the world oil and gas. The enemy among others because of his determination triggered fix various problems that ensnare the oil and gas sector, such as the complexity of issues in licensing.
The shock was also made Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in the parking Wacik State Palace yesterday. Unlike the shock Dahlan who based on the simple nature of the arrest, Jero shocked as judge Rudi as well.
"I see a good person. Professor.'s Why, in my eyes either. During this time, do not you, we believe in him," he said.
If the two aides of President Yudhoyono is surprised after catching Rudi, Vice Chairman of the National Mandate Party Drajad H Wibowo surprised since Rudi willingly signed Executive Agency (BP) oil and gas which are then dissolved the Constitutional Court (MK).
As quoted by Kompas.com, Drajad shock continued when Rudi became Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. According Drajad, most of Rudi does not fit with the view of government policy.
"Ideally, people like that remain outside the government," he said.
Drajad admitted often giving advice to his friends close to power and lost idealism.
"Pupils at the school's usual goody. Nah, when I go to Jakarta and still remain pious, the new students is outstanding."
In the midst of many were surprised, former Chief Justice Mahfud MD pleaded not surprised to hear Rudi KPK arrested. Mahfud said, when the Court dismiss BP Migas, Rudi MK attack without reason. BP Migas disbanded in November 2012 as unconstitutional and accused as a hotbed of corruption, wasteful, proasing, and failed to seek new sources of oil reserves in Indonesia. Reading with KPK
When Rudi was appointed chairman SKK after BP Migas Migas disbanded, Mahfud already worried. "Something is going to explode because in my reading with the Commission, he was one of the problems in the world oil and gas," said Mahfud.
Mahfud surprised when Rudi was appointed as SKK Migas, January 16, 2013. Oil SKK established pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2013 on the Implementation of Management of the Upstream Oil and Gas. SKK charge of managing the oil and gas upstream activities of oil and gas cooperation contract basis.
At the site of President Yudhoyono, presidential spokesman Julian Pasha Aldin argued, the President has not received an official report about the arrest of Rudi by KPK. Wednesday afternoon, Jero met President Yudhoyono at the State Palace. After the meeting, Jero claimed not to know exactly the case with Rudi.
Jero reporter who asked had never heard the name Kernel Oil companies involved in the bribery case against Rudi.
Many views on Rudi who seem contradictory. The information age allows this to happen. However, how the views of the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) where Rudi as a lecturer in the faculty of engineering best example in Indonesia?
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB Tutuka Ariadji declare this to Kompas.com, "He it is who can inspire faculty to students so that students are inspired to learn not only technically academically, but also in life."
Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) said Bambang Soesatyo, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) could make Rudi Rubiandini as the entrance to combat oil and gas mafia. He believes there is a big commitment and a lot of the value of the parties involved in the alleged bribery case that led the Executive Head Special Unit Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) is.
Golkar Party politician is suspect, as Head of Oil and Gas SKK, Rudi will definitely contribute to the superiors. According to him, surprisingly, the investigation focused only on cases received bribes Rudi.
"The KPK had said 'corruption congregation' in the Oil and Gas SKK cause 'corruption congregation' has become the mode practiced powerful individuals in the management of oil and gas potential," said Bambang, Thursday (08/15/2013).
According to him, to be pursued by the Commission is the value of existing commitments behind the alleged bribery. Because the nominal money confiscated by the Commission of the bribes is very small when compared to the turnover in the management of oil and gas each year to hundreds of trillions of dollars.
In the case of Rudi and Simon (senior PT KOPL), Bambang said, the value of the real corruption is not reflected in the amount of money and the value of goods obtained in the operation arrested KPK hand. Reflected the actual value of corruption in the private sector's commitment to powerful individuals.
"A commitment was certainly not small. KPK This is what should be pursued, while what passes Rudi likely only help THR," he said.
To unload a variety of irregularities in the management of oil and gas, Bambang Rudi judge cases worthy entrance. He hoped the Commission could encourage Rudi and Simon to unlock everything, even when necessary, the Commission also considered worthy offering Rudi and Simon as a justice collaborator.
"Do not forget, eradicate corruption in the oil and gas sector is very big war force, the mafia world-class oil and gas and power because any deviation it comes to meeting the interests of big business and the abuse of power by the state controller. Takes consistency and a strong commitment to fight crime this one. consistency KPK is now being tested, "said Bambang.
As reported, the KPK arrested Rudi at his private residence in Jalan Brawijaya VIII, South Jakarta, Tuesday (13/08/2013) night, on suspicion of taking bribes from a private party. Also arrested two other people from the private sector, namely Simon and Deviardi aka Ardi. Total persons arrested in the operation of seven KPK. Evidence seized from the arrests of cash is more than 400,000 U.S. dollars.
Large motors branded BMW also seized as part of the bribe. Third person arrested has been named as a suspect and detained in detention KPK. Presidential Decree stated Rudi suspended and replaced by Deputy Chief John Migas SKK Widjonarko. Minister Jero Wacik guarantee the case will not interfere with the oil and gas industry in Indonesia.
Cases of alleged corruption involving Chief Executive Special Unit Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini may not be the first in the scope of the oil and gas industry. The velocity of money is huge in this industry is prone to corruption assessed.
"May not be the first. Could be first-had also been going on," said Executive Director of Economic Studies Institute of Mining and Energy Rakhmanto Pri Agung in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/08/2013). He argues prone to corruption where there is rotation big money, involves the authority to appoint or direct auction, and there is business activity. include the oil and gas industry.
"Corruption can be anywhere. But this is different because of its magnitude. The greater the velocity of money, the greater the incentive for penyalahagunaan, "said Pri. In connection with arrests Chief Oil and Gas SKK Rudi Rubiandini, he says SKK Migas has the authority to appoint a third party to sell crude oil and gas parts of the country.
Designation through an auction or direct assignment because SKK Migas not business entities. It gives opportunities for corruption.
Nian unfortunate fate of the Corruptor
Ustadz Abu Ihsan al-Atsary
It got so bad that the fate of the corrupters. The proceeds of corruption they collected did not bring any benefit to them. Property is not a blessing it is precisely the source of evil. In the world they got the humiliation and the threat of severe punishment. In the hereafter have to wait for their harsh punishment.
Just look at the evil consequences of his actions, all men cursed and prayed for her ugliness. Earned treasure also not a blessing. How many criminals are dead are tormented because of her illness, crime proceeds was run out bit by bit to the cost of treatment.
Some people are dazzled by the treasures that accumulate the corruptors thought it was really happy. They thought that corruptors can get anything with abundant wealth. This is a wrong assessment. Who said life was good corruptors!? Their lives are filled with fear and worry. Fear and worry their crimes uncovered. Their hearts are troubled and always in confusion. That is the nature of sin, which is something jammed in your heart and you worry that others know.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
الإثم ما حاك في صدرك و كرهت أن يطلع عليه الناس
Sin is a lump in your chest all and you do not like others to know. [1]
Even to cover those willing to do anything despite having to do kezhaliman. That tabi'at crimes, if the perpetrator was not immediately repent, then it will give birth to crimes other crimes as well.
That's when I eat the corruption, not the perceived satisfaction of his soul, but quite the contrary, it will be more greedy and greedy like a man possessed. So that became his motto is 'no day without corruption'. Riba eaters like that depicted by Allah Almighty as demon-possessed man.
The corrupt nature is also to be wild and ferocious, indiscriminate who and what will be the meal. To the extent that funds the development of heart ditilep ibadahpun place. It's outrageous. Evil shame has vanished from his heart. As a result, he's done haphazardly. Closed her eyes and even blindness, so it can not distinguish between the good and the bad. Completely reversed its criterion, the evil is considered good and evil is considered good.
This corruptors as other criminals if not repent until the death of the title then they will be bad in the world, in nature and in the Hereafter barzakh. When the angel who brings his soul through the group of angels in the sky and asked, "Who is this bad Ruh?" The angels who carry the spirit replied, "It is the spirit of so and so the son of so and so." With the worst name ever bears in the world [2].
Do not feel sorry for the corruptors and affection for her children that would hold the title after the death of her bad? Will be attached to her as 'child criminals'!
The criminals that if raised his hands aloft to pray to Allah, even to wail and cry, but do'anya not granted by Allah Almighty. How can do'anya granted, while food, drink and clothing she was wearing obtained in a manner that is prohibited by corruption. How could his prayer was granted?
Consider the words of the Prophet Shallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
... ثم ذكر الرجل يطيل السفر, أشعث أغبر يمد يديه إلى السماء يا رب! يا رب! ومطعمه حرام ومشربه حرام و غذي بالحرام فأنى يستجاب لذالك
Then ... the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam tells the story of a journey that is doing much, her hair disheveled and dusty feet, he cupped his hands to heaven, he prayed: "O Lord ... Yes Lord .., Though forbidden food, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he grew to something forbidden, then how could do'anya be granted?! [HR. Muslims, no.1015]
How could his blessing, his children could Salih and shalihah, when the abdominal cavity is filled with corruption? Growing up and growing physique of the proceeds of corruption? Is not going to heaven flesh that grows from the unlawful business? That's how our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إنه لا يدخل الجنة لحم نبت من سحت النار أولى به
Surely will not go to heaven flesh that grows from the unlawful treasure. Hell is more suitable for her. [3]
Is not the corrupter feared doomsday. When was the origin of the treasure will be asked. What is the answer that will be given when he was asked about his property, where did he get it? Can he escape from justice of Allah the Most Just, the All-Knowing of all things, good or dinampakkan disembunikan?
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تزول قدما عبد يوم القيامة حتى يسأل عن أربع عن عمره فيما أفناه وعن جسده فيما أبلاه وعن ماله من أين اكتسبه وفيما وضعه وعن علمه ماذا عمل فيه
Will not shift footprints of a servant on the Day of Resurrection so questioned about four matters: About age, for what it spent? About his body, for what he uses? On his property, where he got it and where did he menafkahkannya? And about science, what has he resume practicing. [4]
In the world he may still be able to hide and cover up his crime in various ways. But, on the day of Resurrection, he will not be able to hide it anymore. Because on that day, everything will be revealed by Allah Almighty. That day taghaabun!
Allah Almighty says:
يوم يجمعكم ليوم الجمع ذلك يوم التغابن
(Remember) the day (in which) Allah gather you on the day of collection, That day dinampakkan mistakes. [At-Taghâbun/64: 9]
Where you will save yourself, O 'corrupt? Really, there is no place to escape, no hiding places such as in lives of today's world!
Do they think will be released just like that? Absolutely not! One rupiah corruption that they will be held accountable in the hereafter!
ووضع الكتاب فترى المجرمين مشفقين مما فيه ويقولون يا ويلتنا مال هذا الكتاب لا يغادر صغيرة ولا كبيرة إلا أحصاها ووجدوا ما عملوا حاضرا ولا يظلم ربك أحدا
And diletakkanlah book, then you will see those guilty fear of what the (written) in it, and they said: "Ah woe us, this book does not leave a very small matter and not (too) large case, but he noted everything, and they found what they had done there (in writing). And your Lord does not persecute anyone. [al-Kahfi/18: 49]
Do not imagine you running and dodging the success of bondage man-made laws in the world will happen again in the afterlife! You'll never get away. Stolen money from criminals corruption may still be a bit useless in the world, but in the life hereafter. Listen to the word of Allah Almighty:
يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم
(It is) in the property and the children of men are useless, except those facing God with a clean heart, [as-Syu'ara '/ 26:88-89]
What a shame that criminals on the Day of Resurrection, his cover will be revealed like the sun in broad daylight. Humans eventually learned imposture! On the Day of Resurrection will be hoisted flag to indicate it is the criminals!
Shallalahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لكل غادر لواء يوم القيامة يعرف به عند أسته
Each rat has a flag in her back passage identification on the day of Judgment. [5]
Probably crossed the minds of criminals, I collect as much treasure despite having to corruption, corruption'll treasure it the wherewithal for good, so the break-even! So he thought! Such assumption is clearly wrong. Gracious and because Allah will not accept unless the fine.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تقبل صلاة بغير طهور ولا صدقة من غلول
Prayers will not be accepted without the purification and charity from the proceeds of corruption are also not accepted [6].
Even the sin remains sin! Shallalahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من جمع مالا حراما ثم تصدق به لم يكن له فيه أجر و كان إصره عليه
Whoever collects treasures haram then he menyedekahkannya he did not reward him and his burden upon himself. [7]
Alms is not worth anything in the Almighty Allah, while he is still burdened sin corruption. So, really there is no reason for him to commit acts of corruption. It was just anxious and demons whisper constitutes good man! It is Satan who frighten him with poverty and sent him to sin, that is corruption!
Allah Almighty says:
الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء
Satan promises (to frighten) you with poverty and tells you to do evil. [Al-Baqarah / 2:268].
However bizarre, the corruption was still able to smile at the sight of men, as if not to sin?
It is true Shallalahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam:
إذا لم تستح فاصنع ما شئت
If you have no shame then do as you please! [8]
Is the culture of shame is no longer here? The more readers know the answer!
So a material reflection for us all. Hopefully short article can menggugak our consciousness so do not get stuck in a vicious take a gap that always lurk for human being mislead children.
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 03/Tahun XIV/1431/2010M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
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