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Monday, August 5, 2013

Umrah (left Umrah to Mecca, Saudi Arabia), in the month of Ramadan the reward equal to hajj

Umrah (left Umrah to Mecca, Saudi Arabia), in the month of Ramadan the reward equal to hajj

As we know the number of Indonesian pilgrims quota compliance every year approximately 225,000 people, this means that approximately 10% of the 225 million Muslims in Indonesia.

The amount is quite large, but because of the amount of the quota fixed by the Government of Saudi Arabia, or even if the percentage is only rising only a few

Though the purchasing power of Muslims in Indonesia every year there is a tendency to increase, so that those who want to continue to increase and always pilgrimage exceed quota provided.

No wonder the waiting list will be leaving Hajj when used between one and two years, has now reached five years and some have had to wait ten years.

Finally people are now flocking to go Umrah course, how crowded airports in Indonesia as Syamsudin Noor Airport in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan province instance is now always crowded by people who want go Umrah.

They reasoned they gorUmrah due to pilgrimage should be waiting in to 10 years, no wonder that the company is now the Bureau of Travel (Travel Agency) that provide services  Hajj and Umrah is now flooded with orders or orders.

Those who travel to go umrah usually like the fasting month (Ramadan) because we got deeds reward the same as when we left Hajj.


Shaykh Abdullah bin Abdul al-Azhim Khalafi

Umrah including the worship of the most noble and the most important, with the worship of God will elevate His servants and forgives his sins. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has advocated for berumrah, either by word or deed, he said:

العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة لما بينهما.

"Umrah to Umrah is a sin between them." [1]

He also said:

تابعوا بين الحج والعمرة فإنهما ينفيان الفقر والذنوب كما ينفي الكير خبث الحديد والذهب والفضة.

"Iringilah between Hajj and Umrah for both abolish sin and poverty, as well as fire removes dirt blower iron, gold and silver." [2]

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Umrah pilgrimage and the Umrah pilgrimage Companions were with him when he was alive and after his death.

Rukun-Pillars Umrah
1. Ihram
Ie intentions start umrah, by saying of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alihi wa sallam:

إنما الأعمال بالنيات.

"Surely it depends intention deeds." [3]

2,3. Thawaf and Sa'i
Based on the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

وليطوفوا بالبيت العتيق

"... And let them do Thawaf around the old house (Baitullah)." [Al-Hajj: 29]

His words:

إن الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله

"Indeed Safa and Marwah are some of syi'ar God ..." [Al-Baqarah: 158]

Words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

اسعوا, إن الله كتب عليكم السعي.

"Work sa'i, verily Allah has made obligatory upon you sa'i." [4]

4. Hair shave or shorten
Based on the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

من لم يكن منكم هدى فليطف بالبيت وبالصفا والمروة وليقصر وليحلل.

"Those of you who do not bring sacrificial animals, should he tawaf of Baitullah, sa'i between Safa and Marwah, then shortening the hair and bertahallul."

The Things Required In Umrah
For people who want umrah pilgrimage obligatory berihram of miqat, if he lived outside miqat. When he lived in miqat limit, then he berihram from his home. As for the people who live in the city of Makkah, they had to go out to the halal and berihram from there, according to the words of the Prophet j-on 'A'ishah that berihram of Tan'im. [5]

Time Umrah
The whole day of the year is a time for umrah, umrah in the month of Ramadan except more mainstream than any other time, based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

عمرة في رمضان تعدل حجة.

"Umrah in Ramadan Hajj equal merit" [6]

Allowed Umrah before Hajj
From 'Ikrimah ibn Khalid, that he never asked about Umrah before Hajj to Ibn' Umar, he said, "Never mind." Say 'Ikrimah, "Ibn' Umar said, 'Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam Hajj Umrah before Hajj Hajj. '"[7]

Worship perform Umrah repeatedly
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam' Umrah four times in four years, he never perform Umrah more than once in a single trip. This was never done by the people who was with him from the Sahaba. Never been reported that any one of them menjamak two umrah in one journey, either at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was alive and after his death. Except for 'Aisha when menstruation in Hajj with the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, ordered his brother 'Aisha,' Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr, to accompany 'Aisha out to Tan'im, to berihram for Umrah. Because 'Aisha thought that he joined the Umrah pilgrimage was canceled, she was crying, and then the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam mengibur allow umrah back to her.

Umrah is done by 'Aisha is special for' Aisha to the argument that has never known of any one of his companions, both men and women, who perform Umrah after Hajj from Tan'im, as did the work 'Aisha. If they know that that is done 'Aisha was disyari'atkan for them after the pilgrimage will undoubtedly be a lot of history that was quoted in this regard. Imam ash-Syaukani said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never umrah out onto the ground and then entered Makkah Halal again with Umrah, like what is done by humans at this time. And no history of the Sahaba that they are doing this. "

As umrah many times (after Hajj) no history of a Companion else, there is no history of them repeat a year umrah. They first went to Mecca on their own or in congregation, they know that Umrah is a visit to the House and sa'i tawaf between Safa and Marwah. They are also know for sure that the main tawaf of the House over sa'i.

So instead of it all are the ones that concern themselves out to Tan'im and busy with a new pilgrimage after Umrah they do and it is more important is that they tawaf of Baitullah (rather than repeating Umrah). We have seen that the time spent by someone out to do the ihram for umrah Tan'im new, can be used hundreds of rounds of tawaf of Baitullah. Thawus said, "I do not know who berumrah of Tan'im whether to be rewarded or will diadzab!" It was said to him, "Diadzab?" He said, "Since he left the tawaf of Baitullah and out four miles, then come again. Time he used until he arrived back can be used thawaf two hundred rounds. Whenever he tawaf of Baitullah more mainstream than he runs for something that is of no use. "

Argument that disyari'atkannya not repeat Umrah is an opinion backed by deeds Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and supported by the practice of the Companions رضوان الله عليهم. Our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has ordered us to cling to the Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs after him. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين, عضوا عليها بالنواجذ.

"How Firm Adhering to the Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs were given instructions after me, gigitlah it with your molar teeth."

[Copied from the book Al-Sunna wal Wajiiz FII Fiqhis Kitaabil Aziiz, author Shaykh Abdul Azhim Badawai bin al-Khalafi, Indonesia Guide Fiqh Complete Edition, Translation Team Tashfiyah LIPIA - Jakarta, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader, First Printing Ramadan 1428 - September 2007M]


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