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Monday, August 5, 2013

Ways to Survive In Difficult Time

Ways to Survive In Difficult Time

Muslim cleric Abu Isma'il al-Atsari

The world is a test of the country. Allah Almighty willed human condition varies as a test. There are the believers and the unbelievers, the healthy and the sick, the rich and the poor, and so on. The meaning of all this, that a person is tested by people who do not like him. A rich example, he tested in the presence of the poor. The rich people deserve help and not insulted. Instead the poor are also tested in the presence of the rich. Appropriate that he does not envy the rich and not taking his property with no rights. And each one is obliged to pursue the path of truth.

So if we were tested by Allah Almighty with poverty and hardship, let us react in ways that have been shown by Allaah and His Messenger. Among the tips are facing difficult circumstances:

First and foremost let every servant berhusnu-zhan (assume good faith) in Allah Almighty for the calamity and distress to him. Because the real one's faith and monotheism will not be perfect unless by Husnu-zhan to God Almighty. Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-'Uthaymeen rahimahullah said: "Thou shall Husnu-zhan to God Almighty for his deeds in this world. Thou shall know that what Allah Almighty did it a perfect wisdom, sometimes the human mind understand it or sometimes not

. With this greatness of Allah Almighty and His wisdom in His destiny is known. So do not you think that if God Almighty to do something of this nature, because his will is bad. Including events and calamities that exist, God Almighty does not host it because of ill will with regard to his actions. As related to the creature, that God Almighty establish what He wills, it is sometimes distressing, it is the word of Allah Almighty:

قل من ذا الذي يعصمكم من الله إن أراد بكم سوءا أو أراد بكم رحمة

Say: "Who can protect you from the (fate of) Allah, if He willed disaster upon you or to give you Mercy?" [Al-Ahzâb/33: 17] [1]

Be patient
Then guns in the face of adversity servant dalah patience. Tolerance is a great trait. Tolerate distress is to hold the soul of complaining, complained to hold oral from man, and holding limbs of cases menyelisihi shari'ah. For a believer wait a weapon to deal with hardship. And it will bring goodness to him.

If we look at the state of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his family, then we will be amazed with the patience they are tough to live in this world. Indeed, they deserve to be role models. Ibn Abbas radi anhuma said:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يبيت الليالي المتتابعة طاويا وأهله لا يجدون عشاء وكان أكثر خبزهم خبز الشعير

The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam passed several nights in a row with an empty stomach condition, as well as his family, they did not have dinner. And truly, most of their bread is wheat bread. [2]

BE qana'a
In addition to patience, then the attitude is no less important is qana'a. The meaning is the pleasure of the division qana'a Allah Almighty. Because the real essence of the rich is rich heart, not the rich treasures. And qana'a is the way of happiness. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

قد أفلح من أسلم ورزق كفافا وقنعه الله بما آتاه

Indeed fortunate to have people who have converted to Islam, given the adequacy rizqi, and God makes qana'a against anything which he has given to him.

That is truly successful person who submits to his Lord, and he was given sufficient halal rizq purposes and basic needs, and Allah Almighty makes qana'a against all that he has given to him. [4]

Imam Ibn al-Maqdisi Qudamah rahimahullah said: "Know that poverty is commendable. However, it is appropriate that the poor are qana'a, do not expect to beings, does not want the goods are in the hands of people, and not greedy search for treasure in every way , but it's all but impossible to do, unless he qana'a with a minimum size of the food and clothing ". [5]

Whoever being qana'a, then it will bring up the properties' affâf (guard of honor) by not expecting the property of others, let alone beg.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن المسألة كد يكد بها الرجل وجهه إلا أن يسأل الرجل سلطانا أو في أمر لا بد منه

Indeed it was begging someone scratches on his face. Unless someone asks the government or in the case that there is no option for him. [6]

And the 'affâf has a huge virtue. Let us consider the great offer of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam very true words, which words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

من يكفل لي أن لا يسأل الناس شيئا وأتكفل له بالجنة فقال ثوبان أنا فكان لا يسأل أحدا شيئا

Who will assure me, that he would not ask for anything to man, then I will guarantee Paradise for him? Tsauban friend said: "I am!". So he never asked for anything to anyone. [7]

Even the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam bequeath to most Companions asked him to stay out of the creature, though stricken starving to not being able to walk! Abu Dhar al-Ghifari Radhiyalahu anhu recalled:

ركب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حمارا و أردفني خلفه ثم قال: ((أبا ذر, أريت لو أصاب الناس جوع شديد حتى لا تستطيع أن تقوم من فراشك إلى مسجدك?)) قلت: الله و رسوله أعلم. قال: تعفف!

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and memboncengkanku donkey behind him, then said: "Abu Dharr, what do you think if the devastating famine on people until you are not able to get up from your bed to the masjidmu?" I replied: "Allaah and His Messenger know better". He said: "Ta'affuf-lah (Do not ask for it)". [8]

Then among our most important in the face of adversity is to be frugal in spending. Do not be greater than the pole peg. That is not to spend more than the income. Because it would be fatal. Most people end up mired in debt hole no end. Therefore Allah Almighty praised His servants who behaved middle when issuing their property, do not be stingy and not wasteful. Allah Almighty says:

والذين إذا أنفقوا لم يسرفوا ولم يقتروا وكان بين ذلك قواما

And those who when they spend (property), they are not excessive, and not (also) miserly, and is (spending it) in the middle between such. [Al-Furqân/25: 67]

Even thrift that is one of the three rescue! The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ثلاث منجيات: خشية الله تعالى في السر والعلانية والقصد في الغنى والفقر والعدل في الرضى والغضب

Three cases are saving: fear Allah Almighty alone and together at the crowd; being frugal at times rich and poor, and to be fair at the time of pleasure and anger. [9]

Besides that people of faith who believe in the providence of Allah Almighty, should not despair in the face of trials in the life of this world. Moreover, to end his life by force, or suicide. Only because of economic hardship, or a relentless disease exams, or ideals that do not happen, or hurt untreated, most people are willing to pick up dead with suicide. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam warned against the threat of violent suicide with words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

من تردى من جبل فقتل نفسه فهو في نار جهنم يتردى فيه خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا ومن تحسى سما فقتل نفسه فسمه في يده يتحساه في نار جهنم خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا ومن قتل نفسه بحديدة فحديدته في يده يجأ بها في بطنه في نار جهنم خالدا مخلدا فيها أبدا

Whoever threw herself out of a mountain, and then kill himself, then he's in Hell threw himself from a mountain, he lived a long time and made a long stay forever in Hell forever. And whoever drank the poison then kill himself, then the poison will be in his hand, he will drink it in the Hell he lived long and made a long stay forever in Hell forever lamanya.Dan whoever kills himself with an iron, the iron will be in his hand, he would stab his stomach in Hell, he lived long and made a long stay forever in Hell forever ". [HR. Bukhari, no. 5778; Muslim, no. 109; from Abu Hurairah; wording for al-Bukhari]

In closing, that we as believers have to believe that whatever happened to us, if we respond correctly, then it is good for us. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has reported the state of the believer is amazing, which is good for him because of all his affairs, in a hadith below:

عن صهيب قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عجبا لأ مر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له

Of Suhaib, he said: the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "The believer Affairs surprising. Due to the fact all of his business well, and it is only held by the believers. If pleasure about it, he was grateful, so grateful it was good for him. And If distress about it, he's patient, then the patient was well for him. [10]

Here's a little article on tips face of adversity, may be useful.

[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 05/Tahun XIII/1430/2011M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]


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