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Thursday, December 26, 2013

. Twins named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Gendoyono ( 1 )

. Twins named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Gendoyono ( 1 )

SOCIAL | December 27 , 2013 07:36:01 | Viewed : 408 times
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ASATUNEWS - this Friday morning ( 27/12 ) , the owner of the Twitter account @ TrioMacan2000 twittering about 10 causes of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono often seem unhappy . One of them is called the owner of the account is about twin brothers named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Gendoyono ( SAG ) .
@ TrioMacan2000 mention also that all the information submitted it is intelligence information , which is supported by the senior intelligence network that is very experienced in the world spying . " Accurate , " he wrote .
How accurate ? I do not know . We wait for the chirp response SBY @ TrioMacan2000 the account owner to determine how accurate the chirp , which we show detailed below and we divide it into two parts of writing . This is the first part .
1 . Eng Eeng ing ... do you know what are the things that become frightened SBY in his life ? That ' haunted ' aka SBY haunting life ?
2 . Do ever notice body language and behavior SBY daily ? Is SBY sifata or behaviors that reflect anxiety ?
3 . Consider baik2 . Look ... what stands out from the SBY ? We are not a psychoanalyst but still be able to judge the character of SBY
4 . Two things that really stand out and easily caught by the careful attention of the public is that SBY SBY NEVER LAUGH OFF
5 . SBY has never looked happier . Pleasure or happy of the display to the public : SLIGHT . SBY Why so ?
6 . Second , SBY often vent, COMPLAIN , Complaints , especially if there are issues or related news with him and his family .. why is that ?
7 . A SBY never upset / worried if the people suffer , there are hundreds of deaths disaster or accident , the Indonesian island annexed foreign
8 . The answer : because SBY has morbidly self and of belonging to the people of this nation . SBY orientation is more geared to personal and family
9 . SBY character as such is because SBY was depressed in his life . Agony . Why ? This is what we said skrg
10 . What is the biggest secret that makes SBY figure like that ? What is a scourge in life SBY ? That became his nightmare ?
11 . First : the largest and heaviest burden for SBY is about ISU or Rumors first marriage . Once it was revealed WKL chairman of the House
12 . Where Zaenal Maarif former vice chairman of the House who never uangkap to the press about the issues surrounding the SBY first marriage . It ? Missing? Dead ?
13 . Zaenal Maarif former PBR coriander , skrg not sound news story . Since talking to the press he pny evidence bhw know about marital status SBY
14 . Zaenal Maarif very loudly accused SBY first forge marital status and call SBY has 2 daughters , the result of the marriage
15 . After SBY Zaenal Maarif reported to the police , and after a ' lobi2 ' certain , zaenal who has bukti2 TSB admit , apologize .
16 . It is not known what happened next on Zaenal Maarif . Recently he even invited into the board so the Democratic Party in Solo
17 . The second thing most feared SBY is the secret of what happened in the United States . There are 2 big secret there SBY
18 . The first of the events when SBY Command and Staff educated at West Point , USA . There is something going on . highly suppressed
19 . Second , the events that occurred when SBY visit to the U.S. before the 2004 election . When it is , the President is not a candidate who championed USA
20 . Support USA to SBY occur tiba2 and results from SBY to visit the U.S. . What happened there ? Jk 2 things mentioned above as never revealed ?
21 . Issues or secrets 3rd most feared SBY in his life is when there are rumors bhw he had a sibling
22 . Rumors that SBY Sibling hnya closest known org2 . Disebut2 brother or sister SBY was named : Susilo Bambang Gendoyono
23 . Information on SBG or Susilo Bambang gendoyono this , we obtain from SBY seniors who never met in East Java last year
24 . That's because we know a lot of you know about the life of SBY , he R Soekotjo late father , also a small SBY kisah2 and school years , including the time at AMN
25 . SBY Sbgn childhood , when the academy in Magelang , while courting , including when SBY SDH know is going to be president , sdh our first Tweet This
26 . Confidential or problem to a very haunting 4 SBY in life is the history of his family , especially his parents life . ( To be continued ) | DJE/ASN-010

Source: http://www.asatunews.com/berita-16399-kembaran-sby-bernama-susilo-bambang-gendoyono-1.html

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