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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Supply less , Indonesia may experience an electricity crisis

Supply less , Indonesia may experience an electricity crisis

Indonesia may experience an electricity crisis two years if the government does not immediately deal with this problem as soon as possible , said the Indonesian Institute of the consumers .

This week's issue in an electrical substation in Muara Karang , Jakarta , causing rolling blackouts in most areas of Jakarta and Banten .

State Electricity Company ( PLN ) states have improved electrical substation in Muara Karang damaged .

However , Sincere Abadi , daily member Indonesian Consumers Foundation ( YLKI ) said that if the government does not immediately solve the problem of electricity , Indonesia may experience an electricity crisis in 2016 .

" So the current growth of electricity on the island of Java that requires 2500 megawatts in one year . Ironically PLN can not build new plants so that two years from existing reserves that will be eaten by the growth of existing so practical if there is little interference , we will not have a backup , "said Sincere .

Electricity crisis has been experienced by people in Sumatra and Kalimantan each day in the period of the last year and a half .

One of those who experience it is Tetty Coal , residents of Medan , North Sumatra .

" That's duration ( power outage ) could be four to five hours a day . Starting from the dead the morning light , life , and death day , live longer and often occur at night so it is hard to do activities , " said Tetty .

infrastructure constraints
Power outages in Indonesia , especially North Sumatra , according to Bambang Dwianto , communications manager PLN , occurs due to lack of power supply .

Efforts solution of PLN was constrained infrastructure .
" Plants that have been prepared , namely the plant milk . , But the transmission lines that will connect the sender electricity from the plant to the load center it turns out there are obstacles hampered development of the society . One tower development was hindered so , " said Bambang .

If the Indonesian people feel loss due to power outages , Sincere Abadi , YLKI daily board members said consumers could sue PLN or the government for the poor service they received .

According to data YLKI , there are still 20 % or about 40 million people in Indonesia who have not enjoyed electricity BBC

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