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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rizki , It must not Intangibles Matter

Rizki , It must not Intangibles Matter

In the Lisan al- 'Arab , Ibn al Manzhur rahimahullah explains , ar rizqu , is a word that is understood meaning , and consists of two kinds . The first , which is zhahirah ( appears to look ) , such as basic foodstuffs . Second , who are the heart and soul bathinah , shape knowledge and sciences . [ 1 ]

Referring to the explanation of Ibn al Manzhur , then not only the nature of good luck or sheer material intangible assets such as the assumption of most people . But , that is rizki is more general than that . All goodness and beneficiaries who enjoyed a slave counted as a windfall . Loss of fatigue of mind , safe from traffic accidents , or disease- free weight , all of this is a concrete example of good luck . Imagine , if the events that befall on us , then certainly could drain the coffers of the money we have . Not infrequently , the savings to be sold to get healing . Imam an Nawawi rahimahullah hinted that meaning in the book Sharh Saheeh Muslim ( 16/141 ) .

Grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala rizki includes every living creature . Abundance of grace and the gift was a reflection of His mercy . Rizki portion of each human being has even determined early on , when the man was still a fetus aged 120 days .

Imam Muslim rahimahullah narrated in a long hadith :

إن أحدكم يجمع خلقه في بطن أمه ...... ثم يرسل الملك فينفخ فيه الروح ويؤمر بأربع كلمات بكتب رزقه وأجله وعمله وشقي أو سعيد

" Surely one of you collected its creation in her stomach ... then diutuslah angel and blowing the soul of him . And he was ordered to write four statutes , ( ie ) writes rizki , death , deeds , and whether he ( later ) wretched or happy ... " . [ 2 ]

Despite rizki been set since the human being in the mother's abdomen , but Allah Almighty Subhanhu not explain in detail . There is no human being who knows rizki income he would earn on each day , or during his lifetime. This all wisdom.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

 وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا

" And no one else can know ( for sure ) what will be gained tomorrow " . [ Luqman/31 : 34 ]

The sky will never rain , nor the gold silver diamonds . Sea did not send his stomach wealth to the mainland , so people can abuzz mengaisnya . Islam does not encourage Muslims to portray themselves as unemployed , although the argument for concentrating themselves in worship to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . So , it is a business necessity . There is no priesthood or monasticism in Islam . A Muslim should not depend on other people happy , waiting for the compassion of the people passing through it .

Meditate on the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala :

فإذا قضيت الصلاة فانتشروا في الأرض وابتغوا من فضل الله واذكروا الله كثيرا لعلكم تفلحون

" If the prayer has been fulfilled , then bertebaranlah you in the land and seek the grace of God , and remember God a lot that you prosper " . [ al- Jumu'ah / 62 : 10 ] .

Al Qurtubi rahimahullah said : " you spread out the earth for trade , and to meet your needs , and to seek of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala good luck " . [ 3 ]

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alal says :

هو الذي جعل لكم الأرض ذلولا فامشوا في مناكبها وكلوا من رزقه

" He was the one who made ​​the earth it easy for you , so they went up at every turn , and eat some of fortunes " . [ al Mulk/67 : 15 ] .

On this verse , Ibn Kathir said : " Menyebarlah wherever you want on its farthest corners , and move around in the corners , edges and territories to conduct business and commerce " . [ 4 ]

Al- Qur `an and Sunnah has encouraged people to seek the lawful rizki thayyib . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

أيها الناس اتقوا الله وأجملوا في الطلب فإن نفسا لن تموت حتى تستوفي رزقها وإن أبطأ عنها فاتقوا الله وأجملوا في الطلب

" O people , keep your duty to Allah thou , wear good way to find ( good luck ) . Surely someone would not die until he had won the whole ( parts ) of fortunes , though delayed it . Fear Allah and do good ways to find ( good luck ) " . [ 5 ]

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam also remind people , should be careful of slander treasure . Do not underestimate the importance rizki lawful , and to be selective in collecting good luck . Companion Abu Hurayrah narrated the hadith marfu ' :

يأتي على الناس زمان لا يبالي المرء ما أخذ منه أمن الحلال أم من الحرام

" There will come a time in humans , a person does not care what his hand , whether from lawful or unlawful " . [ 6 ]

Blessing ( or blessing ) , derived from the word البروك (ie bad ) . The idea is الثبوت ( ats tsubut or settled ) .

Az Zajjaj interpret blessing , as quoted by al -Qurtubi in his Tafseer , with an abundance of every thing contained in goodness . Said it was also intended to increase the meaning of the preservation of the original Essence .

But should be remembered , is not always a blessing sense synonymous with an abundance of material that is owned , but also accompanies a little treasure . This is reflected in the self- sufficiency to meet the felt needs of the family , even though income is still relatively far obtained if deemed sufficient .

In the hadith Hakim bin Hizam radi ' anhu below , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said to him :

يا حكيم إن هذا المال خضر حلو فمن أخذه بسخاوة نفس بورك له فيه ومن أخذه بإشراف نفس لم يبارك له فيه وكان كالذي يأكل ولا يشبع

"O Judge , the real treasure is so sweet green again . Whoever took it with the simplicity of the soul , will be blessed . And he took it to the glory of the soul , not necessarily endowed ; like people who eat , but never feel full " . [ 8 ]

About this hadith , al- Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah explained , that the majority of people do not understand the existence of a blessing , but the treasure that more and more. Then he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam explained by permisalan it , that is one of the blessings of God's creatures , and bring permisalan already familiar with humans . [ 9 ]

From here we can know that the ways in which legal rizki scavenge , not only bring good luck again thayyib lawful , but also will affect the born beings of the future, namely the children who spirited noble sacred anymore , because getting nutritional intake of kosher food . In addition , it can also bring other gifts , which can not be monitored by or calculated with the material senses . That's a blessing .

First : Gratitude .
Enjoyment obtained on any one comes , not countless, including possessions . This enjoyment requires someone to manifest gratitude to al Khaliq who has bestowed good luck . Gratitude and thanks and praise to Almighty God for the blessings it , is one way to get blessings and additions to property owned .

Ibn al-Qayyim said , " Allah makes the attitude of gratitude as one reason for the increase rizki , upkeep and maintenance of the pleasure of ( the people who are grateful ) . ( That is ) grateful to the stairs to the One who was grateful . Fact it was put into the grateful " . [ 10 ]

Gratitude should not be understood narrowly , or simply by chanting the word " thank God " or " wa ash syukru lillah " . Gratitude is like this is not right , and no doubt , that such a view is too shallow . Gratitude has a much deeper meaning and broader than just the words . Good deeds , such as prayer , fasting , confession is less in running obedience , respect favors Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala , memperbincangkannya , accept with pleasure , though few, are all entered in the form of gratitude . With gratitude , the grace of God will menambahhkan to us . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم

" If you are grateful , undoubtedly we will actually menambahimu " . [ Ibrahim : 7 ] .

Al Qurtubi explains , means , if you favor to be grateful for , surely I add to you from kemurahanKu . This paragraph is a clear argument that gratitude a factor that will add to the enjoyment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . [ 11 ]

Second : Shadaqoh .
Not a few verses and hadiths that explain shadaqoh and donation is one of support that can bring good luck and blessings reach . Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

يمحق الله الربا ويربي الصدقات

" God abolish usury and develop shadaqoh " . [ Al -Baqarah : 276 ] .

That is , Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will increase in the world with blessings multiply and multiply the reward in the Hereafter . [ 12 ]

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said to Asma ` Bintu Abi Bakr radi' anha :

أنفقي ولا تحصي فيحصي الله عليك

" Berinfaklah , do not hold back , God will decide the consequences ( blessings ) from you " . [ 13 ]

Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said , " Prohibition of restraint for fear runs for charity ( what is owned ) , this attitude is the biggest factor affecting the cessation of blessings . Due to Allah reward merit without any limit donation counts . " [ 14 ]

As Sindi interpret the above hadith by saying : "You shall not hold what 's in your hand , God will consequently make the doors rizki . Understanding contained in this hadith , that will open the door rizki generosity , and miserly is otherwise " . [ 15 ]

Al Mubarakfuri said , " This hadeeth indicates that the increase of wealth and charity being one of the causes and the blessing of increase , and ( show anyway ) , if people are griping , not charity , ( then ) Allah complicate and hinder him in treasure and blessing of increase . " [ 16 ]

Third : Gathering .
Other businesses that could support the increase could bring in good luck and blessings on property owned , which connects the fabric of friendship . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

من سره أن يبسط له في رزقه وأن ينسأ له في أثره فليصل رحمه

" Whoever wants dilapangkan in fortunes and delayed death , should he connect the relationship " . [ 17 ]

The above hadith shows the benefits of connecting ties , which can bring an outpouring of God's goodness in the form Rizki , avoid evil , and he achieved blessing .

Al Hafiz rahiamhullah said : " The scholars say , is dilapangkan rizkinya is , a blessing to him . Connect because the relationship is charity , and charity to develop property , thus increasing and clean " . [ 18 ]

Wa billahit taufiq .

[ Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 03 / / Year X/1427H/2006M . Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta , Jl . Solo- Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel . 0271-761016 ]


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