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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 killed in riots in Mozambique

10 killed in riots in Mozambique

 The Government of Mozambique on Wednesday , said that Renamo rebels have killed 10 people during the six weeks of unrest and warned that the military will soon be on the offensive .

" Ten people were killed and about 26 people were injured ... as a result of attacks by Renamo rebels , " said Defense Ministry spokesman Cristovao Chume .

There is increasing tension between the Frelimo government and Renamo supporters , which calls for a greater share of the wealth of resources that Mozambique is growing rapidly .

The two sides fought a brutal civil war for almost 16 years which ended in 1992 with the number of victims is estimated at one million people .

Chume said there had been " an alarming increase in Renamo attacks against citizens and their property , " especially along the main highway north - south of the country at the center of the province , Sofala .

Children and foreigners , including citizens of South Africa , was among those killed in the last attack , Chume said , adding that citizens of Brazil is also one of the injured .

"The government , the people of Mozambique and the country can not continue to watch this situation happens in this country without borders , " he said in his first public statement of the military in recent weeks .

The army said armed members of the rebel group turned into an opposition party is also targeting military positions in Sofala .

The government raided the former Renamo military base in the middle of the Gorongosa mountains in late October .

" Since then we are not on the offensive , and we have witnessed a dramatic increase in attacks on civilians , " said Chume .

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