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Monday, December 2, 2013

77% of fuel subsidies is still enjoyed by that is not right

Director General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) MEMR Rida Mulyana said, this year's fuel subsidy funds reached Rp 200 trillion.

Of that amount, 77% is not enjoyed by the person who has the right, or right on target.

As many as
77% of fuel subsidies is still enjoyed by that is not right, not right on target because more people are able to be enjoyed by, the subsidy should be enjoyed by the poor and those living in remote areas, "said Rida Mulyana on Tuesday (3/12).

According Rida Mulyana when fuel subsidies were substantially aid from the state for the poor, the fuel subsidy was not enjoyed by the people in the country, let alone have a vehicle, people who are in the corners of the car ride was not ever, should the subsidy enjoyed by them, it is precisely subsidies for them.

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