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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Australian Muslim Youth : Syria , we hear your cries

Australian Muslim Youth : Syria , we hear your cries

Initially , the contents of a Facebook post Mehmet Biber as well as in other Australian youth :

" Go to the event daa footy show , I watch at ch 9 tonight " he posted in April , 2010.

But gradually the Turkish - Australian youth is manifest change . In March last year , he shared the details of a seminar in Granville , titled " Syria we heard crying " as released by The Sydney Morning Herald ( 7/12/2013 ) .

A few months later , she posted a lecture of a scholar named Anwar al - Awlaki , the martyr , God syaa in the cowardly attack U.S. drone in 2011 , as well as bloody images of children in Syria .

" Oh , Muslim , up from the fantasy world of the moment, " he wrote in October . " Wake up and look at the fact that your brother was murdered and raped in front of children and their husbands , children being blown up by jets and helicopters , men humiliated like a dog , then slaughtered like cattle . What will be our answer to God on that day ? '

Then , between June and July this year , Biber allegedly traveled to Syria to join the terror group to fight against the regime of President Bashar al - Assad .

Police allege that he is one of the six Sydneysiders are sent into battle by Hamdi Alqudsi ( 39 ) were arrested on Tuesday ( 3/12 ) .

Biber is not a descendant of Syria , and has no family relationship with Syria . Likewise Alqudsi or five others who allegedly sent to the front lines . He is a mixture of Somalia , Anglo - Saxon , Lebanon and Turkey - Australia .

Their case has become a trend among young Australian Muslims . Australian Muslim youth to be so excited . They felt compelled to do something about the Syrian conflict even though they have no connection to it .

" Very few of the people involved in the Syrian conflict actually have a personal or family relationship with that country , " said Assistant Commissioner Peter Dein of NSW Counter Terrorism Squad.

Since the conflict began , around 100 Australians, mostly Lebanese citizens double - Australia , has traveled to join in the struggle against the Syrian regime .

While there are some who have died , it only strengthened the resolve of the Muslim youth .

" You wake up in the morning and a cup of coffee no longer tastes like coffee . It feels like it has been mixed with the blood , " said the young man Zaky Mallah ( 29 ) , the Australian - Lebanese citizens , who travel from Parramatta to Syria last year to participate in humanitarian aid to the Syrian programs .

" If you want to eat , you are no longer thinking about how good the food was . Your work , but you do not feel the job again . You have reached the point where you just want to book a flight and go there ( Syria ) . "

Mallah recently traveled abroad when he sold his car , bought a ticket to Turkey and met with some of the Free Syrian Army fighters ( FSA ) by chance in a hotel .

That night , he crossed the border with them and spent three weeks on the front line with only a watch , but not participate in the battle .

" Sitting in the house and saw a number of people killed by Assad's barbarous regime , see the displaced refugees , see cruelty , I can not do anything about it . I feel that I am not a human being , and I feel that I am not a good Muslim . "

Lebanon and Syria has a history of hostility . For young Australians of Lebanese descent was not a barrier for them to come fight in Syria .

Facebook pages of young Australian Muslims revealed footage of children who were slaughtered , and the image of the submachine gun and a sword .

Most of the six Australians died in Syria to travel through Turkey , with the aim of carrying out humanitarian work .

Joseph Toprakkaya ( 30 ) runs along the border until he found a group willing to smuggle him into a war zone , where he reportedly trained as a sniper and bomb-maker , and he too died there .

A documentary about Roger Abbas ( 23 ) of Melbourne , discovered that he went to Syria to conduct relief work but then he joined jabhah Nushrah .

All six people are under the age of 30 and most of the background of Turkey and Lebanon .

" They do not consider themselves to be insulated in a particular country , they see themselves as part of a global umma ( Islamic nation ) , " he said . " Islam that unites them , not Syria . "

" 100 people are believed to have fought in Syria , far exceeding the highest estimate of the number of Australian jihadis involved in conflicts abroad before," said , Andrew Zammit , terrorism researchers from Monash University .

The involvement of Muslim youth in the Syrian conflict among which is due to " anger " over the continuous massacres committed by the Syrian regime and international inaction in addressing the conflict.

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