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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Can Menkes Condom Queen degree of Aceh Students

Can Menkes Condom Queen degree of Aceh Students

Indonesian Muslim Student Action Union ( KAMMI ) led dozens of students staged refused Acehnese National Condom Week in Simpang Lima , Banda Aceh .

They call the Health Minister ( Menkes ) Nafsiah Mboi Nafsiah , the queen of condoms because of his policies .

" We ask the President immediately remove the Minister of Health, Dr. Nafsiah Mboi for making policy controversy , " said Coordinator of Action Faisal Kasim , Wednesday ( 4/12 ) .

This action was done as a form of denial of student Aceh for convening Condom Week by the National AIDS Commission and foreign NGOs DKT . According to him , the event legalize same sex in Indonesia .

Action starts at around 11:30 pm . Mass action to bring banners and posters reading rejection of Condom Week . " Although it has been discontinued Condom Week , it is not enough , " he said .

According to him , if the government wants to prevent HIV / AIDS , the government should provide education and equip the science of religion -related hazards to promiscuity .

In addition , Faisal said , the government should also provide knowledge on how to spread the virus community . Not only due to sexual intercourse , but can also be contracted through a syringe .

" The government should give the knowledge of how to use a syringe healthy , " he added .

According to Faisal , condoms are not a good way to prevent the deadly virus . Because the condom does not guarantee a person is not infected with the dangerous disease . ( Mdk/ASN-013/MJF )

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