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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

" Mandela " arrange a meeting between Obama and Castro

 " Mandela " arrange a meeting between Obama and Castro

U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban leader Raul Castro at the memorial service in memory of Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg on Tuesday.

The incident was rare because the two countries have different ideological views .

Handshake two leaders reflects the spirit of reconciliation of Nelson Mandela , anti-apartheid hero .

In contrast , sympathy is not addressed to the President of South Africa Jocob Zuma .

The crowd in the stadium in the rain-soaked Johannaesburg mocking and criticism of President Zuma when he was getting ready to give a speech at the closing ceremony .

Mandela death at the age of 95 years has diverted attention from a series of corruption scandals in the Zuma administration .

Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and Zuma as the fourth president .

" Mandela had a vision . Mandela undergoing the vision , " said Funeka Gingcara - Sithole , 31 , a resident who was among the crowd .

" Zuma is talk. He should do the honorable thing and resign . "

Obama was one of 90 world leaders who deliver farewell to Mandela in Johannesburg .

When he took the podium , Obama reached out to Castro , the communist leader , who shook it and smiled back .

The White House said that attitude is a matter of course - usually , not a gesture of political change .

" There is no plan anything related to the role of president in addition to his remarks , " said Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters that the group helped Obama .

U.S. and Cuban leader ever recorded shook hands when they are in the United Nations in 2000 , Raul , brother of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro , greets U.S. President Bill Clinton 's time .

Attitude that did not stop Obama delivered the speech with sharp words to the leaders , he said , support the struggle while Mandela to pressure the opposition and discredit those who do not agree in the country .

" Many of us who are happy to follow the legacy of Madiba for racial reconciliation but nonetheless oppose reforms that would tackle poverty and inequality increasing , " said Obama, who spoke a few meters from Castro and Vice President of China Li Yuanchao . Madiba is Mandela's clan name .

" Also there are many leaders who claim solidarity with the struggle for freedom Madiba but does not tolerate opposition from their own people , " kataObama .

In Cuba , state television reported Obama - Castro handshake but no comments .

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