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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tapping America Mobile Worldwide

Tapping America Mobile Worldwide

 National Security Council ( NSA ) collects billions of recording phone conversations from various locations around the world , according to The Washington Post quoted a leaked intelligence documents Edward Snowden .

This information is added to a giant database that shows the locations for at least hundreds of millions of mobile phones worldwide .

It is a startling disclosure that indicates that the NSA has created the bulk of spy devices , connect the Post reported.

Billions of data it obtains by tapping cables that connect the mobile phone networks - both U.S. citizens and foreign -owned - all over the world , writes the Post .

According to the leaked document , the data concerning the location was withdrawn for the help of two unnamed companies .

Information from mobile phones of U.S. citizens who travel all over the world also form part of the database .

The Post reports , so mobile broadcast its location although no phone calls or text messages sent , NSA analysts could use mathematical techniques to comb through the data location and track the movement pattern over time of the target to be hunted .

According to the leaked report , the analytical method used NSA to shift the location data known as CO - TRAVELER .

Although the lion's share of mobile phone users has nothing to do with the actions of the NSA , the intelligence agencies still collect the data to track targets and network intelligence .

NSA confirms no intention of track the location data of U.S. citizens , but finally received the details that show where a mobile device to be domestic , writes the Post .

U.S. officials told the Post that the program collects data that is geo - location legal and intended solely for the sake of gathering intelligence about foreign militants or other targets that threaten the United States .

" The volume of information flowing to and from the program accelerates our ability to digest , process and store data ," the NSA report in May 2012 as quoted leaked documents published on the Post 's .

" The ability of the NSA to track the location of a surprise , based on the documents Snowden , and indicates that the institution is able to make communications security efforts at all in vain , " the Post reported in an article written by Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani is .

The scale of the program will further strengthen the group growing concerns civil rights advocates because pemata - by NSA 's electronic mataan a serious threat to privacy rights in the U.S. and the world .

" It is surprising to find location-tracking program on this scale can be implemented without public debate , especially because some Americans recorded movement - movement by the government , " said Catherine Crump , a lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union ( ACLU ) .

Greg Nojeim , director of the Center for Democracy and Technology , called for Congress to control the intelligence oversight program by the NSA .

"It is clear that the location of the most personal records of innocent people , including American citizens , have been collected and analyzed in ways unimaginable and massive scale , " said Nojeim as quoted by AFP

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