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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

European Court of Human Rights supported the niqab ban in France

European Court of Human Rights supported the niqab ban in France

European Court of Human Rights for the first time to support a ban on the niqab (a veil that leaves only the eyes) that is applied in France.
The case was filed by a 24 year old French woman who argued that the ban on the niqab in public is an offense of the right to freedom of religion and berekspresinya.

However, the human rights court in Strasbourg ruled that the French government has a legitimate purpose in an attempt to maintain harmony and social cohesion in the country's diverse population.

In a statement, the European Court of Human Rights said that the decision was also "consider the statement that the face of the French state played a major role in social interaction."

The law on the ban imposed in France under President Sarkozy's conservative government four years ago.

According to the law in 2010, there is no serorang ever allowed to wear clothes that hide the face in public.

Those who violate the ban can be fined 150 euros, or about USD 2.5 million.

France began to enact legislation that prohibits Muslim women covering her face with a veil or burqa when in public places.
Penalties for violating it is a fine of $ 217 and community service.

As for people who deliberately forcing women to wear burkas to cover her face gets higher threat is greater fines and imprisonment of up to two years.

France is the first European country to ban the use of Muslim clothes though as part of religious worship.

Under the law, any woman, French or foreigners, walking in the street or park in France and covered his face with a niqab (a veil that leaves only the eyes) or the burka that covers the whole will be stopped by police and fined.

The amount of fines may be calculated symbolically bit but this is a big change.

The French government stated that the use of masks interfere in the life of the community together and also considered a downgrade for France where the women wear the principle of equality.
And it seems everyone, including most Muslims in France would approve the legislation.

Although there was opposition from the repellent action of this law or the freedom of religion, but it seems not very influential.

What was the question whether it makes the prohibition law is needed, given that only about 2,000 women in France who wear the niqab or burqa.

This is a strategy critics called French President Nicolas Sarkozy to play an issue about Islam because he is a president who is not so popular and in need of a voice in the upcoming election.

By the time French warplanes bombed Gaddafi's forces in Libya, France itself is discussing Islam and its place in society.
On Tuesday (05/4), Jean-Francois Cope - a rising star in the ruling UMP party - will hold a debate on secularism and Islam. The goal is to find ways to accept the Islamic tradition in the French secular system.

The idea of ​​this debate sparked disagreement. Most Muslims say they will become victims of stigmatization. An adviser to President Sarkozy for diversity issues not only resign, but also called for demonstrations against the debate. \

He said the UMP party is "a disease for Muslims".
Even in the body's own ruling party schism. Prime Minister Francois Fillon and Foreign Minister Alain Juppe do not like or do not want to debate it.

Various religious groups issued a statement saying that they were concerned "that the debate could add confusion in the difficult period we are currently experiencing."

However, according to opinion polls, the French are very disturbed about the behavior of some Muslims in the country. One poll said 40% of people see Islam as the enemy in the blanket.

Some people see this debate will give birth to that concern, while others emphasize the discussion should be done.

Overall the case is filled with clutter. Act of 1905 that separated Church and State is a fundamental principle of the French Republic. This law sustains the values ​​of France.

  Not many who wear the burka in France
Not many who wear the burka in France; approximately 2,000 women only according to the data collection

President Sarkozy argued that if food is kosher, for example, is provided in the school canteen the principle of separation between the secular and the State Geraja be sacrificed. The other says, allow Muslims praying in the streets will encourage religion seep into the public space of the mosque.

Still others argue that parents who forbade girls participate in swimming lessons meant to introduce religion into secular activities.

Jean-Francois Cope suspect many activists are not so thick associated with religion but rather on political Islam. "There are a certain number of extreme behavior," he said, "which is led by the hard-liners who are using religion for political purposes and using the techniques of extremism."

And it touched the broader questions. It is generally accepted that all equal in the eyes of the law in a democratic society. Everyone must obey. It guarantees freedom of religion.

But in France - and other Europeans - there are people who say that the number of Muslim community say they are a special case. Some important figures even said, there may be reason to allow partial enforcement of Islamic law (sharia).

The question is, whether or not it should be debated? If the debate is not implemented, there are others who will do so. It surely. Marine Le Pen, who heads the National Front, made ​​a crucial factor in the campaign that religion should be kept out of the public space. His attitude about it makes him strong in the polls Naional.

Then, next week the burqa and niqab ban came into force. Violations will be fined 150 euros (Rp1.8 million). Men who force women to wear burkas found to be fined 30,000 euros (Rp370 million).

In other parts of Europe there is a common view that the multicultural system has failed. The more people who support this opinion. And, this is precisely what the opinion put forward by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

They argued, multiculturalism bring division, not integration.
In essence, this argument is about the proper place for religion in a free society.

Women wearing burqas in Italy fined

Some European countries are discussing banning the niqab

A woman who went to the post office in the city of Novara, in Italy stopped by police because she was wearing a burqa that covers the entire face.

An officer told the AFP news agency that the woman had to pay a fine of 500 euros (approximately $ 5 million).

This is the first action by the police since Novara enact legislation prohibiting local residents in January that could hinder dressed person's identity.

The city is run by a party that is anti-immigrant Northern League.

The party is a coalition partner in the national unity government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Not to be left
There are still those who refuse to understand that our community in Novara will not accept and do not want to see people out of the house wearing a burka
Mayor Massimo Giordano

Novara Mayor Massimo Giordano said the regulation was intended to prevent the women to wear burkas covering their faces in public.

"But unfortunately, this rule is not clear to everyone that wearing clothes that cover the face should be done in public, but not in public places, schools, bus or at the post office," he said, as reported by the Italian news agency Ansa.

"There are still people who refuse to understand that our community in Novara will not accept and do not want to see people out of the house wearing a burka."

He said that the rule "is the only tool at our disposal to stop the behaviors that have made ​​the difficult process of integration, it becomes even more difficult."

Women are portrayed as the Tunisian citizens, visited the post office with her husband when they were laid off police.

More stringent regulations
In Italy, since 1975 has anti-terrorism legislation that prohibits the use of a mask or clothing that makes it difficult to determine the identity of the wearer.

However, the regulations provide an exception, which can be accepted, and the courts often interpret as religious reasons.

According to the news agency ANSA, some local governments already impose more stringent regulations, and a bill proposed by the Northern League is now being debated in parliament, which specifically prohibits the use of the veil that covers the face which is called niqab.

Similar measures are also being conducted in several Western European countries.

Prohibition of the use of masks in public is already approved by the lower house in Belgium, and is now being discussed in the Senate.

If approved this will be the first legislation in force in Europe.

The French government also is proposing similar rules and last weekend, a member of the Assembly of the European Parliament from Germany said a similar ban should be enforced in all EU countries. BBC

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