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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Americans consider the idea of ​​giving sanctions against Ukraine

Americans consider the idea of ​​giving sanctions against Ukraine

United States ( U.S. ) is considering a range of options for responding to Ukraine 's crackdown on opposition protests , including possible sanctions , the State Department said Wednesday .

" We are considering policy options , but no decision has been made ​​, the sanctions included but I will not elaborate on the specifics , " said State Department spokesman Jen Psaki told reporters .

" There are various options that we go for it , but we do not point it at this stage , " he said .

In recent days , Washington has been escalating stance on demonstrations in the capital of Ukraine , President Viktor Yanukovych urged to listen to the voices of the people who called for the government to sign an agreement in order to move closer to the EU .

Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland visiting Kiev for the second in a matter of days , and to show support for protesters and handing him visiting a souvenir pastries and snacks .

" It's important to convey our support for the sake of their ability to voice their views , support their efforts in order to integrate to Europe . Belief that we respect the principles of democracy , including freedom of assembly , is a universal right , " said Psaki .

Nuland has sent a " strong message on the ground " that Ukraine needed to get " back into talks with Europe and with " the International Monetary Fund to ensure that " bringing justice and dignity of the people of Ukraine , " he added .

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