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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Denies Japan economic cooperation with Indonesia lame

Denies Japan economic cooperation with Indonesia lame

The Japanese government denied the critical view that says that economic cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the scheme of EPA ( Economic Partnership Agreement ) which is currently running more lucrative Japanese and not vice versa .

" Not so, any cooperation still provide benefits for both countries . Especially seen an increase in trade figures , " said Director of the Division of Southeast Asian Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Naoki Kumagai in the " Press Briefing " with foreign reporters in Tokyo on Wednesday .

Kumagai argued that answering Between the critical view in Indonesia about the cooperation agreement Japan and Indonesia through the EPA scheme . According to the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( Kadin ) , the deal more lucrative Japanese trade balance looks from the indicators before and after implementation of this cooperation .

Coordinating Minister for the Economy , Hatta Rajasa itself during the APEC activities in Bali last November says that Indonesia will evaluate its cooperation with Japan , especially the effectiveness of the EPA that has lasted six years since it was signed in 2007 .

Reason evaluation , Hatta Rajasa said that its implementation needs to be rethought , although a number of programs already running but is still considered slow .

Cooperation Indonesia - Japan EPA was signed in Jakarta on August 27, 2007 by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and force July 1, 2008 until December 31, 2012 .

Japan currently has pocketed EPA agreements with some countries , such as Mexico , Chile and six ASEAN countries . EPA cooperation based on three things , namely liberalitation ( opening access to the open market ) , facilitation ( market access ) , and cooperation ( cooperation for capacity building ) .

Three attractive to Indonesian foundation for being able to put Indonesia on the same level ( partnership - partner ) so the implementation truly beneficial to both parties .

Japanese and Indonesian economic trade has always been to increase every year and is expected to increase by about 20 percent with the EPA . But actually the most important is the balance of trade .

Japanese investments mostly in the automotive sector , trade , machinery and electronics . There are currently an estimated 1,000 multinational companies from Japan and absorb at least 280 thousand workers .

Japanese direct investment in Indonesia rose in two years pascapelaksanaan EPA . Having previously tended to decline . In 2009 the value of Japanese FDI investment into Indonesia increased from 0.9 billion dollars to 4.7 billion dollars in 2011 .

Meanwhile, the proportion of the total foreign direct investment into Indonesia ( Foreign Direct Investment - FDI ) increased from 12 percent in 2008 to 28 percent in 2010 , and slightly decreased the year 2011 to 26 percent . This puts Japan as the second largest provider of direct investment in Indonesia after Singapore . ( .

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