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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jakarta Residents Can Report Performance sub-district and village chief

Jakarta Residents Can Report Performance sub-district and village chief

Deputy Governor Tjahaja Basuki Purnama said, there are still at least 10 percent of the Village and sub-district office in a way that utilizes the requested contribution to the community or entrepreneurs.

"This must be fixed immediately. Because 80-90 percent so far has been good," said Deputy Governor after giving a briefing in Sector Coordination Meeting Ortala at City Hall, Wednesday (4/11).

In an effort to strengthen a commitment on education of the public service, he said it will be evaluated. "I'll report there," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Civil Service Agency (BKD) I Made KarmaYoga Capital said it will deploy as many as 60,000 questionnaires to the public to find out the services in villages and districts.

How that is done that is to go straight to the field to intercept people who just got the service at village or district. "Thus, the information obtained can not be engineered," he said.

In addition, BKD Chief added that people can also make a complaint and response through the official website of the Government of Jakarta.

According to him, the results of this questionnaire will be evaluated by the Advisory Board Position, and will be assessed the appropriateness of the placement and subdistrict headman concerned. "If it is not able to be transferred," he said. .

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