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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Japan Halal Food Project is targeting Indonesia

Japan Halal Food Project is targeting Indonesia

Japan to target the Indonesian market with the launch of Japan Halal Food Project program organized jointly First Cool Japan Strategy Project METI .

In addition to strengthening bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan's economy , it can provide a better understanding of the Indonesian Muslim community for the Japanese .
This was stated organizer Japan Halal Food Project , Executive Director of First Officer Co . , Ltd. Eichi Ueda on Wednesday .

Lack of information about Islam often make Japanese society misunderstood , he added .

" The concept of halal in Islam is similar to the production monitoring system in Japan that emphasizes the concept of a comfortable , safe , and clean , " he said .

Some of the activities in the project include the launch of the website Cooking Japan on December 2 . The page displays information about the halal Japanese food recipes , culinary culture of Japan , information on Japan kosher restaurants , and travel guides for Muslims who want to visit there .

This program contains event Japan Cooking School Carnival will begin at the End of February 2014 in five primary schools in Jakarta.

In addition , there is also a seminar on export promotion of food products in the Indonesian market as well as Business Matching Japan on export of food products and the promotion of Indonesian market in March.
The company will also be assisted by consultation participants to obtain halal certification by Nippon Asia Halal Association .

Rachmat Gobel of Indonesia-Japan Friendship Association said the project is not merely a promotional event for Japan , but also an opportunity for Indonesia to learn the power of Sakura country products that can be implemented in the Indonesian food industry .

Halal Japanese Association wants Samai standard MUI

Nippon Foundation Asian Halal Association ( Naha ) to emulate the Indonesian Ulema Council standards in providing certified halal food products in Japan .

Rodiyan Gibran put forth the effort Sentanu of Naha Naha accredited by the MUI done to improve the quality of kosher certification Naha .

The foundation wants to help people other than Muslims in Japan , also at the same time want to make this as propaganda about Islam in the Muslim minority country .

"People who do not know a lot of the actual concept of halal , kosher they just know it's not about pork and not alcohol , " he said in Jakarta in the Japan Halal Food Project , Wednesday ( 4/12 ) .

" It is also a process of propagation of Islam in Japan because Islam has a stereotype of terror , with a good impression of it may be easier for Japanese people accept Islam , " he continued .

Naha is already two years of existence has given halal certification in eleven products , including Senbei ( rice crackers ) , yogurt , ice cream , drinks , and soyu .

There is also a hotel that has been certified kosher because it can provide food that may be consumed Muslims . However , Naha can not provide halal certification at the restaurant because it is not their authority . In addition , there is no provision in Japan on halal standards that must be followed to the top .

" It was to do with the laws of Japan. MUI if it had received permission from the government , " he said .
He added that the Japanese industry interest in producing halal products more visible than the height of seminars relating to the theme of halal in Japan .

"If demand is strong, more and more will surely halal production from Japan , " he closed .

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