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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bumi Plc : Roeslani Claims No Obligation to Pay

Bumi Plc : Roeslani Claims No Obligation to Pay

Bumi Plc . Rosan Roeslani said that it had agreed to pay $ 173 million by the end of the Earth said he no longer has any obligation to pay a sum of money that is lost as part of the deal in June .

In a circular to shareholders on Tuesday , the Earth says " Roeslani has raised a number of issues concerning the obligations for violating this obligation . He also asserted that the obligation to transfer funds or assets contained in the Agreement Roeslani has ended. "

The circular was published ahead of the voting shareholders Earth on December 17 in order separation of the Earth from the Bakrie Group as a major shareholder by removing 29 % stake in Bumi Bumi Resources for $ 501 million to the Bakrie Group .

In the circular , the Earth says that Roeslani failed to deposit an initial payment of $ 30 million on Sept. 26 . The payment is part of a deal in June to replace the $ 173 million lost in Berau Coal Energy is 85 % owned their disposal .

Through the Earth's circular stated " strongly oppose Roeslani establishment and will endeavor to resolve the issue as soon as possible . " The company says will bring Roeslani before international arbitration .

However , the above interpretation Roeslani the deal also means " there is no guarantee there will be a transferred asset or money to Berau or another subsidiary of the Earth Group in the deal . "

As part of the deal in June , Roeslani should pay $ 30 million plus the transfer of assets to the Earth two and pay the rest in cash .

Rosan Roeslani could not be reached for comment on the matter . ( WSJ )

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