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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Government Fails to Implement the National Housing System

Government Fails to Implement the National Housing System

 Ali Tranghanda of Indonesia Property Watch Tranghanda of Indonesia Property Watch assess the Indonesian government has failed to implement the assessed national housing system .

Indonesia does not have a national housing system . National housing policy runs without a clear direction and purpose even no blueprint of housing that should be a guide in providing housing for low-income ( low-income people ) .
According to Ali Tranghanda , that the government's understanding of the mind set of public housing has been misdirected .

Government as a provider of public housing should take full responsibility in terms of protection and intervention into the market even once responsible for building the house of the people .

The funny thing is that the government has a target of public housing construction , but is left entirely to the developer .

" This is proof of the inability of the government in the provision of people's homes . Instead of clearing the national housing system , even paving the way government programs cheap car laden consumer .

Housing as one of the three basic needs of society , which is also one measure of well-being is not even seriously considered by the government , "said Ali Tranghanda .

In our national housing system does not currently exist that actually referred to as public housing for the people .

House with a subsidy program that staying FLPP gadangkan Kemenpera not hold any existing market mechanisms so that existing land value goes up when the property market is moving up .

The one that makes the national housing system that failed because letting the people to participate in the market mechanism that occurs .
Private developers are not the main actors providing the people of the house . Let them play in the business market mechanisms in the zone .
'' Do not then be borne by the government instead of private targets . This system has been misguided housing , '' he added .

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