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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meeting of the US- China Meet Dead End

Meeting of the US- China Meet Dead End

The meeting between the Vice President of the United States ( U.S. ) Joe Biden and President of China , Xi Jinping which lasted five hours regarding the establishment of China 's air defense zone ended without a solution . The situation regarding how the two countries as well as U.S. allies react in the future a question mark .

Biden emphasized that the White House " does not recognize " the existence of the air zone and the East China Sea Chinese leadership wants to avoid steps that led to the confrontation with Japan and other countries , according to U.S. officials ..

President of China , Xi Jinping shaking hands with U.S. Vice President , Joe Biden .

Instead , the President Xi indicates the position of China in the disputed territory but refusing to commit to lift the air zone , said U.S. officials . Xi Jinping signaled his choice to " accommodate " the request .

U.S. officials in front of reporters reveal : " In our opinion , the ball is in China . We'll see how it develops problems in the next few days and weeks . "

For the sake of ease tensions , Xi Jinping Biden asked to prepare a series of measures to restore confidence and trust of its neighbors . One way is to create an emergency communications system , or hotline , which will connect the Chinese and Japanese officials or even other countries .

" Most importantly , we want them together Japan and South Korea to take actions that build trust , " said a senior government official .
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As an illustration of diplomacy between the superpowers , the United States asked China to revoke indirect air zone , and Washington knew Xi would not remove the zone when Biden went to South Korea .

" I think they know that it will not be revoked zone defense when [ Joe Biden ] leaving Asia , " said Julianne Smith , a former national security adviser to Biden . " They want to start face to face . "

Biden seeks to take advantage of personal diplomacy to end the crisis that shook Japan and South Korea , as well as spark a new confrontation between the U.S. and China . According to sources , Biden and Xi has built a strong relationship in recent years .

However , some analysts doubt regarding the Biden approach .

" According to the usual diplomatic protocol , [ the actions he took ] good . However , the current diplomatic situation is not normal , "said Michael Auslin , director of Japan Studies at the American Enterprise Institute .

 " The allies we were expecting something more powerful . I think , they may feel alone . "
In South Korea , Biden will seek to persuade his old allies not to take action that will improve the crisis .(WSJ)

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