Observer : The battle occurred Opinion in Media , the SBY Government Continues to Hit
Ahead of the upcoming 2014 elections the government judged not run the government effectively again .
Political observers Gungun Heryanto explained that there are several causes of ineffective government ahead of the elections was .
" There are at least five factors that cause the government can not run the government well ahead of the election , " said Gun in the discussion on the effectiveness of the government ahead of the 2014 election in the MPR Library , Monday ( 9/12 ) .
The first problem faced by the government is a systemic problem which the government is using the principle should be side by side with the Presidential party context .
" In this case whoever is elected president will run into the same problem that is stuck on transactional politics , the solution needs to adan simplification of the political parties , " he said .
The second is the problem of personality which in this context SBY and Boediono experienced where they perform high- context communication . Opening the entire area ( parties) to berpastipasi in great power . " They think government will be stable if supported by a large coalition in the House . , But that happens a grand coalition does not guarantee solid power , " he explained .
Followed by her third problem is a structural problem in which four or five months prior to the election as the government bureaucracy positioned itself as an adhoc without any breakthrough .
The fourth problem is the power and dedication of positions which in this case some of the ministers have to divide his thoughts with the public in a political party chairmanship .
" SBY said he will focus on a different government but then on he did the same with the other political parties ketum sitting as a minister , " he explained .
The latter , Gun is further opinions in the media battle in which a case -by-case emerged and continue to hit the government .
" I see this problem makes government ineffective and they seemed to position themselves in this round of betting , " he said .
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