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Monday, December 2, 2013

Why ' missed ' figure of Suharto ?

Habibie, Try Sutrisno and Suharto
Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Tutut) and Suharto
Sukarno and Suharto
Suharto in 80th

Why ' missed ' figure of Suharto ?
( Special Report BBC Indonesia )

Suharto latter figure envisioned some communities in Indonesia when economic conditions do not improve and assessed the ideals of reform considered not as expected .

No one knows for sure since when T-shirts and stickers pictorial Suharto began to enliven the shanties in the palm belongs to traders in Malioboro , Yogyakarta.

Something that was not imagined would happen in 1998 or shortly after he stepped down and was excommunicated .

A number of merchants who were in t-shirts emblazoned Malioboro estimated Suharto began to bloom around June last traded .
Suharto pictorial motif shirts on offer range from the Suharto military clothing greatness to figure Suharto who was wearing a safari outfit , waving his hand .
Average shirts are sold for Rp 30,000 that has writing in Javanese , " Piye kabare bro ? Penak my day tho .. " which means being " how is it going bro ? still more comfortable in my day the right . "
A number of vendors selling t-shirts emblazoned met Suharto admitted for economic reasons and not political .

" I'm selling this shirt because behavior , too much demand , a day I could sell 20 shirts , " said a trader at Malioboro shirts , Adi Narto .
" I was never able to order 40 shirts with the same image , usually selling t-shirts emblazoned Suharto and waving a sign saying piye kabare bad tho my day , ' " said another trader , Supriyanto .

Improve the image of Suharto

" Frankly wrote to restore the good name of Soeharto , Soeharto is it true , as alleged she likes to accumulate a lot of wealth , sadistic , implicated in the killing . Kan 's aides who did not murder Soeharto " .

In addition to T-shirts and stickers are widely purchased pictorial Suharto , Memorial Museum of the Great General HM Suharto was also visited by people .

The museum is located in Kemusuk , Bantul , Yogyakarta is a new stand on June 8.
In akhr first week in November, the museum was crowded by people who generally come in the group .

Manager says visitors can enter the museum area without having to pay a dime .

" We hope for the children of our students so that they know that in the village Kemusuk been born a country boy named Suharto and he can take part in building the nation and the state gait even as he led for 32 years , he got the title father of national development , " said PR Museum of Suharto , Gatot Nugroho .

While pengagas and founder of the museum , said the museum establishment Probosutedjo is part of what he described as an effort to restore the good name of Suharto .

" Frankly wrote to restore the good name of Soeharto , Soeharto is it true , as alleged she likes to accumulate a lot of wealth , sadistic , implicated in the killing . Kan 's aides who did not murder Pak Harto , " said Probosutedjo .

" But it's goal to achieve the real goal is to be able to continue to build and not to be disturbed later pembangunankan damaged . As we now see everywhere demonstration so as not demontarsi erratic path of development . "
Business claiming museum visitors who come to the museum has reached more than 93 thousand people since its establishment in June.

" I want to teach my children about the history of Suharto , let me distinguish Soeharto era to today , if you ask me nice Suharto because now a lot of unrest , " said Sri Murti , visitors from Paste , Sleman who brought her two children visited Suharto .

Other visitors said they were assigned by the school to find out about the history of Suharto .

" I came here at the request of teachers in school history ferreting about Suharto , " said Junianto one student who came to the museum .

longing for a moment
Memorial Museum of the Great General HM Suharto presents many stories and dioramas depicting the success of Suharto from his role in the events of September thirty , Operations TRIKORA in Irian Jaya to success in the five-year construction period .

But you will not find a critical note about Suharto when he was in power .

"I think they tried to flip the pages of history that Suharto or Soeharto family and not written in the record of a dark stain in the history of Indonesia , at least that's what they want"
Najib Azca

How he treats people accused of being a communist stooge or explanation about the kidnapping case before the post-Suharto activists .
The story surrounding the termination of the investigation related to the number of cases of alleged Suharto also not be met in this place .
Sociologists UGM , Muhammad Najib said Azca people longing to Suharto as a leader who never considered failing is not strange when viewed in the context of the situation in Indonesia is in transition .

" I suppose it's not entirely odd phenomenon , such phenomena often occur in countries that are undergoing a phase transition at a certain point where there is saturation where the democratization process that took place to see the failures and people look to the past , " said Najib .

" And at that time people see the figures of the past who never provide order and well-being . "
Najib analyze the condition is then exploited by the political elite supporting Suharto to re- appoint him.
"I think they tried to flip the pages of history that Suharto or his family and the Suharto regime was not written in the record of a dark stain in the history of Indonesia , at least that's what they want, " added Najib .

Najib estimate the condition that happened lately is the effort made by those close to Suharto Suharto to clear name in history .

" I did not see this as a grave threat , but they at least want to reverse Suharto or a family history that is not written with Suharto Notice the dark stain in the history of Indonesia , " said Najib .

Sounds victims of Suharto
A number of people who have been victims of Suharto -era security policies assess the emergence longing to Suharto responded with improved policies and attitude of the president in dealing with a number of economic and political issues .

" I was abducted by military intelligence and was taken to an intelligence agency for six days , I was tortured , not only beaten but also electrocuted , burned cigarettes and other inhumane acts "
Hendrik Sirait

" Actually, it concerns leadership . Currently we have entered the era of democratization . No need to be receding back . , "Said AM Fatwa who had been imprisoned during the reign of Suharto .

Article subversive fatwas never charged and was sentenced to 18 years in prison for his alleged involvement in the violence Tanjung Priok on 12 September 1984 that killed nine people .

" It's more a problem of leadership is not authoritative and assertive . It is voiced public . We lost a leader . "

While the regime abused the other , Hendrik Sirait said the tendency of people to look to the future because of the failure of the completion of a number of Suharto reform agenda .

" I saw it was actually a manifestation of protest against the current situation , which considered that the current government is not much better than the new order even a fraction of the welfare of the people judging the new order is better, " said Hendrick .

" Although it is of course wrong because of corruption in the new order , and until now very rampant corruption of Suharto and his cronies are also not completed . "

The dark side
Hendrik ever abducted on August 1, 1996 for activities to support the current opposition leader , Megawati Sukarnoputri , also reminding people not to forget the harsh policies against political opponents of Suharto .

" It was very repressive and there is no transparency in all sectors of public life , he did it to maintain stability and economic growth . "

Hendrik is involved in a number of rallies criticize Suharto's policies had been kidnapped and tortured by security forces under Suharto .

" I was abducted by military intelligence and was taken to an intelligence agency for six days , I was tortured , not only beaten but also electrocuted , burned cigarettes and other inhumane acts , " recalls Hendrik .
Until recently he was the victim of violence in the new order has not been solved completely .

Sheet about the history and stories of Suharto 's New Order rightfully not remembered from one side of the light without seeing his dark record .

The dual function of the armed forces , a single principle to P4
When President Suharto to power more than 30 years , a number of policies in the field of security are born . Start concept floating mass , the dual function of the armed forces , to the application of a single principle .

One time , around the end of the 1980s , Rudini Interior Minister said : " Let the people of the village as it is peaceful . "

Rudini expressed this criticism when it emerged from intellectuals and politicians to put an end to the policy of the New Order regime of floating masses aka floating mass .
When it is , Rudini cautioned that the government does not want to take the risk . In other words , the village still kept away from the frenetic political .

Indeed , since the victory of the New Order to overthrow the old order , there is a strong assumption that the cause of political conflicts in the past was because there was a multi-party system and ideological polarization .

So , the Soeharto regime adopted then is the process of de - ideology . " No politics , economics yes , " that's how .

This expression is then amplified by a series of political stability wisdom made ​​by the government in order to rehabilitate the economy .

"Therefore, efforts have been made so that there is no critical attitude of society . People silenced , "said historian and researcher LIPI Asvi Warman Adam , in an interview with the BBC's Indonesia , Heyder Affan , early November 2013 .

"Therefore, efforts have been made so that there is no critical attitude of society . Silenced the People ... "
LIPI researcher , Asvi Warman Adam

There are a number of policies which are then born . One only , before the 1977 election , as stated in the book Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin Political Integration in Indonesia (1989 ) , the government cut the chain that connects the ideology of rural people with ideologies of political parties .

The concept of a floating mass , that realization conceived in 1971 .
Meaning : the liberation of the people in the rural areas against political activities , sever their relationship with the political parties , except at election time .
Within this framework , the PPP and PDI when it was banned from establishing branch offices in the villages , as has been practiced in the days of the Old Order .

The concept of ' expose' the village of ideological cloak for the sake of political stability , is just one of its policies since the beginning of the New Order is oriented away from the political community .

single principle
In addition , the regime also homogenizes the principle of all political forces in Indonesia , which characterized the speech of President Suharto in front of the Parliament session Papipurna on August 16, 1982 .

According to M Rusli Karim , the book Shades of political movements of the '80s in Indonesia (1992 ) , the uniformity principle - known as Pancasila - a ' efficacy ' New Order in the face of political power , especially the Islamic beraspirasikan .

Suharto ( left ) limit the political power of the people .

New Order government , according to Karim Rush , " do not want to give the opportunity for any powers to become a force capable of rivaling party that supported the government . "

Launching of Pancasila as the sole principle of political organization , according to Nazaruddin Syamsudin (1989 ) , a New Order government measures to " avoid divisions among the political elite " .

But long before , namely in 1967 , Suharto did what is called in the book Harold Crouch Military and Politics in Indonesia (1986 ) , as " castration political parties " .

" New Order government does not want to give the opportunity for any powers to become a force capable of rivaling party that supported the government . "

At that time , according to Crouch , the regime take steps that will ensure that the parties will be led by people who are "willing to obey and cooperate closely with the government . "

Here, the government then " meddle " internal PNI , Masjumi ( which later forced transformed into Indonesian Muslim Party ) , and NU before the 1971 elections .

Through " intervention led by Opsus Murtopo " , according to Crouch , Functional Group - fully supported by the New Order government - won more votes than 68 percent in the 1971 election .

Not long after the 1971 elections , the government simplify political parties aka merger ( fusion ) into three socio-political forces : PPP , Golkar and PDI .

Dual Function ABRI
After the 1998 reform , the concept and implementation of ABRI's dual function heavily criticized and ultimately " repealed " .
In fact , in the New Order era , the concept is fully implemented , although the implementation is assessed outrageous than the original concept .

Call : almost all local authorities controlled by the military officers , the military presence in the House of Representatives seat in the chair until the minister , as well as in enterprises .

In fact , according to the former Chief of Staff of the Army ( Chief of Staff ) Abdul Haris Nasution , who is also known as the drafter " Dual Function of the Armed Forces " , the concept of " middle way ABRI " the point " the role of the Armed Forces ... as the defense and security forces and the role that non - military nature ( social and political ) " .
" My mind just one , we need to cooperate . We consider ourselves the strength is also a political force , " said AH Nasution , the book General without an army , without a party politician , life journey AH Nasution (1998 ) .

" Because there is political engineering , the parties do not have coaches at lower levels . , But Golkar to have members who became head of the village . ABRI up to Babinsa ... This is the name of the game. "

Because of that , he claimed to be surprised by the application of the " middle ground " in the Armed Forces during the New Order , which is characterized , among others, " many military people stationed at various companies .

For him , it was not included in the placement Dwifungsi understanding .

Furthermore , Nasution said , the concept of dual function of current ( the current New Order ) has been shifted .
According to former Governor Lembahanas Lt. Gen. ( ret. ) Hasnan Habib , in an interview with the daily NUSA ( 20 September 1999 ) , the implementation of the concept of the dual function of the armed forces in the journey experience " pelencengan " .

" Because there is political engineering , the parties do not have coaches at lower levels . But Golkar to have a member who became the head of the village . ABRI up to Babinsa ... This is the name of the game, " said Hasnan Habib , then.

Guidelines appreciation and Pancasila
At that point the New Order regime of systematic efforts to keep the public from the " disease " of the Old Order ? Wait a minute .

During the New Order , you will recall , every school student or a new student must attend " indoctrination " planting the values ​​of Pancasila , as an important condition that must be followed .
The official ideology of Pancasila indoctrination systematically held by the New Order regime , because based on the assumption that the Pancasila has been distorted in the Old Order .

Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin (1989 ) says , socialize Pancasila values ​​, such as through upgrading P4 ( Guidelines appreciation and practice of Pancasila ) , is a " one - of the best ways to make people aware , to know and appreciate the ideology of the state . "

For the sake of political stability , mainly to deal with the latent danger of communism , the Pancasila indoctrination policy preceded the application of a single principle of Pancasila in all public organizations and political parties.

" For the sake of political stability , mainly to deal with the latent danger of communism , the Pancasila indoctrination policy preceded the application of a single principle of Pancasila in all public organizations and political parties "
This claim kept alive , so that the people or groups opposed to the government is considered anti- or " undermining " Pancasila .

Beyond the policy and the concept of a floating mass , the application of a single principle , the dual function of the armed forces , to upgrading P4 , of course there are several other terms synonymous with New Order .

What is it ? Call term : modernization , economic growth , for development , extreme right - left rabble security ( GPK ) , or anti- Pancasila .
However, since the 1998 reform was initiated, the New Order terminology such as becoming obsolete , and sometimes into derision , although there are also policies such as family planning (FP ) and IHC , which is considered a success and will now be turned on again .

Political opportunities Suharto's children
The rise of the emergence of writing text on T-shirts , books , and posters containing compliment the Suharto era rule interpreted by some as a way to smooth the way people close to Suharto returned to politics in Indonesia .

But Suharto family members denied will exploit the current situation to pave their way back to power .
• .
LIPI historian , Asvi Warman Adam , assumed the appearance of text in addition to adore Suharto used to rehabilitate the Suharto also paved the way for the political people nearby.

" The new term was probably uttered one time , and then developed in order to rehabilitate Suharto and in order to smooth their children plunge to politics , as well as clear the name of Suharto of corruption , " said Asvi .

Suharto 's family says the only one who Suharto falls in next year's election is Siti Hediati Hari is known to Titiek Suharto .

Formerly a subsidiary of Suharto , as Hutomo Mandala Putra or Tommy Suharto and Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana or Tutut Suharto , had appeared on the political scene after the reform .

Tutut who was using the vehicle Caring Nation Functional Party fails to shine as currently active in Golkar in the 1990s

Tutut Suharto ever tried to get back into the political arena , but not growing .

In the 2004 election PKPB only got 2.11 % of the vote and the next election in 2009, his voice dropping to 1.40 % so it does not pass the electoral threshold .
While Tommy had intended to re- advance to politics through the National Republican Party through the 2014 election .

But the party that brought the Tommy participants failed to pass the verification stage the 2014 elections conducted by the Election Commission .

A similar fate experienced by Ari Haryo Ari Sigit Wibowo Hardjojudanto or that could make the Republican Party work , EXPERT .

As well Nasrep , EXPERT also failed to qualify for the verification stage that was held by the Commission .

Suharto leaves Titiek
The only thing left of the Suharto family to engage in politics this year is Titiek Suharto .
Titiek a legislative candidate of Golkar Party with a serial number of the electoral district of Yogyakarta Special Region .

Sister Suharto , Probosutedjo , says plunge into politics can not necessarily be interpreted as a desire to be president .

" To be president of the Soeharto children there . Now Titiek who want to become members of Parliament , the passing, not serious , " said Probosutedjo .

" I told them , is not easy to lead Indonesia , " he added .
Problem gait Suharto political sons and daughters , says the family Probusetdjo no limitation .

" Actually, it was not the desire of the people Soeharto family alone , not because it was her daughter Miss Titiek Soeharto then people would not necessarily choose their longing on his regime . "

wheat Pardiman
Golkar Chairman of the Council of Yogyakarta , Gandung Pardiman not deny if the appearance of the text that contains the praise and longing for the Suharto era will provide benefits to the nomination Titiek Suharto and Golkar political interests .

" Because we are political people that it is desirable and salable , yes we use but it was for only those edges . Medium if the campus would definitely krtitis to about it , " said Gandung .

Need to work hard too
Gandung himself said Titiek not because of the influx of people led to Suharto's text praised as happened in Yogyakarta today .

" Ma'am Titiek candidacy is rather abrupt and not designed beforehand . Problem pencalegan discretion Ma'am this point ( privilege) general chairman of Golkar . Titiek Why then selected Ma'am , we do not know , " said the BBC Indonesian Gandung .

Is the absence of desire to Suharto would make nets point towards the smoother Senayan ?

" Actually, it was not the desire of the people Mr. Hartosemata family , not because it was her daughter Miss Titiek Soeharto then people would not necessarily choose their longing on his regime , " said Gandung .

" So with this electoral system like who cares , it is considered folk . Who is responsive , aspirational and really dive into the field , and ( people ) who do not see you son , " he said .

Efforts to ' smooth out political career ' son of Suharto
The desire to 'turn ' the figure of Suharto and security policy in the New Order era , seen through the establishment of Suharto Museum in Yogyakarta and dissemination T-shirt with the former New Order ruler .

Suharto 's half- brother , Probosutedjo said he set up the museum to clear the name of Suharto bad stigma attached to it stepbrother ..
But he denied being behind the making of Suharto jerseys are sold in public places .

LIPI historian and principal investigator , Dr. Asvi Warman Adam said , these efforts can not be separated from efforts to rehabilitate in order to smooth the Suharto and his children go into politics .

" It was to clear the name of Suharto of corruption , " said Warman Adam Asvi in an interview with the BBC's Indonesia , Heyder Affan , beginning last November 2013 .
Here is an interview with Adam Warman Asvi :

Since when did the term New Order introduced so known until now ?

I think late 1966 or 1965. New Order mean that an order which replaces order , led by Sukarno , the Order of guided democracy which is regarded as the Old Order and the New Order replaces it is . But Sukarno himself said that he who first spoke of the term of the New Order , but not in the sense of Suharto . The new order in the sense of a new era , when the revolution was considered not finished , and we struggled . It was the understanding of the New Order under Sukarno .

In practice , the term New Order finally more dominating in the society is a term introduced by people around Suharto huh ? Do you think the media plays a major role around?

Both of them . Surely people around Suharto and the media use the term also consistently use the term. The goal is , first , to distinguish the reign of Sukarno . And then New Order with new connotations again , that is an age that promotes the development of stability and so on .

The emergence of economic development that subordinated term political development it is a deliberate design or necessity of the situation change from Sukarno to Suharto ?
" Approach - authoritarian security or to the Order 's effective , economically effective . Means that , if the government wants to take land or buy land cheaply , it does not bother . So simply by labeling people who do not want or farmers who reject it as antipembangunan , anti - Pancasila or PKI . "

Asvi Warman Adam
Yes , if we look from the current time , we can say there is a design . But clearly it's time Suharto faced with economic problems were slumped , and he had to overcome . And to overcome it , he needs a supportive atmosphere . That support the national security means stable . But not only that , Suharto also need a safe region . So he encouraged the establishment of ASEAN which aims to secure the area around Indonesia .

Could you describe in outline what is seen in the New Order when applied to political stability and economic priority or development ?

Yes , the economy or the construction of a commander , replacing what was previously referred to politics as a commander , so everything is prioritized economic development . For that efforts are made so that there is no critical attitude of society . People were silenced . And what is known as human rights violations occur . It was in order to succeed in development , with all prices .

Your knowledge since when the government introduced the term political stability and then apply ?

I guess that since the beginning of the New Order , why the political stability becomes important . During that time, there have been significant attempts to make friends with those superpowers . And , in my opinion , at least, can be noted from the date of December 15, 1965 . Because , at that time there was a meeting in Cipanas Palace to discuss the nationalization of foreign oil companies Caltex . At that time , Suharto with a helicopter ride from Jakarta to Cipanas Palace . In Cipanas Palace , he came into the room in a meeting chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Saleh Chairul . And he said , the Army does not agree with nationalization Caltex . Well , in my opinion , it is clear alignments of Suharto and the Army , which is siding with superpowers . And it was also the start of the dualism of power concrete .

Is the 1971 election policy that prohibits political parties activities in the villages is also a concrete example of the policy of political stability ?

Oh yes , so political stability has been designed from the beginning . Evidently political parties must refrain from activities in the villages . But not only that . In 1969 , about 10,000 political prisoners in the class B waste to Buru Island . So people secured , because chances are they considered would interfere with the stability , spread critical attitude to the government , and others. So it's obvious effort , disposal to Buru Island in 1969 .

From historical records , since when the Indonesian government began to ' dilute ' approach to security and open bit democratization ?

At the end of the Suharto regime and urging more and more demands . Exile political prisoners to the island of Buru , for example , ended in 1979 . It was because of international pressure and urging democratization of the country . That led to the institution was changed to Bakortanas Kopkamtib . Although its function is relatively common , but not as aggressive as the previous intensitass activities . So at the end of the Suharto era , has begun to emerge of resistance , the student movement began to emerge , which is not only on campus but also in the boarding house , where they fought .

From today 's perspective , what are the weaknesses and strengths of the approach to security in the New Order of now seen , in which there is a presumption that the government needs to strengthen lay him to face opposition ?

Approach - authoritarian security or to the Order 's effective , economically effective . That is , if the government wants to take land or buy land cheaply , it does not bother . So simply by labeling people who do not want or farmers who reject it as antipembangunan , anti - Pancasila or PKI . Finish the problem . But if now , the central or local government should negotiate with the owners of land to be acquired , for example . So it is democracy that ( cause ) a slower development . But perhaps it's better .

In a sense when there are some people asked the government is now doing ' copy taste ' New Order policies to solve the problem now , it is a step backwards huh ?
" Do not forget , now that it appears the image is unmatchable . So no pictures Ibu Tien Suharto, who said ' Do not trust my husband , ngapusi ( lying ) ' . Was also a kind of counterpoint . "

Historian Adam Warman Asvi
There are positive things in the New Order . For example, family planning (FP ) . That's one aspect that is quite positive . And at the beginning of the reform program was ignored , but now began in earnest . I am the good we do. But concerning democracy taps that have been opened too wide , certainly not easily covered by so quickly .

The point ?
That is , we should not rush to direct presidential elections , and then before it was evaluated , all of a sudden there was the election of governors, regents , mayors were also carried out directly . In my opinion , the direct election of regional heads were in a hurry . The proof , this time , the urge immediate election of regents , the governor and the mayor of New Order returned again as a model , despite the rejection .

What are your comments on the appearance of posters , stickers or drawings on the back of a truck that says that as if the situation Suharto's New Order better than now ?

Do not forget , now that it appears the image is unmatchable . So no pictures Ibu Tien Suharto said ' Do not trust my husband , ngapusi ( lying ) ' . It was also a sort of counter .

Do you think the appearance of the image on the superiority of Suharto 's New Order through figures prepared in such a way to ' awaken ' re Suharto ?

Image itself was by design ( designed ) . The new term was probably uttered one time , and then developed in order to rehabilitate Suharto and in order to smooth their children plunge to politics , as well as clear the name of Suharto of corruption .

Do you think people easily deceived by such a campaign ?

Hated New Order , New Order missed
Security approach never practiced the regime regarded as a recipe to overcome the current security issues . However, this proposal is considered impossible as Indonesia enters the democratization process .

There is no suspicious activity that night . Just heard Christmas songs and the prayers of the church in various corners of the city of Malang .

Some residents of the small town was also probably engrossed in front of the screen . Others may have been falling asleep .

The atmosphere is solemn and cheerful coloring that night .

However, in another corner of the city of Malang , there is a man walking tiptoe . He's probably a little cold sweat and shaking . And he's carrying explosives .

" Borax " The bomb was intentionally detonated . Indeed , it was not until blasts rocked the city of Malang activities of people that night . The blast did not even shift the TV viewers sit on top .

" Maybe just a collision , " so the impression of one - a boy , after the ears had heard loud it was . Nothing special, so he thought . And he kept cheerful .

fire , a different story , when the story actors " night which is not suspicious " was convicted in the District Court the table of Malang , in March 1986 .

Case blasting Sasana Catholic Culture - December 24, 1984 - was accused of undermining state power and government authority . In short , subversion !
In fact , this case according to court version , linked to the case of bombing two nine stupas and statues of Buddha in Borobudur , January 21, 1985 , and blasting Young women Express bus .

The third culprit , were each sentenced to 20 years and 13 years . Later , it was revealed these actions done by people who - according to the criteria of the New Order regime - as " extreme right " .

" It is the climate of freedom is good, but it was too free , so even the government 's own kayaks do not have the power to regulate citizens well . "

This is the New Order government designation attached to people or groups of political Islam , who was aggressively rejected the application of the principle of Pancasila as the sole and criticized the government's attitude is considered allergic to the smell of political Islam .

Two months before, in September 1984 , exploded in violence known as " Tanjung Priok incident " .
Hundreds of people mentioned gunfire killed by security forces , and others were arrested and prosecuted .
During its development , the case dragged a number of political Islam and opposition figures who are critical - through an attitude of concern " White Sheet " - the " security approach " in handling the case Priok .
Objective saw Suharto
Andi Mappetahang ( AM ) Fatwa , born in 1939 , is one of - a figure of political Islam , who was arrested , tried and sentenced to 18 years by the Suharto regime on charges of subversion .
"I was with my friends , especially in the Petition 50 , deplored and blamed Kopkamtib policy in dealing Priok incident , " said AM Fatwa told BBC Indonesian .

Tempo Magazine Coverage background Tanjung Priok riots , 1984.
At that time he also criticized the attitude of the Suharto government deems politically marginalize the rights of Muslims, so that colleagues 50 concluded Suharto in Petition must be " derived " from the presidency .
AM Fatwa eventually sentenced to nine years in prison , while the prior -free and at the same time declared free full political rehabilitation on August 17, 1998 .
More than twenty years after convicted for his critical attitude , and then led to his release , AM Fatwa said , it is time society is now being objective towards Suharto .

" Unfortunately , the lack of Soeharto , he brought the Armed Forces took part in the practical politics of government . 's What makes a fatal , because anytime and anywhere , if the state armed forces participate in the political management of the country directly , therein will bring disaster . "

AM Fatwa , former prisoners ' White Sheet ' Priok Case 1984.

According to him , the stages of development with the requirement of political stability by President Suharto's New Order period is similar to that of Lee Kuan Yew with " iron hand " when raising Singapore , as well as pursued Muhammad Mahathir in Malaysia .

" Unfortunately , the lack of Soeharto , he brought the Armed Forces took part in the practical politics of government , " said former Vice Chairman of the Assembly (1999-2004) this .

" It 's what makes a fatal , because anytime and anywhere , if the state armed forces participate in the political management of the country directly , therein will bring disaster , " said a member of the Jakarta Provincial Council .

However, the father of five children do not agree if the security approach of the New Order was revived at this time .

" It does not necessarily have to subside . Democratization We follow the style of the moment, " he said .

Issues that must be addressed , he said , is a matter of leadership . Currently it takes is leadership berwibaya and firm, he added .

" We lost a leader . Leader is not present in the community , " said AM Fatwa .

Not forgive Suharto
Bedjo Fortunately , he was only 17 years in case of human rights violations in the 1965 tragedy .

At that time , the family became a mess , when his father was branded members of the Indonesian Communist Party , PKI , and banished to the island of Buru , without trial , with thousands of people in the same boat as her father .

While it is estimated more than 500 thousand people were categorized as " left " when it was killed.

Bedjo Fortunately , now aged 65 years , when it was then being chased by officers of the New Order , before he was caught five years later .

" My young life lost in vain , " said Bedjo . He was later sentenced to prison for nine years , plus torture , without trial .

He then describes the condition of the mother and his brothers : " Utterly miserable my mother , her trade around the area to feed their children . "

Moreover , while curled up behind bars , Bedjo claimed " do not know how long in custody ... Imagine , we live in uncertainty . "

As a result of the attitude of the government that are not considered decisive in the face of pressure from politicians in the House of Representatives , the people spilling his complaint because the prices of most goods already escalating uncontrollably .

In Jakarta , an office employee named Herdi , said the government should be able to control the situation , because they have the authority to do so .

" But first , right Soeharto security for such a right in the public interest . If now open but unfocused , free . Demo every day . Society was seen on the safe side . "

" It is the climate of freedom is good, but it was too free , so even the government 's own kayaks do not have the power to regulate citizens well , " said Herdi .

Asked if that meant the ability to control freedom as did Suharto , Herdi shook his head .

"Better yes now passed ( result of government reform ) . 's No way we get back , " he said , laughing thin .

Herdi later explained : "But freedom is applied now be somewhat controlled . Avoid too freely , so sometimes I think the government is too slow to make decisions . "

Not far from the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle , a student who called Hafiz , say , do not want to go back on the political situation as when Suharto came to power, although he criticized the current situation which he considered " too free . "

" Sometimes , inappropriate language , can get out of today . , But if back to back, it is tantamount to a setback . Nowadays I choose , " he said .

" So , it's odd that as solah Pak Harto is a hero . I clearly said Suharto was really traitors who have killed their own people . "

Bedjo Fortunately , the former Prisoner of PKI
Although eventually he was released in 1976 , was born March 14, 1948 stated , can not forgive Suharto , the New Order regime .

" It was not because of the goodness of his regime, but of necessity because of international pressure , " he said .
" So , it's odd that as solah Pak Harto is a hero . I clearly said Suharto was really traitors who killed his own people , " said Bedjo , who now leads the Murder Victims Research Foundation 1965/1966 .

If you want to compare how do you assess the current situation and when Suharto was in power ? I asked .

" Indeed, there is now relative openness : we may speak , the meeting shall , be ( held ) action , then organize comrades . , But what does it mean if our voices are not addressed . Activity and our colleagues in Yogyakarta dissolved , " said Bedjo .

Freedom must be controlled
One time , in mid-2013 , when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was forced to raise the price of fuel oil , fuel , appears pros and cons in the community .

The politicians in the House of Representatives and the students loud and rejected plans for fuel price hike , while the government continues to delay taking a decision , even though they are entitled to do so .

In contrast , a worker paperboy named Budi said he felt more at ease living in the Suharto era when compared to now .

" Salary ( income ) is bigger now , but the Soeharto era , safe , luggage there . Now there stuff but they're expensive , " he said .

He claimed political developments are now much better than the first .

" But first , right Soeharto security for such a right in the public interest . If now open but unfocused , free . Demo every day . Society was seen on the safe side , " he said .

So , " I choose as Soeharto era ... "

Suharto and human rights violations
When the BBC met Indonesia in residence at a rainy day , Wednesday ( 11/13/2013 ) , Harmoko - former Minister of Information in the three periods of the Suharto cabinet ( 1983-1997 ) - still look vibrant .

Although his health somewhat impaired , who was born in 1939 Kertosono this still leaves a distinctive style which was often attached to him : his trademark laughter , scolding humor , and agility in responding to questions .

Of experience in direct contact with Suharto when inside the cabinet , what kind of political stability that applied at the time? asked the BBC .

After Suharto stepped down , people leverage various cases of human rights violations .

According to him , the political stability of the policy pursued by the New Order , is inseparable from the situation in the Old Order , which he called " turmoil " .

" This , according to Pak Harto , can not keep this up . 's Should be held political stability and security , " said Harmoko , who became Chairman of the DPR / MPR when Suharto's resignation from the presidency in May 1998 .

He said the security stability Suharto pursued further supported by the community .

" For example, when the people want to break up the PKI , Suharto then disperse . Later , cracking down on gangs or thugs or Petrus , conducted by Pak Harto for the sake of political stability , " he said .

Is not it proven security policies violate human rights ?

" For example, when the people want to break up the PKI , Suharto then disperse . Later , cracking down on gangs or thugs or Petrus , conducted by Pak Harto for the sake of political stability . "

Harmoko , former Minister of Information in the Suharto era

Harmoko rather long pause , then said : " This is for the benefit of whom ? Example , security enforcement Petrus ( mysterious shootings ) . "

Then he gave the example of the Chinese government : " I have just met Li Peng ( former leader of the PRC ) .
Why youhabisin ( protesters ) Tiananmen ? Because I protect the umpteen billion . "

According to him , the security approach is applied to the New Order is effective to expedite economic development .

He then compared with the current national situation . " The proof , turmoil right . Could not believe the government , " said Harmoko .

That is why , Harmoko pleaded not surprised by the recent emergence of public opinion in the leadership style of Suharto missed .

" Well this is to be believed that these people crave situation to the Soeharto era , " he said .

Centralized leadership
However , it is doubtful Harmoko statement by political observers and professor of University of Muhammadiyah Malang , Mas'ud Doctor Said .

Mas'ud said , he questioned the assumption that the current security situation calls Suharto better than it does now .

" If it is not safe to say , then we must be fair . Try to compare with in the Middle East , the democratic process of bleeding , which even 30 percent in the Middle East , the turn of the president , should be killed or imprisoned . While in Indonesia within 12 years 5 times elections are relatively safe , " said Mas'ud Said .

He also said that , in certain cases , comparing the current political situation with the situation of post- Suharto reforms , it is not appropriate .
" At that time , the command of a centralized leadership or on the presidential palace , " he said .

Currently , he said , people think that the centralization of power when it is " neat , orderly and terkomando . "

In fact , " the people themselves who sumuk ( overheating ) , because terserimpung his rights , is not free , so the burst of reform in 1998 , " said Mas'ud explained .

" If it is not safe to say , then we must be fair . , Try to compare with in the Middle East , the bloody democratic process ... While in Indonesia within 12 years 5 times elections are relatively safe . "

" Well, if present , each of the non- state elements to be strong . This feature of a democratic , not a problem , " said Masoud , who is currently the assistant staff of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono field of regional development and regional autonomy .
In other words , further Mas'ud , Suharto -style leadership styles could not be applied to the present situation .

He admits , President Suharto in power when the system has been able to create exceptional stability . But , " it must be remembered he came to power 30 years . "

" So my conclusion , we continue this democracy with a circulation of good leadership , and I agree to strengthen the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and encourage strong leadership , " he said .
( BBC Special Report )

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