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Thursday, December 5, 2013

WTO : India Reject Proposal Bali

WTO : India Reject Proposal Bali

Hopes for a breakthrough in negotiations Package Bali on Wednesday to fade after meeting the Indian delegation in the International Trade Organization ( WTO ) in Bali rejects proposal about trade facilitation . According to India , the WTO must first give the green light for food subsidy in the country with a population of 1.2 billion people ..

Based on the policies of the WTO , India could be penalized if the program continued wheat free for about 70 % of the total population . The program will encourage the supply of government food subsidies to the upper level which allowed the WTO .

" Governments in all developing countries have a moral obligation and a commitment to food security following the lives of hundreds of millions of poor and hungry , " said
Indian Commerce Minister , Anand Sharma , the WTO ministerial conference in Bali . " Policy outdated WTO must be corrected . "

India wants WTO to allow food subsidy program is continued , without any time limit . If permission is not out , India will reject embodiment Bali Package . These trade agreements are relatively not ambitious , just include streamlining and harmonizing customs procedures globally .
The package was seen as a last hope that WTO members could revive the Doha Round negotiations have been long - dead .

Among the member countries of the WTO , India emerged as the leader of a group of less affluent countries who want to drive change . India determined to maintain food security program , the foundation platform - Congress ruling party in Indian - ahead of general elections scheduled for next May .

According to Sharma , the spirit of cooperation " is sadly missing from some members of the developed world . " And , he said, there is no consensus in the preparation of customs procedures .

" Until this problem is resolved, it is impossible for us to collectively reach an agreement that is fair," said Sharma . It is too early , he said , for India to support the agreement on Trade Facilitation which he called " not convincing . "

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