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Akil Mochtar |
Unfinished journey (10)
(Part the tenth, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 12,
2014, 22:00 pm)
Corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) was not the
monopoly of high-ranking officials such as the Minister, the regent, the mayor
and the members of the House of Representatives' course (DPR), but also occurs
at the lowest level.
The proof when I worked as a civil servant (PNS) in 1979-1982
at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and
Culture as Director-General chaired by Prof. Dr. D Tisna Amidjaja, when it
serves a Rector of the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
, At that time I estimate that 90 percent of employees
olmost the force with my chances of getting accepted into a public servant
smelling Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN).
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Ratu Atut Choisyiah |
There is work and so the Civil Servants (PNS) as father
in the middle of the Secretary General Directorate, the General Secretary or wife
of the son, brother-in-law so Chief, nephews, cousins and others.
Corruption also occurs at the level of the lowest rank as
typist (I b) like me to echelon III ( Head of level rank IV).
Corruption in Suharto's New Order regime is that at the lowest
level of force to signed letter fictive official travel, such as buying a
ticket '' bulging '' bulging is usually air tickets can be purchased at a
travel company. That is evidence of the former evasion could have a plane
ticket, which was given the job without ever running errands and never fly
using the ticket. So this lowly clerk signed the official travel bodomg (False)
can later commissions from people who submit the letter of official travel.
Not to mention proof of fake receipts, meaning that when
we bought the paper in stores, for example, they have a receipt was written the
paper price of Rp 10 million, although the price of real paper such as Rp. 5
When it does we are not familiar with the Corruption
Eradication Commission (KPK), is not surprised as he had written Daily Morning
Rays corruption cases involving suspects Ir, Simbolon the unexpected corruption
Rp 6 billion as head of the Planning Directorate General of Higher Education he
did not proceed to trial only subject to administrative punishment alone, just
moved into the Computer University of Indonesia (UI)
Indonesia now has more advanced and sophisticated,
High-level corruption in the existing Commission, at a lower level is still the
duty of the Prosecutor and the Police.
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Soetan Batughana |
However, at high-level is usually more sophisticated and
At the time I became an assistant komsultan candidate
Regent North Barito, Central Kalimantan H Haji Mulyar according to a source H.
Samsi Samsi Mulyar should spend funds to Rp 25 billion, which he said to give
for officials of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), only
Samsi in order Mulyar can obtain a recommendation from head office of a
candidate for Regent of North Barito 2013-2018, whereas previous Samsi Mulyar
not PDIP cadres. Precisely Chairman of Parliament and Chairman of the Council Level
II Level II PDIP North Barito regency Yusia S interests must give way be
representative of H Mulyar Samsi.
Actually, before obtaining recommendation PDIP, H Mulyar
Samsi has obtained a recommendation from the National Mandate Party (PAN)
.Mulyar Samsi reportedly also has spent billions for PAN officials. The proof,
each time met the PAN Party officials in Senayan City, Jakarta, personal driver
H Mulyar Samsi always carry cash in the pockets of big bags, whether the money
in dollars or in rupish, the amount I had never seen. Only the driver just
admitted taking the money from the bank's cash.
In addition to the PAN party, before H Mulyar Samsi have
received the recommendations of the Crescent Star Party (PBB), which reportedly
he nevertheless spend some money, but it seems H Mulyar Samsi often met the
Secretary General of the Crescent Star Party, among others, met at the Campus
Unixersitas Attahiriyah Jatiwaringin, cottage Gede, Bekasi Muhammad Yasin I
know when I became PR Moon Star Party (PBB) as its chairperson held Zoelva
Hamdan, whom I knew at the official residence of the former Chairman of the
Constitutional Court (MK) Jimly Assiddiqie. Hamdan Zoelva itself served as
Chief Justice.
I wonder, how much money is spent Mulyar Samsi in order
to recommendation of the Crescent Star Party this.
Apparently relomendasi Party Party unused PAN PAN, PAN
wanted for allegedly Party vice regent candidates from the PAN party.
However, because H Mulyar Samsi jailed one year due to
illegal logging cases and now a businessman barubara, has dozens of mining
permit in Central Kalimantan is not confident that do not have a recommendation
from PDIP, as the most powerful party in the province of Central Kalimantan,
Teras Narang governor just came from the PDIP. But in North Barito PDIP Number
two under the Golkar Party.
So after this rekemendasi Party can be removed for
H-Ompie Herbie Nadalsyah a competitor of H Mulyar Samsi-Yusia S interests
(Yusia). Yet it is precisely the pair Nadalsyah-O, Herbie pie is what wins
elections, Pair H Mulyar Samsi in second.
So the issue of corruption around in fact need recommendation
like this this party has also happened candidacy proceed Governors, Regents,
Mayors in other regions in Indonesia. Just need to investigate further from the
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Police and the Prosecutor.
Maybe this level
civil servants, if someone wants to be a high official or the Director-General
for example.
My boss when I become the magazine's editor Automotive
MotorKlasik example Mr. Safwan Satyanegara formerly served as one of the
Director at PT Indosat, after retirement story Satyanegara Saofwan ambition to
be a Director General in the Department of Telecommunications, he admitted that
he had '' Bribes Rp 5 billion ' assistant to the President Abdurahman Wahid,
but until Safwan Satyanegara died and Amburahman Wahid (Gus Dur) stepped down
he can never be the Director General recommendation. Though the money until
sold out, until no longer afford MotorKlasik Magazine.
Court Rejects Petition Mulyar Samsi
The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the petition of
candidate pairs Mulyar Yusia S. Samsi and interests (noble) disputes regarding
the election results of North Barito district. The Court assesses the principal
application paslon number 3 is not proven and no legal grounds. This is the
result of hearing the dispute election results in Courtroom Court, Jakarta
"In rejecting exception exception Respondent and
Interested Party. In Principal Petition rejected Petitioner's petition in its
entirety, "said Chief Justice Akil Mochtar, when reading the verdict.
The Court judge subject petition is not proven and no
legal grounds. There are two principal case in this election dispute.
First, Petitioner argues Learning Graduate Certificate /
Diploma of Regent Candidate H. Nadalsyah allegedly false or forged as Learning
Graduate Certificate / Diploma in plain found irregularities.
Based on the evidence and facts of the trial, according
to the Court, the Commission has to verify the North Barito paslon on all
participants. At the trial evidence and the fact there is no decision of the
judiciary stating that the diploma / STTB H. Nadalsyah is false.
Thus, according to the Court, the hearing of evidence and
facts are proved Petitioner did not use his right to express his objections
since the establishment candidates who meet the specified requirements, both
filed to the administrative court, report to the Election Supervisory
Committee, as well as the Integrated Law Enforcement (Gakkumdu).
The applicant should take all appropriate stages and
completion procedures as prescribed level legislation in force. But it was not
done by the Petitioner. As for the diploma break whether false or not false,
the other is the authority to decide upon the judiciary and not the authority
of the Court.
Second, the proposition that a violation of structured,
systematic and massive in North Barito elections. Among the kinds of recruiting
volunteers, spreading banners / billboards are misleading the public, money
politics, put five witnesses on each polling station other than witnesses who
received the mandate, mobilize people to use their right to vote / voted more
than once in some polling stations, as well as the involvement of private
companies PT. Barito Partners Group.
In accordance with the evidence and the facts revealed in
the trial, all of the principal case the applicant proposed according to the
Court no legal grounds.
As known, the candidate pairs Nadalsyah-Ompie Herbi North
Barito won the election period 2013-2018 which was held on June 5. Herby
Nadalsyah pair-gain sound Ompie 27 232 votes (38.5%).
Employers Child Coal North Barito Back Dijeboskan Prison
Maryadi aka Yadi bin Mulyar Samsi Director of Global CV
Sinar Barito (SBG) was again imprisoned in Central Kalimantan Police cells
precisely in Palangkaraya.
Actually, a case involving the son of H Mulyar Yadi had
long settled in Central Kalimantan Police, because he never settles last year
in Central Kalimantan Police Prison in Palangkaraya few months ago, but ahead
of North Barito district elections in May last year Yadi released.
Commissioner CV Sinar North Barito is the father Bladder
Yadi H Mulyar Samsi in North Barito regency elections that brought the
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and the Crescent Star Party forward
into 2013-2018 Regent Candidate pairs with S Yusia interests PDIP Chairman of
the Council of North Barito district as a candidate for Vice Regent .
However, the election was won by the pair-Ompie Nadalsyah
Herbi win the local election period of 2013-2018 was held on June 5, 2013.
Herby Nadalsyah pair-gain sound Ompie 27 232 votes (38.5
percent), followed by H Mulyar Samsi-gain voice interests Yusia S 18 983 (26.9
percent), the pair Yuliansyah-H volunteer Hj Jaya obtain sound Purman 9032
(12.8 percent ).
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Syaukani HR |
Shalahudin pair-gain sound Hj Nurul Ainy 7,525 (10.7
percent), H Sapto Nugroho pair-gain sound Jamaludin 4,839 (6.8 percent) ..
Meanwhile, an independent candidate, Mahmud H couples
only get sound and Lucius 1,115 (1.6 percent) while the candidate pairs of
independent paths djamhudji and Junio Suharto sound memproleh 1,930 (2.7
A reliable source said that the inclusion of Yadi
imprisoned again because of a dispute with elected Regent. Where Regents
Nadalsyah or Koyem states if only Mulyar already admit defeat so do not sue-sue
Mr. regent Koyem be sincere, but he said because Mr. Bupti offended, then Mr.
Koyem trip him.
"Including told Head of Mining and Energy of North
Barito, Suriawan Prihandi, so mine Bartu Baranya not given permission to exit
from Luwe North Barito," said the source on ASATUNEWS.COM
Though known today as the number of coal mine investors
who have entered the stage of exploration and exploitation in this area each
dozens of companies.
Sales of coal mines that exploited a number of mining
companies in the hinterland district the Barito River in 2013 reached
5,053,298.98 metric tons compared to last year's increase of about 3,919,385.99
tons "More than five million tons of coal production is approximately ten
IUP license holders investors, is a data mining service that is delivered by
the North Barito Prihandi, "he said.
Prihandi also mentions the production of coal in Central
Kalimantan hinterland districts that still have transportation problems because
it still relies on transportation during the Barito River.
"Transportation of coal mines often stalled due to
the decreased depth of the Barito River is not navigable by barges and large
boats. Moreover if rising water discharge or above normal, the ship could not
cross the bridge KH Hasan Basri Muara Teweh because it could get caught,"
he explained.
"Constraints of this nature makes transport coal
mines through the Barito River is not maximal. Besides natural constraints, not
the maximum number of investors in coal production also occurs due to
licensing," he said.
Regarding bin Yadi H Mulyar Director of Global CV Sinar
Barito (SBG) back in jail in Central Kalimantan Police jail precisely in
Commissioner CV Sinar North Barito is where H Mulyar
Samsi is now advanced as candidates of PDIP after losing to North Barito
regency elections that brought the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and
the Crescent Star Party.
Because Nadalsyah above this upper hand can be a dispute
between Mulyar and new regent, while the Lama Regent Yuliansyah, H Mulyar
appears to have liquid and peaceful.
Now Nadlasyah-Ompie Herbi lead North Barito and all of a
sudden, Central Kalimantan regional police arrest six suspects alleged
possession of illegal coal-laden barges that ..
Chief of General Crimes Section (Kasi Pidum) Kejari Muara
Teweh Until SH explained that the suspect had undergone two stages.
"Kejari Teweh estuary receives delegation of phase two, which is
implemented in Central Kalimantan Attorney, for cases of suspected H Maryadi CK
Police handled," he explained.
Furthermore, said Sampe, chairman of Global CV Sinar
Barito (SBG) was taken to Muara Teweh, and detained in prison (Prison) Class
IIB Teweh Estuary. To file, he added, will be made charges, subsequently
transferred to the District Court Muara Teweh.
Previously, Yadi named as a suspect. CK police
investigators he was arrested on Monday, May 18, 2012 and, due to the
appropriate authorities mass detention investigator is up, while the docket
never declared complete by the Attorney CK, finally got out the Yadi by law.
He became a suspect in the case of coal without documents
as much as 31,393 metric tons. Coal is transported by barge on the Barito River
six. Evidence of six cargo barges of coal itself has auctioned prosecutor.
Ship arrested
current through Ripung Muara District of South Hamlet
South Barito (Barsel).
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - check KPK chairman of House
Commission VII Sutan Bhatoegana in cases of alleged acceptance of gifts or gratuities
in the Revised 2013 Determination of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources. Sutan examined as a suspect.
"SB examined as a suspect," said Head of the
News and Publications Commission, Priharsa Nugraha as confirmed in Jakarta,
Tuesday (17/06/2014).
Directly related to whether Sutan arrested after
examination today, Priharsa admitted, the investigator who has authority to do
so. Given, the Commission does have a habit of holding a suspect at first
"Later investigators who decides, seen from a
subjective and objective reasons," said Priharsa.
Meanwhile, at the same time, investigators are also
examining the Head of Sub Division of Administration Secretary General Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources, Asep Permana. He was questioned as a witness
for Sutan.
"He was a witness to SB," said Priharsa.
Commission previously has determined Sutan Chairman of
House Commission VII Bhatoegana as suspects in the alleged acceptance of gifts
or gratuities in the budget discussion APBNP in 2013 in the Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources by Commission VII. The case is the development of the
investigation of cases of alleged bribery in the oil and gas SKK.
Democrats were allegedly violated Article 12 letter a or
b or Article 11 and Article 12 B of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Act No. 20
of 2001 on the Eradication of Corruption (Corruption Act) in conjunction with
Article 55 paragraph 1 ke- 1 of the Criminal Code.
Review (PK) of the former regent of Kutai, Syaukani
Hasan Rais, rejected the Supreme Court (MA). He still was sentenced to six
years in prison.
"Syaukani proven legally and convincingly acts as
the primary charges set forth in Article 2 of Law 31/1999," the judge said
Krisna Harahap members when contacted by reporters, Wednesday (16/9/2009).
Besides sentenced to six years in prison, Syaukani also
required to pay a fine of Rp 250 million subsuder six months in prison. The
panel of judges consisted of Said Abbas, Krisna Harahap, Lumme Hamrat Hamid and
Imam Harjadi.
"Money substitutes are charged against Syaukani Rp
46.3 billion," he added.
Previously, the Corruption Court and appellate court
sentenced Syaukani with a sentence of two years and six months in prison. On
appeal, his sentence was exacerbated to 6 years in prison.
Syaukani previously found guilty of misusing funds levy
stimulant of natural resources (oil and gas), Airport feasibility study funds
Kutai, Kutai airport development funds, and misuse of public welfare fund
budget item. Throughout 2001-2005, the funds were misused stimulants it
amounted to USD 93.204 billion. Seconds
Queen ATUT demanded 10 years in prison
Non-active Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah demanded 10
years in prison by KPK prosecutors on Monday (11/08) because it proved Akil
Mochtar bribe while serving Chief Justice in handling election disputes Lebak,
Queen ATUT and his younger brother, aka Henry Ward
Tubagus Chaeri proven to give money amounting to Rp 1 billion to Akil Mochtar
to win a lawsuit filed by the candidate regent / wabup Amir-Hamza-election
Kasmin in the Valley a year ago.
"Dropping imprisonment to the accused Queen ATUT
Chosiyah for 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp250 million subsidiary five
months in prison," said Attorney Edi Hartayo when read out their demands,
such as the BBC reported Indonesia, Heyder Affan, the Corruption of the
courthouse, on Monday afternoon.
In amar demands, ATUT subject to article 6, paragraph 1
letter a or article 13 of Law No. 20/2001 on the Eradication of Corruption in
conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code to-1.
In amar claim, the court also asked the judge to impose
additional penalties, namely the removal of political rights for the selected
queen ATUT and choose.
The trial will resume on Thursday, August 21 to come to
listen to the Queen ATUT oral defense of the charges against him.
Undertakes Rp1 billion
Election disputes Lebak, Banten, begins with the defeat
of Amir-Kasmin couple of pairs Oktavia Jayabaya`s Iti-Ade Sumardi.
The pair then filed a lawsuit disputed election to the
Constitutional Court.
During the process of this law, according to prosecutors,
KlikRatu ATUT known menyuapKetua MK Akil Mochtar, to win the lawsuit
In the indictment, Akil asked 3 billion mentioned but
only undertakes Tubagus Chaeri Ward 1 billion.
MK Amir eventually favor and cancel the Valley of the
Commission's decision on the vote tally election results and ordered a recount
of the Valley.
Akil Mochtar KPK arrested early October 2013 when
receiving the alleged bribes. BBC
Akil Mochtar verdict Lifetime Punishment Corruptor Break
Former Constitutional Court (MK) Akil Mochtar was
sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery election dispute. The verdict looks
like answering public expectations furious with corruption action. Is this
sentence also broke the record?
Note AFP on Monday (07/01/2014) early days, before there
are some who are convicted criminals from the level of the first trial until
the appeal has received severe punishment. Call it punishment Angelina Sondakh
are exacerbated by the justices Artidjo Alkostar to 12 years in prison.
Then there is the Gunawan Attorney for 20 years in
prison. Urip jailed for accepting a bribe of $ 660 thousand Artalyta Suryani.
Artalyta alone accept the verdict of the Supreme Court in the form of 5 years in
prison with a fine of Rp 250 million.
But apparently the verdict of life imprisonment Akil
Mochtar record-equaling Adrian Waworuntu. Adrian was sentenced for life in
prison for having cost the state Rp 1.2 trillion. Adrian break the bank branch
BNI 46 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, in early 2003 with the flag of PT Sarana
Jaya Bintan.
Modus, Adrian and PT Gramarindo Group as the holder of 41
slips of L / C from abroad asking BNI's Kebayoran Baru Cab negotiations on 41
slips of L / C is. After 6 slip L / C liquid is not paid by the issuer of the L
/ C for US $ 5,416,500 and 35 worry about slippage L / C export was not paid
off as well. In the melting of the L / C is not in accordance with the
applicable procedures in BNI. Adrian now inhabit LP Sukamiskin, Bandung.
It's just different Adrian Akil different. Akil is a
state official who has abused his authority in institutions that become the
last bastion of justice of the people of Indonesia. He utilizes the
constitution fort to enrich himself.
"It is burdensome, he is chairman of the state
agency which is the last bastion of society to seek justice, should be
exemplary. Secondly, the collapse of the constitutional authority of the
institution. Thirdly, it took a long and difficult effort to restore public
confidence," said presiding judge in the trial at the Corruption Suwidya
Jakarta, Monday (30/6) night.
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