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Agricultural Product |
Unfinished journey (24)
(Part duapuluhempat, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 1
September 2014, 6:04 pm)
One of my favorites when I visit Thailand, especially
Bangkok, when the streets around the hotel or traditional market is looking
fruits such as guava, durian or melon.
As in Jakarta in Bangkok we also see many fruit seller
driven carts traveling salesman selling a variety of different pieces that have
been placed blocks of ice to keep fresh fruit and cold,
With a very cheap price, different if we buy in the super
market or order it in a hotel room of course the price could go up several
I really enjoy durian Bangkok and Bangkok guava,
watermelon is also red, besides the sweet fruit was soft.
As we all know Thailand has long been known ahead in
terms of development of agricultural biotechnology, especially fruits, and even
many in the export. I remember in 1982 and also in 1995 ago when I visited San
Diego, California, I was with my brother often monthly shopping in a
supermarket owned by Asian, such as Vietnam or the Philippines origin. In this
SuperMarket available a variety of different fruits ranging from fresh fruits
to fruits in cans (in the form of sweets) from the type of durian, salak,
rambutan, jackfruit up almost entirely imported from Thailand. The only items
from Indonesia only '' Ting-Ting Ginger '. (From ginger candy).
Though Indonesia's land area and number of Indonesian
farmers much more, where Indonesian fruits' 'only champion'.
Likewise in Jakarta, the workers in Bangkok always took
time in between breaks they transform and buy fruits that are sold on the
After enjoying the fruits of my new Bangkok traveling to
tourist sites in Bangkok and other tourist locations in Thailand.
Indonesian From
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biotechnology is a branch of science that studies the use
of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) or products of living
organisms (enzymes, alcohol) in the production process to produce goods and
services. [1] Recently, the development of biotechnology not only based on
biology alone, but also on applied sciences and other pure, such as
biochemistry, computers, molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, chemistry,
mathematics, and so forth. [1] in other words, biotechnology is an applied
science that combines various branch of science in the production process of
goods and services.
Biotechnology simply been known by humans since thousands
of years ago. For example, in the field of food technology is brewing, bread,
and cheese that has been known since the 19th century, plant breeding to
produce new varieties in agriculture, and animal breeding and reproduction. [2]
In the medical field, the application biotechnology in the past evidenced among
other things by the discovery of vaccines, antibiotics, and insulin, although
in limited quantities due to the fermentation process is not perfect.
Significant changes occurred after the discovery by Louis Pasteur bioreactor.
[1] With this tool, the production of antibiotics and vaccines can be done in
Ads by OffersWizard × At this time, biotechnology is
growing very rapidly, especially in developed countries. Progress is marked by
the discovery of a variety of technologies such as genetic engineering, tissue
culture, recombinant DNA, stem cell proliferation, cloning, and others. [3]
This technology allows us to obtain the cure genetic diseases or chronic,
incurable, such as cancer or AIDS. [4] Research in the field of stem cell
development also allows the stroke patients or other diseases that result in
loss or damage to body tissues can recover to normal. [4] in the field of food,
using the technology of genetic engineering, tissue culture and recombinant DNA,
can produce plants with characteristics and superior products because they
contain more nutrients than normal plants, and also more resistant to pests or
environmental stresses. [5] the application of biotechnology in the future can
also be found on the preservation of the environment from pollution . For
example, the decomposition of oil spilled into the sea by the bacteria, and the
decomposition of substances that are toxic (poison) in a river or sea by using
a new type of bacteria. [2]
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Durian |
Progress in biotechnology could not be separated from the
various controversies surrounding the development of the technology. For
example, the technology of cloning and genetic engineering on food crops come
under fire from various groups.
Biotechnology generally means improving the quality of an
organism through the application of technology. Application of these
technologies can modify the biological functions of an organism by adding genes
from other organisms or manipulating genes in these organisms. [2]
Biological changes in the nature × through the genetic
engineering lead to "the birth of a new organism" biotechnology
products with properties - properties that are beneficial for humans.
Biotechnology products, among others [2]:
Maize resistant insect pests
Cotton resistant insect pests
Virus resistant papaya
Enzyme boosters milk production in cows
Rice contains vitamin A
Bananas contain hepatitis vaccine
Contents [hide]
1 Timeline of biotechnology
2 type
3 Genetic Engineering
3.1 The process of introduction of genes
3.2 Mutagenesis
3.3 The Human Genome Project
4 Applications in Medical Field
4.1 Stem Cells
5 See also
6 References
7 Further reading
8 External links
The timeline of biotechnology [edit | edit source]
Fermentation is a model of early application of
8000 BC The collection of seeds to be planted again.
Evidence that the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Roman practice of selective
breeding (selection artifisal) to improve the quality of livestock.
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Guava |
6000 BC Brewing, fermenting wine, baking bread, making
tempeh with the help of yeast.
4000 BC Chinese nation yogurt and cheese made with
lactic acid bacteria.
1500 Collection of plants throughout the world.
1665 The discovery of cells by Robert Hooke (England)
through a microscope. [6]
Nikolai I. Vavilov in 1800 to create a comprehensive
research on animal breeding.
Microorganisms found in 1880.
1856 Gregor Mendel started the recombinant plant
genetics. [7]
1865 Gregor Mendel discovered the laws of nature in the
delivery of parent to their children. [8]
1919 Karl Ereky, engineers × Hungary, first used the word
Researchers in the United States in 1970 had found that
limiting enzyme used to cut genes genes.
1975 Methods of production of monoclonal antibodies
developed by Kohler and Milstein ×.
Researchers in the United States in 1978 managed to make
insulin by using bacteria found in the colon. [9]
1980 Modern biotechnology is characterized by recombinant
DNA technology. His model of prokaryotic, E. coli, is used to produce insulin
and other drugs, in human form. About 5% of people with diabetes who are
allergic to animal insulin previously available).
In 1992 the FDA approved the first GM food from Calgene:
tomato "flavor saver".
2000 completion of the Human Genome Project
Type [edit | edit source]
Biotechnology has some kind or branch of science that
some of them diasosikan with colors, namely: [10]
Beer, one of the conventional white biotechnology
Red biotechnology (red biotechnology) is the branch of
science that studies the application of biotechnology in the field of medical
biotechnology. [10] Coverage spans the entire spectrum of human medication,
ranging from preventive stage, diagnosis, and treatment. Examples of its
application is the use of organisms to produce drugs and vaccines, the use of
stem cells for regenerative medicine, and gene therapy to treat genetic
diseases by inserting or replacing abnomal genes with normal genes. [10]
Biotechnology white / gray (white / gray biotechnology)
is biotechnology applied in industries such as the development and production
of new compounds as well as the manufacture of renewable energy sources. [10]
By manipulating microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast or yeast, enzymes and
organisms better have been created to facilitate the production and processing
of industrial waste. Leaching (bleaching) of oil and minerals from the soil
improved its efficiency for mining, and manufacturing of beer with yeast. [10]
Green biotechnology (green biotechnology) studied the
application of biotechnology in agriculture and animal husbandry. [10] In
agriculture, biotechnology has been instrumental in producing pest-resistant
crops, food with higher nutritional content and medicinal plants or compounds
that generate useful. Meanwhile, in the field of animal husbandry, the animals
have been used as "bioreactors" to produce important products for
example goats, cows, sheep, and chickens have been used as a producer of protective
antibodies-proteins that help cells recognize and fight foreign substances
(antigens). [10]
Blue biotechnology (blue biotechnology) is also called
biotechnology controlling aquatic or aquatic processes that occur in the
aquatic environment. [10] One of the oldest examples is Aquaculture, growing
finned fish or shellfish under controlled conditions as a source of food, (an
estimated 30% of fish consumed worldwide is produced by the Aquaculture). The
development of aquatic biotechnology including genetic engineering to produce
disease-resistant oysters and a vaccine against a virus that attacks the salmon
and other fish. Another example is a transgenic salmon that have excessive
growth hormone resulting in a very high growth rate in a short period of time.
[11] [12]
Genetic engineering [edit | edit source]
Genetic engineering is a basic procedure in producing a
product of biotechnology. In general, genetic engineering make modifications in
living beings through the transfer of genes from one organism to another.
Genetic engineering procedures generally include [2]:
isolation of genes
Modify genes so that a better biological function
Transfer the gene into a new organism
Forming products of genetically modified organisms
Creation of transgenic organisms procedure there are two,
Through the introduction of genes
Through the process of mutagenesis
The process of introduction of genes [edit | edit source]
Some basic steps are the introduction of genes [2]:
Form the desired gene sequences were characterized with
specific marker
Transforming gene sequences that have been marked to the
Culturing tissue already contains genes that transformed
The culture trials in the field
Mutagenesis [edit | edit source]
Modifying genes in the organism by replacing the nitrogen
bases in the DNA sequence that is to be replaced by other nitrogen bases
resulting in a change in the nature of the organism, for example: the original
nature does not become resistant pest resistant pests. Mutagenesis agent is
usually known as mutagens. Some examples of mutagens that are commonly used
gamma rays (physical mutagens) and ethyl methane sulfonate (chemical mutagens).
Human Genome Project [edit | edit source]
Human Genome Project is an international effort that
began in 1990 to identify all of the genes (the genome) contained in the DNA of
human cells and map the location of each human chromosome numbering 24. [12]
This project has unlimited potential for growth in the approach diagnostics for
disease detection and molecular approaches to treat human genetic diseases.
Applications in Medical Field [edit | edit source]
Application of biotechnology medical longstanding, for
example 100 years ago leech commonly used to treat diseases by letting leeches suck
the blood of patients (bloodletting). It is believed to eliminate blood that
has been infected with the disease. In the current era, leeches were found to
have enzymes in salivary glands that can destroy blood clots if not destroyed
can cause strokes and heart attacks. In addition to these examples, there are
many biotechnological applications in the medical field as follows.
Stem Cells [edit | edit source]
Stem cells are the specialized cell types with the
ability to reshape itself and in the same time to form specialized cells.
Therapeutic application of embryonic stem cells in Degenerative Diseases. In
the Mirror World Medical, although most cells in the body such as the heart and
liver has been formed specifically to meet the particular function, stem cells
are always in a state of undifferentiated until there is a certain signal that
directs differentiate into specific cell types. Ability to proliferate along
with the ability to differentiate into specific cell types is what makes it
unique. Biological characteristics and focus on differentiation of mesenchymal
stem cells stem cells. Mirror World Medical
Application of stem cells include the treatment of cardiac
infarction using stem cells derived from bone marrow cells to replace the
damaged vessels (neovascularization). Therapeutic applications of embryonic
stem cells in a variety of degenerative diseases. In addition, stem cells could
be expected to be used for the treatment of diabetes type I by replacing
damaged pancreatic cells with pancreatic cells results stem cell
differentiation. This is done to avoid rejection reaction that can occur as the
pancreas transplant from an animal. So far the experiment has been successfully
performed in mice.
See also [edit | edit source]
Icon portal Portal Technology
molecular genetics
stem cells
Modern Agricultural Biotechnology
Modern Agricultural Biotechnology
by Group
Vidya rizka 040810356
Heri Siswanto 041012032
Joshua J. K. 041012128
Kusdiana Lusi K 041012159
Rossy Wulandari 041012163
Namiratul Ariikhiyyah 041012213
Rizky charisma 041012255
Maya Ratri 041012264
Vania Santoso 041012392
class G
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 1
Rear 1.1.Latar
In everyday reality, the application of modern
biotechnology to fulfillment
human needs are still closely associated with the use of
Conventional which has evolved much earlier. in the
provision of
food, people still rely on conventional technology to
quality and plant seeds in the cropping process.
For example, the rice plants were cultivated today mostly
was derived from the results of conventional crosses,
although there galur-
The new strain developed by recombinant DNA technology.
field cultivation of food crops and industrial crops, in
addition to using
conventional techniques, people also have developed
new transgenic crops that have a nature-tolerant state
environment by inserting foreign genes from other bodies.
For example, the
Scientists develop tobacco plants were more tolerant to
high salt, plants resistant to certain herbicides or
pests etc..
Nowadays, the development industry thrive. As a result,
many land
displaced farm, more - more in the surrounding urban
area. On the other hand
demand for agricultural products should be increased in
line with increased
the population. To support this, the authors would like
to explain
development of biotechnology in agriculture.
1.2.Rumusan Issues
1 What is an example of the application of biotechnology
in agriculture?
2 What impact can be given biotechnology in agriculture?
1 Understand the application of biotechnology in
2 Understand the impact of the application of
biotechnology in agriculture
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 2
2.1.Penerapan Biotechnology in Agriculture
2.1.1. Differences in Plant Breeding Method
Before discussing more about the application of
biotechnology in
agriculture, the following is the difference between
plant breeding
of conventional plant breeding through biotechnology:
Differences in plant breeding
Sources genes
gene transfer
2.1.2. Green Biotechnology
plant breeding
through biotechnology
different species of the same species
genetic engineering
Green biotechnology (green biotechnology) studied the
biotechnology in agriculture and animal husbandry. In the
field of agriculture
This will be discussed together, bioteknoogi has been
instrumental in
produce pest-resistant crops, foodstuffs containing
higher nutrient and plants that produce drugs or compounds
useful. Below we present some examples
green biotechnology:
- Capable of Making The Binding Nitrogen Plant
Cereals or plant grass seed in a plant
supplying 50% of world population staple food. However,
cereals are not
have bacterial symbionts roots for nitrogen fixation, so
need for nitrogen (N2) is obtained from the addition of
artificial fertilizers.
Excess fertilizers that can be given water and rinsed
water menyemari
drink for human consumption on the environment.
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 3
Nitrogen (N2) is an essential element of protein DNA and
legumes often found nodules on the roots. in the
The nodules contained bacteria × Rhizobium can fix
free of air, so that legumes can be sufficient
need for carbon alone. With biotechnology, the
researchers tried to
develop × Rhizobium bacteria that can live in the roots
legume - legumes. In addition, it also seeks to improve
nitrogen fixing ability of the bacterium to the
recombination technique
genes. Both of the above efforts made to reduce or
the use of nitrogen fertilizer, which is currently widely
used in land
agriculture and cause adverse side effects.
The scientists developed a plant whose roots can
symbiosis with Rhizobium. This idea involves the nif
genes that can
control of nitrogen fixation. Scientists nif gene insert
this on:
o Plant cereals
o Bacteria associated with cereal plant
o TI plasmid (tumor inducing) from Agrobacterium × and
menginfeksikannya into plants in accordance with bacteria
has been engineered.
- Making Pest Resistant Plants
Pest-resistant plants can be created through genetic
engineering with
recombination of genes and cell culture. For example, to
get the plant
disease-resistant potato genes that specify the required
immune diseases. The gene, then inserted in the plant
potatoes. The potato plant cells, then grown into
disease-resistant potato plants. Furthermore, the potato
can be reproduced and distributed.
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 4
- Fusion of Protoplasts
Protoplast fusion is a natural process that is contained
from start
low-level crop up in higher plants. protoplast fusion
is a combination of protoplasts with other protoplasts
from several species,
then forming cells that can grow into a plant hybrid.
Somatic hybridization via protoplast fusion is used to
combine the properties of other two species or genus that
can not be
sexually or asexually combined. This can be done
by combining the entire genome of the same species
or between species of the same genus (inter-species), or
antargenus of one family (inter genus).
When plants were wounded, the number of cells called
callus will grow
in place of the injured. Callus cells have the ability to
differentiate into shoots and roots and whole plants
Natural potential of these cells are programmed into the
new crop of candidates
is ideal for genetic engineering. As in plant cells, the
callus surrounded by a thick wall of cellulose, which is
an obstacle
which inhibits the formation of new DNA. The cell wall
broken with cellulose to produce cell wall without walls
cells called protoplasts. Protoplasts can be combined
Another protoplasts from several species, which can then
form cells
grow into a plant hybrid. This method is called
protoplast fusion.
Protoplast fusion goal is to get a hybrid somatic or
sibrida or overcome the weakness of the sexual hybrid,
o It is difficult to get a hybrid between species and
genera. Somatic hybridization can overcome it.
o Cytoplasm in sexual marriage only from the female
only. In the process of fertilization, the male carries
only the core Ganet
alone with little cytoplasm opposite the female parent in
addition to the core
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 5
cytoplasm as well. To receive the cytoplasm of the two
held fusion between the cytoplasm.
- Establishment of Biotechnology in Plant Variety New
Biotechnology techniques are also used to make a kind of
superior new plants. It is necessary to provide for the
growing food, while agricultural land tend
decreased. Plant is expected to have superior
better. In addition, increased yield, also made efforts
to improve
on nutritional content, environmental sustainability,
harvest age, and various
Another added value.
Application of plant biotechnology can also facilitate
farmers in
cultivation process. Suppose in weed control is by
produce plants resistant to herbicide
particular. An example is labeled × Roundup Ready crops
consisting of soybean, canola (a type of oil-producing
plants), and corn
were resistant to the herbicide Roundup. In today's world
released a variety of new types of plant biotechnology
results. for example
in China in 2006 has been developed about 30 species
transgenic plants, antaralain rice, corn, cotton,
potatoes, soybeans, tomatoes
resistant virus, petunia flower colors Bary, peppers
resistant virus, and
pest-resistant cotton) which has been released for
Some kind of new high yielding crops created with the use
biotechnology is as follows.
1) Rice Golden Rice
Rice is the main food crop world. Thus rice
be a top priority in biotechnology. Besides rice, crops
which has a lot of touches biotechnology is potatoes.
Application of biotechnology in rice plants actually have
long done.
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 6
One product is the stingray kind of golden rice, which
was introduced in
It is expected that in 2001 this kind of rice can help
the millions of people who
blindness and death due to deficiency of vitamin A and
iron. Vitamin A is important for vision, immune response,
cell repair, bone growth, reproduction, until critical for
embryonic growth.
Golden Rice was given the name because of the resulting
colored granules
resemble yellow gold because it contains carotenoids.
genetic engineering
a method for the production of Golden Rice. This is
no rice germplasm are able to synthesize carotenoids.
2) Russet Burbank
Current biotechnology techniques have been widely used in
the production of
potatoes. Both the technical provision of seeds, potato
breeding, to
genetic engineering to enhance the superior properties of
potatoes. in the case of
provision of seeds, the current tissue culture techniques
have been widely used.
Technique of tissue culture me-possible farmers get the
seeds in the
a large number of which is identical to its parent.
Examples of new potato varieties
Russet Burbank potatoes × is that having a high starch
which could produce French fries and potato chips with
better because it absorbs less oil when fried.
3) Tomato FlavrSavr
Genetic engineering technology has also been applied to
hortiklutura. As a well-known example is the tomato
the type of tomato fruit ripening is not quickly broken /
rotting. it is
very different from the other tomato plants, where the
fruit is ripe quickly
be damaged. The nature of this FlavrSavr tomatoes are
very useful in the delivery
fruit to distant places before arriving in the hands of
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 7
4) Low Nicotine Tobacco
One of the many disadvantages of smoking is a health
due to high levels of nicotine. Biotechnological
approaches taken to
overcome this problem is to assemble the tobacco plants
free nicotine content. In 2001 this type of tobacco is
claimed to be
reduced the risk of cancer due to smoking. In addition to
nicotine free,
Another touch of biotechnology is also done for tobacco
for example by increasing the aroma using aroma gene of
other plants. The one that has been successful is joining
with a lemon scent.
- Transgenic Plant Technology
Transgenic plants are plants that have been infiltrated
by foreign DNA
as a carrier of the desired properties. DNA can be
derived from
different plant types. To produce transgenic plants
and genetic engineering techniques are needed as a
carrier of the gene vector properties
desired. DNA is used as a vector derived from
bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens is better known as Ti
plasmid (tumor-inducing plasmid). Ti plasmid has the
ability to
entry into plant cells during infection.
Transgenic technology has been carried out on some
agricultural crops
such as corn, cotton, tomatoes, rice, soy, and papaya. In
soybeans have
included several genes that cause variation in soybean
In the corn crop has been incorporated cry genes from
Bacillus thuringiensis ×
called Bt corn, corn produces a protein that causes
that can kill insects, such as butterflies.
GM crops do not need to be sprayed with pesticides to get
rid of
pests and diseases, because the insertion of the gene
will produce
compounds endotoxins (toxic compounds) so that transgenic
plants can
membrantas pests with toxic compounds it contains.
I LMU A lamiah D asar the classroom G | K elompok 8 | 8
20 Tourist Attractions in Thailand Famous Beautiful
BY AHMAD WAFA Aminudin, AT 1:22 PM
20 Tourist Attractions in Thailand Famous
Beautiful - Exploring thailand tourist interest and must visit when on holiday
to Thailand because of stunning natural beauty and captivates anyone who
traveled to Thailand. Speaking of tourism is endless, if only publish admin
yoshiewafa Indonesia travel, then I want to color it with tours abroad. As with
the Japanese tourist, tourism malaysia, singapore tourist I've ever published
before, this time I wanted to share a little bit about the tourist attractions
thailand known for its beauty.
Here is a tour of Thailand that you can make tourist
Destinations in Thailand country:
1 Chiand Mai
The most beautiful tourist places in Thailand Chiand Mai
One Chiand Mai is a popular tourist spot with the best
shopping experience on offer. In this place can buy a lot of stuff with just
one dollars. Visitors are often clustered in Chiang Mai market is open from
05:00 until midnight in the open every day.
2 Chiang Rai
thailand tourist spot Chiang Rai
Chiang Rai is located in the mountainous region of
Thailand, which has maintained a lot of Thai culture. Popular attractions here
one of them is the White Temple, the only temple that is made in Thailand
with striking botanical gardens. Travelers will love to visit here and see the
statue of Buddha that was established in spectacular Buddhist temples.
3 Cha-am
tourist in thailand Cha-am
Cha-am is located about 161 km south of Bangkok, about
two hours travel time by car. Cha-am beach resort which is renowned as the
longest white sand beach in Thailand. This place can also be used to play golf
by tourists. A perfect place for vacation with family.
4. Hua Hin
thailand attractions in Hua Hin
Hua Hin is a place that combines fun and recreation areas
as well as some beach vacation spot for sports facilities. Golf is one of the
most famous sport here, visitors can play anywhere under the palm trees.
5. Koh Samui
thailand Koh Samui attractions
Koh Samui one of the suitable place to spend a summer
holiday with the family. Here there are a large number of hotels located around
the beach and you can also enjoy the stunning natural beauty of the white sand
beaches stretch along the coastline. Resorts offers budget accommodation and is
quite affordable and will definitely make the family feel happy.
6 Koh Chang
Koh Chang tourist thailand
Koh Chang is a marine national park that attracts
thousands of visitors from all over the world. Here you can feel beautiful and
peaceful nature.
7 Krabi
tour to thailand Krabi
Krabi is an island in Thailand which has beaches and
islands off the beautiful. This beach has natural scenery and perfect beauty.
Krabi has become one of the favorite places for tourists who come from
different parts of the world.
8. Phuket
Phuket tourism thailand
Phuket is the most popular tourist destination because it
has a beautiful white sand beach. Phuket is also known as the "Pearl of
the South". Here you can find a variety of restaurants that offer many of
the best meals of Thai cuisine.
9. Pattaya
Pattaya thailand holidays
Pattaya is located along the Gulf of Thailand. A popular
beach in Southeast Asia. In Pattaya there are about 300 affordable hotels that
you can choose for a vacation with the family with a variety of room sizes. A
number of markets and shopping centers. Many of the affordable restaurants that
you can find in Pattaya with serving delicious food typical of Thailand.
10 Bangkok
tourist attraction in thailand Bangkok
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand to the temple and its
magnificent temples in the whole city. Religious buildings were made with
artistic designs which truly captivating to behold.
11. Phu Thok
thailand tourist phu thok
Phu Thok Khan a place in the province known for complex
surrounded by mountains and also the Mekong River. Morning fog will cover
almost all areas of the White Mountains.
12. Salaeng Luang National Park
thailand national park tourism park
Salaeng Luang National Park has a natural landscape with
many beautiful natural features such as waterfalls, caves, meadows, open source.
And very rich in vegetation and wildlife. In the winter between November and
February will be very cold weather.
13. Agricultural Development Nan Pu Tiger
tourism thailand tiger nan pu
Agricultural development Nan Pu Tiger a long Rice and has
beautiful natural scenery. Eating fresh vegetables, Mulberry Gardens and can be
run with full color.
14. Phu Thap Boek
Phu Thap Boek tourism thailand
Phu Thap Boek Appreciate lush vegetation. Fresh air is
beautiful and elegant, with cool weather all year round. Morning with fog and
clouds and fog in the mountains See also green.
15. Doi Hua Mae Kham
thailand tourism Doi Hua Mae Kham.
Doi Hua Mae Kham is one beautiful Thai resort like
paradise on earth. Thailand is popular with tourists and foreign tourists,
especially during the winter.
16. Phu Rua National Park
tourism thailand Phu Rua National Park
Phu Rua National Park here in the cold weather all year
round. Especially in the winter will be very cold. Dew to make the grass
freezes into ice crystals.
17th Peak galaxy. Kanchanaburi
thailand tourism summit galaxy. Kanchanaburi.
Peak galaxy. Kanchanaburi was filled with adventure.
18. Roller Cave National Park
thailand tourism thailand national park
Roller Cave National Park reflects a cave where you can
discover the wonders of nature for many people.
Doi Ang Khang Mon 19th
Doi Ang Khang tourism thailand
Doi Ang Khang Mon is a tea plantation, strawberry country
house on the mainland and the North edge.
20. Khao Kho
tourism thailand Kho kho
Kho Khao Phetchabun Province is located in Thailand and
has a stunning natural beauty.
Thus tourist destinations in Thailand are very
interesting to visit and also is known for its natural beauty filled with
charm. Way way out of the country not only up here alone, there are very many
natural beauty out there that we can go even just in the virtual world, but if
you want to vacation in Thailand, one of the 20 top tourist attractions not to
be missed .
10 Tourist Attractions in Bangkok The Obligation Visited
Bangkok Bangkok Thailand Travel Places
Cheap Hotels
10 Tourist Attractions in Bangkok The Obligation Visited
When it comes to tourist in Bangkok, there may be some
tourist destination that springs to mind immediately. Name the Grand Palace and
Chatuchak Weekend Market could be the most popular among the comrades Traveler.
It seems that Bangkok to less complete if not to both places!
Actually, what the hell wrote sights so the attraction
for foreign tourists to travel to the Thai capital this? Well, here's 10
tourist spots in Bangkok that must be visited and the favorite!
The beauty of the Grand Palace is very intriguing.
Arguably as building te
1 Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew
The beauty of the Grand Palace is very intriguing.
Arguably the most beautiful building in Thailand. Built in 1782, and was
becoming a palace for the kings of Thailand for approximately 150 years. The
combination of western and Thai architecture looks very beautiful, features
English-style gardens. Although now not be a palace residence of the king of
Thailand again, but still the Grand Palace in Bangkok attractions most visited
by tourists.
At the Grand Palace complex also contained the most
sacred temples throughout Thailand, where there are the most sacred Buddha
statue. Buddha statue height is only about 66 cm was made in the 14th century.
Only His Majesty the King of Thailand is allowed to touch and change clothes
Emeral Buddha. In one year there were three times the ceremony to replace the
clothes of the Buddha, namely summer, winter and rainy season. This event is
intended to bring good luck to the country of Thailand in every season. Do not
forget if you enter the Grand Palace should wear decent clothes, ie shirt
sleeves (not tank tops), do not wear shorts or sandals. Entrance to the Grand
Palace - 500 baht.
Transportation: Take the Chao Phraya Express Boat from
Sathorn Pier (BTS Saphan Taksin Station) to Tha Tien Pier or Ta Chang Pier, and
walk to the Grand Palace.
2 Wat Arun
Renowned also as the Temple of Dawn, because this temple
is very beautiful when seen against the backdrop of twilight began to redden.
But if you're looking for a time not so crowded to be able to take good
pictures, come in the morning. This temple is one of the oldest temples in
Bangkok and popular among tourists. Buildings depicts Mount Meru Wat Arun,
which according to the teachings of the Buddha is at the center of the
Famous as well as <em> Temple of Dawn </ em>,
because this temple is very ind
Wat Arun is located on the Thonburi side, opposite the
Rattanakosin Island, where the Grand Palace and Wat Pho are separated by the
Chao Phraya river. Wat Arun is included as one of the most beautiful temples in
Thailand. Prang, or middle pillar is as high as 70 meters, which is a famous
landmark not only in Bangkok, but in the whole world. Filled decoration of Chinese
porcelain and glass misaik beautifully arranged. Not surprisingly, Wat Arun
became the most popular tourist destination of tourists, after the Grand
Opening Hours: 08:30 to 17:30
Transportation: Take the Chao Phraya Express Boat from
Sathorn Pier (BTS Saphan Taksin Station) to Tha Tien Pier. From Tha Tien ride
the shuttle to go to the small boat across the Chao Phraya. Tickets shuttle
boat 3 baht.
3 Chatuchak Weekend Market
If anyone plans a trip to Bangkok, make sure you are
there in this city on Saturday or Sunday, because it is held on the weekend
Chatuchak Weekend Market, one of the largest markets in Asia. Is a favorite
week ended Bangkok residents and also tourists. During the commute to Bangkok,
I have never seen Chatuchak deserted. This is where you can shop the souvenir
to draw fashion products in small boutiques in the near Kamphaeng Phet MRT
station. Do not forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothes, get ready around
and shop until you drop at Chatuchak!
Transportation: Take the BTS to Mo Chit Station or MRT to
Chatuchak Station or Kamphaeng Phet Station.
4. Wat Pho
Wat Pho or Wat Phra Chetuphon is a temple that has stood
for hundreds of years and is one of the oldest temples in Bangkok. Is home to
the Reclining Buddha (Reclining Buddha) were plated gold, 46 meters long, with
a height of 15 meters. The location of this temple is not far from the Grand
Palace, about 10 minutes' walk.
Wat Pho or Wat Phra Chetuphon is a temple that has stood
since hundreds tah
Wat Pho is also a complex institution to study
traditional Thai massage or Thai massage. So in addition to travel, you also
can all feel the traditional massage, open from 8 am to 5 pm. Entrance to Wat
Pho is 100 baht, do not forget to wear decent clothes, like when we went to the
Grand Palace.
Address: Maharat Road, about 10 minutes walk from the
Grand Palace
Transportation: Chao Phraya Express Boat, at Tha Tien
Pier down, walk to the intersection Maharat Road, after the market Tha Tien.
5. Khao San Road
Just like Chatuchak Weekend Market, a place closely
associated with the other city of Bangkok is Khao San Road. This small road
into a surge for backpackers from around the world. Khao San Road was once one
of Bangkok rice market. But over time eventually developed into a backpackers
hang out because there are many cheap accommodation, ranging from hostels with
dormitory rooms, up 3 star hotels.
Along the way is filled with a variety of outlets that
sell fashion products, accessories and much more. Travel agents, a tattoo,
reflexology and more. Finding food is also easy here, many restaurants, cafes,
and bars. Ranging from traditional Thai food such as Tom Yum, Pad Thai and
Mango Sticky Rice, to international menus. Hawker too much. Some are selling
spring rolls, fried chicken fried to insects. Khao San Road atmosphere began
bustling mid-afternoon until midnight.
Transportation to Khao San Road can be read in this
article: Transportation And How To Go To Khao San Road, Bangkok.
6. Chinatown (Yaowarat)
Most large cities in the world must have the Chinatown
neighborhood, is no exception to Bangkok. This region is also popularly known
as Yaowarat, because it is bypassed by this Yaowarat road. Activity in this
area is never deserted. Various spices stores, drug stores, convenience stores
market until golden. Lots of interesting things you can find around Chinatown
Bangkok. It is suitable for you who like photography to hunting.
You can down Charoenkrung Road and enjoy the hustle and
bustle in the region, an experience in itself. There Sampeng Lane and Pahurat,
where along the way there are outlets textile sellers, which is open from 9 am
to 6 pm. A variety of restaurants are also found along the way. Cooking aromas
invite for our taste. In this area there is also a famous temple because it
constitutes a 5-meter tall Buddha statue made of pure gold weighing 5.5 tons,
the Wat Traimit.
Address: Traimit Road, Chinatown (west of Hua Lampong
railway station, near the intersection of Krung Kasem and Rama IV Road)
Hours: 9:00 to 17:00
7 Bangkok Canals
Since the number of lines of small rivers around Bangkok
which empties into the Chao Phraya River, the Bangkok which means City of
Angels, also nicknamed as the "Venice of the East", aka his Venice
East / Asia. Well, the canals are in the Thai language called
"Klong", is also interesting to explore. Although now many canals are
stockpiled to be used as street, but there is still much work to transport and
trade. There are several attractions used as a channel to the floating market.
Klong become a tourist destination for the tourists.
There is also a museum that you can easily go to hire a longtail boat, the
Museum of Royal Barges, which stores a collection of wooden boats beautiful
Canals in Thai called "Klong", also attracted
Museum of Royal Barges which stores a collection of royal
Klong Tour by longtail boat usually about 1-2 hours,
depending on our goals. For a ship usually fit up to 4 people and the rent is
between 1,000-1,500 baht. This price does not include entrance tickets to
tourist attractions, such as the Royal Barges Museum, Thonburi Snake Farm and
Wat Arun.
8. Asiatique The Riverfront
The roads to Asiatique certainly less exciting guns.
Places to shop and hang out that popular among the people of Bangkok and
tourists. Because the concept is a shopping, dining and recreation that
utilizes the old warehouses of the era of the early 1900s, so this place is
just starting its activities in at 5 pm, so visitors comfortable and not too hot.
Asiatique is home to hundreds of stores, boutiques,
restaurants and cafes. It's right on the edge of the Chao Phraya River, where
there are large courtyard for you to enjoy views of the river that divides this
Bangkok, while taking pictures. Oh yes, there is the Bangkok Eye also know!
Giant ferris wheel, where you can see a view of the lights of the water the
city of Bangkok from a height, enough to pay for a ticket for 250 baht per
Address: Soi 74-76 Chareonkrung
Open Hours: 17: 00-24: 00
Location: Transportation: Take BTS to Saphan Taksin
Station, down to the Sathorn pier (under the BTS station) and wait for the free
shuttle boat Asiatique. Travel about 10 minutes.
9. Madame Tussauds Bangkok and Siam Ocean World
Here it is two family attractions located right in the
heart of Bangkok's shopping centers. Arguably Madame Tussauds Bangkok and Siam
Ocean World is one package, because they also sell combo tickets, which give
you more discount. So you can come to these places at a cheaper price.
Madame Tussauds in Bangkok, which is one of 6 Madame
Tussauds wax museum is in Asia, and is the closest to Indonesia. Here you can
see, touch and take pictures with the characters and your favorite foreign
celebrities, such as the first President, Ir. Sukarno, Obama and his wife,
Oprah Winfrey, David Beckham, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, Katy
Perry to Doraemon. Can get the Early Bird ticket, which if goes below 12 pm
will be discounted 40% (for online purchases), and also a combo ticket with Siam
Ocean World.
While in Siam Ocean World, you can see the thrill of life
under the sea, but under the most popular malls in Bangkok, the Siam Paragon.
Siam Ocean World is one of the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia, which has a
collection of thousands of marine life, from all over the world. Divided into 7
zones, you can also take a glass bottom boat, which could see her collection of
animals directly directly below the ship we were on, which essentially of
glass, in the main aquarium covering three Olympic size swimming pools!
Madame Tussauds Bangkok
Address: Siam Discovery Center, 6th Floor
Tel: +66 2 658 0060
Website: madametussauds.com/Bangkok/en/
Opening Hours: 10:00 to 21:00 (last entry at 20.00)
Transportation: Take the BTS to Siam Station, walk to the
mall Siam Discovery
Siam Ocean World
Address: Siam Paragon, Level B1-B2, 991 Rama I Road,
Tel: +66 2 687 2000
Website: siamoceanworld.co.th
Opening Hours: 10:00 to 21:00
Transportation: Take the BTS and get off at Siam Station
10 Jim Thompson's House Museum
Jim Thompson's name is inseparable from the development
of Thai silk, or silk Thailand. Maybe this time you only see this as a brand
name in clothes quality silk, or been stopped by the shop to spread in Thailand
and around the world.
Once out of the military service, Jim Thompson from
America's assist the development of the silk business in Thailand after World
War II. For 30 years Jim expand its business in this industry, and its products
known to in Paris, New York, London and Milan are the fashion mecca of the
Jim Thompson's name is inseparable from the development
of Thai silk, or Suter
The entrance to the Jim Thompson's House Museum in
Jim Thompson's House Museum was the residence of Jim,
whose fate is less fortunate, because one day in 1967, he disappeared and was
never found again in the Malaysian jungle. But the legacy remains developed
until now. Although the old has gone, the work and legacy remain stable. Home
complex consisting of 6 pieces of traditional Thai-style house is filled with a
variety of art collection.
Attraction is very interesting, especially for you who
want to know more about Jim Thompson and various collections of items of art
has. Admission ticket has been accompanied by a free guided tour.
Address: 6/1 Soi Kasemsan 2, Rama 1 Road (opposite the
National Stadium)
Tel: +66 2 216-7368
Opening Hours: 09:00 to 17:00 (last tour at 17:00)
Transportation: Take the BTS to National Stadium Station,
exit at Exit 1 BTS After descending the stairs, turn right path Kasemsan
entrance to Soi 2. (Continoe)
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