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Agusno, Usman, Rochadi and Bachtiar to hunt deer in Borneo jungle |
Unfinished journey (18)
(Part eighteen, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 28,
2014, 6:52 pm)
Not long ago I returned home in East Kalimantan, my
brothers and sisters who live in villages Memories, across Balikpapan no longer
work as farmers and fishermen garden, but gardening palm, including the brother
(sister) My mother dull 80-year-old still strong oil palm fruit picking for
sale to the palm oil mill.
They all turn to venture into oil palm farmers. PT.
Intenational Timber Indonesian C (ITCI) located in this village memenfaatkan
his plywood mills to process logs are no longer hers (because waiting 30 years
his new commercial plantation forestry can only be harvested. They take logs
from Papua.
In the 1970s when we are fishing fish in rivers and
streams Wain somber, we still could see the fish swimming in the water passing.
Now destroy the habitat of water pollution and makes the water turbid river.
Various forest fruits such as durian and rambutan forest
we can still meet, many deer roam principally natural balance has been mebuat
we live like in heaven, fish and venison available, forest fruits are easy to
obtain, is now everywhere deforestation Forests that only enriches wealthy
businessman who lives in the cities, with its oil palm plantations while local
people increasingly difficult to earn a living.
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Bachtiar, Usman, Syahruddin and Rochadi in Kayak to go to Borneo forest |
Pemendangan also common in Central Kalimantan, many
farmers are still clearing land by burning forests for farming, as well as to
clear land mines of coal, oil palm plantations. So the difficulty is also due
to our own life is wrong in managing our forests.
When I visited North Barito, Central Kalimantan opened
dozens of new coal mines, dozens of former coal mines abandoned leaving large
holes were barren. The habit of open land by burning forests still occur. It
seems without the supervision of a local leader who seems just busy with his
own belly enrich themselves before his term runs out. Take a look of the
legislator II to the Governor how many thousand-fold wealth increase since
taking office. Each permit the Mining Authority said any Regents received the
tribute of at least USD 1 billion.
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My family and Uncle Teraman in my Village |
Kalimantan Forests Damaged, 80% For Oil Palm Plantation
Save Our Borneo (SOB), an environmentally conscious
organization, stated that approximately 80% of forest destruction in Borneo
palm oil expansion caused by large companies.
"The greatest damage the forest in Borneo is due to
land clearing for palm oil, and the remaining 20% due to mining, and transmigration
area," Executive Director of Save Our Borneo, Nordin, in Palangkaraya on
Thursday (19/6).
SOB explained, based on the prediction of 10-year trend,
from the vast Borneo, which was 59 million hectares, the rate of forest
destruction (deforestation) has reached 864 thousand hectares per year, or
According to Nordin, forest destruction in Central
Kalimantan is the largest recorded as compared to three other provinces in
terms of the extent of the damage which reached 256 thousand hectares per year.
Of the more than 10 million owned forest in Central
Kalimantan, the rate of the damage has penetrated about 2.2% per year.
While South Kalimantan, has the fastest rate of damage
compared to other provinces, although its range is relatively small. Noted area
of 66.3 thousand hectares of forest destroyed per year of the total area of
about 3 million hectares of forest.
The condition is almost similar in the three other
provinces, with broad and different rates. The main cause for the opening of coal
mines and oil palm plantations.
West Kalimantan, for example, of the total area of 12.8
million hectares of forest have a damage rate reached 166 thousand hectares per
year, or 1.9%.
Nordin explains, the indiscriminate exploitation
activities in addition to resulting in damaged forests, also have an impact on
the occurrence of floods and landslides.
"The indications are real happening place in several
districts in Central Kalimantan such as North Barito, Joyless Kingdom, South
Barito. Seasonal flooding which was originally only once a year, can now occur
four or five times a year," he said.
Another negative impact of forest exploitation is the
loss of local identity, said Nordin.
Inflows of foreign cultures brought by immigrant
communities in the plantation and mining activities considered to have resulted
in the erosion of local wisdom.
"Dependence with outsiders was because the people
producing infrastructure in the form of shrinking land, so that they become
dependent on outsiders," he added.
Members of the House of Representatives Commission IV
regretted the resignation of Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan before the case is
completely illegal imports.
The government - in this case the Supreme Audit Agency
(BPK), the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of State
Owned Enterprises (SOEs) - is investigating cases related to the illegal
importation of rice from Vietnam coming into the markets.
The number of illegal rice from Vietnam is estimated at
around 15 thousand tonnes, according to data from the Association of Rice
Milling and Rice Indonesian Entrepreneurs (Perpadi).
Siswono Yudhohusodo, member of Commission IV of the House
of Representatives (DPR) in charge of agricultural issues, said the Ministry of
Trade and Ministry of Agriculture has been explained to the Commission that
they do not bring in rice imports from Vietnam.
However, he asserted, the House will continue to trace
the entry of imported rice because in addition to breaking the law, is also
detrimental to local rice farmers and merchants because the price of rice
dropped due to excess stock.
"The Ministry of Agriculture said never issued
recommendations medium rice imported from Vietnam, and we also have got clear
of the Ministry of Commerce that the true import permit issued 16,900 tons of
rice from Japan, from India it is for people with diabetes, it does have a
recommendation from the Ministry of Agriculture , "he said on Tuesday
"The problem is, the code for the special rice and
rice medium was the same number. As a result of the same number, Customs passed
out into the market and now it is gone, it's gone on the market. Want to find
is not there. That may occur, first, importers misuse their permissions.
Second, this could be a conspiracy between importers with officials in the
Ministry of Trade, because it's cheap, because Vietnam will harvest, the shed
should be washed. "
Siswono criticized step Gita Wirjawan who resigned as
Secretary of Commerce on January 31, 2014, before the case is resolved.
"I can understand that because of the pack in the
presidential nominating Gita (Party) Democrat, he wanted to concentrate there
to win the nomination. But the ideal is to leave the place in an atmosphere
that is no problem. Statement deputy trade minister too quick to say there is
no problem, because there are chances of a conspiracy between the officials of
the trade with the importer, "he said.
Earlier, Deputy Minister of Trade, Krisnamurthi asserted,
the Ministry of Commerce has never brought rice imports because domestic stocks
of medium is sufficient.
"During 2013 there was no specific recommendations
medium rice and no permit," he said.
On different occasions, the Minister of Agriculture
Suswono said the Ministry of Agriculture has never issued a recommendation to
the Ministry of Commerce to import rice from Vietnam since 2013 along enough
stock of rice in the country.
"Is this an importer who abuse the special rice
permission, or there is something else, well this is being traced, so we wait
until there will be clarity," he said.
Ministry of Agriculture noted in 2013 the national rice
production surplus of 5 million tons, due to the existing stock of 39 million
tonnes while the national requirement of 34 million tonnes.
Medium rice is a type of rice farmers who also produced
locally and imported allowed if the stock is limited.
Medium rice imports should only be done by the State
Logistics Agency (Bulog) after obtaining a permit through coordination meetings
related ministries. In the case of illegal import rice from Vietnam, also said
Bulog to import rice medium does not throughout the year 2013.
The amount of rice importers currently as many as 58 and
only permitted to import rice were not specifically produced in Indonesia.
Damage to forests in Kalimantan, the Time Bomb Ready to
Written by ProFauna on Tue, 09/17/2013 - 16:21
By: Rustam (wildlife and forestry research, advisory
board ProFauna) *
Borneo island is no longer a future for Indonesia. Borneo
even the third largest island in the world is no longer a tropical forest area
can be proud of this country, but has become the island with terawan disastrous
investment in the world. Oil and gas have been vacuumed since hundreds of years
ago, the wood is very popular tropical forest was almost extinct, now even coal
mines left big holes. The thousand island river island will turn into a million
lakes as mine.
Biodiversity researcher claimed the island of Borneo is
the world's biodiversity hotspots. Recorded at least 222 species of mammals,
420 species of birds, 136 types of snakes, 394 species of freshwater fish, and
more than 3000 kinds of trees. Forest types typical of tropical regions,
mangrove forests leading to heath forests with endemic species dominance, from
the lowland tropical forests of the most rich montane forest types to the
typical dwarf plant species. The beauty of the coral reefs too, with hundreds
of species of reef fish and a white sandy beach with several species of sea
turtles, as well as the karst ecosystem of flora and fauna are remarkable.
However, we will lose much of this biodiversity information is not even rule
out the possibility that there are types of extinct before identified.
Can this proud island paradise?
Some time ago reported in some media how orangutans,
animal identifier pride of this island were arrested, tortured and slaughtered
because they are pests in oil palm plantations. Another story of how orangutans
are forced to be translocated because of habitat will be blown to start coal mining
activities. Story wildlife habitat loss like this is not new and even tended to
deliberate, not just animals on the road or hit by a logging road, Kelawat
gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) are endemic to Borneo, it depends on the power
poles burned to death looks ordinary by some of us.
The island is very safe from crime but is a time bomb,
and even appears to be a pile of garbage problem. Remember the thousands of
hectares food estate program planned in Papua, rejected by the Papuan people
then moved to this island. Tax evasion largest coal company in Indonesia, which
is now deserted as all kinds of cases the ruling party. Not to mention the
problem of provincial spatial plan (Kaltim case) that never goes wrong up to
now, the area looks plural overlapping occurs. However, now even this island in
the "promise" to the latest government program, which is a region
that is included in the MP3EI (Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion
of Indonesian Economic Development).
MP3EI government has initiated since 2011 last year
through a presidential decree number 32 of 2011 Though the program was
formulated having regard to the National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gases, but
it is almost impossible to go hand in hand because the main target of the
program is MP3EI increase per capita income and the increase in value of the
total economy (GDP) by increasing the 22 main economic activities include coal,
oil and gas, palm oil, rubber and timber are commonly dredged from the earth of
Borneo. Until now some of the major economic activity is not proven to be in
line with the reduction of greenhouse gases, otherwise jutru massive forest
destruction including loss of wildlife habitat and wildlife and human conflicts
often occur.
MP3EI also seems contrary to other government programs.
On January 5, 2012 and sparked the government will allocate at least 45% of
Kalimantan as the lungs of the world in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 26% by 2020.
The question is, where were the 45% of the forest area is
maintained while there are at least 6.8 million hectares for mining permits,
7.9 million hectares for oil palm plantations, 200,000 acres (the other
information mentioned 2 million ha) for the food estate, also opening the way ,
railway lines that cut through the forest area, residential development, not to
mention some of the illegal activities that can not be controlled by the
government, such as illegal mining, illegal plantations, illegal settlements
other dain.
Has been used also one of the "big NGO" Heart
of Borneo programmed in cooperation with the three countries (Brunei, Malaysia
and Indonesia) which was on the island of Borneo. But this program is not as
sexy jargon to reap huge funds, while the progress is far from the truth. On
stage seminars and reports seem very supported by the authority of the owner of
the three countries, but at different pitches story. Similarly, the provincial
government programs, such as Kaltim Green, but the doings of the licensing
authority (mining and plantation) by local governments away from the jargon.
Similarly, pilot projects keep lungs of the world in Central Kalimantan,
Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Forget the big fund management institutions, given the
pessimism of REDD activities and activity decrease greenhouse gas emissions
equal patterned. Developed countries continue to behave in destructive,
production and produces greenhouse gases then pay compensation in addition to
pressing the absurd condition, also gained funding mechanism so impossible was
made elaborate touched. They realized that if lowering greenhouse gas emissions
also mean lower production will affect the economy. But for us, to behave
fairly and wisely of nature do not need the lure of incentives are still in the
clouds and obscure juntrungnya.
The rate of reduction of forest cover in the four
provinces in Kalimantan so fantastic. Various data mentions of 600 thousand ha
to 1.1 million ha per year, and is likely to continue to occur until no
remaining natural forests. Similarly, the neighboring countries, although not
great but keeps going, of 0.64% per year of forest area in Sarawak and Sabah as
well as, in Malaysia. As with other tropical forests in the world, in Borneo
and the first main factors that cause tropical forests are dwindling government
discretion authorize clearing with various designation. Once written by Leslie
Taylor (2004) American writer in his book The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs
that concluded from various studies in tropical regions of the world. No one
did if you see the current situation of forest in Borneo.
So greedy we even did not want to share space, even not
just with animals. Still fresh in our memory Sumatra Mesuji incident, the
incident also by the occupation of the port community in Nusa Tenggara, for
refusing granting mining exploration permits in the area. Likewise, a similar
incident in several other areas, including in Kalimantan who did not get
covered by the media.
All because of overlapping land, unclear boundaries and
areas of economic influence held by large investors. Mirisnya again, the contested
region was dominated by foreign investors, even from neighboring countries
Malaysia that almost every year in conflict with Indonesia in the field of art
and culture or labor (workers). Independent country that colonized!
The fate of the forest We Gloomy!
By: Vishnu Rusmantoro
Abstract: [i] If governments do not act quickly in the
next 10 years, the Sumatran forests will be destroyed in 2005 and was followed
by the destruction of the forests of Borneo in 2010. [/ I] Forest management
throughout 2002 showed no signs of improvement compared to the year previously.
Instead, the trend actually getting worse. Forest fires
continue to occur, exacerbated by the increasing illegal logging of protected
forest clearing plans for mining adds to grim fate of the forest during 2002.
No ImageKeterpurukan forestry sourced from a centralized
management system, as well as ruling out the existence of monopolistic local
The existence of conflicts between local communities-such
as, local communities and the company or between local communities and
government -semakin worsen the condition of the forest in Indonesia. In
addition, law enforcement cause more severe damage to the forest.
Destruction of forests has reached approximately 2
million ha per year. Means that every minute we lose forest area of 3 ha or
equal to six times the size of a football field. Social and political reform in
1998 is expected to bring improvements to the forestry sector. But the reality
is the opposite.
Some things speed up the rate of forest
destruction in Indonesia by 2-fold, namely the societal pressures due to the economic
crisis led to rampant illegal logging. Increased pengekploitasian natural
resources as the government seeks to pay the national debt as well as regional
autonomy, thus increasing local government revenue (PAD) by cutting down
Some of the efforts of the Government, among others,
revoke the decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 05.1 / Kpts-II / 2000 in
order to stop the practices of granting land area of 100 ha for community
groups or business entities (better known as [i] "HPH 100 ha [/ i]").
PP Publishing 34 Year 2002 on Forest Management and Forest Management Planning
governing forest management authority between central and local. And that is
quite ramatis is a logging moratorium (pause custody) to stop illegal logging.
The extent to which the success of these efforts should continue to be studied
and perfected.
There are three main factors that encouraged
deforestation, which is excessive and uncontrolled logging (legal or illegal),
forest fires and conversion of forest (protected forest areas into mining
areas). [b] Logging Forest [/ b] In a period of 50 years, Indonesia's natural
forests declined an area of 64 million hectares.
Clearing of natural forest in the lowlands in
Sulawesi have destroyed biodiversity consisting of millions of species of flora
and fauna. Conditions deforestation triggered the availability of local wood,
the official of 20 million m3, while demand continues to rise beyond the up to
60 million m3 (in 2000).
Roundwood supply gap that is filled by illegal
logging reaches nearly 70% of the total supply. If the government does not quickly
act in the next 10 years, the Sumatran forests will be destroyed in 2005 and
was followed by the destruction of forests of Borneo in 2010 [b] Forest Fire [/
b] The opening of land by burning forests add to the problem of forest
destruction. The emergence of [i] El Nino [/ i] periodically every 2-7
years--diperkirakan worsen the condition of the forest. During the month of
January to October of 2002, 45% of all fires are concentrated in the province
of Riau. Then in October 2002 the increase in the number of significant fires
in Riau, West Sumatra and Jambi.
In Sumatra alone, based fires occurred in the peat swamp
forest as much as 49%, reed 13%, 10% lowland forest, residential / farming
community 10%, 8% and the remaining plantation swamp (non-peat). Wildfires are
not a few disadvantages. In 1997, an estimated loss of $ 3- $ 4.4 billion. [b]
Mining [/ b] Not enough system problems of forest management, illegal logging
and forest fires, the government still adds clutter forestry sector with plans
to open a protected forest area for mining area. Since late 2001, the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources seeks to open a land area of 11.4 million
hectares of protected forest areas for mining.
To clarify "the goal" is to exploit
massive forest, through the decision of the Government Minister for the
Economy: KEP-04 / M.EKON / 09/2000 to form a coordination team assessment of
forest areas for mining use. Polemic mining permit open in land conservation
continues. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources seeks mining still be
Initially, the Minister of Forestry and Environment
Minister Muhammad Prakosa Nabiel Makarim Yusgiantoro vigorously opposed the
request and confirmed that it did not tolerate changes in protected forest and
nature reserve into a mining area. Finally, both the minister inaugurated a
policy, by reason of the existence of some contract signing mining in protected
forest work done before the enactment of Law No. 41 of the Law No. 1999 41/1999
does not allow any mining activities in protected forests and conservation
areas. Where article 19 paragraph 1 stated that the use change and forest
functions should be approved by the government based on the results of
integrated research.
While article 19 paragraph 2 describes the changes in
forest area are important and wide-ranging impact, as well as the strategic
value set by the government with the approval of Parliament. While the
amendment procedures set by Government Regulations. Finally Limited Cabinet
Meeting, dated March 6, 2002, decided that the final decision left to the
outcome of talks with the House. However, if the government and the Parliament
gave permission to 22 mining companies - 150 companies are still waiting -
certainly accelerate the destruction of Indonesia's forests.
In fact, there are three rules that prohibit
mining in protected areas: [ol] [li] Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of
Natural Resources and Ecosystems, essentially prohibiting various activities
that result in changes in the integrity of nature conservation areas (see
section 19.32) ; [li] Law No. 41 Year 1999 on Forestry, prohibits mining in
Protected Areas [li] Contract Mining, in one of its clauses states that [i]
force majeure [/ i] (circumstances force) include: ... command or adverse instructions
from any government [i] 'de jure' [/ i] or [i] de facto [/ i] or devices or
sub-division. [/ ol] [b] [i] Clean Development Mechanism: [/ i] Forestry
Financing the Future? [/ b] Another agenda is to look out for the woods in an
effort to empower the future with the functioning of forests as carbon sinks
([i] carbon sink [/ i]) through the [i] Clean Development Mechanism [/ i]
(CDM). The CDM program is a system of trading emission reduction of greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions between developed countries and developing countries.
Commodities such as emission reduction credits.
Commodities produced by CDM projects in developing countries will be purchased
by developed countries to help the country meet its emission reduction targets.
With the continued proliferation of conflicts over land ownership and rights
([i] land tenure [/ i]), the number of ineffective regulation, the demand for
forest products (which then triggers illegal logging), civil procedure which is
very bad, and the high corruption led to the CDM is not a good solution for
forestry in Indonesia.
Work to be done the Government of Indonesia to
reduce damage and deforestation are not to enter the forest sector as a CDM
project. But by reforming forestry institutions on a large scale to the local
level. This includes improving law enforcement.
Finally, the need to reform the behavior of
society (ie government, private sector and other community groups) in order to
see the forest as a [i] assets [/ i], not as an object which can be easily
exploited and destroyed. For it once again legal for forest destruction should
be enforced. (Continue)
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