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Losing Indonesian forest |
Unfinished journey (21)
(Part keduapuluhsatu, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August
30, 2014, 19:32 pm)
First time working as a reporter for Reuters News Agency
(Antara News Agency) in 1986 and then I got the discharge of duties of Chief
Reporter interviewed Sugiarto PS to State Minister Emil Salim Lungkungan Living
in his office in Jalan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta.
However, because the first assignment as a journalist
might be nervous, I forgot to press the tape recorder on. Consequently reached
between the Office of the Independent on Floor 20 South when I want to
re-listen to the interview how shocked I was at the recording there is no
sound, because I forgot to press on.
So I called the secretary of Dr. Emil Salim tells me
problems. Finally, Emil Salim and he is willing to provide solutions in the
re-interview. As a result, this is the first news writing my interviews with
the Minister.
Emil Salim famous besides very friendly also known to be
very clean, although long positions minister never even once heard him in
trouble Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN). So he is someone one of the
leaders of Indonesia's most clean free of corruption, as well as former Chief
of Police of the Republic of Indonesia General Hoegeng Iman Santoso
After a post in the Ministry of Environment I moved to
the post of the State Department and the Postal Ministry of Interior. Foreign
Minister Mochtar held KUSUMAATMADJA and Interior Minister Soepardjo Roestam,
Soepardjo Roestam is a minister who never had a stroke when he was interior
minister, but his will to recover large enough, so he had time to recover
before his term expires.
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Emil Salim |
Environmental issues in the future Salim quite heavy,
especially the Environment Act when it was defeated by collusion lot,
corruption and nepotism officials with many companies that damage the
environment and violate laws.
In my childhood (1965) in the jungles of Borneo is rich
in flora and fauna such as the orang-utan, python and natural fruits like
durian and rambutan, I was at the seaside village of Central New Balikpapan can
still catch fish and crabs crab.
But now the forest is depleted replaced with oil palm
trees and pools of coal pits were abandoned.
Local farmers have been increasingly difficult to find
deer, which had been a source of additional income and animal protein.
Emil Salim
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emil Salim
Born June 8, 1930
(age 84)
Lahat, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Residence Indonesia
Nationality Indonesian
Known for first
state minister of environment, Republic of Indonesia
Title Professor of
Religion Islam
Spouse(s) Roosminnie
Roza Salim
Children 2
Parents Baay
Salim and Siti Syahzinan
Relatives Agus
Salim (uncle)
Professor Dr. Emil Salim, (born in Lahat, South Sumatra,
Indonesia, 8 June 1930) is an economist and former Minister of Indonesia. Born
of Minangkabau parents, both from the village of Koto Gedang in West Sumatra.
His uncle is Agus Salim, one of the founding fathers of the Republic of
Indonesia and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the early 1950s.
Professor Salim graduated from the Faculty of Economics
of the University of Indonesia in 1959. He then obtained a PhD degree in
Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and returned to
Indonesia to a teaching position at the Faculty of Economics of the University
of Indonesia in 1964. He became one of the well-known group of 'Berkeley Mafia'
economic advisers, working closely with Professor Widjojo Nitisastro. In 1977
he was appointed the position of professor of economic development at the
University of Indonesia.
Professor Salim has held a number of governmental
positions, including:
• 1966:
member of the team of economic advisers to President Suharto
• 1967-68:
member of the team of advisers to the Minister of Manpower.
• 1967-1969:
Chairman of the technical team of the Council for Economic Stability and a
member of the Gotong Royong Parliament.
• 1969: Vice
Chairman of Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency)
• 1971:
Minister of State for the Improvement of the State Apparatus.
• 1973-1978:
Minister of Transportation
• 1978-1983:
Minister of State for Development Supervision and the Environment
• 1983-1993:
Minister of State for Population and the Environment.
• 2007-2010:
Member of the Advisory Council to President Yudhoyono, as the adviser for
environment and sustainable development issues.
• 2010-now:
Chairperson, The Advisory Council to President Yudhoyono
Professor Salim has chaired the Foundation for
Sustainable Development and the Kehati Foundation, and co-chaired the United
States-Indonesia Society. He is a member of the Association of Indonesian
Moslem Intellectuals.
Extractive Industries Review[edit]
In July 2001 the World Bank launched an independent
inquiry called the Extractive Industries Review (EIR). The review was headed by
Emil Salim as an eminent person. Dr. Salim held consultations with a wide range
of stakeholders in 2002 and 2003. The EIR recommendations were published in
January 2004 in a final report entitled Striking a Better Balance. The report
concluded that fossil fuel and mining projects do not alleviate poverty and
recommended that World Bank involvement with these sectors be phased out by
2008 to be replaced by investment in
renewable energy
and clean energy.
The World Bank published its Management Response to the EIR in September 2004.
The EIR served to alter the World Bank's policies on oil, gas and mining.
Following the EIR process, the World Bank also issued a revised Policy on
Indigenous Peoples.
• Salim, Emil
(1997). "Recollections of my career". Bulletin of Indonesian Economic
Studies 33 (1): 45–74. doi:10.1080/00074919712331337065. reprinted as 'Emil
Salim' in Thee Kian Wie (ed), 2003, Recollections: the Indonesian economy,
1950s - 1990s. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), Australian
National University (ANU), Canberra, and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
Singapore. ISBN 981-230-174-7.
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When still alot of deer in the jungle |
List of environmental issues
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list is not yet complete. You can help by expanding
Below is a list of environmental problems caused by human
activity. This article related to anthropogenic effects on the environment.
Climate change - Global warming • global Smoke • Fossil
fuels • Sea level rise • Greenhouse Gas • Increased ocean acidity
Conservation - Extinction of species • Decreased number
of pollinators • Coral Bleaching • Holocene extinction Genesis • Invasive
Species • • Poaching Endangered
Dams - Environmental impacts of dams
Energy - Energy conservation • Renewable Energy • Use of
energy efficient • Commercialization of renewable energy
Genetic Engineering - Genetic Pollution • genetically
modified food controversy
Intensive agriculture - excessive grazing • The
environmental impact of irrigation • Monoculture • Environmental impact of meat
production • The environmental impact of agriculture • The environmental impact
of pesticides
Land degradation - soil pollution • Desertification
Soil - Soil conservation • Erosion • Soil contamination •
Soil salinization
Land use - Urbanization Habitat fragmentation • •
Destruction of habitat
Nanotechnology - nano Nanotoksikologi • Pollution
Nuclear issues - Nuclear Destruction • Melting • Nuclear
• Nuclear Energy Radioactive Waste
Overpopulation - Grave
Perforation of ozone - CFC
Pollution - Light pollution • Noise pollution • Visual
Water pollution - Acid rain • Eutrophication • Marine
pollution • Disposal of waste into the sea • Oil spills • Thermal Pollution •
Water crisis • Marine litter • Increased ocean acidity • Pollution • Wastewater
• vessel saltwater intrusion • Destruction of fish
Air pollution - Ozone tropospheric haze • • Indoor air
quality • Volatile organic material • Particulate matter • Sulfur dioxide
Removal of natural resources - Exploitation of natural
Consumerism - Consumer Capitalism • Excessive consumption
Fishing - sea bottom trawl explosion • • Cyanide fishing
• ghost • Fishing nets illegal, unreported, and unregulated • Overfishing •
Shark fin • Whaling
Logging - Logging depleted • Deforestation • Illegal
Mining - acid mine drainage • Mining open
Toxins - chlorofluorocarbons • DDT • endocrine disorders
• Dioxins • Heavy metals • Herbicides • Pesticides • Toxic Waste • •
Accumulation of chlorinated biphenyls biology • biomagnification
Waste - e-waste • Waste Disposal • • Trash littering the
ocean • landfills • Leachate • Recycling • Incineration
Environmental Issues
Environmental problems began to busy talking since the convening
of the UN Conference on Environment-minded in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 15,
1972 In Indonesia, environmental concerns milestone begins with a Seminar on
Environmental Management and National Development by the University of
Padjadjaran Bandung on 15-18 May 1972 the most important factor is the
magnitude of the environmental problems of the human population (population
growth rate). Rapid population growth pose challenges being addressed by the
development and industrialization. However, in addition to accelerating
industrialization supplies all the needs of human hdup also have a negative
impact on humans due to environmental pollution
A. Local Environmental Issues
Current environmental problems quite often discussed. As
is well known that the ozone layer is now dwindling. With the continuous
depletion layer, it is feared if this layer does not exist or disappear
altogether from the universe. Without the ozone layer so many negative
consequences that will befall sentient beings on this earth, among others: the
diseases will spread rampant, erratic weather, global warming, even the loss of
an area due to melting ice at North Pole and South. The universe is only a
matter of time only destruction. Indeed many ways to be chosen to solve this
problem. The scientists provide various inputs to resolve this issue in
accordance with a scientific background. The writers did not miss to
participate in tackling the problems that have been widely reported in recent
Examples, Causes and Effects of Local Environment
Drought: drought is a water shortage caused by the water
source can not provide for the water needs of humans and other living
creatures. Impact: causing a disturbance health, food keterancaman.
Flood: a natural phenomenon when the river can not
accommodate the overflow of rain water due to decreased influasi process. It
all can happen because of reduced forage retaining runoff. Impact: disturbance
of health, skin diseases, inhibited human activity, decreased food
productivity, etc..
Avalanche: is the erosion of land by water runoff due to
reduced water retention.
Impact: damage to residential, farm, fields, disrupt the
economy and transport activities
Coastal erosion: the erosion of coastal plain land due to
sea waves. Impact: residence causing damage and loss of economic potential as
tourism activities.
Seawater intrusion: sea water (salt) fills the basement
has been widely used by humans and the absence of sea water intrusion
resistance as mangrove areas. Impact: the fresh water shortages, and damage the
B. National Environmental Issues
Planting For Life is a community that has concern for
environmental issues. The main purpose of this event is held as a venue for
education and entertainment to open up public opinion in order to care for the
environment intends to invite the community to participate in maintaining and
caring for their own environment. The event itself is also so container
collaborative cultural arts locally, nationally, and internationally in
expressing their concern for the environment, promoting the arts and culture
and tourism Salatiga, and expanding cooperation between the arts community and
the environment from Australia and Indonesia.
The children also participated in this event children
more willing to care for the environment than adults. If they had been
accustomed since childhood to love the environment, then this practice will
continue until they grow up. Activities on the environment such as this should
be done more often because it is good to make people aware of the importance of
environmental preservation.
Example, the National Environmental Causes and Impact
Wag Forests: The process of forest fires can occur by
natural or man-made. fire by humans is usually due to clearance bermaksut
perkembunan. Impact: counts the contribution of CO2 in the air, biodiversity
loss, the resulting smoke can harm our health and the smoke can affect other
kenegra. Not only on a local but also exposed to neigbour country
Offshore oil pollution: results of the exploitation of
oil transported by tanker to a refinery. Offshore oil pollution caused by
leaking storage system or a sinking ship caused a release of oil into the
waters. Impact: The resulting waste can be spread dependent tidal wave. Can
have an impact to several countries, consequently closing of ocean surface
layer that causes the penetration of the sun berkurng causes impaired
photosynthesis, oxygen binding, and can cause the death of marine organisms.
C. Global Environmental Issues Previous people suspect a
global environmental problem is more influenced natural factors, such as
climate, which includes temperature, rainfall, humidity, air pressure, etc..
Later, people began to realize that human activities were affecting the climate
and the environment significantly. Take the example of deforestation, affect
changes in temperature and rainfall locally. When the forest area lost more
widespread, then the impact is no longer local but has a regional scale. Why
forests are cleared? Of course there are human motivations that make them cut
down the forest, for example, the economic motivation. To scale the state, the
country needs foreign exchange to run the building. Since the industry has not
been established and powerful state, which can then be exported to increase the
foreign exchange is to sell wood. Capital and expertise needed to cut down the
tree is relatively small and simple, is not it?
Being a global problem that affects the environment
include the world's population growth is very rapid. Population growth means
the growth of urban areas and the need for additional food production. Not to
mention there is an increased need for energy. In each of these needs no
implications on the environment.
Let us consider an example of the need for urban land and
agricultural land. Meeting these needs will request the conversion of forest
lands. The longer the water catchment areas dwindle, resulting in soil water
crisis. On the other hand in some areas quite sharp berkemiringan be prone to
landslides, because the trees that had been supporting the ground decreases the
power system. Then because of water infiltration into the soil is reduced,
there was an over-flow on the surface of the water. When these conditions are
resonating with poor drainage systems in urban areas there was flooding. Flood
will bring much suffering. The immediate problems such as loss of life and
property. Indirect problems such as outbreaks of various diseases, such as
malaria, dengue fever, vomiting etc..
Now we turn to the issue of energy exploitation.
Currently, Indonesia for example is still heavily dependent on petroleum energy
sources. It is explained how excited the government and society as a result of
the oil problem. Government cover confused state budget, due to the large
expenditures for oil imports. Society confused because rising oil prices
memililiki chain effect on the increase in the price of goods on the pitch.
I want to emphasize here is that the use of oil from the
environment, and more specifically the composition of air in the atmosphere,
carbon dioxide means increased gas (CO2). This gas, along with five other gas
species known to be the cause of global warming (global warming). It is
estimated that between the years 1990-2100 will be an increase in average
global temperatures of about 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. The result will be an
average increase in sea level due to melting of icebergs at the poles. Many
regions of the world will be submerged by sea water. Global climate change will
occur. Rain and flooding will increase. Outbreaks of some diseases will
increase as well. Production of food plants was disrupted. In short there will
be a big influence for human survival.
The researchers and scientists working in the field of
environment has been very shudder to think that a major disaster will hit
mankind. The problem, awareness of environmental issues is not evenly
distributed in the middle of the human race. It would be clearer if you look at
the level of awareness of communities in developing countries. Let alone the
general public, even among leaders awareness of environmental issues is still
not evenly distributed.
Amidst the above initiatives began the pro-environment on
a global level. Kyoto Protocol is a convention that is still quite warm and
still will come into effect starting in 2007, the main contents of this
protocol is the reduction of emissions of six gases that lead to global
temperature rise. In the year 2008-2012 will be held systematically measuring
balance spending and absorption of these gases in all countries that have
signed this Protocol.
Examples, Causes and Effects of the Global Environment
Global Warming: Global Warming / Global Warming is
basically a phenomenon of global temperature increase from year to year due to
the greenhouse effect caused by increased emesi carbon dioxide gas, methane,
dinitrooksida, and CFC so that solar energy captured in the Earth's atmosphere.
Impact on the biophysical environment: melting polar ice caps, rising sea water
quality, expanding deserts, increased rain and flooding, climate change,
extinction of flora and fauna, fauna and pest migration. Impact on
socioeconomic aktiitas: disturbances in coastal and coastal cities,
infrastructure gangguang the function of roads, ports and airports. Disruption
to residential areas, agricultural productivity disturbance. Increased risk of
cancer and disease outbreaks
Depletion of Ozone Layer: the influence of ultraviolet
radiation statosfer layer, CFCs decompose and release chlorine atoms. Chlorine
will accelerate penguraia ozone into oxygen gas resulting greenhouse effect.
Several other atoms such as bromine-containing metal bromide and halon also
memeperbesar decomposition of ozone. Impact on living things: more cases of
melanoma skin cancer that can cause death, increasing cases of cataracts in the
eye and eye cancer, inhibit the immune power in humans (immune), decreased
production of corn, the increase in air temperature and mortality in wild
animals, etc..
Acid Rain: The process of the industrial revolution lead
to the emergence of air pollutants. The air pollution can react rain water and
fell into acidic compounds. Impact: corrosion process becomes faster,
irritation of the skin, respiratory system, causing acidification of the soil.
Population growth: population growth that followed the
growth duia ekponsial an environmental problem. Impact: the population growth
will lead to increased demands on natural resources and space.
Desertification: a desertification, lower mainland
kempampuan. In the process of desertification process occurs gradually reduced
productivity and thinning of the upper land due to human activity and climate
are varied such as drought and floods. Impact: local impact initially but now
has global implications of environmental issues and lead to the increasing of
critical land in the face of the earth so that the CO2 capture becomes less and
The decline in biodiversity: is the species diversity of
living things. Not only represents a number or sepsis in the region, including
the uniqueness of species, genes and ecosystems is a natural resource that can
be renewed. Impact: because biodiversity is to own a great potential for good
in human health, food and economic
B3 waste pollution (Hazardous and Toxic): material that
has identified one or more chemicals than karasteristik is explosive,
flammable, bersifai reactive, toxic, different causes of infection, are corrosive.
Impact: the former only be local but now also perform inter-state exchange
process and limbanya in waste on the high seas. And if that happens then all
hazardous and toxic waste can be acute until the death of living creatures.
Source: Humairah: http://humairahworld.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/isu-lingkungan/
As the world's largest negarakepulauan which consists of
17,000 islands, Indonesiamembentangkan two biogeographical regions - Indomelayu
and Australia - and supports various types of plant and animal life in the
forest and the original basahyang coastal and marine areas rich. Spesieshewan
3,305 amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles and vascular spesiestanaman least
29,375 spread over these islands, which diperkirakanmencapai 40 percent of
APEC's biodiversity. However, a beautiful natural environment and rich
resources must terusmenghadapi challenge of natural phenomena - is located in
the Ring of Fire Pasifikseismik high 90 percent who experienced earthquakes
world - human maupunkegiatan.
Pressure by increasing population demands and inadequate
management environment that is a challenge that hurts the poor danperekonomian
in Indonesia. For example, total economic losses akibatketerbatasan access to
clean water and safe sanitation setidaknyamencapai 2 percent of GDP each year,
while the annual cost of air pollution, caused the Indonesian economy
telahdiperhitungkan reached about $ 400 million per year. Inisecara costs
disproportionately borne by the poor because rakyatmiskin likely to be exposed
to pollution and difficult melakukantindakan-action to reduce its impact.
Natural resource challenges have persisted and become
more complicated after desentralisasi.Misalnya, the forestry sector has long
played extremely important role in supporting economic development and rural
pencaharianmasyarakat eyes and in providing environmental services. However,
these resources are not managed in a sustainable or equitable. Untukmemperbaiki
this situation, we need a new vision that led olehPemerintah about what the
health sector viable and environmentally sehatdari it.
administrative and regulations in Indonesia has
not been able to meet tuntutanakan of sustainable development despite the
dukungankebijakan and capacity building of government itself maupundukungan
from international donors. Indonesia who ministries concerned with environment
and natural resources telahmemperoleh benefits of good leadership at the
national level and also from a network of civil society organizations active in
seluruhnusantara which focused on environmental issues, advocacy denganpengalaman
significant. However, pendekatanpengelolaan improve the environment and natural
resources in Indonesia is not easy.
Bad performance mainly due to two reasons: First,
although great terdapatinvestasi on environmental policy and resource development
alamserta staffing, implementation of rules and procedures in the field is
still bad and slow due to weak komitmeninstansi-sector agency,
department-departemenlokal low awareness and capacity challenges at all levels.
In addition, knowledge of the negative environmental impacts are expected
akanterjadi of sustainable economic growth and mechanisms to hold accountable
bagistakeholder instansipemerintah performance remains weak. Second,
lingkunganmasih considerations are minimal at the level of planning and
programming, especially in public investment planning process and in
rencanatata land and resource use.
The issues that most seriously threaten progress towards
sustainable development in Indonesia are:
Perverse incentives that hinder the use of natural
resources in a sustainable manner
Natural resources provide a major contribution to the GDP
Indonesiadan Government budget. Agriculture, forestry, danpertambangan accounts
for about 25% of Indonesia's GDP and about 30% dariseluruh Government budget
revenue (in 2005, the top oil and gas pajakpenghasilan reach 7% of revenue, and
penerimaanbukan tax on natural resource revenues represented 22% of
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When enveronment still clean |
However, Indonesia's macroeconomic policies (pendapatanpajak
and non-tax policies and patterns of financial balance) tampaknyamendorong the
depletion of resources due to the continued use because it is through these
policies pemerintahkabupaten, based on income and resources not
ataukepengurusan performance, not earn sufficient taxable income of
usahakehutanan and fisheries (associated with other resources), andnot allow
charitable donations given by individuals or badanusaha.
Kesenjanganantara after decentralization policies and
practices can be significant memperlambatperbaikan on environmental quality
Under the decentralized system, now being tested to the
extent local governments feel bound by national guidelines; civil service is no
longer part of the chain komandoterpadu, regulatory bodies in many provinces
and districts kiniberada directly under the command of the governor or regent
seringkalijuga become advocates projects or activities that harusdiatur.
Despite the substantial investment in the policy environment and the
development of staffing, implementation of rules and procedures in the field is
still bad. These problems may not be diatasidi under decentralization unless
lebihefektif approaches can be developed.
Many provinces and districts make barumengenai
interpretations of existing regulations, or trying to find entirely new
peraturanyang procedure. Although some of these innovations
memperkuatpengendalian environment, but most instead mengendurkanpengendalian
or even ignore entire national standards.
Public perception of environmental issues and the
Government's development priorities
Public awareness is important in efforts to address the
problem lingkungandi Indonesia, on disaster risks to conservation
biodiversitas.Warga community informed and aware can take tindakanuntuk tackle
environmental problems and can form kelompokuntuk improved efforts at the
political level and pemerintahdaerah. However, at a broader level,
belumtertanam environmental values in society, so that they are less
menghargaisumber natural resources and environmental services. Participation
and dalampengambilan sound decisions is an important element in a good
penyelenggaraanyang. Environmental disasters that have recently occurred
(floods, mud, fire, erosion) indeed has encouraged greater perhatianyang to
environmental problems, but lebihlanjut assessment of knowledge, attitudes and
practices still need dilakukanuntuk know to what extent this understanding
reach beyond masyarakatdi urban centers, and what tools are most suitable to
build on this basic awareness.
Benefits of social, environmental and economic risks and
costs of alternative measures of development
In Indonesia, energy policy, forestry practices and
climate masalahperubahan closely interrelated. Mendominasikonsumsi fossil fuel
energy in Indonesia, in rural and urban areas, danIndonesia is gradually
increasing energy use yangdihasilkan by coal (about 40% in 2002). Indonesia
jugamerupakan emitter of greenhouse gases in the world's third largest,
yangmemproduksi 80% of greenhouse gases from land use change and forest fires
selainpenebangan forest / peat.
Energinasional policy to increase reliance on energy
sources that dapatdiperbaharui including biomass, geothermal and hydropower. At
the same time, the Government is planning a large-scale utilization of coal
besaruntuk reduce Indonesia's dependence on imported coal utilization
minyak.Peningkatan can lingkungannegatif significant impacts associated with
high sulfur content dandampak potential to forests due to land clearing.
Energialternatif solution is needed for those areas more remote denganharga
appropriate and support the public sector.
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Hoegeng Iman Santoso |
Hoegeng Imam Santoso
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pending changes shown on page iniBelum Checked
Hoegeng Imam Santoso
Head of the Indonesian National Police
In office
May 9, 1968 - October 2, 1971
President Soeharto
Preceded by Soetjipto Joedodihardjo
Replaced by M. Hasan
Secretary of the Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia to
the 2nd
In office
March 27, 1966 - July 25, 1966
President Sukarno
Preceded by Abdul Waha Surjoadiningrat
Succeeded by Moerdiono
personal information
Born October 14, 1921
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Pekalongan, Central Java,
East Indies
Died July 14, 2004 (age 82)
Husband / wife Merry Roeslani
Islamic religion
Hoegeng Imam Santoso (born in Pekalongan, Central Java,
October 14, 1921 - died July 14, 2004 at the age of 82 years) is one of the
Indonesian military and police figures and also one of the signers of the
Petition 50.
Contents [hide]
1 Background
2 Career Police
3 Awards
4 External links
Background [edit | edit source]
He entered his education at the age of six years, then
went on to MULO (1934) and taking high school in AMS Klasiek Westers (1937).
After that, he studied law at the Rechts Hoge School Batavia in 1940 During the
Japanese occupation, he followed military training Nippon (1942) and Koto
Keisatsu Ka I-Kai (1943). Recently he was appointed Deputy Chief Constable of
Section II Jomblang Semarang (1944), Chief of Police Jomblang (1945), and the
Commander of Marine Forces Central Java Police (1945-1946). Then follow the
education of Police Academy and worked at the Purel, State Police Bureau.
Mas Hoegeng outside the famous work by a group of
musicians Hawaii, The Hawaiian Seniors. In addition to singing along also plays
the ukulele. Often heard on Radio Elshinta with typical farce with Mas Yos.
Police Career [edit | edit source]
Hoegeng, when he was Chief of Police
Many things happened during the leadership of Police
Chief Iman Santoso Hoegeng. First, Hoegeng to reform several areas affecting
the organizational structure at the Police Headquarters. As a result, the new
structure is more impressed more dynamic and communicative. Secondly, it is a
matter of changing the name of the police leadership and its headquarters.
Under Decree 52 of 1969, the title Commander of the National Police Force
(Pangak) was changed to Chief of Police (Chief of Police). By doing so, the
name of the Police Force Headquarters was changed to Police Headquarters
Changes in the carrying amount of the consequences for
some agencies that are in the Chief of Police. For example, the title of
Regional Police Commander (Pangdak) became Chief of Police Regional or Kadapol.
Similarly designation Seskoak be Seskopol. Under the leadership role of the
police in Hoegeng map International police organization, the International
Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), the more active. It was marked by the
opening of the Secretariat of the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol in
In 1950, following Hoegeng Orientation Course at Provost
Marshal General School at Port Gordon Military Police School, George, United
States. From there, he served as Chief dpkn Police Station in Surabaya East
Java (1952). Then became head of the Criminal Investigation Police Station
North Sumatra (1956) in the field. In 1959, following the Brimob Education
education and became a Staff Headquarters State Police Directorate II (1960),
Chief of the Bureau of Immigration (1960), Minister of State Contribution
(1965), and became Cabinet Secretary in 1966 Core Hoegeng After moving to State
Police headquarters career continues to climb. There, he served as Deputy
Operations Pangak (1966), and the Deputy Minister / Pangak Affairs Operations are
still in 1966 Finally, on May 5, 1968, Hoegeng appointed as Head of State
Police (1969, its name was later changed to Chief of Police), replacing
Soetjipto Joedodihardjo. Hoegeng term ends on October 2, 1971, and was replaced
by Drs. Mohamad Hasan.
Award [edit | edit source]
Above all devotion to the state, Hoegeng Imam Santoso has
received numerous honors,
Guerrilla star
Dharma Star
I Bhayangkara star
Of Kartika Eka Paksi I
I Jalasena star
Forced Buana Stars Swa I
Satya Badges Sapta Marga
Badges Satya Independence War (I and II)
Satya Badges Independence Day Celebration
Satya Badges Prasetya pancawarsa
Satya Badges decades
Satya Badges GOM I
Satya Badges Key Yana
Satya Enforcement Badges
Satya Badge Enlisted Knight ...(Continoe)
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