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Irahim G Zakir at Press Conferences |
Unfinished journey (19)
(Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 28, 2014, 16:42 pm)
In early September 1996, I worked so editor of
English-language daily The Point were held editorial leader Ibrahim Gidrah
Zakir is known one of the members of Petition 50.
But only a few months of this daily should be closed,
because at the same time in Sidoarjo mud cases occurred. By chance one of the
shareholders of PT Lapindo Brantas is also the majority owner of The Point so
the financial problems of PT Lapindo Brantas impact also on The Point.
Zakir had told Abraham G: Before he became the Chief
Editor of The Point he worked so reporters Seputar Indonesia (Sindo) Rajawali
Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI). He came out as a protest that Sindo journalist
likes to receive envelopes (bribes) from news sources.
petition 50
Petition 50 is a document whose content is protesting the
use of the state philosophy of Pancasila by President Soeharto against
political opponents. This petition was published on May 5, 1980 in Jakarta as
an "expression of concern" and was signed by 50 prominent Indonesian
figures, including former Army Chief of Staff General Nasution, the former
police chief Hoegeng Imam Santoso, former Jakarta governor Ali Sadikin [1] and
former Prime Minister Mohammad Natsir and Burhanuddin Harahap.
The signatories to this petition stating that the
President has regarded itself as the embodiment of Pancasila; Suharto assume
that any criticism of him as a critique of the state ideology of Pancasila; [2]
using the Suharto Pancasila "as a tool to threaten his political
enemies"; Suharto approve actions that are not honored by the military;
oath of soldiers placed on the constitution; and that the soldier was advised
to "choose your friends and opponents based solely on consideration of
Soeharto". [3]
With the intention of avoiding ideological threats from
the left (ie communism) and right (ie, political Islam), the New Order
government in 1978 issued a directive that requires maketh Pancasila as a
compulsory subject in government departments, schools, workplaces , etc.., thus
inviting criticism and cemoooh of intellectuals. [4]
At a general meeting with the leaders of Armed forces on
March 27, 1980, Suharto said that the Armed Forces has pledged to protect the
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the possibilities of amendment. Suharto
also said that as a socio-political force, the Armed Forces must choose
partners that politically correct has proven willing to defend Pancasila and
the 1945 Constitution, because at that time there are social
forces-political-doubted doubtful. He then repeated his thoughts in a speech
next month on the anniversary of Kopassus. His speeches invites responses that
hard so came the 50 petitioners This name arises because the petition was
signed by 50 prominent Indonesian figures. [5]
Contents of documents
With the grace of Almighty God, we the undersigned below,
which is a group of voters in the last elections, expressing deep concern over
the people of the statements of President Soeharto in his speeches before the
ABRI commander in Pekanbaru meeting on March 27 1980 and on the anniversary of
Koppasandha in Cijantung on April 16, 1980 We are concerned about the speeches
of President Suharto that:
a) Disclose that the prejudice amongst our people who
worked hard to build even though they suffered increasingly heavy loads, there
is a polarization between those who want to "preserve Pancasila" on
the one hand with those who want to "replace Pancasila" on the other,
giving rise to concerns that new conflicts can arise between the elements of
b) Erroneous interpreting Pancasila so it can be used as
a threat against political opponents. In fact, the Pancasila was intended by
the founding fathers of the Republic of Indonesia as a means of unifying the
c) Justify your actions are not commendable by the ruling
party to make plans to cancel the 1945 Act while using Sapta Marga and the
Soldier's Oath as a reason, although in reality this is not possible because
both are under oath 1945 ;
d) Convincing the armed forces to take sides, not to
stand in for all segments of society, but rather pick and choose their friends
based on consideration of the ruling party;
e) It gives the impression that he is the personification
of Pancasila so any rumors about him would be interpreted as anti-Pancasila;
f) Catapult allegations that there were attempts to take
up arms, subvert, infiltrate and evil deeds perubatan ainnya in the face of
upcoming elections
Given the ideas contained in the speeches of President
Suharto is an integral element of the implementation of the country's
government and elections will soon take place, we urge representatives in the
House of Representatives and the Assembly to respond to the speeches of the
President on March 27 and 16 April 1980.
Jakarta, May 5, 1980
H.M. Kamal, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Yunus Mokoginta, Suyitno
Sukirno, Lt. Gen. (ret.) M. Jasin, Ali Sadikin, Professor Dr. Mr. Singodimedjo
Kasman, M. Radjab Ranggasoli, Bachrun Martosukarto SH, SH Abdul Mu'thi
(London), M. Amin Ely, Ir. H.M. Sanusi, Mohammad Natsir, Madylao Ibrahim,
Ibrahim M. Ch, Bustaman SH, Burhanuddin Harahap, Dra SK Trine, Chris Siner Key
Timu, Maqdir Ismail, Alex Joseph Malik SH, Julius Hussein, SE, Darsjaf Rahman,
Slamet Bratanata, Endy Syafruddin, Wachdiat Sukardi, Mrs. D. Walandouw, Hoegeng
Imam Santoso, M. Sriamin, Edi Haryono, Dr. A.H. Nasution, Drs. A.M. Fatwa,
Indra K. Budenani, Drs. Hamzah Sulaiman, Haryono, S. Yusuf, Ibrahim G. Zakir,
Ezra MTH Shah, Djalil Latuconsina (Surabaya), Djoddy Happy (Surabaya), Bakri AG
Tianlean, Dr. Yudilherry Justam, Drs. Med. Dody Ch. Suriadiredja, A. Shofandi
Zakaria, A. Bachar mu 'id, Mahyudin Nawawi, Syfruddin Prawiranegara, SH, Manai
Sophiaan, Mohammad Nazir, Anwar Harjono, Aziz Saleh and Haji Ali Akbar. [6] [7]
The government's response
This petition was read in front of the members of the
House of Representatives (DPR) on the date of May 13, 1980 with the intent to
convince the representatives of the people to ask for an explanation from the
president about what the real meaning with the second speech. Delegation facing
his delegation was led by Major General. (Ret.) Dr. Aziz Saleh. On July 3,
1980, 19 members of the House of Representatives filed a document containing
two questions to the President. They asked if the president agrees that it
contains the phrase concerns important issues that deserve the attention of all
parties, especially of the Parliament and the government, and whether the
Indonesian people deserve a thorough and detailed explanation of the issues
raised. [8] Question -This question is submitted to the President in a letter
dated July 14. [9] These questions invite a variety of reactions in the House
of Representatives. A member of the House of Representatives, Soedardji, does
not agree that the President should answer these questions. However, fellow
party colleague, Nuris Anwar, saying that it is a normal part of the
constitutional process. [10]
On August 1, 1980, Suharto deliver the answer to the
Chairman of the House Daryatmo, by attaching copies of two speeches that led to
the birth "Expression of Concern". Suharto wrote that he was
convinced that the members of Parliament who have experienced will understand
the meaning of his speeches, but if they are still not satisfied, he proposed
that the members of the House of Representatives asking their questions to the
members of the House of Representatives Commissions related, accordance with
the procedures of the House procedures. Government and will be happy to provide
additional explanations, through the Minister of Defense / military commanders,
particularly on matters raised by the "Petition of 50" [citation in
original]. House Speaker conveyed to reporters that in his opinion, this
response has been quite paying attention to the 19th member of the House of
Representatives, and has shown respect for the House of Representatives. [11]
Because the government owns all the commissions, public
discourse was truly just closed and the status quo "New Order" that
is dual function, oneness of Golkar and ABRI, and reaffirmed the primacy of
Pancasila. [12] In a speech Agustusnya 17 the same year, Suharto reiterated
that "the only way for us to carry it out is by applying the construction
... [and for that purpose] we all must be able to maintain the stability of the
dynamics regkonal." [13] Suharto then revoke the rights of way of the
critics, and prohibit newspapers publish their pictures or quoting their
statements .. [14] The members of this group can not obtain bank loans and
contracts [15]. Suharto declared: "I do not like what is done by the
so-called 50 this Petition. I do not like their ways, even more so because they
call themselves patriots". [16]
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Mud Flow at Sidoardjo |
Lapindo Brantas Inc.
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Logo Lapindo Brantas.gif
Lapindo Brantas Inc. is one of the Production Sharing
Contract (PSC) appointed BP Migas to make the process of drilling for oil and
gas in Indonesia.
Lapindo Brantas stock is owned 100% by PT. Energi Mega
Persada through its subsidiary, PT Kalila Energy Ltd (84.24 per cent) and Pan
Asia Enterprise (15.76 percent). Currently Lapindo has a 50% participating
interest in the area of the Brantas Block, East Java, Indonesia. Besides
Lapindo Brantas Block participating interest also owned by PT Medco E & P
Brantas (a subsidiary of MedcoEnergi) of 32 percent and 18 percent Santos. Due
to have the largest stock value, then Lapindo Brantas acted as an operator.
PT. Energi Mega Persada as the majority owner of Lapindo
Brantas is a subsidiary of the Bakrie Group. Bakrie Group has a 63.53% stake,
the remaining commissioners held EMP, Rennier AR Latif, with 3.11%, 2.18%
Benhayudi Julianto, and the public 31.18%. [1] Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
Lapindo Brantas Inc. Nirwan Bakrie is the younger brother of businessman and
Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia to the
United Indonesia Cabinet, Aburizal Bakrie.
Sale of shares
On September 20, 2006, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (PT
EMP) plans to sell Lapindo Brantas Inc. to Lyte Limited, a company affiliated
to the Bakrie Group. However, this sale is not approved by Bapepam-LK with
energy management reasons can not explain what caused the incident and the mud
which party should be responsible.
Therefore, EMP PT Lapindo Brantas divert sales plan to a
third party not affiliated with the Bakrie group so no need to ask for approval
of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM). By reason of absence of conflict
of interest, as is the case with sales to Lyte Limited, [1] then on November
14, 2006 in shares of PT Lapindo Brantas EMP eventually sold to Freehold Group
Limited, an investment company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, [2]
but was then canceled Freehold sales on November 28, 2006 [3]
Mudflow in Porong
The main article for this section are: hot mud flood in
On May 29, 2006, the mud burst from the ground cracks a
distance of approximately 200 meters from the Banjar Panji-1 PT. Lapindo Brantas
Renokenongo village, district Porong, Sidoarjo East Java province, Indonesia.
Mudflow until the month of October 2006 has not been stopped has led to the
cover no less than 10 mills and 90 hectares of rice fields and residential
areas can not be used and occupied again. The hot mud flood in addition to
disrupt the schedule of the train journey to and from Surabaya, also causing
the highway to be closed Gempol Surabaya-Sidoarjo Gempol segment, causing huge
traffic jam on the path to and from Surabaya. Substitute toll lanes are now
beginning to be built because of traffic congestion on the line was very
disturbing economy of East Java. (Continue)
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