TM2000 So Presidential
ASATUNEWS - Discussing Social Media Twitter in Indonesia has always attracted a lot of information that is the source of social media in the news in the mainstream media , Twitter account Triomacan2000 ( TM2000 ) is one of the many political accounts that the source of the initial information in the news media mainstream media . Yesterday on Tuesday ( 22/4 ) ASATUNEWS lowered news titled " Triomacan2000 So President " This news received a good response from readers .
Never as tired to discuss this ghost account , TM2000 is no stranger in the world of twitter , is still a mystery who 's account manager ? It is said that there is a mention of this account is managed by a retired former State Intelligence Agency ( BIN ) and some officials Retired army / police are behind the TM2000 ? No one knows all just gossip ! . although there is a group that accused the TM2000 as a paid account . However, the consistency and accuracy of the information dikicaukan was the answer to all these accusations . There are Arabic proverb reads : Undzur Qola wa ma la tandzur Qola man , meaning Look at what is said , do not look at who is to say . So , Who TM2000 is not Important!
Today is Wednesday ( 23/4 ) TM2000 re-create the chirp that makes a little hair -raising goose bumps . Although the form of the chirp is Imaginary but has the intent and purpose tremendous . Summary kultwit was titled " THIS IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE IMAGINARY RI 2014 TM2000 and its staff "
Earlier booms TM2000 quip democratic Presidential Candidate of the Party of Indonesia ( PDIP ) , Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) which does not have the vision and mission as a candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia .
"We'll discuss topics imaginary yes .. If @ Triomacan2000 so President from 2014 to 2019 .. For Jokowi enlightenment who have no vision " Write TM2000 .
According to the Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party Saan Mustapa assess that greatly benefited from the PDI-P figure or famous figure of Joko Widodo populist . However , he said , the Indonesian people have ignored the vision , mission , and was as a platform Jokowi important part . " So how Jokowi want to build this country . If asked ( criticism ) he always says ' I orapopo , " said Saan are present as a keynote speaker presentation sutrvei outcome ' indicators ' at Hotel Sari Pan Pacific , Jakarta , Friday ( 4/4 ) ago .
And Former Chairman of NU KH Hasyim also criticized the same thing to the Presidential Candidate of the PDIP tersebut.Mantan Kyai NU Chairman Hasyim said that Indonesia itself is experiencing upheavals in various sectors . Both the sectors of the economy , security , in terms of religious conflict , conflict of interest , as well as other political democracy .
According to the clerics and scholars need to know what Jokowi solution for this. " We also want to hear want to carry around Indonesia . Not have the vision and mission , but handling problems , as well as solutions for laws that favor foreign . Was willing digimanakan , " he said on Monday ( 18/3 ) .
According to him , Jokowi need to expose it to the scholars and intellectuals kiai . So that the kiai scholars and intellectuals can understand how improvements will be made of the presidential candidates for the country .
TM2000 berimajiner "if I become President ( TM2000 ) was sworn run the Constitution , the Act and all applicable regulations , enforce the law and Welfare of the people . Mukaddimah 45 Constitution obliges me as President to protect all the people and country of Indonesia , to educate the nation , I have to bring Indonesia into the arena of international relations , participate in creating a world of lasting peace . " chirping TM2000
" I vow to fight for the people's mandate and loyal to the Homeland . Indonesia I will bring prosperity and well-being . First day after taking office as President , I announced The First Executive Order as POTRI ( President of The Republic of Indonesia ) " complete the following chirp TM2000 already summarized by one sat
u blog called Enlightenment nation . ( see this link ) . | ASN - 014 .
The First Executive Order @ TrioMacan2000 as President of The Republic of Indonesia
I was sworn in as the President run the Constitution , the Act and all applicable regulations , enforce the law and Welfare of the people . Mukaddimah 45 Constitution obliges me as President to protect all the people and country of Indonesia , to educate the nation , I have to bring Indonesia into the arena of international relations , participate in creating a world of lasting peace .
I vowed to fight for the people's mandate and loyal to the Homeland . I'm going to bring Indonesian achieve prosperity and well-being . The first day after taking office as President , I announced The First Executive Order as POTRI ( President of The Republic of Indonesia )
Presidential Executive Order first one is :
Announcements Enforcement Regulation in Lieu of Law ( PERPPU )
I before being sworn as President already knows exactly big problems that afflict the nation and the state . Problems that make people difficult .
PERPPU This is regarding amendment of the Anti-Corruption Act , the Corruption Court Establishment ad hock and Exterminator Corruption Task Team ad hock .
Anticorruption PERPPU TSB organize and set as follows :
Acceleration due process thdp all corruption suspects max 6 months should already inkrach
Imposition of capital punishment for all the accused of corruption
The execution of the current ruling arbitrarily imposed inkrach
All the accused with corruption motifs enrich themselves and state losses over 1 billion should be put to death
All law enforcement agencies are mired in corruption and / or the practice of law , should be sentenced to death without exception
What is meant with law enforcement agencies within PERPPU are : A. police officers , prosecutors , judges , lawyers , auditors government / state ; B. All Employees , officers and leadership of KPK , MA , MK , FSA , INTRAC , House of Representatives, CPC , BPK , Attorney , Police , Inspectorate , Bawasda ff .
President publishes PERPPU corruption on the basis of country conditions and declare a state of " Emergency Corruption "
The trial period of the Court of First max 2 months . Appellate court dispensed Cassation Decision & OD max 1 month
So that a maximum of 4 months from PERPPU published , there have been corrupt tervonis inkrach dead and ready to be executed
This PERPU provide power / authority of the President For set a target number of criminals who will die dieksukusi 1 For a certain period . As President I decided targets criminals who should be executed at least 100 sdh org on Dec 31, 2014. Gifts Make People RI
I SURE on Dec 31, 2014 100 dead and corrupt tervonis already executed are :
Judges , Prosecutors , Police & Corrupt Lawyer
The leaders , officials , employees , KPK investigators who have been the mafia and other mafia2 houseboy
All corrupt officials in lingkgan MA , MK , KPK , AGO , Police , INTRAC , CPC , BPK , Inspectorate , Bawasda ff . They were the first wave .
As I pointed President Responsible for Implementing and PERPPU , namely :
Busyro Muqoddas ( Chairman )
Batch H Panggabean ( Waka )
As Team Leader of the Ad Hock I entrust to :
Artidjo Alkautsar ( please his early retirement from the Supreme Court )
To ensure effective PERPPU 100 % , I am the president of RI gives amnesty kpd :
Concerned was appointed as Chairman of the Investigator and the prosecutor .
To ensure that all PERRPU implementing the mandate and not treacherous , and not deviate , I appoint the Chairman of the Supervisory Team :
Abdullah Hehamaua
I pointed Ghost Team Leader to monitor and identify the parties that want to thwart PERPPU . namely :
This PERPPU establishes the President's authority to order all media loading , covering , broadcast pelaksaaan EXECUTION OFF corrupt
PERPPU set a minimum target of criminals who have been sentenced to death and executed on 31 Dec 2015 was at least 300 people / Corruptor . Furthermore, if the parliament passed a law this Perppu , it targets criminals who executed rata2 200 min / yr for the next 5 years As the President of Indonesia from 2014 to 2019 , I am sure :
In 2015 sdh formed fear of corruption .
In 2016 formed the legal fear
And in 2017 I accelerate the formation of the legal culture in Indonesia . As in Singapore , Western Europe , Australia etc. . So in 2019 , as a result of the implementation has been executed at least PERPPU 1000 mafia and corrupt Indonesian officials .
I would make the rule of law in Singapore in the early days of Lew Kuan Yew ruled Indonesia as a model of law enforcement .
Mini- arid island state Singapore den of robbers and pirates , so the success of the cleanest countries manifest corruption and legal culture . Only with law enforcement hard , firm , fast , fair , cheap and easy , it can rise to the Homeland country Super Power in the world .
The legal culture of a nation / state can only be realized if all the mafia and corrupt law enforcement officials eradicated , executed . It is a pleasure for me , as the President sends 1000 or 10000 mafia / corrupt officials to the afterlife . For the sake of the fate of 250 million people of Indonesia .
That The First Executive Order posted if I adlh POTRI ( President of The Republic of Indonesia). This vision may diadop Jokowi . Please presidential and vice presidential wants adoption Vision Our mission if so the President: Ani Yudhoyono , Gita , Prabowo , Jokowi dll.Silahkan !
However , if the Indonesian people REALLY want this country clean free from mafia and corrupt officials , there is one character who is able to do so . People who were able to exert the constitution SURE - Enforce the law - of NO mafia / corrupt RI > Ryamizard Ryacudu >>
Hopefully, all parties have the same intention to build and promote this country with mencapreskan Ryamizard Ryacudu >>
For those who do not know him , please refer >> Ryamizard Ryacudu Sapta Marga straight there a better ? Monggo !
If there are figures Indonesian republic , a better , more committed , brave clean , dreaded enemy than Ryamizard Ryacudu . please !
Because your hands all the people of Indonesia , the fate of the nation and the country of origin at stake .. Jangn select kayak select Indonesian idol . Select the Indonesian leader soul , dedication , struggle and his life just for the sake of the nation and most major countries .
Indonesia is damaged to the perished , controlled by criminals and the mafia , because of our fault , all the Indonesian people , who WILL NOT CARE!
If all the people are aware that it is the people DETERMINANTS fate of the nation, all the people are united in deciding SURE compact option . FREEDOM ! !