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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reset Search MH370

Reset Search MH370

International search teams are negotiating about the next phase of management over an underwater search to find a Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 . Search effort is likely to soon undergo rearrangement , after nearly seven weeks without results .

According to some sources , the Malaysian and Australian officials amid chanting draft agreement on the procedure of information retrieval and analysis of the plane's black box . The draft plan also describes the investigation of long-term cooperation .

The draft emphasizes that the Australian aviation safety experts will be responsible for downloading and interpretation of the data from the black box if it is found , said Martin Dolan , chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau . The design also includes procedures for handling debris or bodies , if successfully found and removed from the seabed of the Indian Ocean .

Malaysian officials expected to retain the authority to reveal black box data and other information regarding the focus of the investigation . Malaysia declined to comment to the details of the MoU .
The Government of Malaysia and Australia are also discussing with partners from several other countries , the issue of how to continue the mission which is currently still lead to deadlock .

Last Wednesday , unmanned submarine Bluefin - 21 has been exploring more than 80% of the search area . According to investigators , the search area is the best hope to find the ruins of the Boeing 777 . However , both submarine and air searches have not received significant findings ..

If there is no major developments , air safety experts said , the countries participating in the mission seems to be to exert additional devices . The new tools include search technology will probably be different . In addition , the search will cover a larger area .

Search coordinator middle " strengthen asset to phase [ search seabed ] next " , says Hishammuddin Hussein , Malaysia 's defense minister at the same time an important figure in this investigation . According to Hussein on Wednesday , discussions with international partners is underway . However , there was no expansion of the search at least until this weekend .
If the Bluefin - 21 sonar failed to find the debris , the search team will deploy sonar system with a wider scale cruising , but produce low-resolution images , Australian Defence Minister David Johnston . " [ In ] the next phase , I think , we strengthen the [ mission ] with more sophisticated sonar into deeper waters , " he said . | WSJ

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