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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

5 Places in Surabaya Popular for Tourism

5 Places in Surabaya Popular for Tourism

5 Places in Surabaya Popular for Tourism | There will be endless if we review the tourist attractions in Surabaya attractive and has become popular among tourists who come to visit to Surabaya. Among the many tourist attractions in Surabaya, a web site and a major tourist like travel.detik.com choose 5 tourist destinations is the choice of the readers on the web.

Surabaya became the 2nd largest metropolitan city in Indonesia must have a lot of business and who want to work in the city of Surabaya. If you're feeling bored and want to vacation in Surabaya, we have several tourist attractions in Surabaya choice that you can make a tourist destination.

1. the Bridge Suramadu  connecting the city  Surabaya - Madura

the Bridge Suramadu 

Suramadu Bridge Not only as a link in Surabaya, East Java with Madura island, bridge Suramadu also be an attraction for tourists. Madura strait beautiful panorama ago looked during the trip.

The bridge was opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on June 10, 2009, the official name of National Suramadu bridge. 5. length of approximately 438 mtr. With a width of approximately 30 mtr .. crossing this bridge as there is abroad. Magnificent bridge design set in a beautiful blue sky indeed make a traveler from outside Surabaya smitten.

To be able to traverse Suramadu, you must first pay Rp 30,000 to Rp 3,000 for cars and motorcycles. Lanes on both separated by a fence as high as approximately 1 mtr. Unfortunately, at the bridge over the existing stop signs are prohibited. So indeed quite difficult to be able to capture the events of the time in the bridge.

2 House of Sampoerna

House of Sampoerna

House of Sampoerna is a museum about the history of cigarettes in Indonesia. From the outside, the museum looks like a roman building with ornate pillars in the form of cigarettes 4. museum is located at No. 6 jl sampoerna park was built in 1862 ago. The building used to be an orphanage managed by the Dutch. Until then Seeng tee, founder of the giant cigarette company Sampoerna, bought the building in 1932 This is the first area of ​​Sampoerna cigarette production.

Storing large auditorium and a museum shop. there is a lot about who you can look at here, starting from the Sampoerna family travel stories to the traditional cigarette production systems. until now this museum is still in the factory between Sampoerna brand cigarette output, ie, Dji Sam Soe.

In this museum, you can see the determination of tobacco and cloves system, mixing ingredients, rolling by hand, cigarette paper printing, packing up the system. The museum is open every day starting at 9:00 a.m. to 22:00 pm. Fun again, starting from the parking lot, enter the museum, to get around with a guide, completely free!

3 Mangrove Forest Holidays

Mangrove Forest Holidays

Mangrove Forest Holidays fit in the existing coastline to the east, the jungle of mangrove thrives. located in Wonorejo, District Rungkut, Surabaya, this location not just for conservation purposes only, but also for a new tourist attraction in surabaya.

In the crowded and hot weather in this city, so mangrove jungle among alternative destinations that you can visit. While enjoy the natural panorama, you can also inhale the air fresh while walking around in the jungle. This location has been facilitated by a wooden bridge that you can use to trekking around the mangrove jungle.

Means for ecotourism also been there, the boat-shaped with a capacity of 10 and 40 people. This tour will participate? you can free of cost 25,000 rp for rp 15,000 for adults as well as children. You can be carried around the mangrove forest, the rivers that cut through the jungle, exploring some areas in these locations.

4. Bungkul Park

Bungkul Park

Bungkul Park stands on an area of ​​900 mtr. Park attractions and gentlemen hump so young people hang out area as well as some travelers in Surabaya. Many facilities that you can enjoy in this park, of which the free internet. Yes, the park has long hump equipped with wireless internet access.

Not just that, this park also has an amphitheater with a diameter of 33 mtr. Then there is also a pathway for people with disabilities in this area, so they are certainly special needs can participate in recreation.

There is a hump in the north of the park, there is also a skate park arena. For sports enthusiasts adrenaline boosters like skateboarding or BMX bikes, performance capabilities in this area seems to be exciting as well.

Each afternoon until evening, many young people gathered in this park. They expertly played surfboard and bicycle. Well, the time the weekend, visitors to the park can be very crowded. not just a play, but many are limited to just sit on the edge of the park. Will bersanatai arek-arek Suroboyo style? cauliflower park place!

5. Submarine Monument

Submarine Monument

Submarine Monument is nothing that is something of a museum of submarine critic Pasopati 410 submarines in the fleet is the naval tni contrived in 1952 In fact, the first submarine was involved in a battle at sea aru business in western Irian liberation of the Netherlands .

Submarine monument located in Embong Kaliasin, right next to the plaza surabaya and fringe mas time. With only pay Rp 5,000 per person, you could have traveled like wading through the ocean floor. submarine is divided into 7 room, but the periscope and torpedo launch area is very often visited by a traveler.

Not only 5 areas above, still there are also some other favorite area is no less cool in Surabaya. no national mosque of al akbar, monument hero, culinary Area Ampel, red bridge, and beach fun Kenjeran. (Detik Travel)

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