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Monday, August 4, 2014

The Indonesian government says, rejecting ideology promoted militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka ISIS (Daulah Islamiyah) and prohibit the development of ideology in Indonesia.

The Indonesian government says, rejecting ideology promoted militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka ISIS (Daulah Islamiyah) and prohibit the development of ideology in Indonesia.

The decision rejected the ideology of ISIS decided in a cabinet meeting chaired Click President Yudhoyono, Indonesia correspondent reports, Heyder Affan from the Presidential Office on Monday (04/08) afternoon.

The Indonesian government says, ISIS is not a matter of religion but an ideology or belief that is considered contrary to the ideology of Pancasila.

Coordinating Minister for Political and security laws, Joko Suyanto, said the government and the Indonesian state ideology rejects and does not allow the ISIS developed in Indonesia.

"Because it does not fit with the state ideology of Pancasila, the Indonesian unitary state and our diversity within the unitary state of Indonesia," said Joko Suyanto, in a press statement after a cabinet meeting.

According to him, every effort ISIS and IS development ideology (Islamic State) should be prevented. "In Indonesia should not be the nursery schools of ISIS or IS (Islamic State)," he said.

In Indonesia, so far there has been some form of support by citizens of Indonesia Click the ISIS group ideology and action.

This marked the action of allegiance or oath made ​​by different groups of people in a number of places in Indonesia, including a campus in Chester, Banten Province.

Some mass action in Jakarta also had colored flag raising ISIS. There are also a number of internet sites that declare openly supported Islamic militant groups.

Click Convicted terrorist Abu Bakar Bashir case cited also expressed support for ISIS, although recently questioned by the Indonesian Government.

In another part of his statement, Menkopolhukam Joko Suyanto said the Indonesian government would block sites whose content is spread ideology ISIS movement, including the video on Youtube.

"We've been ordered to memblokadenya," said Joko.
The Government of Indonesia according to Joko, will also hold a legal operation to support ISIS convicted of violence.

Operation immigration will also be held to prevent Indonesian citizens "who will be traveling, especially to areas of conflict in the Middle East or South Asia or into."

Terrorism analyst from the Center for the Study of Islam and the State, University of Paramadina, Najamudin, said he appreciates the steps the Indonesian government "prohibits" ISIS, but this step is considered late.

"Because, ISIS has entered Indonesia through various doors," said Najamudin, while giving some examples of support by a number of Indonesian Islamic militant groups.

"The Indonesian government has missed because ISIS go in first, then the system is made by Indonesia," he told BBC Indonesian.

As a result of the delay, further Najamudin, ISIS support group has grown rapidly in Indonesia. "The rapid movement they had been able to recruit the members (members)."

National Agency for Combating Terrorism, BNPT previously stated there have been a number of members of the Islamic militant group from Indonesia Click the joining ISIS, but they can not confirm the amount.
From the beginning many people are worried about the spread of radical ideology would endanger keberagama ISIS group of Indonesian society.

Analysts say Indonesia faces major challenges to address the growing radical ideologies especially among young children, who feared could threaten diversity.

Click ISIS was formed in April 2013 and the embryo bakalnya derived from al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), but the group became a major jihadist groups are fighting government forces in Syria and its armed forces in Iraq.

The letter "S" in the acronym ISIS comes from the Arabic word "al-Sham", which refers to the region of Damascus (Syria) and Iraq. The organization is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. BBC.........

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