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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Keep Amanah, all will be accounted for.

Unfinished journey (197)

(Part one hundred and ninety-seven, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, January 30, 2015 1:10 pm)

Keep Amanah, all will be accounted for.

When God the Creator to create man (Adam) God had received protests from the Angels.
'' Why would God created man (Adam), which include only going to kill each other, fighting and competing, while the Angels have only hymn praising God ''. God only knows what the answer of God over all creatures unknown.
Kill each human history begins son Adam himself, between Cain and Abel, this is the second attempt of Satan succeeded in persuading people sin, first persuaded Adam ate the fruit Kuldi, both seductive Abel and Cain.
Next history of mankind is filled to kill each other as a result of human greed and desires of man can not hold their lust, let alone the devil all the time always tempting.
History of infighting, competing for territory, the war between the kingdom and suicide-murder occurred thousands of years ago this happened when many followers of Moses who killed soldiers Nimrod, Pharaoh in Egypt, war and political disputes in the region between the kingdoms of China, India, Europe, Indonesia , until World war I and II already gives an example.
Not to mention there is a war in the modern era of Vietnam, the Korean War as a result of an ideological war, the triumvirate of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy) and Hirohito (Japan) who want to master the world, causing wars between the three immediately it with the rest of the world (allies) were killed millions of people.
Competition ideology Vietnam War, Korea, Afghanistan war, the Iraq-Iran war, now allies of the United States along with 80 other countries including France, Britain, Australia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates busy fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
In Indonesia today is no longer a physical war (suicide-murder), but there is competition authority, such as a real want to power in Indonesia through the nomination of members of the Cabinet, the Minister, the Attorney General to the Chief of Police.
Now only President Joko Widodo who are feeling the pinch to reject any proposed candidate Megawati's PDI-P Chairman and Chairman of Nasdem Surya Paloh, due to the desire of reciprocation Joko Widodo, because this is what brought the two parties Jokowi become President.
It seems like fruit simalakama, for Jokowi, but the interest of the future of the people of Indonesia is much more important at stake than the interests of the most influential people behind the scenes Jokowi, as Megawati and Surya Paloh.
It seems to be praying Istikharoh Joko Widodo (prayer for guidance) first in order to get God's guidance and protection so that his decision not to sacrifice the interests of the people of Indonesia.
Now the most powerful man in Egypt Nimrod Pharaoh, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Tstung Mao, Stalin, Lenin, President Franklin D'Rosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Hitler, Mussolini, King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Sukarno, Suharto, businessman Bob Sadino, had preceded we (have died) now we all will follow. So keep that trust it, either in the form of power, or wealth, can not be accounted for in the world, would certainly be justified on the Judgment Day (Day of Judgement).

The story of the Creation of Adam in the Koran

1. الله (Allah) said he would make a human caliphate. Angel expressed concern. الله said, "Behold, I know what you do not know".
2. Adam was created from basic materials such as dry clay pottery from mud molded into shape.
a. الله created Adam is not in any place, but in a special place solid (Natural Rahim creation الله)
b. Dry like pottery clay from mud molded into shape is the quintessence of land that has experienced Genetic Engineering Technology الله which forms the basis of the embryo of being Adam.
c. A kind of clay was then in Rahim Nature Creation الله into semen, blood clot, a lump of flesh, bones, wrapped in bacon, be a perfect human being very different from the initial shape in the form of a kind of clay.

3. When Adam was still in the womb Nature Creation الله, after الله breathed His spirit, angel told Prostration saluting. Satan rebelled. Devil condemned and expelled from Jannah.
Until then Adam has not met with the devil, because Adam is not "born" is still in the process of creation. الله enhance the incidence and breathes the spirit (creation) is in the womb of his, not after birth.
4. Devil condemned and expelled from Jannah, instead of feeling guilty and ask for forgiveness الله, devil instead declared "war" and will always try to mislead people.

5. After Adam "born" and "the knowledge", الله demonstrate the ability of Adam to the angels, to convince the angel of Adam who had made.
6. Eve was created from Adam.
a. الله created Eve not in any place, but in a special place solid (Natural Rahim creation الله) as Adam.
b. The basic ingredients of the creation of Eve was Adam's sperm.
7. Adam and Eve inhabit Jannah, with a ban on approaching a tree.
Additional Information:
Jannah (paradise) the place where Adam and Eve lived not Jannah (paradise) الله promised as a reward for people who believe and do good later in the hereafter.
الله promised paradise that no matter the conditions that allow the occupants could be driven out.

8. Adam Eve first met with the devil. الله commemorate Adam about hostility and malice of Satan to him and his wife.
9. Satan succeeded in persuading Adam and his wife to violate the prohibition of God. Adam Eve was sorry and asked for forgiveness الله both. After Adam received his words, الله forgave Adam.
10. Adam Eve out of Jannah.

Explanation In the Qur'an:


وإذ قال ربك للملائكة إني جاعل في الأرض خليفة قالوا أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك قال إني أعلم ما لا تعلمون (30) ه

30. And remember when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to make a vicegerent on earth". They said: "Why do you want to make (caliph) on the earth who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we always glorify the praise you and sanctify You?" God said: "Behold, I know what you do not know". [QS. Al Baqoroh / 2: 30]


ولقد خلقنا الإنسان من صلصال من حمإ مسنون (26) ه

And 26. Verily We created man (Adam) from sounding clay (derived) from mud molded into shape. [QS. Al-Hijr / 15: 26]

خلق الإنسان من صلصال كالفخار (14) ه

14. He created man from dry land as pottery, [QS. Ar Rohman / 55: 14]

هو الذي يصوركم في الأرحام كيف يشاء لا إله إلا هو العزيز الحكيم (6) ه

6. He who formed you in the womb as it wills. There is no god (worthy of worship) but He, the Mighty, the Wise. [QS. '`Ali Imron / 3: 6]

ولقد خلقنا الإنسان من سلالة من طين (12) ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين (13) ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما ثم أنشأناه خلقا آخر فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين (14) ه

12. and Verily We created man from an extract (derived) from the ground. 13. then We placed him as semen (stored) in a solid (womb). 14. semen then We made a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, and a piece of meat that we made the bones, and the bones that we wrap the meat. then We made him a creature (form of) the other. So blessed that lessons God, the Creator of the most good. [QS. Al Mu'minūna / 23: 12-14]


الذي أحسن كل شيء خلقه وبدأ خلق الإنسان من طين (7) ثم جعل نسله من سلالة من ماء مهين (8) ثم سواه ونفخ فيه من روحه وجعل لكم السمع والأبصار والأفئدة قليلا ما تشكرون (9) ه

7. that makes everything that He created the best possible and that began the creation of man from clay. 8. then He made his offspring from the pith of a base fluid. 9. He perfected and then breathed into it the spirit (creation) His and He has made for you hearing, sight and hearts; (but) you little grateful. [QS. As Sajdah / 32: 7-9]

إذ قال ربك للملائكة إني خالق بشرا من طين (71) فإذا سويته ونفخت فيه من روحي فقعوا له ساجدين (72) فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون (73) إلا إبليس استكبر وكان من الكافرين (74) قال يا إبليس ما منعك أن تسجد لما خلقت بيدي أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين (75) قال أنا خير منه خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين (76) قال فاخرج منها فإنك رجيم (77) وإن عليك لعنتي إلى يوم الدين (78) ه

71. (remember) when your Lord said to the angel: "I am going to create man from clay". 72. And when it happened and I have perfected Kutiupkan her spirit (creation) Me; So be ye fell to prostrate to Him ".
73. the entire angels prostrate everything, except the Devil 74.; He boasted and is He Including those who disbelieve.
75. Allah said: "O Iblis, What prevented you bow down to who has the Ku-creating with my hands. Are you bragging or you (feel) Includes persons who (much) higher? ".
76. the devil said: "I am better than, because You created me from fire, and him You created from clay".
77. He said: "You came out of heaven; Indeed, you are cursed, 78. Behold My curse is on you till the Day of Judgment ". [QS. SOD / 38: 71-78]


قال رب فأنظرني إلى يوم يبعثون (79) قال فإنك من المنظرين (80) إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم (81) قال فبعزتك لأغوينهم أجمعين (82) إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين (83) قال فالحق والحق أقول (84) لأملأن جهنم منك وممن تبعك منهم أجمعين (85) ه

79. the devil said: "My Lord! Reprieve me till the day they are raised".
80. Allah said: "Verily thou Including those reprieved, 81. until the appointed day time (day)".
82. The devil answered: "By the power you I will mislead them all, 83. except Thy servants who are sincere in between them [1304].
84. He said: "So true (is my oath) and only truth is what I say". 85. Behold, I will definitely meet Hell with thee and with those who follow thee among all of them. [QS. SOD / 38: 79-85]


وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها ثم عرضهم على الملائكة فقال أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين (31) قالوا سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم (32) قال يا آدم أنبئهم بأسمائهم فلما أنبأهم بأسمائهم قال ألم أقل لكم إني أعلم غيب السماوات والأرض وأعلم ما تبدون وما كنتم تكتمون (33) ه

31. and He taught Adam names (objects) entirely, then bring it to the Angels and said: "Tell me the names of these if you are truthful people right!"
32. they replied: "Glory to Thee, none of which we know other than what You have taught us; Verily Thou Knowledgeable, Wise [35]. "
33. Allah said: "O Adam, tell them names of these objects." So once told them names that thing, God said, "What Have I told you, that the truth I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth and knows what ye reveal and what ye conceal? ". [QS. Al Baqoroh / 2: 31-33]


يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منها زوجها وبث منهما رجالا كثيرا ونساء واتقوا الله الذي تساءلون به والأرحام إن الله كان عليكم رقيبا (1) ه

1. O mankind! Fear your Lord who created you from a single self, and of her [263] God created his wife; both of God and of the scattered through the men and women that much. and fear Allah, that the (use) his name you ask each other to each other [264], and (guard) silaturrahim relationship. Verily Allah always watches over you. [QS. An-Nisa '/ 4: 1]

والله خلقكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم جعلكم أزواجا وما تحمل من أنثى ولا تضع إلا بعلمه وما يعمر من معمر ولا ينقص من عمره إلا في كتاب إن ذلك على الله يسير (11) ه

11. and God created you from dust then of semen, then He made you pairs (male and female). and there is not a single woman with child and not (also) give birth, but with His knowledge. and never lengthen the life of a long-lived nor reduced its age, but the (already established) in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz). Verily it is easy for Allah. [QS. Fatir / 35: 11]

هو الذي خلقكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة ثم يخرجكم طفلا ثم لتبلغوا أشدكم ثم لتكونوا شيوخا ومنكم من يتوفى من قبل ولتبلغوا أجلا مسمى ولعلكم تعقلون (67) ه

67. He Who created you from dust then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot, then bore you as a child, then (you are allowed to live) so that you get to the age (adult), then (let you live longer) to old, among you there are diwafatkan before it. (we do so) so that you get the proper death and that you understand (it). [QS. Al Mu'min / 40: 67]


ويا آدم اسكن أنت وزوجك الجنة فكلا من حيث شئتما ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة فتكونا من الظالمين (19) ه

19. (and God said): "O Adam housed stay with you and your wife in Paradise, and eat ye both (fruits) anywhere that you like, and do not you both approach this tree, then takes on a you both included people unjust ". [QS. Al 'A`rōf / 7: 19]

والذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سندخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها أبدا وعد الله حقا ومن أصدق من الله قيلا (122) ه

122. those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall soon enter into heaven flowing rivers in it, they will abide therein forever. God has made a promise that is true. and who is more true words of God? [QS. An-Nisa '/ 4: 122]


ولقد عهدنا إلى آدم من قبل فنسي ولم نجد له عزما (115) وإذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا إلا إبليس أبى (116) فقلنا يا آدم إن هذا عدو لك ولزوجك فلا يخرجنكما من الجنة فتشقى (117) إن لك ألا تجوع فيها ولا تعرى (118) وأنك لا تظمأ فيها ولا تضحى (119) ه

And Verily 115. We covenanted [947] to Adam first, then he forgot (will order it), and do not we find her strong will.
116. and (remember) when We said to the angel: "Bow down to Adam's you", then they bowed down except the devil. he refused.
117. So We said: "O Adam, Surely it (the devil) is an enemy to you and to your wife, then let not until he brought you both from heaven, which cause you to be hurt. 118. Indeed, you will not starve in it and not be naked, and 119. Indeed, you will not feel thirsty and not (too) will be overwritten hot sun in it ". [QS. Toha / 20: 115-119]


فأزلهما الشيطان عنها فأخرجهما مما كانا فيه وقلنا اهبطوا بعضكم لبعض عدو ولكم في الأرض مستقر ومتاع إلى حين (36) فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه إنه هو التواب الرحيم (37) ه

36. then both derailed by the devil from heaven it [38] and removed from its original condition [39] and We said: "Get thee down! some of you an enemy to the other, and to your dwelling place on earth, and the pleasures of life until the proper time. "
37. then Adam received sentences [40] of the Lord, the God accepts repentance. Indeed, Allah is Recipients repentance, Most Merciful. [QS. Al Baqoroh / 2: 36-37]

فوسوس لهما الشيطان ليبدي لهما ما ووري عنهما من سوآتهما وقال ما نهاكما ربكما عن هذه الشجرة إلا أن تكونا ملكين أو تكونا من الخالدين (20) وقاسمهما إني لكما لمن الناصحين (21) فدلاهما بغرور فلما ذاقا الشجرة بدت لهما سوآتهما وطفقا يخصفان عليهما من ورق الجنة وناداهما ربهما ألم أنهكما عن تلكما الشجرة وأقل لكما إن الشيطان لكما عدو مبين (22) قالا ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا وإن لم تغفر لنا وترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين (23) ه

20. Then the devil whispering evil mind to both of them for what Appears to both of them Namely covered her nakedness and devil said: "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree and approach, but that ye should be angel or not be the eternal (in heaven) ". 21. and he (the devil) swear to both. "Actually I was Including people who advise you both",
22. Then the devil persuade both (to eat the fruit) with deceit. when both have tasted the fruit of the wood, the nakedness appeared to them-nakedness, and start both covered with leaves heaven. then their Lord called them: "Did I not forbid you that tree, and I tell you:" Surely the devil
it is the real enemy unto you? "
23. The two said: "My God We, We have Persecuting We own self, and if you do not forgive We and gives grace to Us, surely We Including those losers. [QS. Al 'A`rōf / 7: 20-23]

فوسوس إليه الشيطان قال يا آدم هل أدلك على شجرة الخلد وملك لا يبلى (120) فأكلا منها فبدت لهما سوآتهما وطفقا يخصفان عليهما من ورق الجنة وعصى آدم ربه فغوى (121) ثم اجتباه ربه فتاب عليه وهدى (122) ه

120. then the devil whispering evil thoughts to him, saying: "O Adam, will I show you the tree of Eternity [948] and kingdom that will not perish?"
121. Then they both ate of the fruit of the tree, then appeared to them nakedness-nakedness and start both covered with leaves (in) heaven, and durhakalah Adam to God and he went astray [949].
122. then his Lord chose [950] Then He accepts repentance and give him instructions. [QS. Toha / 20: 120-122]


قلنا اهبطوا منها جميعا فإما يأتينكم مني هدى فمن تبع هداي فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون (38) والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا أولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون (39) ه

38. We said: "Get thee down from heaven it all! then if it comes my instructions to you, If anyone follow my instructions, surely there is no concern over them, and not (also) they grieve ".
39. As for those who disbelieve and belie Our Signs, they are the dwellers of the Fire; they will abide therein. [QS. Al Baqoroh / 2: 38-39]

قال اهبطوا بعضكم لبعض عدو ولكم في الأرض مستقر ومتاع إلى حين (24) قال فيها تحيون وفيها تموتون ومنها تخرجون (25) ه

24. He said: "Go down with you all, sebahagian sebahagian you an enemy to others. and you have a place of residence and pleasure (a search for life) on Earth until a predetermined time ".
25. He said: "On the earth you live and you die in the earth, and the earth was (also) you will be resurrected. [QS. Al 'A`rōf / 7: 24-25]

قال اهبطا منها جميعا بعضكم لبعض عدو فإما يأتينكم مني هدى فمن اتبع هداي فلا يضل ولا يشقى (123) ومن أعرض عن ذكري فإن له معيشة ضنكا ونحشره يوم القيامة أعمى (124) قال رب لم حشرتني أعمى وقد كنت بصيرا (125) قال كذلك أتتك آياتنا فنسيتها وكذلك اليوم تنسى (126) وكذلك نجزي من أسرف ولم يؤمن بآيات ربه ولعذاب الآخرة أشد وأبقى (127) ه

123. He said: "Get thee down from heaven both together, some of you an enemy to some others. So if it comes to you guidance from me, and whoever who follow my instructions, he will not go astray and will not harm.
124. and whoever turns away from My reminder, verily for him narrow livelihood, and We shall raise at the last day in a state of blind ".
125. He said: "My Lord, why hast thou gathered me in a state of blind, And I formerly was a look?"
126. Allah says: "So, have come to you Our verses, then you forget about it, and so (also) on this day you also forgotten".
127. and thus do We recompense those who exceed the limits and do not believe the revelations of his Lord. and Behold the doom of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting. [QS. Toha / 20: 123-127]


Adam children never crossed their minds to kill their neighbors. Because the murder is an event that they never experienced among them. But the devil and his men had been determined to drag the children of Adam into each other bloody deeds among them. Cain told Abel anger triggered by the fire membaranya malice to his brother, is a vehicle mounts syaiton to lead the children of Adam was to indecency membunuhadik his own.

Adam began to feel uneasy in the afternoon, why Abel has not returned kekeluarganya of activities mengembala goats and cows, even though it was already getting dark. Finally Adam ordered Cain to pick up his sister in order to get home. And when Cain Abel met in a shepherd, diajaklah his brother to go home because of anticipated father and mother at home. And the return journey, Cain had returned to leverage his frustration, why sacrifice offerings are not acceptable by God as a sacrifice acceptable to God is precisely the younger brother. Abel tried to advise his brother to be able to open my eyes to see the weaknesses in him. Abel told his brother: "It is only accepted by God's sacrifice is of people who are sincere in piety." On hearing this advice, Cain who was smoldering anger to his brother, grew angry again and menyalalah fire of anger it so it can not be controlled. Cain told adikya: "Oo, so you accuse me apparently unwilling to sacrifice to God. Sincere or it's just you Suja? "

Abel has not had time to explain his words to his brother, Cain just grabbed a large rock was about inflicted to his brother. Seeing his brother Abel immediately warned: "Do not you do that to me tyrannical act and I do not wish to hurt you even though you mendzalimi me. Because if you kill me, you will undoubtedly be people who regret and the losers. "Cain is no longer hear the warning his brother because his ears had become deaf from lust anger is burning himself. And Cain just attributing it to the big stone and tewaslah Abel his brother's head instantly. Spilled on earth for the first time, along with the victim's blood tyranny sinking sun in the late afternoon. Children of Adam began to shed the blood of their fellow man, and this is disastrous first murder occurred in the face of the earth among the children of Adam.

Abel's body was lying lifeless in front of Cain and began to appear remorseful when Cain saw inflicted cruel it. And Cain could not do anything with the former, so that the bodies the next day when the sun rises. At that time Allah Ta'ala sent two crows that are attacking each other and terbunuhlah one of the birds that died so that crows were still alive were digging the ground with both paws and dragged his friend who had died was to put hole has been dug and in uruklah dead crow with the ground. All events were witnessed by Cain and soon imitated the action crow. He soon find wood to dig the ground and then he laid Abel in the ground and menguruknya hole with soil. [QS. Al-Maidah 30-31].

After burying the body of his brother. Cain immediately rushed home to take her sister to go with her beautiful escape from his father and then married her brother. Adam was very sad and sorry to hear Cain against Abel's actions and again after that he took his sister to be invited to go with it. So adam told Cain furiously: "Get thee behind Me, and you during your life will constantly in fear and you will not feel safe forever from the evil people who see you."

Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings' alaihi wa sallam reported that no one on earth who kill their fellow human beings with tyrannical, but definitely the first adam children inherit the sins of the murder. [So this hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and all traditionists except Abu Dawud]. Because it was he who became a pioneer act of killing for every child of Adam until the Day of Judgment. So Cain thus constantly sent sin murder occurred dzalim at any time of the murder.


* The content of this article, never presented to the regular review Qashashul Anbiya submitted by Ust Ridwan Hamidi, Lc at Masjid Darul Uloom Yogyakarta. The study was conducted by Wahdah Islamiyah Yogyakarta.

Source: Salafi magazine issue 06 / TH V // 1429/2008 AD

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