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Monday, August 4, 2014

China-Aceh Partnership Seeks 400 Billion Worth of Oil and Gas Investment

China-Aceh Partnership Seeks 400 Billion Worth of Oil and Gas Investment

This week the Aceh government authorities say, several investment partnerships mining, oil and gas (oil) again discussed together, especially with a number of business representatives from China.

Global network of businessmen based in China is committed to invest USD 400 trillion worth of oil and gas in Aceh.

Advisor to the Governor of Aceh Legal Affairs and International Cooperation Dr. Adli Abdullah said on Monday (4/8), the initial phase of the partnership concept was conceived and launched one human resource capacity building and transfer of technology among local businesses in Aceh with the Chinese side.

From the early stages of cooperation is expected to continue to develop infrastructure projects simultaneously, added Adli, including the stage of land supply, exploration, and labor availability.

About 60 people Chinese businessman recently met Governor Dr Zaini Abdullah and ranks key officials in the government of Aceh, the meeting discussed three key areas related to the oil and gas sector investment (oil and gas), with an investment of Rp 400 trillion.

The Chinese delegation is scheduled to be integrated to build a modern industrial area after the government provided the land area of ​​500 hectares.

Chinese entrepreneurs are incorporated in a global networked business group Apex Development (S) PTE LTD.

Some Acehnese hopes foreign investment will create more new jobs in Aceh.

Alumni of local colleges Sari Keumala (27), said local workers should be prioritized in various areas of investment that will be developed in Aceh

Meanwhile, social observer Hasjim Ansari said, kerjsama investment should be more helpful and fair, so the direct impact to improve the welfare of the people of Aceh.

One of the Green Investment Coordinator of Youth Care (PPIH) Aceh Maimoon Saleh said investment exploitative and not consider the carrying capacity of the environment and ecosystems, can lead to catastrophic adverse Aceh.

Besides China, the biggest foreign investment in Aceh today in the field of oil and gas (oil) is still dominated by a global network of firms headquartered in the United States and Canada.

While the clean energy sector investments in Aceh, especially geothermal steam power plant (power plant), hydroelectric energy generation (hydropower) and wind power generation, construction is being pioneered by a number of multinational companies based in Germany, Korea and Japan.

Analysts said the oil and gas sector of skilled labor and infrastructure in Aceh still imported from outside Aceh. While local power (Aceh) just fill a regular staff level, lower engineering staff and contract employees.

According to analysts, and foreign companies are partners in the former gasification project at the former leading oil and gas intalasi Arun gas fields of the district allegedly only recruit locally for low-ranking employees and contract laborers.

Based on government documents Aceh in 2012 foreign investment and national private sector in Aceh continues to increase, mainly due to the security situation is getting better, the highest total realized foreign private is still around Rp 5 to Rp 7 trillion. VOA

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