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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Prabowo in a suit at the Constitutional Court in Indonesia Accuses Implementation of Election fraud is more cruel than a communist country like North Korea

Prabowo in a suit at the Constitutional Court in Indonesia Accuses Implementation of Election fraud is more cruel than a communist country like North Korea

The independence of the Constitutional Court (MK) will be tested in the trial of a lawsuit Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa on disputed Presidential Election (Election) in 2014.
"The Constitutional Court (MK) to make a decision based on the facts that can be proven in a court dispute lawsuit presidential election," said political analyst of the National Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Pangi Syarwi Chaniago to the media on Wednesday (06/08/2014).
"The independence of the Court will be tested in the trial of this dispute," said Pangi.
According to the Court required the best performance in this trial because of the perception that Indonesian people is decreasing at the General Election Commission (KPU).
Pangi said several steps in the process of the Election Commission to make the assessment of the agency was much decreased. He said this happens because of the neglect of the Commission on some of the impression of cheating and want to get it over with. "And they could finish at 20 days left," said Pangi.
Today's first trial lasted lawsuit Presidential election results. The second trial is scheduled to be held on Friday (8/8).

Legal team mate presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate Prabowo number 1-Hatta Rajasa, Habiburokhman, reveals new evidence of the use of bleaching chemicals to remove the ink elections in a number of areas.

"We've got the evidence in East Java. Apparently ink KPU (General Elections Commission) can be lost in an instant just a minute with bleach cleanser Byclin brand clothing. Itself that I received (evidence)," Habib said after the trial of the case dispute the election results ( PHPU) in the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, Wednesday (06/08/2014).

Use of the election ink Habib allegedly for the purpose of abuse for voters who go the extra special voters list (DPKTb) so that it can make voting repeatedly to move the polling place.

"That is, this so reinforcing the argument that a lot of abuse DPKTb that accommodate voter mobilization can move repetitive polling or voter," he said.

Prabowo attorney-Hatta other, Mahendradatta, said it also found the use of chemicals that can remove ink suspected that the election in Central Java.

"There are chemicals that circulate in the community that could easily remove the ink. Sample is in Central Java and East Java, Java. Liquid was used witnesses said. There were witnesses. Was common fluid and easily purchased at the stalls," said Mahendradatta.

According to him, Prabowo-Hatta Advocacy Team will bring samples of these chemicals and their witnesses to prove their allegations and asked the Constitutional Court to order the Commission to carry ink from the Commission at its next session.

"Our liquid prepared as evidence, then we ask the Court to the Commission presenting her ink. Fluid We propose that we found. Allow conclusions and judgments handed to the judge., But, we present the facts," he explained.

The Court held a trial of the 2014 presidential election PHPU case filed by Prabowo-Hatta with the Commission's decision to sue the Decree No. 536 / Kpts / KPU / 2014 concerning Stipulation Summary of Results of Vote Counting and Results of General Election of President and Vice President in 2014 issued by the Commission on Tuesday, July 22.

Commission has established partner-Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla as president and vice president elected by the vote period 2014-2019 70,997,883 or 53.15 percent of the total valid votes nationwide 133 574 277. While the pair-Hatta Prabowo voice won 62,576,444 or 46.85 percent of the total valid votes nationwide. Thus, the difference in sound between the two pairs was 8,421,389 votes.

Commissioner Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Nelson Simanjuntak, 2014 presidential election mat admitted many flaws, but it is not cheating.
It was described in the lawsuit because read-Hatta Prabowo team in the inaugural session of the Constitutional Court (MK), mentions that a lot of fraud in the presidential election.
"That the administration is not perfect yes, but not cheating," said Nelson Simanjuntak, at the Court House, Tuesday (06/08/2014).
The administrative deficiencies, said Nelson as the use of ID card or other identification when voting at the polling station that is not in accordance with the domicile as many question-Hatta Prabowo team. "No one, unless he gives the sound more than one time," he said.
Therefore, Nelson will give a complete explanation in the trial continued as an informant. "The decision of the Election Commission so be sued respondent. Presence Bawalsu to follow the trial, when the Court asked to testify Bawaslu we are ready," he said

Presidential candidate Prabowo complained about the vote in several locations of zero percent. This statement came in the trial of election lawsuit at the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (06/08/2014).
"Imagine, 7 major parties to support us but can be zero percent. Things in North Korea was not the case, only 98.7 per cent. At us, 100 percent. This only happens in totalitarian states, fascist, or communist., Where there was a witness, the witness does not count? " Prabowo complained.
As information, the official news agency KCNA, North Korea, the country prepares to hold elections (elections). Although referred to as an election, you can bet North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un will come out as the winner.
Evidently, in these elections the votes, Kim Jong-Un acquire 100 percent sound, and no abstentions. Because of that, the former commander of Kopassus were also worried about the future of the nation.
"If people do not believe anymore in the system is built. Where else would we complain about legal issues? We are sorry if we hurt the words of the judges," says Prabowo.
Similarly, the vote of zero percent was experienced by Jokowi-JK in Sampang, Madura. As a result of this, the pair number two team it was reported to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).

Chairman of Commission II, Agun Gunanjar Sudarsa, volunteers receive support representative pair Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa in the commission meeting room at the Parliament Building in Jakarta, Wednesday (06/08/2014).
Volunteer representatives, among others, Major General (ret) Kivlan Zen, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, and Andre. Agun to welcome representatives of volunteer support Prabowo pair-Hatta to the capitol.
He considered that channel the aspiration to Commission II dalah right choice, because the second commission in charge of government and politics in the country, always keep an eye on the election process.
Agun explained, the House was in recess and Commission II being a working visit to the area, but because today there is a trial of disputed presidential elections in the Constitutional Court (MK), so he returned to Jakarta first to anticipate if there are community members who expressed aspirations to Parliament .
On this occasion, the Director of the National Political campaign team mate Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa to thank you for the opportunity given by the House leadership.
On the occasion, Ali Mochtar read the written aspirations then submitted to Agun Gunanjar. Aspirations include two points namely, first, a petition vote of no confidence to the KPU and Bawaslu.
Second, the Commission urged II to form a special committee of the KPU and Bawaslu accountability on the 2014 presidential election.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) claimed to have heard Prabowo's speech at the Constitutional Court (MK). SBY hope hearing lawsuit presidential election that took place today can run smoothly.
This is expressed by the Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha at State Palace Complex in Jakarta.
"The president must be expected, hearing a lawsuit can take place safely, smoothly and orderly," said Julian, Wednesday (06/08/2014).
Julian went on, what was said Prabowo that the last presidential election fascists and communists, as the former commander of Kopasuss it feel if the election does not go according to the corridors, the same as in the authoritarian state government.
"I listen to what is meant by Prabowo. Which meant he was that there were things that did not happen after the democratic corridors, it is like the case in countries such nondemokrasi authoritarian or totalitarian state., But did not name it we do not want such it, "he explained.
However, Julian said, Yudhoyono said that the presidential election goes peacefully, smoothly and orderly.
"The election was run in accordance with what is mandated. But of course in it also regulated the objections of one of the parties, in this case Prabowo-Hatta," he concluded.
The attorney of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Adnan quoted, warned not to get additional material in the repair of a lawsuit filed Prabowo-Hatta camp.
"Do not change the new material to repair the car. So the lawsuit happens," Adnan said after the hearing in the Constitutional Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (06/08/2014).
In the trial of a lawsuit readings, Adnan related highlights the lack of description of the problem in 10 provinces. When a sudden in-fixes submitted Prabowo Hatta tomorrow there is the addition of material, it will be troublesome.
"I already warned-warned not to add new material as our defense difficult, because there is no legal certainty. I just defended myself that the Commission has been working in honest, objective and fair. If there is shortage of mistakes so that alleges must prove," he concluded.
Related to protest it, Chief Justice Zoelva Hamdan asserted, that the material filed lawsuit improvement Prabowo team-Hatta as its affairs. "Let the constitutional judges who assess whether repairs later submitted out of the petition or not," said Hamdan.

Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Husni Kamil Manik resignedly admitted for the actions that the Commission issued a circular regarding the Central Election Commission instructions to all provincial KPU and Regency / City to open the ballot boxes in anticipation of a lawsuit Prabowo-Hatta to the Constitutional Court (MK).
"In connection with the opening of the ballot box, let the judges who will answer because we have put forward is also good in writing, or orally in the form of a letter, as submitted by our legal counsel," said Husni according Presidential Election lawsuit hearing in the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (6 / 8/2014).
According to him the most important thing now is to prepare all the data for facing trial in Court lawsuit Presidential Election.
"Our concentration is to reveal the truth, let alone the power we say we have reached a principle in the trial so that the truth appears prosuderal but substantial justice," he explained.
Husni also said the Election Commission not concerned with the new evidence submitted Prabowo-Hatta election-related fraud while ago.
"We've been calling all over the province to prepare all the evidence. Locus But if it does not matter so we will not ask," he concluded.

Getting input from constitutional judges to fix the lawsuit, the advocacy team Prabowo-Hatta claimed to be ready to fulfill it.
One of the advocacy team Prabowo-Hatta, Eggi Sudjana, said it did not have to fix the problem if it is related to substantial.
"It's about millions of people, a sense of justice not hindered procedural matters," said Eggi in the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (06/07/2014).
Other preparations are also done it, which is related to two important witnesses and evidence that will be presented in the trial.
"Respondent (KPU) should answer the allegations of cheating. Till this moment as a lawyer made it clear we were officially declared fraudulent charges against the Commission. Was already presented at the trial was," he explained.
He said, on further hearing later, the team also includes new evidence in accordance with the advice of judges to complete posita and petita deemed to be lacking in sync.
Previously, the constitutional judges give some corrections to the lawsuit submitted and read by Prabowo team-Hatta. In addition to the petition and posita issue, the judge also questioned the editorial that many typos in a few pages.

 Dozens of people who are members of the Alliance of Concerned Nation "reward" the coffin corpse wrapped in black cloth to the General Election Commission (KPU) as an expression of concern over the implementation of the presidential election (election) who is suspected of various offenses.
"Democracy is being started is not as expected, democracy is sick. All the elements to join the community and encourage a better democracy," said the coordinator of the action, infallible in front of the Election Commission Office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (6/8 / 2014).
Monitoring the location, they also bring an ambulance unit and five coffins, wrapped in black cloth that brought it reads a variety of different messages. Starting from the Corruptor, Democracy, Foreign Antek, and Asset Nation. In addition, they also unfurled banners condemning the contents of the presidential election process is considered to be treacherous. One of them reads "Death of Democracy System Murder Constitutional Rights of the People" and "So President Kok Cheaters".
This action does not last long and they only presented the coffin to the Commission and to continue its action to the Constitutional Court (MK). Security guard at the location itself fairly favorable, but it dozens of officers have been stationed at locations equipped with weaponry. Legal

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