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Friday, August 8, 2014

Unfinished journey (6)

Unfinished journey (6) 
In front of CSU gates
Picture taken in front of CSU gates

(Part six, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 8, 2014, 15:31 pm) 

At the time I went to college at California State University (CSU) Fresno, California, USA (1982-1983) I have a friend namnya Endin Omar, her son Amin Kusmadi Endin former Head of Public Relations who is now caretaker Pertamina Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Halal certification . 

Omar addition to the campus is also staying with me one apartment, adjacent to the mosque across campus CSU Fresno. 

No wonder we were both diligent in congregation in the mosque frequented by speakers including bang Imadudin of Salman Mosque of ITB, and leaders of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim, especially given the many students who can Mara Malaysia scholarship college in the United States. 

Including preaching Tablighi Jamaat who invite Muslims to preach participate both in the United States, and strive to help the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union Communist troops in Afghanistan. In this era when the United States led by President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan was helping the Mujahideen and Osama bin Laden's group memerang Soviet occupation during the nine years under the communist regime of President Leonid Breshnev and Mikhail Gotabachev. 

Kusmadi Amin Endin never called me to persuade his son Omar Endin to do in jihad to Afghanistan, as he would later die stupid fight Soviet troops by the thousands with sophisticated weapons, ranging from fighter aircraft to tanks. 

No wonder in Omar Endin our room already has a pistol that he bought guns at a gun store in the country that is free peddle copies of various types of weapons. No wonder the city of Los Angeles in the number of deaths from gunshots highest in the world, either as a result of tmbakan robbers, people are more stressed (suicide) to a quarrel between husband and wife or a neighbor. 

The legend says Omar Endin beringinan want to buy a gun stringer before leaving for Afghanistan. Omar off to Afghanistan and in Indonesia for a career in Human Resources Devekopment, because at CSU she majored in this, while I majored in Economics. (Detail why Omar attracted to the Afghan Jihad see my next post) 

Picture taken in top of WTC Building whwew tourist usually visits before the WTC collapsed

According to the article in Wikipedia, the Soviet-Afghan War was a nine-year period in which the Soviet Union tried to defend the Marxist-Leninist government in Afghanistan, the PDPA, face mujahidinAfganistan who want to overthrow the government. Soviet Union supported the Afghan government, while the Mujahideen received support from many countries, including the United States and Pakistan. 
Soviet forces first arrived in Afghanistan on December 25, 1979, and the last withdrawal occurred on February 2, 1989 the Soviet Union announced that they had withdrawn all troops from Afghanistan on February 15, 1989 Due to the cost and futility of conflict This, Soviet-Afghan War is often equated as his Vietnam War the Soviet Union. [1] 
This war has a huge impact, and is one factor in the dissolution of the Soviet Union tahun1991. [2] 

President Jimmy Carter and President Leonid Breshnev

The area that is now called Afghanistan largely a Muslim areas since the year 882 AD The country with the geographical situation of the mountains and desert sands reflect the ethnic composition, culture and language. The population was divided into several ethnic groups, the Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group, together with the Tajik, Hazara, Aimak, Uzbeks, Turkmen and other small groups. 
Russia's military participation in Afghanistan has a long history, beginning in Tsarist expansion called "Great Game" between Russia and Great Britain, began in the 19th century with events called Panjdeh incident. Interest in this area continues as the Soviet era in Russia, with the billions of economic and military aid money to Afghanistan pda 1955 to 1978 [3] 
In February 1979, the Islamic revolution of Iran has expelled shah supported by the United States in Iran. In the Soviet Union, neighboring Afghanistan which is located to the north of Afghanistan, more than 20% of the population is Muslim. Many Soviet Muslims in Central Asia have a good relationship to Iran and Afghanistan. The Soviet Union has also been cornered by the fact that since February, the United States has been lowered 20 ships, including two aircraft carriers and the constant threat of war from the United States and Iran. [4] in March 1979 also marked the United States launched a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. The leader of the Soviet Union saw the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt as a step increase in the strength of the United States in the area. In fact, a Soviet newspaper stated that Egypt and Israel were now allies of the Pentagon. The Soviet Union saw the agreement not only in the written agreement between the two countries but also the approval of the military. [5] 

In addition, the Soviet Union found that the United States sold more than 5,000 missiles to Saudi Arabia and also assist Yemen to achieve successful defense against Communist faction. People's Republic of China also sold Type 69 RPGs to mujahideen in co-operation with the CIA. Then, a close relationship with the Soviet Union mengasam Iraq, because Iraq, in June 1978, began buying weapons made France and Italy, and the Soviet-made weapons instead. However, western aid to help the uprising against the Soviets conducted. Some parties give their assistance to help the Mujahideen in reason to destroy the influence of the Soviet Union. [6] 
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan 
 are: Democratic Republic of Afghanistan 
Sau Revolution 

Uni Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and the US President Ronald Reagan

Mohammad Zahir Shah ascended the throne and reigned from 1933 to 1973 nephew Zahir, Mohammed Daoud Khan, became Prime Minister of Afghanistan from 1953 until 1963 PDPA which is a Marxist party continues to grow in it. In 1967, the PDPA split into two rival factions, the Khalq faction headed by Nur Muhammad Taraki and Hafizullah Amin and the Parcham faction led by Babrak Karmal. 
Prime Minister Daoud seized power in a bloodless coup almost on July 17, 1973, because of corruption and poor economic conditions. Daoud put an end to the monarchy, but its ambitions in the economic and social reforms did not succeed. This makes PDPA heating up because of repression carried out against them by the regime of Daoud, in addition, on the death of the PDPA member, Mir Akbar Khyber also make the party heats up. [7] Death mysterious Khyber create the appearance of a lot of anti-Daoud demonstrations in Kabul and resulted in the capture of several important leaders of the PDPA. [8] 
As a result of this, on April 27, 1978, the PDPA overthrew and executed Daoud and his family members. [9] 

 Nur Muhammad Taraki, Secretary General of the PDPA, became President of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister of the new state, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. 

Factions inside the PDPA 

After the revolution, Taraki became president, Prime Minister and General Secretary of the PDPA. But actually, the government divided by factions, with President Taraki and Deputy Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin of the Khalq faction against Parcham leaders such as Babrak Karmal and Mohammad Najibullah, so this resulted in a conflict that led to exile, execution, and cleanup Parcham members. 
During the initial 18-month lead, the PDPA implemented a program of Soviet-style reforms. Changes in the law on marriage and land was not well received by the local people who follow the Islamic tradition. As a result of that, thousands of members of the traditional elite, the religious leaders, and paranormal trial. 

Mid-1978, a popular uprising backed by members of the local garrison began in Nuristan, Afghanistan and eastern regions of civil war spread across the country. September 1979, Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin seized power and led to the death of President Taraki. Over two months of instability overwhelmed Amin led to reign, while he had to face his opponent in the PDPA and the growing rebellion spread. 

Afghan-Soviet relations 

After the Russian Revolution in early 1919, the Soviet government to give assistance to Afghanistan in the form of millions of gold rubles, small arms, ammunition, and a little plane to help the people of Afghanistan against the British. 

In 1924, the USSR again gave military aid to Afghanistan. They give the Afghans the help of weaponry, combat aircraft and also training in Tashkent for officer training. Military cooperation between the Soviet-Afghanistan begins in 1956, in which the two countries signed the agreement. Soviet Defense Minister now responsible for training all Afghan military officer. 
In 1972, over 100 consultants and technical specialists Soviets deployed to Afghanistan to train Afghan forces. In May 1978, the Soviet government signed an international treaty, the Soviets sent 400 military advisers to Afghanistan. 
In December 1978, Moscow and Kabul to help distribute forces Afghanistan at the request of Afghanistan. Soviet military assistance increased and the PDPA regime depends on military equipment and Soviet military advisers. 

With Afghanistan in terrible conditions for countries affected by numerous rebellions, distribute forces with the Soviet Union sent troops to the 40th at the request of Afghan forces. 40th Army, which under the command of Marshal Sergei Sokolov, consists of 3 divisions of the armed forces, the paratroopers division, one brigade attacker. When added together, the Soviet forces covering about 1,800 T-62, 80,000 troops and 2,000 armored combat vehicles. [10] 
Afghan government requested that the Soviet government Soviet troops enter Afghanistan during the spring and summer of 1979 they asked the Soviet troops to provide security and improve the effectiveness of the fight against the Mujahideen. 

14 April, the Government of Afghanistan asked the Soviet Union to send 15 to 20 helicopters with their crews to Afghanistan, and on June 16, the Soviet government responded and sent tanks, BMPs, and crews to keep the Afghan government in Kabul and to secure the Bagram and Shindand airfields. 

In response to this request, 1 battalion of paratroopers, commanded by Colonel A. Lomakin, arrived at Bagram airfield on July 7, 1979 They arrived without their combat tool, disguised as a specialist technique. They are the personal guard Taraki. Paratroopers were directed towards senior Soviet military advisor and did not interfere in Afghan politics. 
After 1 month, the DRA request is no longer for individual crews and subunits, but is regimen and larger armies. 

 On July 19, 1979, the Afghan government requested that two divisions rifles sent to Afghanistan. The day after that, they asked for 1 division paratroopers to sum the initial request. They repeated the request and the request is different from the next month of December 1979 on Despite so, the Soviet government was not in a hurry to complete this request. 

Soviet Troops in Afghanistan

The onset of chaos 

In June 1975, militants from the Jamiat Islami party attempted to overthrow Daoud government. They started their movement in the Panjshir Valley, 100 kilometers north of Kabul, and in several other provinces. Even so, the government can ease the chaos and change large portions of chaos requesting refugee in Pakistan when they enjoy the support of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's government, which is known by the rise of the Pashtuns Daoud on the issue. [11] 
The uprising that began in earnest in 1978, after the Taraki government began a series of reforms aimed at "the overthrow of feudalism" in Afghan communities. [12] These reforms introduce some changes, but they are enforced by means of brutality. Rural communities of Afghanistan is still very traditional, and local changes have undermined community; besides education reform and freedom of women was regarded as an attack against Islam. 

Therefore, the reaction against the reform is a mess, most of the revolt. Revolution begins in October along with people of Nuristan Kunar Valley, and quickly spread among the other ethnic, including Pashtuns. Afghan forces are plagued by defections and a small moral and proved completely unable to cope with the chaos. In the spring of 1979, 24 of 28 provinces have suffered from chaos and rebellion. The uprising began taking part in the city, in March 1979 in Herat. Afghan forces led by Ismail Khan revolted and killed massive approximately 100 Soviet advisers. PDPA bombardmen retaliated with a campaign that killed 24,000 inhabitants in the city. 

In May 1978, the rebels build their first fortress in Pakistan to train troops for combat in Afghanistan. 

Like the anti-communist movement at that time, the rebellion quickly receive assistance from the United States. As stated by the previous pemimpinCIA and Secretary of Defense prior, Robert Gates, in his memoirs "From the Shadows", the United States Intelligence Agency began helping faction against the government 6 months before Soviet troops arrived. On July 3, 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed the CIA operation was given the power to spread propaganda against the regime revolution. 

Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stated "According to history, CIA aid to the Mujahideen began during 1980, guarded until now, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, December 24, 1979 But the reality, secretly guarded until now." Brzezinski himself played a fundamental role in assembling Serkat American policy, which is not known by the Mujahideen, was part of a larger strategy "to induce inteversi Soviet military." In 1998 during an interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski claimed again [13] 
"The secret operation was an excellent idea. The idea was to have influence over the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the Afghan trap ... The day that the Soviets crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have an opportunity to provide the USSR its Vietnam War. 
Distribution of Soviet Forces 
Option to intervene 
40th fortress troops Soviet Union in Kabul, 1987 Prior to the distribution of forces, this building is the Palace Tajbeg where Amin was killed. 
Soviet Union decided to provide assistance to Afghanistan to carry out the revolution. Soviet leaders, based on information from the KGB, felt that Amin stabilize the situation in Afghanistan. KGB in Kabul have warned people to be killers Taraki and Amin coup that Amin's leadership will lead to "harsh repression", and the result is the activation and consolidation of the opposition. 

Soviets set up a special commission on Afghanistan, the top leader Yuri Andropov KGB, Ponomaryev of the Central Committee and Dmitry Ustinov, Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union. At the end of October they reported that Amin clearing enemies, including Soviet sympathizers; his loyalty to Moscow is just a sham; and he was look for diplomatic channels with Pakistan and if possible, the People's Republic of China. 

Last arguments to eliminate Amin is the information obtained by the KGB from its agents in Kabul, supposedly, two of Amin's guards killed the former president Nur Muhammad Taraki with using a pillow, and Amin was suspected CIA agent. Later, it is still disputed as Amin always showed hospitality to the Soviet Union. Soviet General Vasily Zaplatin, which is a political advisor at the time, claimed that four young minister Taraki responsible for the destabilization but Zaplatin failed to emphasize this. 

The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union 
These Soviet invasion at the end Desember1979. 

On December 22, the Soviet adviser advising the Afghan Armed Forces, in order for them to undergo maintenance for tanks and other war equipment is absolutely crucial. Meanwhile, telecommunications links Kabul cut out area, isolating the capital. With the worsening security situation, most of the members of the Soviet airborne forces joined the ground forces in Kabul and they began to land in Kabul. Simultaneously, Amin moved the presidential office to the Palace Tajbeg, it is believed that this place is more secure than other risks that may occur. [14] [15] His brother and General Babadzhan met with the commander of the troops of the Soviet 40th before entering Afghanistan, to work over the route and location of Soviet troops. [16] 

On December 27, 1979, 700 Soviet troops wearing Afghan uniforms, including OSNAZ and special forces of the GRU Spetsnaz Alpha Group and Zenith Group, took over the government, and military buildings in Kabul, including their primary target - the Palace Tajbeg. 
Operation begins at 7 pm, when the Zenith Group detonates communications center of Kabul, the Afghan military komandi melumpukan. At 7:15 am, Operation Storm-333 starts. with a clear purpose, to remove and kill 
President Hafizullah Amin. Operation completed entirely on the morning of December 28, 1979. 
The Soviet military command at Termez, in Uzbekistan, announced on Radio Kabul that Afghanistan had been liberated from Amin's leadership. According to the Soviet Politburo, they are according to the treaty of friendship, Cooperation, and the neighborhoods are good and it is a crime that Amin did so executed by the judge for his crimes. 

Radio broadcasts from radio station according to the Kabul, but it was identified that actually comes from a facility in Uzbekistan, announced that the execution of Hafizullah Amin held by the Afghan Revolutionary Central Committee (Afghan Revolutionary Central Committee). The committee then chose the former Prime Minister Babrak Karmal as head of government, which has been derived from the position of Ambassador to the Republic because of the Khalq takeover, and has been requested by the Soviet military. [17] 

Soviet ground forces, under the command of Marshal Sergei Sokolov, entered Afghanistan from the north on December 27. In the morning, the division payungVitebsk troops landed at Bagram airfield and distribution of Soviet troops in Afghanistan is underway. Within 2 weeks, 5 Soviet divisions had arrived in Afghanistan, which is Division 105 to the Umbrella troops in Kabul, Brigadier-to-66 in Herat, Division Troops Shoot to-357 in Kandahar, Fire Division of the 16th Army based in northern Badakshan and Division 306 in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. In the second week, the Soviet fighter has made 4,000 flights to Kabul. [18] 

Soviet operations 
Spetsnaz group prepares for a mission in Afghanistan, 1988. 
Soviet troops entered Afghanistan with the 3rd division firing squad (including Division Troops Shoot to-201), Force Regimen 1 individual shooter, 1 Umbrella Forces Division, Brigadier-56 to the Air Force, and one regimen Umbrella forces of its own. [19] 

During the distribution of forces, forces of the Soviet Union can not make a power outside of Kabul, as many as 80% of the countryside still escaped government control. Therefore there is a mission that aims to defend the City and its installations, and expand to destroy the anti-communist mujahideen, especially the use of reserve forces of the Soviet Union. 
The military reported difficulty Soviet troops to fight in mountainous areas. Soviet troops are not familiar with the battle against the insurgency no training, and weapons, as well as their military equipment, especially tanks and war vehicles. Widely used heavy artillery against rebel forces. 
Soviet helicopters (including the Mil Mi-24) as their primary air attack, in which the helicopter appreciated as the greatest in the world, supported by ground attack aircraft, bombers, ground troops and special forces. 

Inability of the Soviet Union to break the deadlock in the military, gaining some supporters of Afghanistan, with the rebuilding of Afghanistan forces, requiring increased direct use of force itself to fight the rebels. Soviet troops often find themselves fighting against civilians as a tactic of the rebels. They make the same mistake with the United States during the Vietnam terjadinyaPerang won almost all the battles, but failed to control the countryside. 

World reaction 
United States President Jimmy Carter declared that the invasion of the Soviet Union was "the most serious threat since World War II." Carter later embargo on delivery of material needs such as grain and high technology to the Soviet Union of the United States. Increasing tension, such as anxiety in the west of the Soviet forces through large amounts close to the oil-rich areas in the bay, and managed to put an end to détente. 
International diplomatic response was great, with the boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. Invasion, with other events, such as the revolution in Iran and the United States that followed the hostages, the Iran-Iraq War, Israel attacked Lebanon, escalating tensions between Pakistan and India, and the growing anti-Western terrorists in the Middle East, helped lead the Middle East into a region most chaotic and turbulent during the 1980s. 

Babrak Karmal government lack of international support in the beginning. UN action is highly unlikely because the Soviets had veto power, but the UN General Assembly passed a resolution against the remains of Soviet occupation. Foreign Minister of the Islamic Conference Organization deplores the entry of the Soviet Union into Afghanistan and demanded the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in an emergency meeting held in Islamabad on 10 January to 14 January 1980, 18 of the 18 people in the UN General Assembly opted for a resolution (A / ES-6/2, GA / 6172) which requested that the Soviet Union withdraw all its forces from Afghanistan to let the people choose their own destiny and without interference of other countries. "[20] 

 However, this resolution was rejected by Leonid Brezhnev and other Soviet leaders as they conduct an internal meeting legitimate in Afghanistan where such meetings are welcome in Article 51 of the UN Charter. They claimed only the Afghan government that has the power to regulate the status of Soviet forces. This position is seen as a two-faced position by people who do not like is that it is not possible invasion Amin arranged for him executed, and some also claim that Afghanistan is a puppet state of the Soviet Union. [21]

 Non-Aligned Movement sharply divided between countries that believe that the delivery of legal and other Soviet forces claimed that the shipment was illegal invasion. 

Rebellion Afghanistan 
An Afghan Mujahideen were trained using anti-aircraft missile systems Strela-2 portable Soviet. 
1980 billowy, Afghanistan Resistance Movement would receive assistance from the United States, United Kingdom, People's Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others. Thus, Afghan insurgents have been equipped with weapons and funds, most of the militants had been trained by the United States and Pakistan. United States sees the conflict in Afghanistan is part of the struggle of the Cold War, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet forces through the Pakistani ISI, in a program called Operation Typhoon. 

The same movement happens in the Muslim world, bringing unity called Arab Afghans (said by the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan as "freedom fighters"), foreign fighters recruited from the Muslim world to carry out jihad against the communists. Noted that among them, there was a young man of Saudi Arabia named Osama bin Laden, in which the Arab group that participated in Al-Qaeda. The United States government maintains its aid to the Mujahideen, and parsitipasi Osama Bin Laden was not involved in the conflict in the CIA program. 

USA programs create a financial system that appears similar in the Arab Muslim world. [22] Donation United States is the FIM-92 Stinger, anti-missile air attack systems, which increase the number of lost aircraft of the Soviet Union. However, many field commanders, including Ahmad Shah Massoud, stated that the impact is greater. Also, when the rebels can shoot aircraft landing and take-off of aircraft off from the airfield, anti-missile flares, keefesiennya limited. 

Mujahideen leader noticed sabotage operations. There are so many acts of sabotage such as pipeline damage, destroy radio station, bombed government offices, hotels, theaters, and others. From 1985 to 1987, more than 1800 acts of terrorism occur. In the border region with Pakistan, the Mujahideen fired 800 rockets every day. Between April 1985 and January 1987, they brought more than 23,500 attacks on government targets and ammunition. Mujahideen investigating a shooting position where they normally located near villages up to a distance of Soviet artillery posts. 

They put rural people in danger of death from Soviet retaliation. Mujahideen use landmines on a large scale, they will acquire the services of the local population and including children. 
Army fighters in a village that was destroyed. 
They also concentrate in destroying bridges, blocking roads, destroying convoys, disrupting power lines and industries, and attacking police stations and Soviet military installations and airfields. They kill civil officials and members of the PDPA. They attacked a small post. In March 1982, a bomb exploded in the education department, destroying several buildings. In the same month, a large force failed to darken Kabul when the tall tower in the center of Naghlu electrical burst. 

 In June 1982, approximately 1,000 young party members were sent to work in the Panjshir valley where they were ambushed about 20 miles from Kabul, with the magnitude of lost souls. On September 4, 1985, insurgents shot down a domestic Bakhtar Airlanes plane as the plane took off from Kandahar airport, killing 52 people on the plane ride. 

Mujahideen groups have about 3 to 5 members per group. Once they receive a mission to kill a member of the government, they mempersibuk themselves by studying the background of his life and chose it to complete their mission. They tried to shoot the car, put mines in homes or some place, using poison, or the use of explosives in means of transport. 

Pakistan's ISI and SSG participate actively in its participation in the conflict in cooperation with the CIA who support resistance fighters against the Soviet Union. 
The area where each different mujahideen groups operating in 1985. 
In May 1985, seven leaders of the uprising organization formed Guild 7 Mujahideen to coordinate their military operations against the Soviet troops. In 1985, the group is active in and around Kabul, firing rockets and make operations against the communist government. 
In mid-1987, the Soviet Union announced that they will withdraw. 

Sibghatullah Mojaddedi chosen as head of the interim government of Afghanistan, with the aim to reaffirm legistimasinya against the Moscow-sponsored Kabul regime. Mojaddedi, as head of the interim government of Afghanistan, met with United States President George HW Bush, a diplomatic victory for the Afghan resistance. 

Conquered the Kabul government was their solution for peace. This confidence, sharpened by distrust of the UN, virtually guaranteed their refusal to accept a political compromise. 

The involvement of the international community and aid to the Afghan insurgency 

Distribution of Soviet troops in Afghanistan deter Pakistan desire to dominate Afghanistan. President of the United States, Jimmy Carter has received that Soviet aggression can not be seen as an isolated event, but should be treated as a warning in the Persian Gulf region. 

After the distribution of the Soviet troops, the Pakistani military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq started receiving financial aid from the Western powers to help the Mujahideen. United States, Britain, and Saudi Arabia became a financial contributor to General Zia, in which the leader of the neighboring country Afghanistan, helping to make the Afghanistan rebels trained and have sufficient funds. 

Pakistan's ISI and SSG become more actively involved in the conflict with the Soviet Union. After Ronald Reagan became President of the United States in 1981, aid to the Mujahideen by General Zia increased. For revenge, Khad, under Afghan leader Mohammad Najibullah, send (menurutMitrokhin and other sources) a large operation against Pakistan, which also suffered due to transfers of arms and drugs from Afghanistan. 

 In 1980, as a front line state in the anti-Soviet resistance, Pakistan received aid from the United States and take millions of Afghan refugees (mostly Pashtun) fleeing from the Soviet occupation. Although refugees controls Pakistan's largest province, Balochistan, displacement of so many refugees - believed to be the largest refugee population in the world. [23] 

The withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan 
Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan 
Casualties, economic resources, and losing the house felt in the Soviet Union and directly led to criticism of the policy of occupation. 

The withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan 
Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan 
Casualties, economic resources, and losing the house felt in the Soviet Union and directly led to criticism of the policy of occupation. Leonid Brezhnev died in 1982, and after two short-lived successor, Mikhail Gorbachev took office in March 1985 Gorbachev currently open systems of the country, it became clear that the Soviet Union wished to find a safe way to retreat from Afghanistan. 

The government of President Karmal, established in 1980 and identified as a puppet regime has absolutely no effect. This weakens the divisions within the PDPA and the Parcham faction of the regime's attempt to broaden support for them proved futile. 
Moscow came to tell the Karmal for failure and blame him for the problem. 1 year later, when Karmal do not have the ability to consolidate his government had become real, Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party stated: 
"The main reason that there is no national consolidation because Karmal hoping to continue his rule in Kabul with our help. " 
In November 1986, Mohammad Najibullah, head of the Afghan secret police (Khad), selected as the new president and constitutional use. He was also introduced in 1987 a policy of "national reconciliation," devised by experts of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and later used in other regions of the world. Despite high expectations, the new policy makes the Kabul regime more popular, nor convince the insurgents to negotiate with the ruling government. 

Informal negotiations for a Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan had been underway since 1982 In 1988, the government of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the United States and Soviet Union serving as guarantors, signed the settlement of agreement they know the difference as the Geneva agreement. UN prepares a special mission to oversee the process. In this way, Najibullah had been enough to stabilize the position of a rival political movement towards Moscow withdrawal. On July 20, 1987, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was announced. The resignation of Soviet forces was planned by Boris Gromov, who, at that time, was the commander of the 40th army of the Soviet Union. 

Among other things, the Geneva Accords identify ketidakikutcampuran United States and the Soviet Union in the events in Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Soviet troops withdrawal list. Approval of withdrawal is approved, and on February 15, 1989, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan. 
The strength of the Soviet Union 
Between December 25, 1979 and February 15, 1989, there were 620,000 Afghan army soldiers who are (although there 80000-104000 troops in Afghanistan at a time). Is 525,000 ground troops, 90,000 are border troops and other KGB troops, 5,000 in free formation on the Internal Troops, MVD and the police. 21,000 personnel were with the Soviet troop unity in the same period do manual work. 

Monument to Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Kiev, Ukraine. 
The number of personnel who can not be cured of the Soviet forces, border troops, and internal guards reached 14 453. Soviet troop formations, units and elements of landscape lost 13,833, KGB troops lost 572, MVD formations lost 28 and other ministries and departments lost 20 During this period 417 repairman missing in action or captured and imprisoned; 119 of them will dilepasikan, 97 returned to the Soviet Union and 22 other countries back to. 
There are 469 685 people who are sick and injured, 53 753 people, or 11.44%, hurt, or suffering from a concussion and 415 932 people (88.56%) pain. Most of the victims are people who are sick. This is due to the local climatic and sanitary conditions, in which acute infections spread rapidly among the troops. There are about 115 308 cases of hepatitis, 31 080 and 140 665 thipoid case for other diseases. 11 654 troops quit the army after being wounded, a serious disease, 92%, or 10,751 people become disabled. [24] 
Loss of material as follows: 
• 118 fighter 
• 333 helicopter 
• 147 tanks 
• 1,314 IFV / APC 
• 433 artillery and mortar 
• 1,138 radio and command car 
• 510 car engineering 
• 11 369 trucks and oil tankers 
Damage to Afghanistan 
Soviet trucks remaining diKandahar, Afghanistan, in 2002. 

Damage that occurs in Afghanistan was horrendous. More than 1 million Afghans were killed. [25]. 5 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, and it is one third of the population of Afghanistan before the war. 2 million Afghans were forced by war to migrate from Afghanistan. In 1980, 1 of 2 refugees in the world are the people of Afghanistan. [26] 

Irrigation system, which is critical of the arid country like Afghanistan has been destroyed by bombing and shelling. In the worst year of war, 1985, according to the survey, more than half of all the farmers who are still in Afghanistan found their fields bombed, and over one quarter of their irrigation systems destroyed and their livestock shot by Soviet or Afghan communist forces. [26 ] 

Most populous city both in Afghanistan, Kandahar, population has declined, from 200,000 before the war to 25,000 people, this is caused by the bombing campaign by the Soviets in 1987 [27] Landmines have killed 25,000 Afghans during the war and 10- another 15 million landmines spread in rural areas. [28] 

The impact of ideology 
Islamists who fought also believed that they were responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union. For example, Osama bin Laden is rewarded for "the fall of the Soviet Union ... goes to God and the mujahideen in Afghanistan ... the United States does not pick roles that can be mentioned," but "the collapse of the Soviet Union caused the United States more haughty and arrogant." [29] 

Afghan civil war (1989-1992) 
Two tanks were abandoned when the Soviet Union left Afghanistan backwards. 
The civil war continued in Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in the winter with a panic among the people in Kabul. Afghan Mujahideen with poise against the cities of Kabul province and even if necessary. 
Najibullah's regime, though failing to obtain relief, territory, or international recognition, remained in power until 1992 Kabul has reached ceasefire Mujahideen opened weaknesses, political and military. After nearly 3 years, Najibullah government successfully defend itself from attack Mujahideen; factions within the government had developed connections with the enemy. According to Russian journalist Andrey Karaulov [30], the main reason why Najibullah losing power was Russia's refusal to sell oil products to Afghanistan for political reasons. (The new Russian government does not help the communists) and managed to move the blockade. 

Betrayal General Abdul Rashid Dostam and Uzbek militia in March 1992, with serious damage to the country's control Najibullah. In April, Kabul ultimately fell to the Mujahideen because factions within the government finally berpisahan. 
Najibullah lost internal control immediately he announced his will, on March 18, to quit in order to make way for a government that is neutral for a while. Ironically, until screwed by relics senior leaders, Afghan forces have achieved the highest level of achievement that is never achieved when directed by the Soviet supervision. 
During the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the Afghanistan natural gas extraction corked to avoid sabotage. Restoration of gas production has been hampered by internal strife and chaos of traditional trading relationships. 
1 ^ "The Cold War Part 2". Retrieved 2007-07-08. 
2 ^ Reuveny, Rafael and Prakash, Aseem. "The Afghanistan war and the collapse of the Soviet Union". University of Washington Faculty Web Server. Retrieved 2007-07-08. 
3 ^ Rubin, Barnett R. The Fragmentation of Afghanistan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995, p. 20. 
4 ^ Valenta, Jiri (1980). "From Prague to Kabul: The Soviet Style of Invasion". 
5. ^ Goldman, Minton (1984). Soviet Military Intervention in Afghanistan: Roots & Causes. 
6 ^ Gibbs, David (1987). Does the USSR Have a 'Grand Strategy'? Reinterpreting the Invasion of Afghanistan. 
7 ^ Bradsher, Henry S. Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. Durham: Duke Press Policy Studies, 1983 p. 72-73 
8 ^ Hilali, AZ "The Soviet Penetration into Afghanistan and the Marxist Coup." The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 18, no. 4 (2005): 673-716, p. 709. 
9 ^ Garthoff, Raymond L. Détente and Confrontation. Washington DC: The Brookings Institute, 1994 p. 986. 
10 ^ "Afghanistan: The Soviet Union". Retrieved 27 November. Unknown parameter | accessyear = ignored (help) 
11. ^ Pakistan's Support of Afghan Islamists, 1975-79 - Library of Congress country studies, Retrieved on February 4, 2007 
12. ^ Andrew Bennett (1999); A bitter harvest: Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and its effects on Afghan political movements, Retrieved on February 4, 2007 
13. ^ "Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's US National Security Adviser". Le Nouvel Observateur. Retrieved 27 November 1998. Unknown parameter | accessyear = ignored (help) 
14. ^ Garthoff, Raymond L. Détente and Confrontation. Washington DC: The Brookings Institute, 1994 p. 1017-1018 
15. ^ Arnold, Anthony. Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism: Parcham and Khalq.Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1983 jal. 96. 
16. ^ Garthoff, Raymond L. Détente and Confrontation. Washington DC: The Brookings Institute, 1994 p. In 1017. 
17. ^ The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: Failure of Intelligence or of the Policy Process? - Page 7 
18. ^ Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. London: Alfred Knopf, 2005, p. 40-41 ISBN 1-84115-007-X 
19. ^ Carey Schofield, The Russian Elite, Greenhill / Stackpole, 1993, p. 60-61 
20 ^ "A / ES-6/2 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security". UN. 1980-01-14. Retrieved 4-2-2007. 
21. ^ "Russian Political maneuvers and Hypocrisies in Afghanistan". Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan. Accessed September 1981 4-2-2007. 
22. ^ "Did the US" Create "Osama bin Laden? ([[January 14]] [[2005]])". US Department of State '. Accessed 28-3-2007. Wikilink embedded in the URL title (help) 

Western media lies and Americans on their claims against the success of the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union 

This paper is part of a book written by Abu Mushab As-suspended from a book entitled Al-Da'wah al-Islamiyya Muqawwamah, Chapter: Ash-Shahwah Hashad Al-Islamiyyah wa At-Tayar Al-Jihadi (1930-2002) on Western media lies in the Afghan jihad, the following facts were revealed Shaykh Abu Mus'ab As Suri, may be useful for the Muslims: Need I (Abu Mushab As-suri) 2 big lie conveyed by media and the western United States in particular Arab and Islamic media trailing the west. This lie must be clarified to the public in general and to the activists and Islamic Jihad activists in particular. Two lie it is as follows. a) The role of America in the victory and the Afghan jihad. American media with a variety of ingredients-which is controlled by the Zionists and crusaders zionis- minded opinion that trying to make a success of the Afghan jihad victory of American policy and programs of the CIA in Afghanistan. The spread false propaganda is quite advantageous America. They worked for it through various means of propaganda. One of them with a movie Rambo with the story of battle in Afghanistan. In the film, Rambo described can shoot down many aircraft, destroying forts fighters to free the hostages, both the Afghans and the Americans. The Rambo then riding a horse, driving armored vehicles, snaking flew by helicopter Russia. Rambo repeatedly wounded, but not dead he is trapped in an armored vehicle, but his muscles were not involved blister !!. The film was able to bombard the audience amazed with the American muscle amazed by the splash of wise words and propaganda dime through half mute lips MEBLE Rambo. 

Western media lies and Americans on their claims against the success of the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union 
Saif Al BattarAhad, 4 Jumada End 1432 H / May 8, 2011 02:39 
Osama bin Laden during the jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union 
This paper is part of a book written by Abu Mushab As-suspended from a book entitled Al-Da'wah al-Islamiyya Muqawwamah, Chapter: Ash-Shahwah Hashad Al-Islamiyyah wa At-Tayar Al-Jihadi (1930-2002) on Western media lies in the Afghan jihad, the following facts were revealed Shaykh Abu Mus'ab As Suri, may be useful for the Muslims: Need I (Abu Mushab As-suri) 2 big lie conveyed by media and the western United States in particular Arab and Islamic media trailing the west. This lie must be clarified to the public in general and to the activists and Islamic Jihad activists in particular. Two lie it is as follows. a) The role of America in the victory and the Afghan jihad. American media with a variety of ingredients-which is controlled by the Zionists and crusaders zionis- minded opinion that trying to make a success of the Afghan jihad victory of American policy and programs of the CIA in Afghanistan. The spread false propaganda is quite advantageous America. They worked for it through various means of propaganda. One of them with a movie Rambo with the story of battle in Afghanistan. In the film, Rambo described can shoot down many aircraft, destroying forts fighters to free the hostages, both the Afghans and the Americans. The Rambo then riding a horse, driving armored vehicles, snaking flew by helicopter Russia. Rambo repeatedly wounded, but not dead he is trapped in an armored vehicle, but his muscles were not involved blister !!. The film was able to bombard the audience amazed with the American muscle amazed by the splash of wise words and propaganda dime through half mute lips MEBLE Rambo. 

Osama bin Laden  fight Uni Soviet Soldier

One of the scenes in the propaganda film Rambo 3 
At the end of the film, Rambo convey the message of love with the weak people, concern for the downtrodden, his persistence to help the Muslims, and its key role in helping the Afghan people that the fictional film that portrayed so amazed and in love with America. Finally, the muscles Rambo went back to Hollywood to party and dance crazy with the singers pretty ones. A symbol that is describe in real terms about America with his massive muscles, brain dwarf, and half mute lips but love making up words of wisdom. American media with disdain resourceful people who believe it also exaggerates the role of the rockets (stinger) in the victory of the Afghan jihad and how the rockets are able to reverse the balance of battle. Namely, when the Russian planes began to fall due to the rocket. One thing that changed the course of the battle of losing into winning !. This lie American media propagated through the mass media and propaganda tools, ranging from documentaries, books, newspapers, books memoirs to intelligence officers and others. 

Mujahidin Fighter prayer

Stinger weapon in the Afghan Jihad 
Keep in mind, a small number of rockets (stinger) Americans into Afghanistan after 10 years penjajaha Russia and a few moments before the withdrawal of Russia. Armament is rarely used in the critical battles and only a few Russian aircraft that crashed it. Of the hundreds of thousands of jihadists there, there were rarely seen such a device. Most of these weapons actually stolen by Pakistani intelligence. They're used to steal some of the aid money and goods to the Afghan mujahideen, such as cars, various SAR equipment, logistics, ammunition, and weapons that go through Pakistan to the Afghan mujahideen through. I (Abu Mushab As-suri) alone could not understand how this sense can accept large falsity of the rockets in the Afghan jihad victory. The war was followed by millions of Afghans and for the more than a million armed jihadists joining the ranks of the mujahideen groups. In that period also, the people of Afghanistan to present more than 2 million martyrs and 5 million refugees, from countries whose population is not more than 16 million people. I (Abu Mushab As-suri) also can not understand what the role of the rocket in destroying more than 50 thousand Russian military equipment, killing more than 30 thousand Russian soldiers on the ground, and killed more than 150 thousand militia pro-Soviet Afghan communists. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of operations for jihad attack that lasted more than 15 years, beginning five years before the Russian invasion and lasted for 3 years thereafter until the capital Kabul fell to the mujahideen, ie from 1973 to 1992 Despite the lies rocket was so cheesy and contradictory the rear of the simplest information about the correct course of jihad in Afghanistan, but a lie is still believed by millions of viewers televsi and feature films. Indeed, it is the American media magic and therein lies the American victory coward and the impostor. Americans have underestimated the majority of the public mind, but unfortunately, they believe it to America!. b) Allegations of the involvement of the Arab Mujahideen as American agents and their relationship with the CIA during the Afghan jihad. Programs in various international and Arab media today, ranging from movies, interviews, analysis, newspapers, books, and other load this lies with a delicious and change the theme as it is an axiom! (Statements that can be accepted as truth without proof). They serve big lie to the public as a nature. The issue is the lie that American intelligence agency (CIA) was the one who created the figures of Afghan Arab fighters and their leaders like Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden. The goal is to destroy the Soviet Union separately. The figure of this American creation back then instead attack America. Among them was that destroyed the towers in New York and Washington. While the majority of them returned to their respective negeranya to attack American interests, Americans kill people there, and fight against the rulers of Arab and Muslim Americans are pro ... 

Mullah Omar Taliban Leaders who fight US and NATO Troops in Afghanistan

As Shahid DR. Abdullah Azzam -rahimahullah- 
They also claim, in fact the phenomenon of armed jihad in the Arab countries is the incarnation of the Afghan jihad. Therefore, it is also the creation of armed jihad that American intelligence has been out of control. They also said, Americans have been stuck in a situation like the saying goes "who creates ghost jejadian he would been expelled by him." So, what is actually a very dangerous falsehood is for the reputation of the current jihad? Biidznillah, I (Abu Mushab As-suri) will explain this through the following brief points: 1 statement that the phenomenon of armed jihad in the countries of the Arab societies Arabs Afghan jihad in Afghanistan, essentially just the opposite. Actually, jihad Arabs in Afghanistan is the impact of the presence of jihad arab citizens before. This is one of the achievements are carved by the flow of Arab jihadis in Arab countries themselves and become one of the bead and part of the stage of development of this flow, as previously described. As is known, contemporary Jihadi flow is the result of ash-shahwah al-Islamiyya (the Islamic revival movement) that grow in the early 30s. Jihadi stream is then split from the ash-shahwah al-Islamiyya in the early 60s and early 80s. That is a phenomenon that has been there 20 years before the Afghanistan jihad. The leaders, cadres, leaders, and pillars of the Arab jihad in Afghanistan, most of them are former cadres, leaders, and sheikh-Sheikh Arab jihadi stream. For example is Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam is one of the symbol and senior Mujahideen in Palestine. The regime has been banished from Amman Jordan because his writings on jihad and its stance against the regime. Then Osama bin Laden, he was educated among ash-shahwah al-Islamiyya. He supports jihad dysuria early 80s, before moving to Afghanistan. There are many more cadres were difficult to mention individually in this book. They are the instructors and the first generation of field commanders are tasked to set up camps and infrastructure Arab jihad in Afghanistan. They used to be a cadre of organizations of the Arab jihad, especially from Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and others. They were the forerunner of the Arab community that the task in the field of training, information, military action, relief field, and other activities. Then, then the fighters of the new generation of Arab countries and Muslims are slowly starting to come. Communities that initially only a small group in 1984 and then increased steadily since 1987 to 1991 and amounted to 40 thousand Arab fighters in the early 1990s. 2 Subject allegations about the Arab jihad in Afghanistan's relationship with America and its intelligence agencies. If anything, the role of the villain (USA) is just: 1 Giving the green light to the license and their accomplices at the Arab and Muslim rulers to allow young people to enjoy the jihadists are entitled to and follow religious to go to Afghanistan for jihad. 2 Appealing intelligence agencies in these countries in order to let the young man go to fulfill the obligation Shar'ie. 3 The role of the mass media Arab governments and Islamic Jihad are also limited to only promote Afghan. 4 Role in Saudi arabia to instruct government agencies pay berfatwa fatwa that jihad in Afghanistan fard ayn-law rightly so according to the Islamic law. And, let the priests preaching and ishlah in saudi Arabia to speak about the fact Shar'ie. 5. Opening up to the community to fulfill the obligation of jihad Haramain treasure to support Sodara-sodaranya seakidah and co-religionists. 6 Encourage the youth who want to go to Afghanistan, to the extent that the airlines Saudi Airlines gives 75% discount on air tickets from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan for anyone who wants to go for jihad in Afghanistan. The price is much cheaper than domestic flights. It is obvious that the ruling family Su'ud have a variety of interests that is propaganda and other terms of the provision of these facilities. 1 Americans also instructed Pakistan's role in the embassy to facilitate visas for the youths of Arab countries and Muslims to go to Afghanistan via Pakistan. 2 Let the Arabs are free to move, even if they set up camps near the Afghan border region of Pakistan for training and provision of logistics services for the Afghan jihad. Pakistan in this course has a variety of regional and national interest. But this book is not the place to elaborate on the matter. Moreover, there are also a variety of personal interests of officers in the military, intelligence agencies and police agencies Pakistanyang profit from the presence of flow in and out of human and very large funds through their territories. If the permit Americans to his little friend was regarded as America's role in creating the Arab jihad in Afghanistan so his role is not more than that. Meanwhile, a friend of the American small rulers in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and other countries also have various vested interest in this case. 1 The claims of American aid to the Arabs, either in the form of programs and the military action in the field is a big lie !!. I (Abu Mushab As-suri) served as an instructor in the field of military training as well as the speaker realm of thought and manhaj. I am also in direct contact with the leaders of the Arab jihad in Afghanistan. From behind the activity, I can see and affirm that the statements that America is unfounded. Here I (Abu Mushab As-suspended) are not going to explain the chronology of the Arab jihad in Afghanistan so it must enumerate the facts of the training and operational mechanisms. In summary, the Arabic jihadi training effort is a collection of individuals who performed with sincerity. Jihad training was initially conducted by senior jihadi cadres, the cadres and military professionals who have retired or military membership dipecar of various Arab and Islamic countries. The role they are so important in this training. After that, the experience of new cadres in the field begins to accumulate. For observers of state of mind, psychiatric, manhaj, and anti - American, western and infidels in general, even the anti-authority and anti-American scum teri embedded hearts of the leaders of the Arab jihad mass base of young people of Afghanistan and other countries, will know that such claims were no facts and is not likely to happen. The fact that the interests and objectives of all parties are aligned indirectly to combat the Soviet Union, each party is actually different interests, but each in a single destination. The fact of this kind do occur and often repeated in the history of world politics. America's interest is to defeat the Soviet Union and won the Cold War. This desire comes after a severe blow the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact to the United States in many fronts. The case of Afghanistan, for America, is a golden opportunity. And sure enough, America utilize this case very well at all and they get what is by Nixon in the popular book called "victory without war." America truly achieve. Interests of Western Europe and NATO countries are to benefit and make a foundation in Afghanistan. They also participate in a "party" in the interests of European countries collectively and sometimes individually. Relative basis, each of the European countries collectively and sometimes individually. Relative basis, each country get what it wants. Currently in Afghanistan spread various institutions belonging to Europe under the guise of humanitarian social institutions, but aims to take advantage of the land of Afghanistan. Each country will get the result in accordance with its long with their presence in Afghanistan. Pakistan's own interests is wanted to realize the national and regional interests, it seems there is no place to mention all the interest in this book, even perl separate book to reveal it. Pakistan desired to present a variety of services in the arena of America Afghanistan among others to: 
• Support the Afghan jihad 
• rending results of the jihad 
• Destroying Afghanistan to civil war 
• Facing the Taliban and undermine the Taliban state 
• Pakistan is now poised to sell the Kashmir issue 
• Destroying infrastructure Islamists in Pakistan's own country 
Thus, the government of Pakistan always do what is desired by Americans. May Allah curse those Zalim and hypocritical. Similar interests owned by other countries in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia with interests, Egypt and other countries. India, the countries of Central Asia, Iran, China and other neighboring countries are playing a role. Until any movements ash-shahwah al-Islamiyya, jihadi, and every person who entered into the arena of Afghanistan. Some are lucky or loss. The same is owned by Arab and Islamic organizations are present in Afghanistan. 
Jaji, Paktia Province, Afghanistan, August 1984: Mujahideen with the Quran, candles, rocket launchers and guns 
In short, the case of the Afghan jihad into the intersection of various international and regional interests. Rarely this phenomenon will be repeated. All groups hostile to the Soviet Union and each has intentions and goals are different. While the interests of the non-Islamic jihadi movement is also very much ranges from good intentions to help brothers and religion to the existence seakidah interests of each group of movements, such as the advantages of propaganda, organization, material, until there are personal interests of how few people. Then what is the purpose of the flow of jihadis come to Afghanistan? The purpose of the majority of leaders and personnel, in addition to jihad, to fulfill a religious duty, and seek martyrdom in the way of Allah, is, to realize 2 things strategically. I will mention both appropriate and according to the urgency of personal experience because I was directly involved in it. I am a member of the jihadi stream, particularly a group called the term dramatically beautiful. That name is the Arab Afghans. Two strategic issues are: 
The initial purpose of the majority of unit 1, organizations and jihadi cadres are preparation, practice of war, arrayed, menghimpunpara cadres, recruitment of new personnel, attract funding contributions, and to train the members of the organization for the management of their own country cases respectively. Their goal is to knock down the apostate regimes in power in their respective countries and establish Islamic rule arbitrate with Shariah of Allah. That's the goal that dominated the thinking of the majority of the Jihad organization or perhaps the entire Arab and non-Arab. 

WTC building hits by the Airline

2 Attempting to liberate Afghanistan and establish an Islamic government on earth that Shar'ie Afghanistan. The place later became the starting point for law enforcement Allah on earth, became a safe haven and base of jihad into a variety of enemies of Allah in all Muslim issues, ranging Palestinian case to each case berindentitas Islam. 

All flow jihadi organization with the intention of moving the 2 things, whether the intention is condensed it depends differing perceptions of each. For me personally, the purpose of which brings me to Afghanistan is to rebuild the organization seeks to continue the jihad and jihad project that never took place in Syria in 1975-1982. The project was destroyed because of the constraints I have mentioned in my book entitled "Ats-Tsaurah Al-Islamiyya Al-Jihadiyah fi Suriya: Natural wa Amal". In addition, because of my faith in both purpose and urgency of my participation in the jihad in Afghanistan. May Allah accept my charity, amen. After that, I left the Afghan jihad experiments and other experiments towards kejihad jihad global / international. I came to afghannistan on walnya as an ordeal sebabdan special place in my country. Is the Arab jihadi community in Afghanistan with all the hustle and bustle where they can achieve the goal by beating the Russian Bear that stubborn? I think most of these goals have been achieved. However, here there is no room for them in detail one by one. Suffice it to say here that the biggest advantage is achieved by the flow of jihadists from most of these experiments are as follows: 
• Updating the global jihad problem both thought and movement 
• The occurrence of exchange of ideas and experiences, introductions occur between various jihadist from various countries, as well as the spread of jihadist flow to various countries around the world. 
• Realization of the greatest military victory of the Muslims in modern history. 
• Proof of Islam and the Muslims the ability to defeat a superpower, despite the potential of the two different sides. 
• Ability to instill confidence in the hearts of the people can win nearly resigned to kekalahan.Masih many other advantages. Beyond that, there are personal benefits achieved by the acceptance of Allah swt jihad side after glorifying Allah those who can attend and participate in the jihad, and is between 2 possibilities: life autumn or while waiting for the promise of Allah. 
The fundamental disadvantage of the Afghan jihad in my opinion is the condition that exists and not jihad heterogeneous associations. In addition, the jihad kepemimpinanyang set the association does not have the ability to generate a community or an organized flow of global jihad that the presence and role will be able to resolve the problems of the people and ash-shahwah al-Islamiyya. In fact, in my opinion, is actually an opportunity to form an alliance of international jihadi wide open because the world situation allows, also accumulation of many young people, a cadre of leaders, preachers, and veteran fighters from various countries, in addition to the availability of funds of funds a variety of other supporting factors. Opportunity is rare, but Allah determines in accordance with His will. Media allegations that suggested a link between the Mujahideen and the CIA destroy the Soviet Union is very wrong words !. ______________________ * Quoted from the book by Abu Mushab As-suspended from a book entitled Al-Da'wah al-Islamiyya Muqawwamah, Chapter: Ash-Shahwah Hashad Al-Islamiyyah wa At-Tayar Al-Jihadi (1930-2002) or in translation in Indonesian language trip Jihad Movement (1930-2002), Jazera 
- See more at: http://www.arrahmah.com/read/2011/05/08/12363-kebohongan-media-barat-dan-amerika-klaim-mereka-terhadap-keberhasilan-jihad-afghan-melawan-uni-soviet.html#sthash.AgRLxcoe.dpuf - See more at: http://www.arrahmah.com/read/2011/05/08/12363-kebohongan-media-barat-dan-amerika-klaim-mereka-terhadap-keberhasilan-jihad-afghan-melawan-uni-soviet.html#sthash.AgRLxcoe.dpuf 

The failure of the Soviet Shadow haunt the United States in Afghanistan 

Saad Saefullah - Monday, 13 Rabi End 1431 H / March 29, 2010 13:49 pm 
• Who Mastering Marjah Now? 
• Obama, More Than Jews Jewish? 
• Why The neocons USA Extremely Hate Muslims? 
• The return of the neocons (3) Youths neocons 
• The return of the neocons (2) Traces of the Past 
Red saga apparently continued war in Afghanistan, even far beyond what was expected by the United States and its allies, especially. While the costs and casualties of war is increasing, and the atmosphere Afghanistan increasingly turned into hell, even the Taliban can not be conquered also the length of time it has been thus. Various internal groups in the United States alone already indicates pessimism that the United States would win the war in Afghanistan. The shadow of the failure of the Soviet Union two decades ago seems to be only a few steps away in the presence of the United States. 
Which is much worse statistics course. For example, the number of American troops killed in Afghanistan has reached roughly doubled in the first three months of 2010 compared with the same period last year, as Washington adds tens of thousands of additional soldiers to reverse the Taliban's momentum. 
The number of deaths is accompanied by a dramatic spike in the number of injuries, with more than tripled in the first two months of this year based on the latest data for March. 
American officials have warned that casualties are likely to increase more when the Pentagon has completed the deployment of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan with all the war of course. The United States has determined that Kandahar, the province which were the base of Talibab, will be the focus of US attacks in coming months. 
"We will apply even harder, no matter how successful we were on a particular day," Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a briefing last month. 
In total, 57 Americans killed in Afghanistan during the first two months of 2010 compared with 28 people in January and February last year. This means an increase of more than 100 percent, according to Pentagon figures compiled by The Associated Press. At least 20 American soldiers have been killed in March, an average of about 0.8 people per day, compared with 13 victims, or 0.4 per day, a year ago. 
The sharp increase of the death of American soldiers has caused public reaction in the United States. In fact, maybe this is the era where public support in the United States was so undermined over the 8-year mission in Afghanistan. President Barack Obama seems to be facing serious domestic opposition over his decision in December last year in increasing troops in Afghanistan, and half of the American people support him, although victim of American troops increased. 
According to a poll conducted by the Associated Press in early March, 57 percent of those surveyed approve handling of the war in Afghanistan, compared with 49 percent two months earlier. National poll involving 1,002 adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points. 
Michael O'Hanlon, a foreign policy expert at the Brookings Institution, said the poll results could partly be a reaction to the attack on the Taliban in Marjah Helmand province. About 10,000 troops combined US, NATO and Afghan forces take over control of Marjah suddenly from farming communities totaling about 80,000 people. But the results were far from satisfactory anyway. The Taliban continue to survive and on the night they launched a counter-attack, which even in a small capacity, but it seems to hit the United States as a landslide. 
"My main thesis is that Americans could be bracing themselves for casualties in war if they consider the stakes high enough and the strategy followed promising enough," O'Hanlon said. "But such progress in public opinion only mortal, if they do not immediately sustain the new momentum." 
The increase in the number of soldiers wounded-a figure that is less attractive than the attention-death statistics indicate that the Taliban is a formidable opponent for the United States. 
The number of wounded American soldiers in Afghanistan increased from 85 in the first two months of this year has reached 2.009.381orang, increased by nearly 350 percent. A total of 50 American soldiers were wounded last March with an injury or disability amount on average about 1.6 per day. In comparison, 44 people were injured during just the first six days of March this year, an average of 7.3 per day. 
The increase in casualties was partly driven by the growing number of troops in Afghanistan in 2010 American troops rose from 32,000 at the beginning of last year to 68,000 at the end of the year, an increase of over 110 percent. 
"We have a large flow forces, our troops have gone into areas where they have never visited before," said NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale. 
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday that one-third of the additional force, or 10,000 troops, had been in Afghanistan longer. And the United States will fulfill another 30,000 additional troops in Afghanistan before the end of the year. 
Many analysts believe the Kandahar operation will be much more difficult operation than seranga against Marjah because of the greater dispersion of Taliban forces, the urban environment in Kandahar city and the complex political and tribal forces which are in the province. 
If the United States until the end of this year still are in Afghanistan, it means they simply can not conquer the Taliban, certainly, to the horror and tremendous prestige, the United States just one step away from failure who have tasted the Soviet past two decades. 
(Sa / qmh) http://www.eramuslim.com/berita/laporan-khusus/bayang-bayang-kegagalan-soviet-hantui-as-di-afghanistan.htm 

September 11, 2001 
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
"9/11" redirects here. To date, see 11 September or 9th of November. For other uses, see 911 (disambiguation). 
September 11, 2001 
From top to bottom: the World Trade Centerterbakar; section of The Pentagon collapses; Flight 175 crashed into 2 World Trade Center; fire department for help diGround Zero; Flight 93diangkat machine; Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. 

Location New York City; Arlington County, Virginia; and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 

Date Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
08:46 to 10:28 (UTC-4) 

Type of aircraft hijacking attacks, mass murder, suicide attacks, terrorism 

The death toll was 2,977 people (+ 19 hijackers) 
Injury (non-fatal) More than 6,000 people 
Perpetrators of Al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden [1] 
(See also Accountability danPembajak) 

The September 11 attacks (called September 11, September 11th or 9/11), [nb 1] is a series of suicide empatserangan that is set against some targets in New York City and Washington, DC September 11, 2001 In the morning, the 19 hijackers of the Islamic militant group, al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. [2] [3] The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. Hijackers also crashed a third plane into the Pentagon diArlington, Virginia. When passengers attempted to take control of the fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, the plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and failed to achieve the original targets in Washington, DC 911 According to the investigation team's report, about 3,000 people were killed in the attack. [4] [5] [6] 
Alleged fell to al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group leader Osama bin Laden, who initially refused to take part, claimed responsibility for the attack. [1] Al-Qaeda and bin Laden also said the United States support for Israel, the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives of these attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror by invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban that protect members of al-Qaeda. Many countries are strengthening laws of their anti-terrorism and expand the power of law enforcement. In May 2011, after being hunted for years, President Barack Obama announced that bin Laden was found and shot dead by the United States Marines, although there is no published evidence that clearly states the death. 
This destruction results in a serious impact on the economy of Lower Manhattan. [7] Land clearing the World Trade Center completed in May 2002 the National September 11 Memorial & Museum is scheduled to open on 11 September 2011 In this memorial are near One World Trade Center as high as 1,776 feet (541 m) which is expected to be completed in 2013 [8] Pentagon repaired within a year, and the Pentagon Memorial opened on the side of this building in 2008 Acquisition of land for Flight 93 National Memorial in November 2009, and the memorial was opened officially on 10th September 2011 [9] [10] 
See also: Timeline of the September 11 attacks 
United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower 
Security camera footage shows Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. [11] The aircraft crashed into the Pentagon 86 seconds after recording starts. 
On the morning of 11 September 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four commercial airliners that were flying into San Francisco and Los Angeles after takeoff from Boston, Newark, and Washington, DC [12] Planes with long-haul flights deliberately chosen to be hijacked as transport fuel that much. [13] At 8:46 am, five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (1 WTC) and at 9:03 am, five hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight another 175 to the South Tower (2 WTC). [ 14] [15] 
Five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 am. [16] The fourth aircraft, under the control of hijackers, dropping United Airlines Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 am after the passengers against the hijackers. The target of Flight 93 is alleged US Capitol or the White House. [13] Flight 93 cockpit voice recording to find that the crew and passengers tried to take over the plane from the hijackers after learning through phone on other planes had been hijacked crashed into several buildings in the morning . [17] After appearing strong evidence for the hijackers that the passengers will take over the plane, one hijacker ordered her to turn the plane and accidentally dropped it. [18] Finally, Flight 93 crashed in a field near Shanksville. 
Some passengers are able to make phone calls using aircraft telephone service and mobile phones and provided details that there were several hijackers on each plane; that pepper spray or tear gas used and some people on the plane had been stabbed. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] The report found that the hijackers stabbed and killed pilots, flight attendants, and one or several passengers. [12] [26] In its final report, the 9/11 Commission found that the hijackers recently purchased a multifunctional hand tools and various types of knives and daggers. [27] [28] A flight attendant Flight 11, a passenger on Flight 175, and some of the passengers of Flight 93 said the hijackers had bombs, but one of the passengers also said he thought the bomb was a fake. The FBI found no traces of explosives at the scene, and the 9/11 Commission concluded the bombs false. [12] 
Having confirmed that Flight 11 was hijacked, two F-15 departed from Otis Air National Guard Base diMassachusetts and airs at 8:53 o'clock in the morning. [29] The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has a 9-minute notification that Flight 11 has been hijacked. Because of poor communication with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), they did not receive notification of the other planes finally hit the target. [29] After the second Twin Tower was hit, some fighter aircraft flown from Langley Air Force Basedi Virginia at 9:30 am. [29 ] At 10:20 am, issued several orders to shoot down any commercial aircraft that potentially hijacked. This command is not delivered on time for a fighter to take action. [29] [30] [31] [32] Several fighter planes fly without carrying live ammunition, knowing that to prevent the hijackers reaching target the fighter pilot must crash the plane into hijacked plane, possibly by sliding out of the fighter at the last moment. [33] In a 2005 interview with a fighter pilot who departed from Otis Air National Guard Base, a pilot said, "No one will call us heroes if we shot down four planes on September 11. "[34] 
A man covered in dust was helping a woman walking and to wrap mask on her face, New York City 
Three buildings in the World Trade Center Complex collapsed due to structural failure. [35] The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am after burning for 56 minutes in a fire caused by the collision United Airlines Flight 175 [35] The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am after burning for 102 minutes . [35] When the North Tower collapsed, falling to the ruins of the World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7) in the next, thereby destroying it and creating a fire. The fire occurred during a few hours, damage resistance of building structures, and 7 WTC collapsed at 5:21 pm. [36] [37] 
All aircraft in the continental United States forced landing, and the aircraft is flying requested to land as soon as possible. All international civilian aircraft flown home or diverted to airports in Canada or Mexico, and all international flights banned from the United States landed on the ground for three days. [38] This attack created mass confusion among news organizations and air traffic controllers. Among the news is unconfirmed and often contradictory which aired throughout the day, one of which was a car bomb had been detonated at the headquarters of the State Department in Washington, DC [39] Another jet-Flight Aircraft 1989-allegedly hijacked, but suspected reports false because the aircraft is finally responding to call the supervisor of air and landed safely in Cleveland, Ohio. [40] 
In a September 2002 interview, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who is alleged to have orchestrated the attacks, saying that the main target of Flight 93 was the United States Capitol, not the White House. [41] During the planning stage of the attacks, Mohamed Atta, the hijacker which will be piloting Flight 11, the White House tough suspect targeted and request an assessment from Hani Hanjour, who then plow and piloting Flight 77 [42] Mohammed also said al-Qaeda initially planned to target nuclear installations rather than the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, but they decided not to, fearing it became "uncontrollable". [43] The final decision in determining the target, according to Mohammed, is in the hands of the pilot. [42] 
West of Guangxi aerial view of Ground Zero on 17 September 2001 
The Pentagon damaged by fire and half collapse 
Along the 110-story Twin Towers, several other buildings on the grounds of the World Trade Center were destroyed or severely damaged, including the building WTC3 through 7 and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. [44] The North Tower, South Tower, the Marriott Hotel (3 WTC) and 7 WTC were destroyed completely. US Customs House (6 World Trade Center), 4 World Trade Center, 5 World Trade Center, and two pedestrian bridges connecting buildings were severely damaged. Deutsche Bank Building on 130 Liberty Street was broken in half and eventually torn down. [7] [45] Two of the World Financial Center also suffered damage. [7] 
Deutsche Bank Building across Liberty Street from the World Trade Center complex was labeled uninhabitable eventually return because the toxic atmosphere in the office tower and eventually torn down. [46] [47] Fiterman Hall milikBorough of Manhattan Community College at 30 West Broadway was also razed because severe damage in the attack and eventually rebuilt. [48] Other neighboring buildings such as 90 West Street and the Verizon Building suffered major damage but has been repaired. [49] Building World Financial Center buildings, One Liberty Plaza, Millenium Hilton, and 90 Church Street was damaged and has been repaired mid-level. [50] Communications equipment atop the North Tower was also destroyed, but media stations are able to switch the signals quickly and resume broadcasts. [44] [51] 
The Pentagon, in Arlington County, Virginia, severely damaged by the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 and the fire that took place afterwards, mengakibaktan one side of the building collapsed. [52] When led to the Pentagon, the wing plane hit some light poles and hit the right engine power before crashed into the western side of the Pentagon, killing all 53 passengers, 5 hijackers, and 6 crew. [53] [54] The aircraft crashed into the Pentagon on the first floor and the front of his body broken when a collision, while the middle and the tail kept bumping for less than one second. [55] Ruins tail penetrate deep into the building, past the three circles outside the building area of ​​310 ft (94 m). [55] [56] 

Rescue and repair 
See also: Efforts to rescue and repair after the September 11 attacks 
The wounded were evacuated the Pentagon attack 
New York City Fire Department immediately dispatched 200 units (half of the department) to the site. Their efforts were aided by firefighters and emergency medical technicians who are not on duty on that day. [57] [58] [59] The New York City Police Department sent Emergency Service Units and other police personnel, and dispatched helicopter unit. Upon arriving at the scene, FNY, NYPD, and Port Authority does not coordinate rescue efforts and eventually have difficulty in finding civilians. [57] [60] When the situation gets worse, the unit cost of the NYPD convey information to police commanders, who issued orders to personnel to evacuate themselves from the second tower; most NYPD officers managed to get out safely before the second building collapsed. [61] [60] Because the command post was set apart and radio communication between agencies was not able to be done, the order is not up to FDNY commanders. 
After the first tower collapsed, FDNY commanders issued evacuation orders; but due to technical difficulties with the radio repeater system malfunction, many firefighters never heard the evacuation orders did not. 9-1-1 Officers also received information from callers that was not passed along to commanders on the scene. [58] Within a few hours after the attack, search and rescue operations launched massive. After a few months of operation 24 hours at the site, the land of the World Trade Center finally cleared at the end of May 2002 [62] 
Mohamed Atta, a warganegaraMesir, is chairman of the 19 usurper September 11th. 
For hours after the attack, the FBI released the names of the suspected hijackers and pilots to the public, in addition to some of their personal information. [63] [64] Mohamed Atta of Egypt is 19 usurper chairman and one of the pilots. [65] Atta died in attack alongside all the other hijackers, but trunk (which is not connected on the flight from Portland to Flight 11) contains the papers that revealed the identity of all 19 hijackers and important clues that other plans, motives and their background. [66] At noon, the State Security Agency intercept communications that led to Osama bin Laden, as well as the German intelligence agencies. [67] [68] 
On 27 September 2001, the FBI issued a harpy figure 19 along with nationality and other names that may be used by them. [69] 15 of them came from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt (Atta), and a dariLibanon. [70] 
The FBI investigation of the incident code named Operation PENTTBOM, an investigative efforts of the largest and most complex in the history of the FBI, involving over 7,000 special agents. [71] Kingdom United States found that the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was responsible for this attack, while The FBI says that "evidence linking al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the September 11 attacks is clear and can not be denied". [72] Kingdom United Kingdom received the same conclusion that al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden is guilty of the September 11 attacks. [ 73] 
Author Laurie Mylroie who wrote in the conservative magazine The American Spectator siasah in 2006, Khalid Sheikh argued bahawa Mohammedsekeluarga is the main designer and the 9/11 attacks like unto it, when Khalid Sheikh Mohammed connection with Osama bin Laden is responsible for the recognition side and al-Qaeda for the attack came after it and opportunistic nature. [74] Former CIA officer, Robert Baer, ​​write a statement that is contrary to the argument Mylorie in Timepada magazine in 2007, by asserting that disclosure recognition Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in charge on 9/11 and the actions Another tapping -These actions by government leaders George W. Bush is an ordeal that lie to claim that all of the major 9/11 perpetrators have been arrested. [75] 

 The main article for this section are: Al-Qaeda 
The origins of al-Qaeda may be traced to 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Immediately after the attack, Osama bin Laden went to Afghanistan to lend assistance in setting up the Arab mujahideen and established the Maktab al-Khidamat organization (MAK) to fight the Soviets. When the war with the Soviet Union, bin Laden and his fighters received the American and Saudi funding, mostly channeled through the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service. [76] In 1989, when the Soviets withdrew, MAK was changed to "rapid response force" jihad air upward governments throughout the Islamic world. With the guidance of Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden became more radical. [77] In 1996, bin Laden issued his first fatwa urging American soldiers to leave Saudi Arabia. [78] 
Bin Laden issued a fatwa in 1998 both to refute the base outside the United States to Israel, and the ongoing presence of American soldiers in Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War. [79] Bin Laden used Islamic scripture to encourage acts of violence against the army and people of the United States so diakur its demands, with the argument that "the scholars throughout Islamic history as round sound agree that jihad is the sole duty if the enemy destroys the Islamic countries." [79] 
Within a few hours after the attacks, the FBI get the names and personal details of the suspected pilots and hijackers. [80] [81] Mohammed Atta's luggage, which was not passed on from flight to flight Portlandnya 11, contains files that reveal the identity of all 19 hijackers, and other important clues about their plans, motives, and backgrounds. [82] On the day of the attack, the NSA intercepted communications that pointed to Osama bin Laden. German intelligence agency also obtain similar results. [83] [84] On 27 September 2001, the FBI published the photographs of the 19 hijackers with information about possible nasionalitasnya and alias names. [85] Fifteen of the attackers came from Saudi Arabia , two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon. [86] In contrast to the profile of the suicide attackers in general, these hijackers educated, mature, where the belief system already fully formed. [87] 
Osama Bin Laden [edit | edit source] 
Just before the United States presidential election in 2004, in a recorded video statement, Osama bin Laden acknowledges al-Qaeda involvement in the attack on the United States and acknowledged his connection directly to the attack. He said that the attack was carried out because "we are free, and to get freedom for our country. As you underestimate our safety, our security underestimate you." [88] Osama bin Laden said that he himself had led the 19 hijackers [89] In in the video he said, "We have agreed with the Commander-General Muhammad Atta, that all operations will be carried out within 20 minutes before Bush and his administration realizes" [90] Another video obtained by Al Jazeera in September 2006 shows bin Laden with Ramzi Binalshibh, and 2 hijackers Hamza al-Ghamdi and Wail al-Shehri, when they bersiap2 for the attack. [91] However, 5 days later in a statement on Aljazeera television station, Osama insists he was not involved with the events of September 11 and stated that American government lied to make it the scapegoat for a particular purpose. [92] 
List of Perpetrators of Piracy Aircraft In 9/11 [edit | edit source] 
American Airlines Flight 11: 
• Mohamed Atta, Egyptian 
• Abdulaziz Alomari, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Satam M.A. Al Suqami, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Wail M. Alshehri, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Waleed M. Alshehri, nationality Saudi Arabia 
United Arlines Flight 175: 
• Al-Shehhi Marwan, nationality United Arab Emirates 
• Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Ahmed Alghamdi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Hamza Alghamdi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Mohand Alshehri, nationality Saudi Arabia 
American Airlines Flight 77: 
• Hani Hanjour, Saudi Arabia nationals 
• Nawaf Alhazmi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Majed Moqed, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Khalid Almihdhar, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Salem Alhazmi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
United Airlines Flight 93: 
• Ziad Samir Jarrah, the Lebanese nationality 
• Saeed Alghamdi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al-Haznawi, nationality Saudi Arabia 
• Ahmed al-Nami, nationality Saudi Arabia 
Conflicting theories 

Architects and Engineers 
Richard Gage, an architect who has experienced over 20 years in the construction field and has been involved in many building projects designing anti-fire and a member of the American Institute of Architects, [93] founded the Architect and Engineer For 911 Truth (Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth ) which contains hundreds artsitek and experienced technicians in the field. They issued a statement refuting the claim that 9/11 Commission stated that the WTC buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were destroyed by an explosion caused by the collision and dissemination of aviation fuel from flight 11 and 175 The architects who are members of The organization stated that they suspect a controlled demolition with explosives that caused the collapse of towers 1, 2 and especially the collapse of tower 7 after various investigations into the video recording and analysis of the field which they are not reasonable and can not be accepted if the science tower 7 located far from the North and South towers to the ground. 

Russ Wittenberg (Capt.) (Ret.), A senior pilot, former pilot with the USAF flying hours 30.000+, who also flew the plane flight 175 which crashed into the South Tower and Flight 93 which failed to reach the pentagon [94], expressed his distrust of the results official investigation. He questioned some awkward facts as to why the flight timer recording when the 9/11 incident marred by the commissioner FAA [95], why not find the black box of a single plane, and also questioned the level of proficiency according to the pirate class of licensed aircraft pilot can control the pioneering highly suspicious 747 class plane at high speed and crashed in a position that is not the width of the target [96]. He joined the organization Pilots for 911 truth [97] in which pilots and contains hundreds of professionals from around the world who also denied the official report of the 9/11 Commission. 


Commemorating 11 Years deception WTC tragedy 
Not out of a feeling of deep sorrow for the victims and their families, not just Ahmadinejad boasted lie about WTC tragedy on September 11, 2001 With the passage of time, and see the effects continued after the tragedy which is the number of American soldiers who sacrificed his own government in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the blanket covering the actual events of the WTC collapse started revealed. 
Then on September 11, 2001, the day the incident "heartbreaking", turned into a day that "embarrassing". Warning September 11, 2001, becoming September 11 Memorial victimization. The impression is what appears, after 11 years had passed. 
In several episodes of the release of the collapse of the Twin Towers videos, and a lot of evidence at the scene, observers began to find irregularities that led to the emergence of inference of the existence of systematic engineering packaged in a scientific code behind the incident. 
There is a serious kejangalan's apparent and 100% engineered, is the collapse of WTC7 building, but the building was not hit by a plane. 
Media mentions: 
"Former Prime Minister (PM) of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad adamant about his claim that the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 organized by the United States as an excuse to attack the Muslim world. 
According to the former ruler of the neighboring country, the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, USA as a result of a controlled demolition (controlled demolition) ". 
Logically, the upper part of the building that was destroyed, it is impossible the bottom part of the building collapsed, there was an explosion without supporting the base of the building. But the explosion of the bottom of the building, will definitely come tear down the building top. This logic also understand that kindergarten children. 
Meanwhile other media reveal: 
"Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University, Utah State, the first time issued a statement saying he did not believe the collapse of the WTC as plane hit ridden Mohammed Atta, one of the members of the al-Qaeda network carried out the site ... ..Survei world911truth.org prove 74 percent of Americans believe their government is still covering most horrific events in the history of terror in the country ". 
Arguments supporting irregularities revealed by the results of the Federal Security Agency study of American States (FEMA) which states the primary cause of the collapse is fire brunt of aircraft with full fuel. 
The question is, why is the American government "have the heart" to sacrifice their own people for the sake of a particular interest? 
The answer could be. We see, every election will be held in the United States, all presidential candidates must obtain approval from the Zionists. Some even took time to "come away" only to praise and "lick" the Zionist government of Israel. What was done only to gain the sympathy of several thousand Jews in America? Of course it is silly if it is done just to reach Jewish voters, considering how many Jews were only a few among the millions of other Americans. There is a kind of myth, that the Zionists are "rulers" rulers behind Americans throughout American history. 
If so, it is possible to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the American people and the entire Zionist "committee" of her in America and throughout the world. 
Other indicators, many Americans who do not agree with the policy of sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. But the American government seemed to ignore the noise rejection, and continues to be "allowed" his own people be "relentless" in Afghanistan. 
For the sake of the Zionist, American government ignore its own people happy. 
Multiple sources: 
http://www.merdeka.com/teknologi/video-conspiracy-theory-fall-wtc-in-glasses-sains.html (Continued)
In top level of WTC building wherw usually tourist visits

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