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Monday, August 4, 2014

Victims Killed 887 People Being Due to Ebola. World Health Organization (WHO) issued the figures Monday (3/8), while dozens of new deaths were reported in West Africa.

Dr. Jay Varkey, an infectious disease specialist at Emory Healthcare, speaks to reporters on Saturday, August 2, 2014 in Atlanta. Varkey part of a team of doctors who will take care of Americans infected with the Ebola virus. 

Victims Killed 887 People Being Due to Ebola. World Health Organization (WHO) issued the figures Monday (3/8), while dozens of new deaths were reported in West Africa.

The death toll from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa surged to nearly 900 people, with dozens of new deaths were reported in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

World Health Organization (WHO) issued the figures Monday as the authorities in Nigeria reported both the certainty of Ebola cases that occur in a doctor who treated the first Ebola patients in Nigeria and Lagos died on July 25 last.

WHO said the number of cases in the four West African countries reached 1,603 cases, including 887 deaths.

Meanwhile, an American doctor who contracted Ebola while treating patients in Liberia, and is now hospitalized Emory - Atlanta reported condition improved.

Christian charity groups "Samaritan's Purse" said Dr. Kent Brantly received one dose of experimental serum before leaving Liberia and also receives blood from a boy aged 14 years and survived her care use within the Ebola virus.

An American missionary who also contracted Ebola in Liberia - Nancy Writebol - is expected to be flown to Atlanta on Tuesday. He will also hospitalized Emory.

Public Health Experts Fight Ebola outbreak

Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent 50 public health experts to help the three West African countries to stop the outbreak of deadly Ebola virus.

Last week, the WHO announced an emergency plan worth 100 million dollars in its cooperation with third countries affected, which includes the strengthening of control measures and responses. A WHO spokesman said around 600 specialists will be required to execute the plan.

More than 2000 volunteers of the International Federation of the Red Cross has been working in the country since the outbreak of the third started to happen.

Meanwhile, an American doctor who contracted the virus while treating a patient in Liberia have returned to America and is now located in an isolated place at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. An American missionary who contracted the disease is also expected to return on Tuesday. VOA

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