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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The journey is not yet finished (135)

Fadli Zon Gerindra
The journey is not yet finished (135)

(Part one hundred and thirty-five, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, October 2, 2014, 9:17 pm)

Defeated in the general election of the President of Indonesia who won Joko Widodo with Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, red-white-led coalition Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa apparently not a quitter. Coalition to try to win another political struggle is through the House of Representatives:

House of Representatives

Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House of Representatives
Republic of Indonesia

The lower house type at the People's Consultative Assembly
Chairman Novanto, Golkar
since October 1, 2014
Vice Chairman Fadli Zon, Gerindra
since October 1, 2014
Vice Chairman Agus Herman, PD
since October 1, 2014
Vice Chairman Fahri Hamzah, MCC
since October 1, 2014
Vice Chairman Taufik Kurniawan, PAN
since October 1, 2014
560 members
Parliament 2009-2014.svg
political groups

      Democrats (148)
      Golkar (106)
      PDI-P (94)
      MCC (57)
      PAN (46)
      PPP (38)
      PKB (28)
      Gerindra (26)
      Hanura (17)
Last Election 9 April 2009
place convene
Plenary Session DPR.jpg
Parliament Complex
National emblem of Indonesia Garuda Pancasila.svg
This article is part of a series:
Politics and government

 Agus Hermanto from the Democratic Party

House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia or commonly called the House of Representatives (DPR-RI abbreviated or the House) is one of the higher institutions in the state system Indonesian state which is a people's representative institutions. House of Representatives consists of members of political parties participating in elections that elected through general elections.
History [edit | edit source]
Early days of independence (1945-1949) [edit | edit source]
At the beginning of independence, state agencies are not mandated by the 1945 Constitution was formed. Thus, In accordance with article 4 of the transition rules in 1945, formed the Central National Committee (KNIP). This committee is the forerunner in the Indonesian legislature.
KNIP members totaled 60 people, but other sources claim that there are 103 members KNIP. KNIP as the Assembly was convened 6 times, in doing the work of DPR formed Central Working Committee of the National Committee, the Working Committee failed to agree on Bill 133 in addition to the filing of motions, resolutions, proposals and others.
Period of the Republic of Indonesia (1949-1950) [edit | edit source]
At this time not known exactly how the existence of the House of Representatives because of political turmoil going on, where the main focus was on the federal government RIS.
While the period of the House of Representatives (1950-1956) [edit | edit source]
On August 14, 1950, the House and Senate approved the draft Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia RIS (Law No. 7/1850, LN No. 56/1950). On August 15, 1950, the House and Senate convene RIS which the charter was read a statement aimed at the formation of the Homeland: 1 Dissolution officially RIS federated state; 2 Establishment of the Republic of Indonesia which covers the whole area of ​​Indonesia with the Provisional Constitution which came into force on August 17, 1950.
In accordance with Clause 77 Provisional Constitution, set the number of members is 236 people DPRS, the 148 members of the House-RIS, RIS 29 members of the Senate, 46 members of the Central Working Committee of the National Committee, and 13 members of the DPA RI Yogyakarta.
The period of the House of Representatives election results March 20, 1956 (1956-1959) [edit | edit source]
This is the House of Representatives election results 1956 number as many as 272 members elected people. 1956 election also choose 542 members of the constituent assembly.
Duties and powers of the House of Representatives at the 1955 election results DPRS position overall, due to the prevailing legal basis is the Provisional Constitution. A large number of factions in the House of Representatives and the absence of a strong two-party, has given a shadow that is the result of a coalition government. In this period there are 3 cabinet the cabinet Burhanuddin Harahap, Sastroamidjojo cabinet, and the cabinet Juanda.
The period of the House of Representatives in 1959 based on the results of the Presidential Decree of 1945 (1959-1965) [edit | edit source]
Total membership of 262 people back on after taking an oath. In the House there are 19 factions, dominated PNI, Masjumi, NU and PKI.
By Presidential Decree No. 3 In 1960, the President dissolved the Parliament as the House of Representatives just approved a 36 billion dollars from 44 billion state budget proposed. In connection with this, the president issued Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1960 regulating the composition of the DPR-GR.
DPR-GR consists of 283 people who are all appointed by the President with Presidential Decree 156 1960 As one of the leaders of the House-GR obligation is to report to the President at certain times, which deviates from chapter 5, 20, 21 of the 1945 Constitution During 1960-1965, the DPR-GR produce 117 laws and 26 proposals express an opinion.
Mutual Aid Period Parliament without the Communist Party of Indonesia (1965-1966) [edit | edit source]
After the events G.30.S / PKI, DPR-GR freeze while 62 members of the House-GR former PKI and its mass organizations. DPR-GR without PKI within 1 year of his tenure, has undergone a change in the composition of the leadership of 4 times, namely: a. Period 15 November 1965-26 February 1966 b. The period of February 26, 1966. c 1966-2. 1966-16 period May 2, 1966. d. Period November 1966-19 May 17 1966 By law, the position of leadership of the House-GR still existed as assistant to the President along the Presidential Decree No. 32 of 1964 has not been repealed.
In order to respond to the situation during the transition, the DPR-GR decided to form a committee of two pieces: a. Political committee, function followed the developments in the various fields of political issues. b. The committee of economy, finance and development, in charge of monitoring the economic and financial situation as well as make a conception of thinking points toward a solution.
New Order period (1966-1999) [edit | edit source]
Based MPRS Decree No. XX / MPRS / 1966, which was then confirmed in Law 10/1966, the DPR-GR period New Order started work with the adjusting of the Old Order to the New Order. Position, duties and authorities of DPR-GR 1966-1971 and the authority responsible for running the main tasks as follows:
Together with the government set a budget in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution and an explanation.
Together with the government established law in accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, article 20, article 21, paragraph 1 and article 22 of the 1945 Constitution and an explanation.
To supervise the actions of the government in accordance with the 1945 Constitution and explanations, especially explanations chapter 7.
During the New Order era DPR Seals Artisan regarded as the ruling government policy because the House is controlled by Golkar government supporters.
Reform period (1999-present) [edit | edit source]
The number of corruption scandals, bribery and sexual harassment cases is a clear form that the House is not better than the previous ones. Former chairman of the MPR-RI 1999 to 2004, Amien Rais, told the House that even now only a stamp from the government because they can not perform its oversight function for the sake of defending the interests of the people. This is reflected in the inability of the House to criticize government policies are not pro-people regarded as the fuel price hike, the case of Lapindo mud, and many more cases. In addition, the House still leaves unresolved the work discussed several laws. Poor performance of the Parliament in the reform era makes people very dissatisfied with the legislators. The dissatisfaction of the people can be seen from the number of demonstrations against government policies are not scrutinized by Parliament. The number of judicial review submitted by the community in demanding the validity of a law made ​​by Parliament today reflects that the resulting legal product they do not satisfy the people.
Parliament is also often criticized by the majority of the Indonesian people for being lazy at work. This is evident from the provision of luxury amenities, such as a big salary, vehicle, and housing, but not comparable with the results given. Another thing that has become common knowledge is that many members of the "skip" in the plenary session, or simply "menitip absent", so it seems present, but in fact do not. If present, most unscrupulous members apparently sleeping during the trial, play games, or perform other actions in addition to follow the plenary session. The latest case is the President's son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), which was caught on camera being menitip absent when the House of Representatives plenary session to discuss Law on Combating the Financing of Terrorism [1] [2].
In the concept of Trias Politica, where the House acts as a legislative body whose function is to make laws and oversee the implementation of laws made ​​by the government as the executive body. Monitoring function can be said to have gone well if Parliament can perform critical actions on policies issued by the government which is not in accordance with the interests of the people. Meanwhile, the legislative function may be said to run well when the laws issued by Parliament to meet the aspirations and interests of all people.
Function [edit | edit source]
Parliament has the function; legislation, budget, and oversight undertaken within the framework of the representation of the people.

Taufik Kurniawan from PAN

Legislation [edit | edit source]
Legislation to establish the function implemented legislation with the president.
Budget [edit | edit source]
Function held to discuss the budget and approving or not approving the draft law on the state budget proposed by the President.
Supervision [edit | edit source]
Oversight function is carried out through monitoring of implementation of legislation and the state budget.
Rights [edit | edit source]
Parliament has some rights, namely; interpellation, inquiry, the immunity rights, and freedom of expression.
Interpellation [edit | edit source]
Interpellation is the right of Parliament to ask for information from the Government about the Government's policy is strategically important and far-reaching impact on the life of society, nation and state.
Right of inquiry [edit | edit source]
Right of inquiry is the right of the House to conduct an investigation on the implementation of legislation and / or government policies related to important, strategic, and have broad impact on the life of society, nation and state are supposedly opposed to the legislation.
Immunity [edit | edit source]
Immunity is immunity from prosecution in which every member of the House of Representatives can not be prosecuted in front and out of court because of statements, questions / opinions expressed verbally or in writing in the meetings of the House, to the extent not contrary to the Rules of Procedure and code of ethics.
Freedom of expression [edit | edit source]
Freedom of expression is the right of Parliament to express an opinion on:
Government policy or the extraordinary events that occurred in the country or in the international
Follow-up the implementation of the right of interpellation and the right of inquiry
The notion that the President and / or Vice President violated the law in either an act of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies, as well as moral turpitude, and / or the President and / or Vice President no longer qualifies as President and / or Vice President .
Members [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: List of members of the House of Representatives 2009-2014
The right member [edit | edit source]
Members of Parliament have the right:
proposed bill
ask a question
submit proposals and opinions
pick and choose
financial and administrative
Obligations of member [edit | edit source]
Members of Parliament have an obligation:
and uphold Pancasila
implement the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 and obey the laws and regulations
maintain and preserve national harmony and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
put the interests of the country above personal interests, groups, and classes
fight for the improvement of people's welfare
adhering to the principle of democracy in the administration of state government
obey the rules and code of ethics
maintaining ethics and norms in working relationships with other agencies
absorbing constituents and raise aspirations through regular working visit
accommodate and follow the aspirations and public complaints
provide moral and political responsibility to the constituents in constituency
Prohibition [edit | edit source]
Members of Parliament should not be doubled as other state officials, judges in the judiciary, civil servants, members of the military / police, employees at the state / local enterprises or other entities whose budget comes from the state budget / Budget.
Members of Parliament also may not do the job as ranking officials in private educational institutions, public accountant, consultant, advocate / lawyer, notary, physician practices and other work that has to do with the duties, powers, and rights as a member of the House of Representatives.
Investigations [edit | edit source]
If members of the House alleged criminal acts, calls, inquiries, and investigation must obtain written approval from the President. This provision does not apply if the member of the House of committing corruption and terrorism and caught red-handed.
Fraction [edit | edit source]
To optimize the execution of the functions, duties and powers of the House of Representatives, and the rights and obligations of members of Parliament, was formed as a fraction of the container assembled members of the House. In optimizing the execution of the functions, duties and powers of the House of Representatives, and the rights and obligations of members of Parliament, fractions to evaluate the performance of members of his faction and reported to the public. Every member of the House must be a member of one of the factions. Fractions can be formed by political parties that meet the vote threshold in the determination of the seat of Parliament. Fraction has a secretariat. Secretariat General of the Parliament provides the means, budget, and expertise to the convenience of the fraction.
Fraction Number of Members Chairman
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P-F) 109 Puan Maharani
Golkar Party Fraction (F-PG) 91 Ade Komarudin
Indonesia Movement Party (F-Gerindra) 73 Ahmad Muzani
Democratic Party (F-PD) 61 Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono
National Mandate Party (PAN-F) 49 Tjatur Sapto Edy
National Awakening Party (PKB-F) 47 Marwan Jafar
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS-F) 40 Hidayat Nur Wahid
United Development Party (PPP F) 39 Romahurmuziy
NasDem Party (F-NasDem) 35 Victor Laiskodat
People's Conscience Party (F-Hanura) 16 Syarifuddin Suding
Fittings [edit | edit source]
Parliament fittings consist of: Chairman, Consultative Council, the Commission, Legislation, Budget Agency, State Agency for Financial Accountability, Ethics Council, the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency, Agency for Domestic Affairs, the Special Committee and other necessary fittings and is formed by the meeting plenary.
In performing its duties, fittings assisted by a support unit whose job is set in the House of Representatives on the order rules.
Leadership [edit | edit source]
House leadership consists of 1 (one) Chair and four (4) representatives from the chairman of a political party based on the order of acquisition of seats in the House of Representatives. Speaker of the House is the member of Parliament from the political party that gained the most seats in the House first. Deputy Speaker of the House is the member of Parliament from the political party that gained the most seats the second, third, fourth, and fifth. In case there is more than one (1) political party which gained the most seats together, the chairman and vice-chairman of the result is determined by the order in the most votes in the general election. In case there is more than one (1) political party who obtained the same sound, the chairman and vice chairman are determined based on the distribution of the vote.
In the event that the House leadership has not been formed, led by the leader of the House while the House. While the House leadership consists of 1 (one) Chair and 1 (one) person vice chairman from 2 (two) political parties which gained the most seats in the House first and second. In case there is more than one (1) political party which gained the most seats each, while the chairman and vice chairman of the House is determined by consensus by the representatives of the concerned political parties in the House. Chairman and vice chairman of the House was inaugurated by the decision of the House. House leaders before taking his oath / pledge that the text is guided by the Chief Justice.
Task [edit | edit source]
House leaders in charge:
presiding over the House of Representatives and concluded the results trial for decisions taken
leadership work plan
in an effort to coordinate the implementation of the agenda and materials synergizing the activities of the Parliament fittings
become a spokesman Parliament
implement and popularize the Parliament's decision
represent the House in dealing with other state agencies
consultation with the President and leaders of other state agencies in accordance with the decision of the House of Representatives
represent the House in court
implement the decision of the House of Representatives with respect to the sanctions or rehabilitation of members in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
The House's budget plan with the Household Affairs Bureau approval is done in a plenary session
submit a report on the performance of the special plenary session of the Parliament which was held for the
Stop [edit | edit source]

 Fahri Hamzah from the MCC (PKS).

House leaders resigned because:
House leaders dismissed if:
can not carry out tasks on an ongoing basis or was unable to continue as a member of the House of Representatives for three (3) consecutive months without any explanation
violation of oath / pledge of office and code of ethics based on the decision of the House of Representatives plenary session after examination by the House Ethics Council
found guilty by a court decision that has acquired the force of law for committing a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more
proposed by a political party in accordance with the laws and regulations
withdrawn its membership as a member of the House of Representatives by a political party
violate the prohibition stipulated in this Law
dismissed as a political party under the provisions of the legislation.
In case one of the leaders of the House's resignation, members of other leaders assign one of the leaders to carry out the task of leadership is stopped until the enactment of the definitive leader. In the case of one of the House leaders quit, successor comes from the same political party. House leaders suspended from his post when expressed as a defendant for a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more. In the case of the House leadership acquitted of committing a criminal offense by a court decision that has gained legal force, the House leadership is concerned carry out his duties as head of the House back.
The Deliberation [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Consultative Body House of Representatives
Consultative Body (abbreviated Bamus) was formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership of the Consultative Council in the early membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial. Deliberation Board members numbered 1/10 (one tenth) of a number of members of Parliament based on the balance of the number of members of each fraction were determined by the plenary session. House leadership as well as his position as head of the Agency Council.
Task [edit | edit source]
Consultative Body in charge:
Parliament sets the agenda for one (1) year trial, 1 (one) time trial, or part of a trial period, the estimated completion time of a problem, and the timing of the bill, without prejudice to the authority of the plenary session to change it
provide opinions to the leadership of the House in determining the line of policy concerning the duties and authority of the House of Representatives;
request and / or provide an opportunity for the House the other fittings to provide a description / explanation of the implementation of each task
further regulate the handling of a problem in terms of the law requires the Government or other parties shall consult and coordinate with the House
determine the handling of a draft law or the execution of other tasks by the House of Parliament fittings
propose to the plenary session of the commission amount, scope of duties of the commission, and the commission's work partner that has been discussed in the consultation at the beginning of the House membership
carry out other tasks given by the plenary meeting of the Consultative Body
Commission [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Commission House of Representatives
Commission established by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament set the amount of the commission at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the House session. The number of members of the commission specified in the plenary session and equity according to the balance of the number of members of each fraction at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Leadership is an integral commission leadership is collective and collegial. Leadership committee consisting of 1 (one) Chair and at most three (3) Vice-Chairmen, elected from and by the members of the commission is based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate having regard to the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each faction. Election commission chairman in committee meetings led by the leader of the House after the determination of the composition and membership of the commission.
Task [edit | edit source]
The task of the commission in the formation of legislation are organized preparation, preparation, discussion, and refinement of the draft law.
Task commissions in the budget are:
hold preliminary talks on the drafting of the budget revenue and expenditure are included in the scope of its work together with the Government;
held a discussion and refinement of the draft budget proposed income and expenditure are included in the scope of its work together with the Government;
discuss and set a budget allocation for the functions, programs, and activities of ministries / agencies that are partners commission;
held a discussion of financial statements and budget execution state including the CPC examination relating to the scope of their duties;
present the results of preliminary discussions referred to in paragraph a, and the result of the discussion, the Budget Agency untuksinkronisasi;
enhance results based synchronization Budget Agency commission proposal submission; and
handed back to the Budget Committee discussions result of the commission, the final determination of the state budget for materials.
The task of the commission in the field of supervision are:
to supervise the implementation of the law, including the state budget, as well as its implementing regulations are included in the scope of their duties;
discuss and follow up on BPK audit results relating to the scope of their duties;
to supervise the policy of the Government; and
discuss and act on the proposed DPD.
Commission to implement, can be held:
working meeting with the Government represented by the Minister / Head of the institution;
consultation with DPD;
hearing with the Government officials who represent their institutions;
public hearing, either at the request of the commission or at the request of other parties;
meeting with the minister or a hearing with the Government officials who represent their institutions are not included in the scope of their duties, if necessary; and / or
working visit.
Commission determines follow-up results of the implementation of the commission's work. Decision and / or the conclusion of the meeting of the working committee or joint committee meeting shall be binding between the Parliament and the Government. The Commission made a report at the end of the performance the House membership, either already resolved or not to be used as an ingredient by the commission at the next membership period. Commission prepare a draft budget for the execution of their duties in accordance with the requirements is submitted to the Agency for Domestic Affairs.

Commission is the main unit in the House of Representatives. Almost all activities related to the functions of the House, the substance is done in the commission. Every member of the House of Representatives (except the leader) must be a member of one of the commission. In general, charging a commission membership is closely related to scientific background or control of members of the problem and the main substance that is cultivated by the commission.
In the period 2009-2014, the House has 11 commissions to the scope of the task, namely:
Commission I, overseeing defense, intelligence, foreign affairs, and communication and information.
Commission II, overseeing domestic governance, regional autonomy, the state apparatus, and agrarian.
Commission III, overseeing law and legislation, human rights, and security.
Commission IV, in charge of agriculture, plantation, forestry, marine, fisheries, and foods.
Commission V overseeing transportation, telecommunications, public works, public housing, rural development and backward region.
Commission VI, in charge of trade, industry, investment, cooperatives, small and medium enterprises), and state-owned enterprises.
Commission VII overseeing energy, mineral resources, research and technology, and the environment.
Commission VIII overseeing religious, social and women's empowerment.
Commission IX, in charge of population, health, manpower and transmigration.
Commission X overseeing education, youth, sport, tourism, arts, and culture.
Commission XI overseeing finance, national development planning, banking and non-bank financial institutions.
Legislation [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Legislation House of Representatives
Legislation was formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Determine the structure and membership of the House of Representatives Legislation Parliament at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the trial. Legislation specified number of members in a plenary session and equity according to the balance of the number of members of each fraction at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Legislation Governing Board is an integral leadership is collective and collegial. Legislation Governing Board consists of 1 (one) Chair and a maximum of three (3) Vice-Chairs are elected from and by the members of the Legislative Body is based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate having regard to the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each faction. Leadership election Legislation Legislation done in a meeting led by the leadership of the House after the determination of the composition and membership of the Legislative Body.
Task [edit | edit source]
Legislation in charge:
drafting national legislation program that lists the order and priority of the bill and the reasons for 1 (one) period and for each year of membership in the House of Representatives budget with inputs from the DPD;
coordinate the drafting of national legislation program between the Parliament and the Government;
prepare a bill proposal that Parliament based on a predetermined priority programs;
perform harmonizing, rounding, and stabilization conception bill proposed members, commissions, joint commission, or DPD before a bill was submitted to the leadership of the House of Representatives;
give consideration to the bill submitted by members, committee, joint committee, or DPD outside the priority bills of the current year or out of the draft legislation are enrolled in national legislation;
discussions, alteration, and / or refinement of a bill that specifically commissioned by the Consultative Body;
follow the progress and evaluate the substance of the discussion of the draft law through coordination with the commission and / or special committee;
provide input to the leadership of the House of Representatives on a bill that is assigned by the DPD proposal Consultative Body; and
performance reporting and inventory problem in the field of legislation by the end of the term of membership can be used by the House of Representatives for Legislation at the next membership period.
Legislation prepare a draft budget for the execution of their duties in accordance with the requirement is submitted to the Agency for Domestic Affairs.
Agency Budget [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: the House of Representatives Budget Committee
Formed by the House Budget Committee and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Determine the structure and membership of the House Budget Committee and equity according to the balance of the number of members of each faction in the House of Representatives and the beginning of the membership at the beginning of the trial. The composition and membership of the Budget Committee consisting of members of each committee selected by the committee having regard to the balance of the number of members and the proposal fraction.
Leadership is an integral Budget Board leadership is collective and collegial. Leadership Budget Board consists of 1 (one) Chair and at most three (3) Vice-Chairs are elected from and by the members of the Budget Committee based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate taking into account the balance between the representation of women according to the number of members of each faction. The selection is done within the leadership of the Budget Committee Budget Committee meeting, led by the leader of the House after the determination of the composition and membership of the Budget Agency.
Task [edit | edit source]
Budget Committee in charge:
discuss with the Government represented by the Minister to determine the principles of general fiscal policy and budget priorities to be used as a reference for each ministry / agency in preparing the proposed budget;
set state revenue with the Government with reference to the relevant commission proposal;
discuss the draft law on the state budget with the President that can be represented by the Minister with reference to the decision of the commission's work and the Government meeting on budget allocations for functions, programs, and activities of the ministries / agencies;
synchronize the results of the discussion in the commission on the work plan and budget of the ministries / agencies;
report discusses the realization and prognosis related to the state budget; and
discuss the main points of the explanation for the draft law on the accountability of the state budget.
Budget Board only discusses budget allocation has been decided by the commission. Members of the commission in the Budget Committee should seek budget allocation is decided and the result of the implementation committee assignments.
State Finance Accountability Committee [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Financial Accountability Board State House of Representatives
State Finance Accountability Committee (abbreviated BAKN), formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership BAKN Parliament at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the trial. BAKN members totaling at least seven (7) members and no more than nine (9) people at the proposal set out in a fraction of the House of Representatives plenary session at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Leadership is an integral BAKN leadership is collective and collegial. BAKN leadership consists of 1 (one) Chair and 1 (one) person elected vice chairman of and by members BAKN based on the principle of consultation and consensus by taking into account the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each faction. BAKN leadership election conducted in BAKN meeting led by the leadership of the House after the determination of the composition and membership BAKN.

Budget Committee in charge:
discuss with the Government represented by the Minister to determine the principles of general fiscal policy and budget priorities to be used as a reference for each ministry / agency in preparing the proposed budget;
set state revenue with the Government with reference to the relevant commission proposal;
discuss the draft law on the state budget with the President that can be represented by the Minister with reference to the decision of the commission's work and the Government meeting on budget allocations for functions, programs, and activities of the ministries / agencies;
synchronize the results of the discussion in the commission on the work plan and budget of the ministries / agencies;
report discusses the realization and prognosis related to the state budget; and
discuss the main points of the explanation for the draft law on the accountability of the state budget.
Budget Board only discusses budget allocation has been decided by the commission. Members of the commission in the Budget Committee should seek budget allocation is decided and the result of the implementation committee assignments.
State Finance Accountability Committee [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Financial Accountability Board State House of Representatives
State Finance Accountability Committee (abbreviated BAKN), formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership BAKN Parliament at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the trial. BAKN members totaling at least seven (7) members and no more than nine (9) people at the proposal set out in a fraction of the House of Representatives plenary session at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Leadership is an integral BAKN leadership is collective and collegial. BAKN leadership consists of 1 (one) Chair and 1 (one) person elected vice chairman of and by members BAKN based on the principle of consultation and consensus by taking into account the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each faction. BAKN leadership election conducted in BAKN meeting led by the leadership of the House after the determination of the composition and membership BAKN.

Th Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indonesian Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla

Task [edit | edit source]
BAKN charge:
conduct a review of the findings of the CPC examination submitted to the House of Representatives;
submit the review to the commission;
follow up on the discussion of the findings of the commission of the CPC examination at the request of the commission; and
provide input to the CPC in terms of annual inspection work plan, barriers examination, and the presentation and quality of the report.
In carrying out the task BAKN can request an explanation of the CPC, the Government, local governments, other state agencies, Bank Indonesia, state-owned enterprises, public service agencies, locally-owned enterprises, and institutions or other entities that manage state finances. BAKN may recommend to the commission that the BPK conduct further investigation. The work submitted to the leadership of the House in plenary session on a regular basis.
In carrying out the task, BAKN be assisted by accountants, experts, financial analysts, and / or researchers.
Honorary Board [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: the Honorary Council of Representatives
Honorary Board was formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership of the Honorary Board having regard to the balance and equalization number of members of each fraction at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial. Honorary Board Member consists of 11 (eleven) people and set in a plenary session at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Leadership Honorary Board is an integral leadership is collective and collegial. Leadership Honorary Board consists of 1 (one) Chair and two (2) Vice-chairman, elected from and by the members of the Honorary Board based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate having regard to the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each faction. The selection is done within the leadership of the Honorary Honorary Board meeting were led by leaders of the House after the determination of the composition and membership of the Ethics Council.
Task [edit | edit source]
Honorary Board assigned to conduct the investigation and verification of a complaint against a member because:
not perform the obligation;
can not carry out tasks on an ongoing basis or was unable to continue as a member of the House of Representatives for three (3) consecutive months without any explanation;
not attend the plenary session and / or meeting fittings Parliament the duty and obligation of 6 (six) times in a row without a valid reason;
no longer qualifies as a candidate member of the House in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations concerning elections DPR, DPD and DPRD; and / or
violate the prohibition.
In addition to the above duties, the Honorary evaluation and improvement of the House on the code of ethics rules of the House. Honorary Board authorized call on relevant parties and working with other agencies. Honorary Board performance reports at the end of the membership period.
Agency for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Agency for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Council Representatives
Agency for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, hereinafter referred to as BKSAP, formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership BKSAP Parliament at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the trial. The number of members specified in the plenary session BKSAP balance and equity according to the number of members of each fraction at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
Leadership is an integral BKSAP collective leadership and kolegial.P impinan BKSAP consist of 1 (one) Chair and at most three (3) Vice-chairman, elected from and by the members BKSAP based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate with regard representation of women according to the balance of the number of members of each faction. BKSAP leadership election conducted in BKSAP meeting led by the leadership of the House after the determination of the composition and membership BKSAP.
Task [edit | edit source]
BKSAP charge:
foster, develop, and enhance the friendly relations and cooperation between the Parliament and the parliaments of other countries, both bilateral and multilateral, including international organizations that raise parliamentary and / or other state lawmakers;
received the delegation of parliament of other countries who became a House of Representatives;
coordinating visits House of Representatives fittings work abroad; and
give advice or suggestions to the leadership of the House on the subject of Inter-Parliamentary cooperation.
BKSAP create a performance report at the end of the membership period either already resolved or not to be used as an ingredient by BKSAP the next membership period.
Household Affairs Agency [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section is: Household Affairs Agency House of Representatives
Household Affairs Agency (abbreviated Affairs Committee), formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings which are fixed. Determine the structure and membership of the House Affairs Committee at the beginning of the membership period and the beginning of the House session. BURT specified number of members in a plenary session and equity according to the balance of the number of members of each fraction at the beginning of the membership of the House of Representatives and the beginning of the trial.
BURT leadership is an integral leadership is collective and collegial. BURT leadership consists of 1 (one) Chair is held by Speaker of the House and at most three (3) Vice-Chairmen are elected from and by the members BURT based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate having regard to the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each fraction. BURT leadership election referred to in subsection (2) is done in a meeting Affairs Committee led by leaders of the House after the determination of the composition and membership BURT.
Task [edit | edit source]
BURT charge:
Domestic policy establishes the House;
to supervise the implementation of the General Secretariat of the House of Representatives in the House Domestic policy referred to in letter a, including the implementation and management of the parliamentary budget;
coordinating with DPD fittings and fittings MPR-related problems homemaking House of Representatives, and the Assembly commissioned by the House leadership based on the Consultative Body meeting;
present the results of policy decisions and to every member of the House Affairs Committee; and
submit a report on the performance of the special plenary session of the House held to it.
Special Committee [edit | edit source]

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Boediono

The main article for this section are: the Special Committee of the House of Representatives
A special committee was formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives fittings temporary. Parliament shall determine the composition and membership of the special committee based on the balance and equalization number of members of each faction. The number of members of the special committee established by the plenary session at most 30 (thirty) people.
Leaders of the special committee is an integral leadership is collective and collegial. Leadership of a special committee consisting of 1 (one) Chair and a maximum of three (3) Vice-Chairs are elected from and by the members of the special committee based on the principle of consultation and consensus and proportionate with regard to the number of existing special committee as well as the representation of women by balancing the number of members of each fraction. Election of chairman of the special committee, as is done in a special committee meeting headed by the leadership of the House after the determination of the composition and membership of the special committee.
A special committee in charge of carrying out a specific task within a certain time period set by the plenary session. A special committee is responsible to the Parliament. A special committee was disbanded by Parliament after the period expires or because duty assignment is declared finished. Plenary session set the follow-up to the work of the special committee.
General Secretariat [edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
Secretariat General of the DPR-RI is a supporting element of the House of Representatives, which berkedududukan as Secretary of State Institutions, led by a Secretary-General in carrying out their duties and be responsible to the House leadership. The Secretary General is appointed and dismissed by presidential decree on the proposal of House leadership. Secretariat General of the House of Representatives is composed of personnel on the Civil Service. The organizational structure and working procedures specified by the Secretary General of the President's decision.
The Secretary-General is assisted by a Deputy Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary General of the few who is appointed and dismissed by the President upon the recommendation of House leadership ..
Parliament may appoint experts / specialists as needed, and in carrying out their duties General Secretariat may establish Assistance Team.
Secretary General of the House of Representatives currently held by Dra. Nining Indra Saleh, MSi. (Continoe)

Coalition Red White Berjaya, Novanto Speaker of the House, Fahri, Fadli, Taufik, and Agus Vice Chairman

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The parties supporting the pair Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - Jusuf Kalla (JK), yaknti Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the National Awakening Party (PKB), Hanura, and NasDem Party, decided to walk out of the Plenary Session of the Parliament, which was held until Thursday (02/10/2014) early morning.

It made proposals for the names of the leaders of the parties supporting the Coalition Red White (KMP) as Golkar, Gerindra Party, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the United Development Party (PPP), the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the Democratic Party , is indisputable.

Popong Otje Djundjunan, the oldest member of the House of Representatives appointed as the chairman of the meeting, said that because the parties supporting KMP filed the same name, so he invites conference participants to directly approve these proposals.

"First Instance, Chairman (DPR) of FPG, right, Golkar Party, drs Novanto, tock," said Popong while knocking hammer.

Four candidates Deputy Speaker of the House support the proposed fraction of KMP is Fadli Zon Gerindra, Agus Herman from the Democratic Party, Taufik Kurniawan from PAN and Fahri Hamzah from the MCC.

"Do you agree?" Ask Popong to the meeting participants.
Popong then mentions the next agenda is the reading of the oath by the new House leadership.

Nevertheless it can not be done directly because they have to wait for the Chief Justice, Hatta Ali, who will take the oath and swear in leaders.

"I suspended first (trial), because there must be a chief justice, was patient, I was also impatient of the morning," said Popong that invites laughter attendees.

  Implementation of the plenary session of the Assembly inauguration beragendakan DPR and DPD period 2014-2019, Wednesday (1/10), delayed two hours of the time specified.

Originally this hearing will begin at 9:00 pm, but the session was attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono was recently opened at 11.00.

The opening plenary session was marked by the entry of SBY to Nusantara I building, the venue for the trial. All members of the DPR and DPD welcomes couples head stood up this country.
Previously, the board members were also seen not come simultaneously into the courtroom. Members of the board as Fahri Hamzah and Hidayat Nur Wahid entered later.

The members of the legislative council election results April 9 this morning undergoing Miracle Day ceremony at the Monument Pancasila Crocodile Hole, South Jakarta.
Plenary session of the Assembly first period 2014-2019 was led by two members of the House of Representatives with the oldest and youngest age, the Popong Otje Djundjunan of Golkar Party and Ade Rizki Pratama from Gerindra.

President and Vice President-elect Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla seen present at the inauguration and swearing DPR, DPD, and MPR II 2014-2015 in Nusantara Building, House of Representatives, Senayan, Jakarta.

Jokowi-Kalla seen sitting side by side and look sumringah when highlighted on television. Meanwhile Presien Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono also seen already present. Both arrived exactly at 11.00 am. After both occupy their respective places, Indonesia Raya song echoed.

Based on information compiled Tribunnews, the oath will begin promptly at 11:00 pm.

INTRAC: Members of Parliament have suspicious accounts

After the inauguration, a member of Parliament and his family took a picture together in front of the parliament building, Wednesday (01/10).

Among the approximately 500 candidates for the House of Representatives who was sworn in on Wednesday (01/10) suspected of having suspicious accounts, according to findings of Center Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis, INTRAC.

There are at least 20 members of the House of Representatives-which the old and the new terpilih- suspected of having unnatural accounts, said Deputy Head of INTRAC, Agus Santoso.
"For example, transactions (suspicious) relating to allegations of corruption by the other party concerning the question," said Agus

Santoso told BBC Indonesia, Rizki Washarti Wednesday (01/10) afternoon.
According to Agus, it has submitted a report of this analysis to the Commission for further action.

"It's still classified intelligence reports. Nah, to be a later case, the Commission would have to work harder to find two items of evidence," said Agus.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission, KPK, Johan Budi said, he confirmed that it regularly receives reports from INTRAC analysis, including about alleged members of the House of suspicious accounts.
"Certainly through the review process in advance, whether the transactions were photographed by INTRAC as suspicious transactions related to corruption or not," said Johan Budi told BBC Indonesia, Wednesday (01/10) afternoon.

'Incredible corruption'
What do the newly appointed members of Parliament on this reality?
"The key word moral, ethical, and it is not no lesson or school," said Agun Gunanjar Golkar Party politician, who became a member of the House since 15 years ago.
He said, often gets "temptation" for corruption, but he claimed had brushed it off.

"For example, the formation of a new autonomous region. If I lack control, has been remarkable (corruption)," said the BBC's Indonesian Agun, Heyder Affan, when met at the Parliament building on Wednesday (01/10) afternoon.

Meanwhile, members of the House of Nasdem Party, newly elected, Ahmad claimed to have prepared mentally Syahroni from the temptation of corruption.
"We have a principle of self-own, do not chimed in another," said Achmad Syahroni, when asked

However, today there are five members of the House who suspended his inauguration as they stumble alleged cases of corruption.
Data Commission says, since 2007 until earlier this year, there are 74 members of the House involved in corruption cases.

The findings of the Commission mentions, many members of the House entangled in a corruption case related to the function of the House of Representatives to discuss the budget and budgeting. (Bbc (Continoe)

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