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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Unfinished journey (3) (The third section, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 6, 2014, 21:00 pm)

Surya Paloh, Median Tycoon
Unfinished journey (3)

(The third section, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, August 6, 2014, 21:00 pm)

Six years working as a News Reporter Antara News Agencies give me grateful to be covered in almost every continent, ranging from the United States, at the time of the speech of President Suharto at the Headquarters of the United Nations, covering shipments of liquefied natural gas refinery Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from Bontang, The East Kalimantan city of Osaka and Tokyo.

Covering many times hearing the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Bali and Vienna, Austria, to the World Energy Conference in Madrid, Spain and Singapore, until meeting the Iran-Iraq conflict mediation in Muscat, Oman in the Middle East

Two times I was assigned to the United States and Japan, including to Madrid, Spain I always make themselves stop my younger sister home to Sri Mulyani (now kindergarten teacher in San Diego, California. He has lived in San Diego more than 20 years since married to a United States attorney Omar Abdul Madjid name, the marriage they were blessed with four children, the first is still studying at San Francisco State University, majoring in Biology, second son to college at California State University, the third child of school in high school and junior high fourth.
Six years working in the Antara News Agency, then I moved to the Economic Prospek  magazine owned tycoon Sutrisno Bachir. The reason is simple, my salary rose 10-fold and car facility. New year in operation this magazine went bankrupt, while crews editor and many other fields of moving from Tempo Magazine, as Praginanto editor who became leader. Although Praginanto failed so Chief Editor Prospek  permanently as in '' coup 'own companions from Tempo.
Bankrupt Because I moved to the Media Indonesia daily for six years starting from the old office at Jalan Lama Gondangdia, to new offices in the region Kedoya, West Jakarta. Later in this region was also built by the owner Surya Paloh as Metro TV Television headquarters.

Six years I worked in Media Indonesia Harin I feel need to work  in Television (SCTV) during Sumita Tobing so Leader editorial and brother Eddy Ellison former Executive Editor Media Indonesia got the same position in Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV).

However, in my SCTV failed to enter because when medical tests revealed pain in my RCTI diabetes, even though I've written a letter of Resignation Media Indonesia daily.

1996 When Tempo 'banned' '(deprived of orbit) by government management Tempo buy specialist magazines News Criminal Detective & The romance which then logo magazine abbreviated as D & R only to change the image of the magazine from the magazine issue only Law and Criminal became the News like Tempo Magazine.

I applied to the D & R Magazine, and still fail a medical at Carolus Hospital in Jakarta, because of diabetes. But the magazine's editor Bambang Bujono D & R personnel called to pass me the reason diabetes can live a normal life.

Three years later the News Tempo rises again, and this magazine was sold and managed by other shareholders Speak English daily The Jakarta Post. But since most of the journalists back to Tempo Magazine and D & R difficult to grow and compete with his brother Tempo, finally early 2000 R & D Magazine closed.

After trying so Branch Manager of PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri in Balikpapan  and editor of the Indonesian edition of Business Week early 2004 I worked So the Yayasan Bina Organization as Communication Specialist staff.

Thanks to Help Fund New Zealand Aid (New Zealand Aid) we implement peace project in the city of Ambon. So me and the team beginning in January 2004 began serving in Ambon.

My task in accordance proposal I made earlier is to build community radio run with the young Christian and Muslim Youth.

One was built in border area in Amantelu (Christian) with Batu Merah Muslim, one more region Haong Wai (Muslim) with Batu Gantung (Christian), and another in Baguala region, near Ambon Airport.

Just three months my team and served in Ambon, when I rented a house in the hills Amantelu (Christian area) bordering the Red Stone (Muslim). This home before along with hundreds of other homes burned Muslim group attacked. Once rebuilt our contract that serves as the headquarters of our office as well as residence.
  Coincided with the birthday of the Republic of South Maluku riots broke out in Ambon that killed 12 people, including four soldiers Brigade who just got off the truck, was killed by dark sniper weapon from a distance.

Muhammad Jusuf Kalla

Because my office in the hills and the border with the Batu Merah  thousands of Muslims with various types of weapons began to be concentrated in the border, as well as Christian youths running past the front office appears with a variety of weapons ranging from typical long machete Maluku until weapons assembly.

For three days and three nights we tried to survive in the office can expect conflict subsides again. Though unity Brimob (Mobile Brigade) and the various units of the Army of the Republic of Indonesia from Strategic Reserve Command (Army Strategic Command) and kestuan Marines have long been strategically placed in all corners in the Moluccas, both in the province of Maluku, and North Maluku.

During the three days of the conflict was not eased but actually increased. Amman and Markets Mahardika burned, including UNICEF Representative Office in Ambon.

So after consultation with the Organization Development Foundation (Yayasan Bina Swadaya)  in Jakarta we will temporarily flee to Jakarta. But how to flee to Ambon to airport to go through the border friend Red Stone has kept thousands of young Muslims with various types of weapons.

Incidentally in Ambon Pattimura Military Command Chief Puskopat (Cooperative Military Command) is Colonel Chaerul Pasha, colleagues and neighbors as a child  in the dorm Kobekdam V Jaya Cililitan Kecil. So I call him 'Mr. Chaerul conditions less conducive Ambon crowds of Muslims and Christians with various types of weapons in the region are already dealing Amantelu-Batu Merah  just a few meters from our office location.
'' Mr. Muhammad Jusuf the Muslims, just shout Allahu Akbar, in order to pass the Batu Merah region. '' Mr. Chaerul in a tense position like this is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether we are Muslim or Christian, so I have not been up to the Batu Merah area we've killed with arrows that Muslim youths, moreover we will be displaced from the Christian region '.
Finally Buce​​, administrative office manager who is also a Christian besides Amantelu people who know the ins and outs of the town of Ambon, took the initiative to bring us to safely evacuate us after the rat hills we reached the coast about two hours Waihong estates, we hired a speed boat to take us to the airport, after our telephone Lion Air plane ticket.

Ambon Conflic broke again in April 2004

Together with some of the mothers and children of our team to evacuate by sea but an hour of walking speed boat that could strike for three hours was terbara flow towards the Banda Sea.

After three hours of floating in the middle of the ocean thanks to the hard work of the crew Speed ​​Boat engine back to life, so at around 05. afternoon local time we arrived at the airport Ambon,
But: 'new' five minutes ago Last Lion Air plane flying, so we missed the plane, so we were living in mobile memtuskan Mess Owned Indonesian Air Force (Air Force) we can sleep soundly in this mess because the 24-hour guarded Army Air Force in circumference se Mess . (Accommodation services),

Visible from the Air Force Mess flames and smoke engulfing the city of Ambon, Many houses, burning buildings and hotels, so we worry about what has been attempted Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, who has managed to reconcile the Ambon conflict can break back.
After two months fled to Jakarta, deemed safe after we were assigned the project to continue back to Ambon Peace God bless New Zealand Aid Ambon conflict that has killed more than 100 thousand inhabitants, the largest seteelah World War II did not happen again (Amen)

Liputan6.com, Ambon: Ambon, Maluku, re-turbulent. At least 12 people were killed and 91 others wounded following riots in Ambon City, Sunday (25/4). In addition to casualties, some buildings and homes burned there.
  However, based on data from the Maluku Regional Police, killed about 10 people. So far allegedly triggered riots following the disappointment of the Islamic group that escorts the attitude of police investigators after the South Maluku Republic held a birthday celebration.
  While, up to now, injuries are still being treated in hospitals, such as Al-Fatah hospital, hospital Bhakti Rahayu, and Haulussy dr.

Actually, the tension started since Sunday morning. At that time, a total of 51 flags fluttering in the Moluccan RMS back-related commemoration the 54th anniversary of the separatist group. Seeing this condition, Maluku Police immediately deployed personnel to flag mostly mounted on top of the trees and mountains. At least two RMS flag raisers in Saparua also detained by police.

Situations so hot when the RMS group held a 54th anniversary of the RMS by mass Maluku Sovereignty Forum (FKM) at the residence of his executive leadership, Dr. Alex Manuputty Kudamati region [read: Again, the RMS flag fluttering in Ambon]. At that time, the ceremony led by the Secretary General of the RMS Tuanakota and followed Moses around 1,000 people. In this event, they also had to fly the flag of the RMS and the United Nations. Did not last long, the police came to the scene immediately lower the RMS flag. On this occasion, police also brought Moses to the Maluku Police Headquarters with a mass followed while carrying flags marched RMS. Arriving at the police headquarters, the police finally arrested 24 people who claimed to take responsibility.

While most of the mass of the RMS are not detained finally back home. But, in the middle of the trip, which returned from RMS supporters Maluku Police Headquarters it was intercepted mass calling itself Defenders of the Republic of Indonesia in Tugu Trikora. Initially, the two masses just throwing. But, the action so hot until you hear gunfire. Increasingly violent mass. The riots were inevitable and re-rupture.

Clash in Ambon

Not only in the monument area TRIKORA, riots also occurred in several other areas such as Pokka Mardika and the location of the mass concentration. At this location, provoked mass to burn. It is unclear which group started to burn. However, building representative of the United Nations there became the first building burned. A number of houses and hotels as well as a place of worship was also burned.

According to the Maluku Police Chief Brig Gen. Bambang Sutrisno, actually the police work together with military agencies and local government has been anticipating the celebration to launch Operation Red and White. In fact, the Maluku Police also have anticipated the RMS figure Moses Tuanakota attitudes that provoke the public by distributing leaflets warning that is not afraid to celebrate the birthday of the separatist group. Known, Moses also sent a letter to President Megawati Sukarnoputri containing the warning plan. "Since 24 April night we have seized dozens RMS flag is raised in remote places, to Sunday morning," said Bambang when telewicara with SCTV reporter Bayu Sutiyono, on Sunday afternoon.

Regarding the situation in Ambon, Bambang said, it can be controlled within the meaning of the word is not new intergroup conflict. It also has to coordinate with community leaders and seeks to straighten out information that is not clear. Maluku Police have also insulate areas which are likely to lead to clashes. For example, public traffic, from the airport to Ambon turned on again by sea. In addition, the Maluku Police also have reported this unrest and require the addition of troops at Da `i Bachtiar Chief General. So also with the TNI has also been reported to the TNI chief Gen. Endriartono Sutarto.

Just to refresh your memory, the horizontal conflict-torn Ambon City on January 19, 1999 Conflict nuanced racial religious tribal and Intergroup (SARA) was then expanded in almost the Moluccas. The government then finally apply for the Civil Emergency Maluku and North Maluku. And, efforts to reconcile the two warring parties finally paid off. In mid-February 2002, resulted in eleven meetings Malino II peace agreement [read: Eleven Ending Meetings Malino agreement]. Peace began to look even a day pascapenandatangan Malino II, three explosions rocked Ambon [read: Three explosions shook Ambon].

But the citizens of Maluku, particularly Ambon, continue to seek peace. Along with easing the conflict there, the government on 15 September 2003 finally repeal the Civil Emergency adopted pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2000 on civil emergency in the provinces of Maluku and North Maluku - which later changed to Presidential Decree No. 40 Year 2002, while the status of Civil Emergency in North Maluku was repealed by Decree No. 27 of 2003 on the Elimination of Civil Emergency in North Maluku Province [read: civil emergency status in Maluku repealed]. (ORS / Sahlan Heluth)

Ambon Map Conflik

Allegedly Left Ambon Conflict Occurs
Friday, 30 April 2004 | 16:51 pm
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Titian Institute of Peace (ITP), and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) saw a strong tendency in the Ambon conflict left. This conclusion was drawn after ITP see a dialogue between society and the military commander and Deputy Police Ambon few hours before the riots of April 25.

Loulembah Malik, Director of ITP who happened to make a film about the recording of Ambon (24/4), in a discussion today (30/4), originally riots occurred in one bag (four points) in the city of Ambon. But suddenly the conflict extends to some point after the emergence of jargon or words that bernuasa very nationalist, like Homeland fixed price.

The conflict became widespread after no effective treatment and good coordination between the military, police, and the governor. "Initially riots just a stone's throw, but the situation then tightened with statementseperti shoot on sight, followed by fire," said Loulembah when aired video footage of Ambon in the building LIPI.

In addition to the omission, whether from government, military, and police, said Loulembah, conflicts arise because governments are incompetent to handle the situation postconflict Ambon. As law enforcement is still obtuse, communication between people is not the way politics and agendas of mass handling of dormant conflicts. In fact, after the conflict is very important, but the government prefers to secure election.

The three institutions regretted the linkage between Font Maluku Sovereignty (FKM) / Republic of South Maluku (RMS) and the Homeland of the conflict in Maluku. According to them should FKM / RMS should not be confused with the Christian groups that deal with Homeland associated as a Muslim group.

They asked the government and the authorities immediately explain who called support group FKM / RMS and Homeland in Ambon which is regarded as a trigger of conflict. "Two years after the post-conflict situation is conducive, but it exploded on April 25, coupled with the advent of Homeland terms and others that are nationalist," said Ichsan.

All three institutions also deplored the attitude of the local media who participated memperpanas Ambon atmosphere. Local media is regarded as one of the ignition of conflict because often raise sensitive issues that arouse a sense of local nationalism. But however these three institutions found conflict in Ambon as orchestrated by certain parties in Jakarta as well as the huge agenda that will take place (the presidential election). "It should be suspected agenda presidential election had an impact," said Loulembah.

With the advent of this conflict, a third institution requesting the prevention of the entry of armed groups / militias from outside Maluku especially in the name of religious symbols or reason to prevent separatism. Asked the central government to be more professional and more on repairing the conflict.

According to him, the improvement is much more complicated post-conflict and complex due to the destruction of the existing system. The government also must learn to deal with extraordinary events and more importantly the emergence of statements such as the Homeland and the RMS should not be confused with religion, such as Islam and RMS Homeland groups as Christian groups.

The government really wants to resolve the conflict in Ambon should not only be concerned with security but also run the bureaucracy and humanity simultaneously.

Stages of Conflict Ambon (1999-2004)

According to reports http://earthy-moony.blogspot.com/
Ambon conflict occurred during the period of authoritarian interregnum (New Order regime) to democratic (reforms) in December 1998 until the beginning of March 1999 Conflict with disputes disputes that occur between different indivdu ethnicity and religion in some places in Ambon and Maluku. As a result of these disputes arise the issue of anti-fuel (Tribe Buton, Bugis, Makassar), so that the rate of Buton, Bugis and Makassar out of Ambon and Maluku. Traditional leaders, village chiefs, religious leaders, and the sub-district heads in Ambon, Haruku, Saparua, and Nusa Sea peace agreement signed at the headquarters of Korem 174 Pattimura, Ambon. One battalion of the army from Makassar withdrawn, replaced a battalion of marines from Surabaya, one battalion of the Purworedjo, and one battalion of Situbondo.

Occurred during the period March 1999 to April 2000 peace efforts undertaken by the formation of a special team and the signing of a peace pledge MUI leader Maluku, the Catholic Church, and Protestant churches in Merdeka Square Ambon, Ambon was not able to stop the riots, so the unrest continues . Even the efforts of government leaders to help the efforts of reconciliation and restoration of Maluku community did not succeed, because the RMS group mentioned involved. Eve new year North Maluku became a killing field. Beruturut raid-also occurs in Tobelo, and Galela in Halmahera, North Maluku. Tablig akbar, jihad training and calls for jihad in Maluku and Ambon start called in the area around the capital by Islamic leaders.

Occurred from June 2000 to August 2001 attack occurred balikdari white group (group jihad) against the red group (indigenous Christians). Church, boarding Brimob attacked and burned and burned the arsenal, which resulted in hundreds of lives lost. Because of the incident, the civil emergency imposed by the government throughout the Maluku islands such pemeberlakuan curfew. Ubiquitous security forces continue to patrol, and guard in each border region is still considered vulnerable to conflict. Gunfire occurred between the Joint Battalion (Yon Gab) and Marines with a group of residents in the border region Batumerah-Mardika resulting in 10 civilians were killed and dozens of others suffered serious injuries and light. Infiltration action occurs in people's homes. Modus, unidentified people had come to the house at night, and knocked. The intruders would stab anyone who opened the door, stabbed seven people died and 17 others were injured, in addition to the two intruders without identities were also killed. A bomb exploded at a food stall in Ambon.

Indonesian security in Ambon

Occurred from April 2002 to September 2003 and civil emergency curfew was still in force. National Police Chief Police General Dai Bachtiar, in Ambon, say, the Civil Emergency status may be revoked if the area already has a definitive Governor. Karel Albert Ralahalu and Mohammad Abdullah Latuconsina elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of the Moluccas the period 2003-2009. Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in his press conference, the government immediately revoke the state of civil emergency in Maluku into civil order.

Post Conflict

Occurred from September 2003 to April 2004 Moluccas expressed as the area of civil order status, after three years of civil emergency status. Since the transition into a state of civil emergency civil order in September 2003 in the province of Maluku, people submit 94 homemade bombs and 77 units made ​​firearms to the police and military. Spokesman for the Directorate General of Immigration Department of Justice and Human Rights Dachlan Ade Endang said the chairman of the Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM) Alex Manupputy fled from Indonesia to the United States pass through unofficial channels. Manuputty was sentenced to four years in prison related to the case of treason. Legislative General Election in Maluku running safe and orderly. A similar situation occurs when the election campaign, but rioting broke out again after the police dispersed the crowd while commemorating the anniversary of the RMS. (CONTINUE)

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