Unfinished journey (189)
(Part one hundred and eighty-nine, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, January 22, 2015, 8:24 pm)
Death (Death): Do not know the age, rich, poor.
Around 1987 and in front of the house of Mr Sabran, in
Dormitory Kobekdam V Jaya Small Cililitan, East Jakarta around 19:00 pm we
talked with about five friends my age (average age 17 years).
One of my colleagues, who lived right behind my house
number 52, jokingly (saying): '' I do not want to die before I got marry (marriage), ''
The next day, one day later around 22:00 pm, I heard the
news, if you have ever said above that concerned had died in serempet (hit by)
bus Pelita Jaya Mas (the 1970s before the busway, on the road Jakarta public
passenger bus dominated by private bus, in addition to bus Damri (SOE), there
is also a bus Pelita Jaya Mas, Arion and the still exis until now is bis
Mayasari Bhakti) around Cawang, East Jakarta. His partner, who he ride on a
bicycle in the back of a motorcycle, also my neighbor who lives on the left
side of my house survived, unharmed.
In the 1970s when I was in grade 5 elementary schools in
the State Primary School 1 Balikpapan, I live in Central New Village, my neighbor,
right in front of my house, there was a young man of about 25 years, he was
known as a good man, diligent prayer, patient, never to be seen fighting with
On one day he, without ever kedengaram never sick, he
reportedly died.
This shows that all living things, including humans would
feel dead (died), if he is not married, or considerate attitude.
Only God is the creator of the one who knows the unseen
matter, both died affairs, marriage and our sustenance, God in the book
"Lawh Mahfuz" seperrti contained in the Word of the Prophet Muhammad,
as well as in the word of God just told us, that every event including the
leaves are falling from the branches also have written of God in this book.
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah
has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God
created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim, no. 2653).
"No misfortune can happen on earth and (nor) in
yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it. Verily
it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).
We still remember the crash of Air Asia majors
Surabaya-Singapore recently, the plane that crashed into a mountain Sulhoi
Salak, West Java, there is a small plane crashed in the United States, which
killed the pilot and other family members unless there is a six-year-old girl
survivors, there are private jets that carry oil kings, and one of the richest
men in the Middle East, crashed when flying to travel to Morocco, killing all
passengers except for a pilots who survived. We still remember one of the US
conglomerate owners supermarket chain Wall-Mart was also killed in a plane
This proves, that as powerful and sophisticated as any
technology owned the plane, can not fight destiny God. Whether he was rich,
poor, young maih, already old, and did not know the sex of any religion or
We still remember the days of King Nimrod Pharaoh
thousands of years ago which has been enshrined in the Quran, was so ruling him
as a king, to elevate himself as God.
However, eventually Nimrod and his troops killed in Allah
drowned in the Dead Sea when chasing Moses. Nimrod corpse was later found the
locals on the beach, then there are people who recognize the bodies of Nimrod
as the former king, then after in Balm (mummy) is buried in a pyramid, the
researchers then when checking out (autopsy) these bodies (via DNA) note that
Nimrod allegedly killed by drowning in the water.
As good as any human would definitely feel the dead
(deceased), the Prophet himself although there are hundreds of years old (the
prophet adam) still died, the Prophet Muhammad who became the elect of God as
the Prophet died at a young age, 63 years, is still far in Bob compare Sadino,
wealthy businessman owner Kem Chick God given opportunity to live up to the age
of the '80s.
So what can we boast in ourselves this, the rich man like
Bob Sadino supermarket owner Kem Chick, owner of the Wall-Mart in America Tuft,
the king of oil from the Middle East, President Suharto, who told Time magazine
had deposits USD trillions of dollars were not avert death (Death).
See the former most powerful man in the world, Ronald
Reagan, former President of the United States, Stalin, leader of the Soviet
Union, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung Chinese leader, President
Sukarno, Joseph Kennedy, the most clever doctor was not able to extend their
I've got a friend, at a poor time, he was diligent
prayer, fasting, when the latter so rich has many apartments many cars, when I
was playing in his office, in the month of Ramadan, he no longer looks
assiduous prayer and fasting.
Because a lot of money he often traveled abroad, on one
day he fell ill, and went to the hospital the most expensive in Indonesia and
outside the State, but his life was not helped, without him ever felt Hajj
(Pilgrimage) to the holy land of Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, but in terms
of financial and health he has been exposed to an obligation to run pillars.
Innalillahi Wainnailaihi Rojiun (All creatures of God will return to the almighty
Do not be like King Nimrod, breath until in the throat,
he would acknowledge the unity of God. Before the death arrives, we
bertaubatlah, with consistently praying five times, and many seek forgiveness,
remembrance and glorify setaip moment. Hopefully all the sins we have done in
the world forgiven God is All-forgiving. Because God in his word said he would
forgive the sins of any, without a care, for people who want to repent, and
away from shirk (to double the Lord).
If we die (die), what we bring, what our wealth, our
wives and children, or our office, we only carry the shroud that was wrapped in
the body (white cloth), in addition to our deeds during life in the world.
As mentioned in the Qur'an and hadith, in the Day of
Judgment (Judgment) later when humans are raised, the problem of human
relationship with God first in Tanya God is about prayer, if we consistently
pray five times a healthy condition or illness.
Meanwhile, the second problem which asked God is a matter
of blood (human relations), how our relationship together both biological
parents, Seed-siblings, fellow human beings either with a fellow Muslim or
non-Muslim, our good relations with our neighbors, problem accounts payable,
and other business issues, what we treat them well, lest we hurt (let alone
kill) them, remember Allah warns us in his word, if we kill the children of
Adam, sin like we killed all mankind, and when we save a human life, the reward
if we help people in the world.
If we die (die) only stay three actions that we can still
get to the dead, the first prayer pious child (always keep the prayer), the
second charity (alms family, such as feeding the poor, orphans, widows, poor)
the reward for our dead, and the third science beneficial to humans. This is
the third practice which is not interrupted. God in his Word says every man
during his life, certainly never sinned, large or small, but God is the creator
also merciful and compassionate to mankind, he would give amnesty to people who
repent, regardless of whatever the servant of sin (except Shirk). Because
idolatry require special repentance, he was no longer allowed to double the
Lord, or regard the Son and God had other shirk, before the end of his life and
many istigfar, remembrance, prayer beads in addition to prayer five times a
The importance of forgiveness, remembrance and prayer
beads is to be warned of God in the Qur'an and Hadith, Allah will destroy all
humans, and will create a new man, if there are no more people who want to seek
forgiveness (ask Allah Forgive), remembrance, prayer beads and Tahmid.
Istighfar recommended, astaghfirullahalazim (O Allah,
forgive all the sins of the Servant)
Recitation (rosary): Subhan Allah (Praise and glory of
Wallamdulilah (Praise be to God)
Laillahailaulah (There is no god worthy of diibadahi,
except Allah)
Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great).
It is recommended to read Surat Al-Ikhlas 10 times the
lifetime at least once, or every month, or if we have any time to spare,
because the reward is equal to 2/3 of us read the entire contents of the Koran
(see Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad).
Dying (when death arrives)
In language the word is derived from the word death:
ajila-ya'jalu-dying [late]. According to al-Khalil al-Farahidi in Kitab al-'Ayn
and ash-Sahib ibn 'Ages in Al-Muhith fi al-Lughah, said ash-syay'u ajila
ya'jalu wahuwa âjilun means naqîdu al-'âjil (opponent from immediately). Thus,
al-die (plural al-âjalu) linguistically means late or delayed.
Moreover, in the language, the word death also has
several meanings as follows:
● ghayah al-waqti fi al-mawti mahalu ad-dayn wa wa
nahwuhu (end time on death and maturity of debt and the like) (Al-Azhari,
Tahdheeb al-Lughah).
● Muddah ash-syay'i (a period of something) (Ibn Manzhur,
Lisan al-'Arab; al-Jauhari, Ash-Sihah fi al-Lughah).
● Muddatuhu wa al-ladzî waqtuhu yahillu Fihi (duration
and the time when something is gone) (Al-Fayumi, Mishbâh al-Munir).
● Duration set to something or act (Rawas Qal'ahji,
Mu'jam Lughah al-fuqaha ').
● When set to end something (Abu Hilal al-'Askari,
al-Furûq al-Lughawiyah).
From here death of al-insan (human death) is the end of
one's life or ending a person's age. That is, when a person's death arrives,
then also the death came to pick him up.
In the Qur'an the word death and bentukannya mentioned
about 55 times. Among the sense of period (eg Surah al-Baqarah [2]: 231, 232,
234, 235; al-Araf [7]: 135); age (eg; Surah Al-Araf [7]: 34; Jonah [10]: 11,
49); end of life / end of life (eg: Surat an-Nahl [16]: 61; Fathir [35]: 45).
Because Death: The End of Doom
The verses of the Koran that qath'i tsubut and qath'i
dilalah stated with certainty that Allah alone Substances The turning on and
off. Allah says:
والله يحيي ويميت
God turn on and off (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 156).
The Quran also confirms this in many other passages (see:
Surah al-Baqarah [2]: 73, at-Tawbah [9]: 116, Jonah [10]: 56, al-Hajj [22]: 6,
al -Mu'minun [23]: 80, al-Hadid [57]: 2).
Allah has set a death for every nation and as
individuals. Death, namely impending doom, has been timed as a statute of God
that can not be brought forward or pushed back. Allah says:
وما كان لنفس أن تموت إلا بإذن الله كتابا مؤجلا
Animate something that will not die but with the
permission of Allah as the provisions of the predetermined time (Surah Ali
Imran [3]: 145).
ما تسبق من أمة أجلها وما يستأخرون
No one else people may precede death, nor can backed it
(Surat al-Hijr [15]: 5; al-Muminun [23]: 43)
Similar statements among others are in: Surah Yunus [10]:
49; an-Nahl [16]: 61 and Surah al-Munafiqun [63]: 11. So, endless death or the
coming of death is something that definitely (al-'Ankabut [29]: 5). Because
death is certainly the arrival of the man will not be able to run away from
him. Allah confirms:
قل إن الموت الذي تفرون منه فإنه ملاقيكم
Say, "The death from which you flee from him in any
case remain will see you." (Surah al-Jumu'ah [62]: 8).
Allah also asserts:
أينما تكونوا يدرككم الموت ولو كنتم في بروج مشيدة
Wherever you are, death will find you even though you are
in a high fortress again solid (Surat an-Nisa '[4]: 78).
This verse confirms, if the attempt to escape from
death-by the way to fortify themselves from what he thought was the cause of
the coming death as he took refuge in the fortress high again very sturdy
even-then it will not be able to spare him from death. Therefore, all suspected
as the cause of death was either sick, war, etc., is actually not the cause of death.
These are just a condition in which death occurs sometimes, but sometimes it
does not.
Such texts assert that the only cause of death is endless
death, namely the expiration of the period prescribed for humans; or impending
doom, the arrival of the final frontier of human life. That's when God turned
it off by sending the Angel of Death to deprive the soul from the body (Surat
as-Sajda [32]: 11).
The problem of death is exactly like the problem of
sustenance. Death and age everyone has been established by God. Allah also
insisted will not promote or suspend the person's death. God is not going to
increase or decrease a person's age ration. In Surah al-Munafiqun [63]: 11, God
reveals to Ian said that the disclaimer forever (See also: Surah Fatir [35]: 11).
Impending doom is sure, can not be promoted or pushed
back. Jihad, preaching, enjoining the good and forbidding the munkar,
correcting ruler, etc., will not hasten death or reducing lifespan. Similarly,
silent, not jihad, not preaching, not correcting ruler, not beramar good and
forbidding unjust, and not do anything that seems risky to bring death, indeed
can not rewind the death and will not extend the life. All that clearly and
unequivocally expressed by the verses of the Koran as above.
Indeed, there is the Prophet. as follows:
من سره أن يبسط له رزقه أو ينسأ له فى أثره فليصل رحمه
Anyone who likes dilapangkan sustenance and plus age let
him stay in touch (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu and Ahmad).
Also there are some traditions semisalnya. In this case,
what is meant by the aging of not delay death. That increased age is nothing
but a blessing in obedience to God. It could also increase its meaning is not
the biological age, but the age of sociological, namely heritage, trail or
atsar al-'umri her that continues to bring benefits and rewards after
biological death. Abu Darda said that the Messenger of Allah. once said:
إن الله لا يؤخر نفسا إذا جاء أجلها, وإنما زيادة العمر بالذرية
الصالحة يرزقها العبد, فيدعون له من بعده, فيلحقه دعاؤهم في قبره, فذلك زيادة العمر
Surely God will not end a (death) if someone has come
death. Indeed, increasing age was the pious offspring that God has given a
servant, and they pray for him after his death so that their prayers
menyusulinya in his grave. That increased age (Ibn Abi Hatim quoted by
al-Haafiz Ibn Kathir in his Tafseer Surah Fatir: 11).
In addition pious child, another tradition states that
useful knowledge, charity jariah and Sunnah hasanah will also extend the life
of sociological someone. The culprit, although biologically dead, as if he was
still alive and work with all of them and be rewarded accordingly.
Thus, there is no point in running away from death. Death
also should not be feared because it definitely came from. The attitude of fear
of death and attempt to escape from death, which must have come to be regarded
as ignorant attitude and effort are wasted. What should be done is to prepare
himself for the coming of death and kept themselves so that death comes in the
condition we were performing obedience so that we get Husnul khatimah. This is
a smart attitude and effort are efficient. The most intelligent people are the
most numerous and the most excellent preparations to welcome the coming of
death. Ibn Umar narrated, the Prophet. was asked, who is the most intelligent
believer? He replied:
أكثرهم للموت ذكرا وأحسنهم له استعدادا قبل أن ينزل بهم أولئك
من الأكياس
They are the most deadly and most well considering his
preparation to face death before descending to them. Those that included the
most intelligent believer (Ibn Majah, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi, Abu Nu'aim and
Wa Ma tawfîqî illa Billah. [Yahya Abdurrahman]
From Huraith bin Qabishah, he said: I reached Madina. He
said: "O Allah make it easy for me (got) a good friend sitting. Then I sat
down to Abu Hurairah. He said: I said: "I pray to God (Allah) the Most
Noble and Most Great -to make it easy for me to sit a good friend, then please
let Me hadeeth that you heard from the Messenger saw.- May God give me the
benefit of the ". He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah. said:
"Surely something most first judged on the slave is his prayer. If prayer
is good then he has won and successfully. If prayer is broken then he has lost
". Hammam said: I do not know, this is from the word Qatada or riwavat. If
from fardhunya no deficiencies, Allah says: "Look, if my servant has
sunnat prayer, then fard that less can be improved. Then so that's how the
whole menghisab charity ". (Hadith takhrijed by An Nasa'i).
From Abu Hurairah ra. of the Prophet., he said:
"Something was first calculated on the slave is his prayer, if he
perfected it. If not (perfect) then Allah the Exalted and Almighty says:
"See if My servant has (prayer) circumcision?". If caught him
(prayer) circumcision, then Allah says: "complete the fard it to
him". (Hadith takhrijed by Ibn Majah).
Of Tamim ad-From ra. of the Prophet, he said:
"Something that is first calculated on the servant in the Qiyamat is
prayer. If he perfected it so noted for her prayers circumcision. If he does
not improve it, God the Holy One said to the angels: "See if you encounter
circumcision prayer for my servant? then complete the fardhu him utter. Then
his deeds are taken according to the calculations ". (Hadith takhrijed by
Abu Dawood).
From Anas ibn Hakim Adh Dhabi -he faint of Ziyad ibn
Ziyad or she comes in Medina and met with AburHurairah said: He asked described
offspring, then I show nasabku: Abu Hurayrah said: "O young man, would I
tell hadith to you?". I replied: "Well, may God give thee
grace". Jonah said: "Sava heard he menuturkannya of the Prophet.
said: "Sesunguhnva deeds servant who first calculated on the day of
Qiyamat is prayer". He said: Our Lord Almighty and Exalted said to the
angels -padahal He knows best: "Behold my servant prayer, it enhance or
detract. If prayer was perfect according to the number of perfection for him.
If he has a prayer of circumcision then Allah says: "My servant will shape
for fardhunya of sunatnva". Then deeds were taken like that. (Hadith
takhrijed by Abu Dawood).
From Ibn Abbas., He said: Rasululah Allah. said: "My
Lord came to me in as good-good shape". He said: "I suspect he was
sleeping". He said: "So in the hadith". Lord said: "O
Muhammad, do you know in terms of whether Al Malaul a'la (perfect group) that
He said: "I said" no ". He said: "So
He put His hands on both belikatku, so I find coolness until both my
milk". Or he said: "In my neck, so I know what is in the heavens and
on earth".
He said: "O Muhammad, do you know in terms of
whether Al Malaul a'la (perfect group) that fight?" I replied:
"Yes". He said: "In the eraser, the eraser is silent in the
mosque after prayers, walk to the congregation, complete ablution over things
that are not favored. Whoever is doing that then he lived well, and die well,
and in error as the day is born by his mother. He said: "O Muhammad, if
you have prayer then say:
(O Allah, I beg Thee good deeds, leave kemungkaran, and
love to the poor. If you want to slander my servant then turn off by You
without-terfitnah ".
He said: "To the degree that was broadcast greeting,
feeding, evening prayers at a time when humans are sleeping. (Hadith ditakhirij
by Tirmidhi).
From Ibn Abbas. of the Prophet., he said: "my Lord
should come to me in, the best of form by saying:" O Muhammad ", I
replied:" We let thee, O my Lord, 'and happiness ".
He said: "In terms of whether Al Malaul a'la (high
group) that fight? I replied: "O my Lord, I do not know". Then he put
his hand in between the two bones belikatku and I get my milk coolness between
the two, and I know what is in between the east and west. He said, "O
Muhammad!". I replied: "I let your summons, O my Lord and
happiness". He said: "In terms of whether the high vang group that
fight?". I replied: "In degrees and erasers, namely stepping foot to
the congregation, complete ablution over things that are not favored and
waiting prayer after prayer. Whoever vang keep it then he live well and die
well, and sin as the day is born by his mother ". (Hadith takhrijed by
From Abdullah bin Amr Ibn Ash ra ie., He said: We pray
Maghrib together Prophet, people who have returned home and still sit people
who pray or beg. Prophet. coming soon panting breath and opened his knees as he
said: "Cheer up, your Lord has opened one of the gates of heaven, He
boast-megahdengan you to the angels, as he said:" Look to wait another
fard ". (Hadith takhrijed by Ibn Majah).
Position Prayer In Islam
by The
Shaykh Abdul Azhim bin Abdullah al-Khalafi
There are five obligatory prayers: Dhuhr, 'Asr, Maghrib,'
Isha 'and Fajr.
Anas radi anhu, he said, "On the night of Isra
'(when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam was raised to the sky) are
required to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam pray fifty times. Then
reduced to five times. Then he called out, 'O Muhammad, the real decision on my
side can not be changed. And verily you (the reward) of five is like (reward)
and fifty '. "[1]
Of Talha bin 'Ubaidullah radi anhu, he tells us that once
a Bedouin Arab straggly hair came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam
and said, "O Messenger of Allah, let me pray what God required of
me." He replied:
الصلوات الخمس إلا أن تطوع شيئا.
"Prayer five times a day, unless you want to add
something (from the sunnah prayer)." [2]
Position Prayer In Islam
From 'Abdullah ibn' Umar radi anhu, he said that the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
بني الإسلام على خمس, شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا عبده
ورسوله, وإقام الصلاة, وإيتاء الزكاة وحج البيت, وصوم رمضان.
"Islam is built upon five (cases): the testimony
that there is no god who has the right diibadahi but Allah and Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer, issued alms, pilgrimage to the House,
and fasting Ramadan." [3]
A. Legal person who did Salah
The entire Islamic Ummah agreed that those who deny the
necessity of prayer, so he is an infidel and out of Islam. But they disagree
about the people who still believe in leaving the prayer with its legal
obligations. Because of their dispute is the existence of a number of hadith of
the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam who call people who left prayers as
the heathen, without distinguishing between those who deny and lazy to do it.
From Jabir radi anhu, he said that the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن بين الرجل وبين الشرك والكفر ترك الصلاة.
"Surely (boundary) between shirk and kufr someone is
leaving the prayer." [4]
Of Buraidah, he said, "I heard the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلات, فمن تركها فقد كفر.
'The agreement between us and them is prayer. Whoever
leaves, then he is a disbeliever. '"[5]
But rajih of the opinions of the scholars', that is the
kufr kufr here is little that is not issued from religion. This is the result
of a compromise between these hadiths with some other traditions, including:
From 'Ubadah bin ash-Saamit radi anhu, he said, "I
heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
خمس صلوات كتبهن الله على العباد, من أتى بهن لم يضيع منهن شيئا
استخفافا بحقهن كان له عند الله عهد أن يدخله الجنة, ومن لم يأت بهن فليس له عند الله
عهد, إن شاء عذبه وإن شاء غفر له.
'Five prayers of Allah upon the servants are required.
Whoever do it and not waste it in the slightest because underestimate, then he
has an agreement de-with God to put it into Heaven. And who does not do it,
then he does not have a covenant with God. If He wills, He mengadzabnya. Or if
He wills, He forgave him. '"[6]
We conclude that the law left the prayer is still below
the degree of kufr and shirk. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
handed the case of people who do not do the will of God.
While Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء ومن يشرك
بالله فقد افترى إثما عظيما
"Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk, and
He forgives all sins apart from (shirk), for whom He wills. Whoever is to
Allah, then indeed he has a great sin. "[An-Nisa ': 48]
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, he said, "I heard the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' Behold the first time brought to
account from a servant of the Muslims on the Day of Judgment is the obligatory
prayer. If he do it to perfection (he survived). If not, then say: Look, if he
has a sunnah prayers? If he has the sunnah prayer is obligatory prayer was
enhanced by the sunnah prayers. Then the whole practice of obligatory prayer
was brought to account as well. '"[7]
Of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, he said that the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Islam will vanish as the
disappearance of the color in faded clothes. Until no longer known what was
fasting, prayers, sacrifices, and Sadaqah. Qur'aan will be lifted in one night,
until being left not a single verse in the earth. Stay a class of human being
of the elderly and frail. They said, 'We found our fathers spoke the words: La
ilaha illallaah and we say it.' "Shilah said to him," Is not the
phrase laa ilaha illallaah no benefit to them, if they do not know what that is
prayer, fasting, sacrifices, and Sadaqah? "
Then Hudhayfah turned away. Shilah repeated three times.
Each time it is also Hudhayfah turned away. On the third time, Hudhayfah turned
and said, "O shilah, a sentence that will save them from Hell. He repeated
it three times. "[8]
B. To Whom Required?
Salah was compulsory for every Muslim who has baligh and
From 'Ali radi anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi
wa sallam, he said:
رفع القلم عن ثلاثة: عن النائم حتى يستيقظ, وعن الصبي حتى يحتلم,
وعن المجنون حتى يعقل.
"Pena (charity recorders) is lifted from three
people: from those who sleep until awakened, from children to baligh, and from
the crazy to come back unconscious." [9]
Incumbent upon parents to send their children to pray
before his prayers even though it is not required, that it is familiar to his
From 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb, from his father, from his
grandfather, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين, واضربوهم عليها وهم
أبناء عشر سنين, وفرقوا بينهم في المضاجع.
"Instruct your children to pray at the age of seven
years. And beat them for leaving him at the age of ten years. As well as their
separate beds. "[10]
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