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Friday, January 16, 2015

Taufik Bripda Story, Make Your Dreams So despite Stay Former Police Cage Cattle, Ahok offer you an motorcycle

Taufik Bripda Story, Make Your Dreams So despite Stay Former Police Cage Cattle, Ahok offer you an motorcycle

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - "father slapped my cheek. It's not a dream after all. I was accepted into the police". That's the first words that come out of the mouth of Bripda M Taufik Hidayat to his father, Triyanto, when he first knew he graduated as a candidate member of the police.

The words were not without reason. Therefore, even with all the limitations of economics, youth born March 20, 1995 The need to fight hard to be able to achieve its goal of being a member of the police. Born from poor families, since small M Taufik Hidayat are accustomed to work hard to achieve what he wanted.

Triyanto income only as construction workers fairly mediocre to meet the needs of everyday life. Not to mention to pay for school Taufik and three younger siblings. Not infrequently, Taufik must delinquent school fees because they have no charge.

Therefore, in order to be able to finish school and help the family finances, Taufik was willing to go to work as a sand digger Gendol River.

"My father helped to mine sand in the river Gendol. Yes to the cost of living and my school fees and sisters," he said.

delaying dream

Graduated from secondary vocational schools (SMK), the first child of four siblings had to hold ideals register as a member of the police. Economic necessity forced him to work at his former school, SMK 1 Seyegan, as a library assistant coaches scout concurrently.

"My Honor of supervisors and assistant library Scouting around Rp 700,000," he said.

In early December 2014 and then, Taufik decided not to continue the work in SMK 1 Seyegan. He made up his mind to register as a candidate member of the police at the police headquarters DIY. Thanks to the hard work and prayers of his father, at the end of December 2014 graduate of test Candidate Taufik Police and enroll in the State Police School Selopamioro, Imogiri.

"I do not believe, to ask the father slapped cheek. Even when the gates NES I still do not believe," said Taufik, smiling when considering the fragments of his life.

After graduating with the rank Bripda, Taufiq underwent his first career in the Police Directorate Sabhara DIY. However, again because they do not have the funds and vehicles, every morning when leaving office, Bripda M Taufik Hidayat must be willing to walk about 7 kilometers from his home in the hamlet of Central Jongke RT 04 RW 23 Sendangadi Village, District Mlati, Sleman, to the Police Headquarters DIY.

"Wake up at dawn, prayers, and then walk to the Police Headquarters DIY. Sometimes when fit to meet friends ya ride on a bicycle," he said.

Admittedly, despite having got up at dawn, but he was often late for duty. Delays that are reaping the suspicion of his superiors. After giving an explanation and check the truth of it, boss Bripda Taufik necessarily lend his personal motorcycle. "Now I loaned Mr. Vice Director Sabhara bike," he said.

living concerned

Such as tennis balls, when thrown violently to the ground then lentingannya will be higher up. Such was the determination Bripda Taufik. Bitterness and harshness of life lived Sabhara members Yogyakarta police since his parents divorced become a force for higher warpage.

When in junior high school, Bripda Taufik must accept the bitter truth. Both parents are divorced. The house was sold only by the mother.

As a result, Bripda Taufik with his father and brother had to move home third. However, due to insufficient money to buy a house, Triyanto as the father decided to hire the former cowshed in Central Jongke Hamlet. Cowshed was then converted as a place to stay.

"Per month pay Rp 170,000. Yes indeed such a condition. The floor is still the land," said Triyanto.

Semipermanent home measuring 2.5 mx 5 m condition is alarming. In fact, because there is no charge, doors and walls of the north side left open. To reduce cold gust of air night and raindrops, forced the door and the side that is still open is closed by using banners former.

Around the building that housed Bripda Taufik was a cow shed managed local community groups so that the pungent smell of cow manure every day should feel.

In the semi-permanent house was only two mattress bed. Two mattresses with perforated Events that used by five people, three brother, father, and himself. In fact, when Bripda Taufik sleep at home, Triyanto succumbing to sleep in a pickup truck mats and roofed sky.

"I am happy that the picket and did not return. Because pity father when sleeping outside. Mr. often succumb to sleep in the car like," said Taufik.

Looking at the situation, at first be a member of the police salaries, Taufik plans to use it to rent a house that is more feasible. This is done for the sake of his father and three siblings still small.

"When the first payday, I want to use to rent a house. Poor father and brothers that still live there," he said.

Taufiq Bripda Flood Sympathy Offered Goat Up Vehicles, Motor Tawari Ahok

Yogyakarta Seconds - Bripda Muhammad Taufiq Hidayat or Bripda Taufiq, members Sabhara Yogyakarta police suddenly became famous. Many of those who sympathized with Taufiq Bripda who lived in the former cow shed this.

He lives with his family occupies a former cowshed in Sleman, Yogyakarta. To go to Yogyakarta police department, he used to walk from his home because it does not have a vehicle. Extraordinary zeal with which deficiency conditions make many people sympathize. The father only construction workers. Taufiq police take the test without paying money and escaped.

Several times Bripda Taufiq seem to receive calls. There are those who offer help. Among them will be given assistance goat of one senior police officer at the Jakarta Police. Even Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama aka Ahok also offer assistance motors.

When in DIT Sabhara Yogyakarta police, Thursday (01/15/2015) Bripda Taufik got a call from the staff Ahok. Staff who called Ririn the offer to Bripda Taufik to choose the type of vehicle you want.

However, Bripda Taufik seems confused to answer the offer. He was then handed the phone to the Vice Director Sabhara DIY Police Superintendent Pri Hartono. When asked, Taufik himself never asked what kind of vehicle he wants. Important for him can to work.

"Whatever, all the same engine, which is important to make work," said Taufik Bripda.

Vice Director Sabhara DIY Police Superintendent Pri Hartono said, while undergoing training in Sabhara seniors who helped him a lot. Because it is a new police have not received payday. As a boss, he advised Taufik, in order not to forget the self.


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