Indonesian National Examination Scrapped, Replaced The
National Evaluation
Government Cabinet WorkPresident Joko Widodo (Jokowi) more clear. I.e. remove
the unas, then replace it with a national evaluation (enas). The
finality of these changes is expected to appear next week.
National Education standards
body (BSNP) as organizer of unas, which would switchenas, continue
to menggeber technical preparation meetings for the
period 2015.Yesterday, for example, the team held a meeting with Agency BSNP research
and development (Balitbang) Kemendikbud.
"We hope next
week is already point details. Now still stage a
proposal from a nationalevaluation of unas, "said Teuku Ramli Zakaria BSNP members in
Jakarta yesterday.
According to Professor of Islamic
State University (UIN) in Jakarta, the changes of theenas unas not
only turn the name only.
Born in Banda
Aceh, September 2, 1952, it was explained, that change its
mission torestore the function of the annual exam.
"We want to
restore back to the evaluation function," explained him. starting
from the evaluation of schools, teachers, and educational units.
According to Ramli, this
conversion arises from studies and the absorption of some of
the aspirates. So not set unilaterally by BSNP or Kemendikbud only. But
also capturethe perception of society during this particular exercise related. As the
perception thata particular test that became "furiously" students
to pursue graduation.
In addition to ensuring that
change, Ramli said meetings digeber to the
standardassignment unas 2015. Because there has been no formal
decision, currently referencea particular graduation 2015 still refer
to Permendikbud 44/2014.
In the regulations the
Minister Mohammad Nuh ex diteken, the final value of
graduation obtained from incorporation of the value of the pure and
the value of a particular school. The portion of the two
elements was as great, i.e. 50 per cent.
Information on the internal Kemendikbud,
the plan of conversion these enas are already becoming a
particular milling about. Among them there is a mention
that the determination of the graduation exam 2015 later returned to
school. The role of the Central Government for a passing affair began
to be reduced.
Separately, the
Minister confirmed Anies Baswedan did not issue a statement for
sure.Ministers of origins of Brass, West Java was not denied, but
also did not justify it. He said the current Kemendikbud is focused
on the evaluation of curriculum Affairs 2013(K13).
"I will explain after this affair (K-13)
finish. Later there was the time, "said Anies wassmiling.
He also refused
to comment on the current Government's inclination is
impressed"anyway the difference" with the Government of President
Susilo BambangYudhoyono (SBY).
As it known to aid poor
students (BSM) in the era of SBY, was changed to a
SmartCard program (KIP) Indonesia in the era of Jokowi. The
program then BPJS Healthdidompleng Healthy Indonesia Card program (KIS). Then the
family hope program(PKH) in the era of SBY, renamed the
prosperous family savings card (KSKS).
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