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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Joko Widodo streak 8 troubled Minister nominee

Joko Widodo and Muhammad Jusuf Kalla
Joko Widodo streak 8 troubled Minister nominee

Joko Widodo's President plans to announce Cabinet in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta,on Wednesday (22/10) cancel for no apparent reason.
The BBC'S Indonesia correspondent, Sri Lestari, which since 17: 00 EDT in Tanjung Priok reported that preparations for what would seem to be an importantannouncement is visible between the platform and the other about 30 pairs of jacket and helmet.

However, until 8: 00 pm EST there has been no signs of the arrival of President Jokowiand a reporter got no notice whatsoever.
"When I asked the people of the press Bureau of the Court about the finality of the announcement they said did not know and then one by one the dispersed," said SriLestari.

Meanwhile, in a press conference at the State Palace Wednesday afternoon (22/10),Jokowi States write off eight names of prospective Cabinet Ministers who were not allowed by the KPK and PPATK, so it must be replaced.

Jokowi does not mention the names of prospective Ministers are problematic anddisputed the names of prospective Ministers are ' red ' circulating in the media.

Eight candidate names Ministers got notes from the KPK
"No media that once wrote that name and guessing I was warned because there iswriting and incorrect because it concerns people's names," explained Jokowi.

President of Joko Widodo said it the middle name some re-evaluating the potentialMinisters.

This step was taken following the input of the corruption eradication Commission, theKPK, that some candidates are considered "problematic".
"It should be like that (there is a re-evaluation). That's the point of KPK and PPATK, "said Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (21/10).

In the process of drafting the Cabinet, Jokowi gave up 43 names to the KPK and the center of financial transaction reporting and analysis (PPATK).

Jokowi do not break when the process of the determination of the Minister finish.

"As soon as possible," said Jokowi short.
Jokowi called his cabinet will contain 33 Ministers and 4 position Coordinating Minister or coordinating Minister for. The Ministers comprising 18 comes fromprofessionals and 15 representatives of the political parties supporting the coalition.

Jokowi also reiterates ministers coming from the political parties cannot be a duplicatepost.

The previous anti-corruption organization ICW urged delaying Jokowi announced the names of the Ministers for alleged corruption case related. (BBC)

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