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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Again, the jury freed the police in case of racially

Again, the jury freed the police in case of racially

The decision of the jury in New York surfaced a week after the riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

Demonstrations broke out in New York City, United States, after the jury decided not to indict court a white police officer associated with the death of a black man.

This decision emerged a week after the riots occurred in Ferguson, State of Missouri.
Hundreds of protesters gathered in Times Square exclaiming, "No justice, no peace." Later in the Grand Central train station, about 50 demonstrators lay pretend died.

The series was held to protest against the decision of the jury in a case that occurred last July.

At that time, a mobile phone video content recorded a passer shows a policeman named Daniel Pantaleo detain a citizen named Eric Garner on the streets of New York City.

In that incident, Garner, 43, heard exclaiming, "I can not breathe!" Pantaleo while attempting to subdue by holding the neck. Later, Garner died.
New York City forensics team said Garner's death is caused, "the pressure on the chest and the prone position while in police custody."

Furthermore, the forensic team also says that there are several factors that make Garner died, including asthma and heart disease.

Pantaleo lawyer argued that his client using motion trained New York Police Department, not the stranglehold which is prohibited in police policy.
However, Garner's daughter, Erica Snipes, claimed outraged by the death of his father.

The protesters demanded justice after Eric Garner died.
"In the video you can see the most heinous acts a person can do to another person. That's not true, "he said.

After the jury's decision was read, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that it would establish a federal investigation to review whether there is a violation of civil rights in the case of the death of Garner.

Departemern Justice will play a "comprehensive review" is based on material collected in the investigation, said Holder.

Holder also urged citizens who protest against the jury's decision to hold back and be peaceful.

The decision of the jury in the case of Garner's death surfaced a week after the jury in the State of Missouri decided not to indict the police were white, Darren Wilson, who shot dead black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, last August.

BBC Lynsea Garrison in Ferguson, Missouri, reported the demonstrations that led to the violence occurred after the decision.

Demonstrators threw stones at police cars and police responded with tear gas, pepper spray and threatened to arrest demonstrators vandalism. (BBC)

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