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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

to Sink illegal fishing Ships Navy Chief and Minister Susi to sign mou

Indonesian Military submarines
to Sink illegal fishing Ships Navy Chief and Minister Susi to sign mou

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) together with the Navy (AL) to secure the territorial waters of the Republic of Indonesia from theft or illegal fishing fish.

Cooperation was contained in the form of a memorandum of understanding or (Memorandum of Understanding / MoU) signed by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti and Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Marsetio at Navy Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Monday (12/1/2014 ) yesterday.

The signing of this cooperation is an effort to reaffirm the government's commitment related to full sovereignty at sea. In cooperation it would set also about the exchange of data and information between the two institutions.
In signing the cooperation it also contained points about maintaining the sovereignty of the Indonesian seas.

"The cooperation of the agreement where hopefully we make between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Unity of the Navy can be used as the primary purpose of the vision and mission of the president of Indonesia for Indonesian sovereign in the oceans will be achieved with good," said Susie.

Susi Minister explained, the legal basis sinking of illegal aliens, it is set in the fishery laws. Executor, he said, in the hands of law enforcement officers.
"We're there UU and Pak Navy Chief already ready anyway. Later when we are operating. With this MoU Pak Navy chief of staff is ready to back up us," said Susie.

Meanwhile, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral TNI Marsetyo added, this cooperation includes three agreements, namely geography, development of human resources in the context of the law and the data between the CTF and the Navy.

"Strengthening education research, patrol boats in the context of law enforcement at sea, we provide training in international maritime law nationally so that no misunderstanding," he said.

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