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Monday, December 22, 2014

Governments Agree Gasoline Removed

Gas station
Governments Agree Gasoline Removed

JAKARTA - Recommendations team Governance Reform Gas (RTKM) to stop the supply of gasoline with a research octane number (RON) 88 or premium received signal green light from the government.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK), for example, recognizes've heard the input of the reform team. Currently the proposal is still being studied. "But, I guess it's a good suggestion," he said in the Office of the Vice President yesterday (22/12).

According to JK, there are at least two reasons premium can be removed from circulation. First, there are currently no manufacturers that produce fuel oil (BBM) with RON 88. As a result, Pertamina must import fuel RON 92, then mix it with naphtha that dropped to RON 88. "It makes difficult," he said.

Second, the quality of fuel with a higher octane number is in conformity with the specifications of the motor vehicle needs. Currently virtually all car does require the use of fuel with a minimum RON 92 or so classmates pertamax more perfect combustion engine. "So that the engine is more durable," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said appreciate what has been produced reform team. He calls it is in line with the objective of forming a team to reduce to a minimum the spaces for rentier oil mafia.

"The view from the team RTKM divert RON 88 to RON 92 will reduce the space cartel business practices," he said.

For the implementation of these recommendations, Sudirman said it took time to talk with Pertamina. It needs to be done because Pertamina has refineries. 

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