Unfinished journey (158)
(Part one hundred and fifty-eight, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, December 10, 2014, 2:55 pm)
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ISIS Control |
Israel is afraid of the Shia, compared ISIS
When God is the creator wanted to create Adam and Eve to
select it became the first caliph of the earth, as told Holy Koran, there were
protests from the Angels.
'' Why would God created man (Adam) to be the Caliph on
Earth, it is not enough angels God created us, who work everyday just glorify
and remembrance (adore and praise) Thee O God. After all, man was created only
to be hostile (to commit murder each other) and make mischief in the land, ''
asked Angel to God.
'' Only I was the one who knows best, what is the use and
benefit, why I created Adam (man) to be the Caliph of the earth, '' replied
So, now after thousands of years later the number of
people already over 5 billion, consisting of various ethnic groups in over 150
countries around the world, strife, conflict and murder occur, for various
reasons, ranging from economic greed, until the color differences of politics,
ideology, until -until conflicts (suicide-murder) occurred only difference
Ijtihad (interpretation) although they are one faith, one ideology, such as the
dispute between Muawiya (successor Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib) the Fourth Caliph
followers and companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali Bin Abi Talib / Aisyah.
According to the opinion of some scholars both groups equally diligence
(interpret) Religious teachings with beniat equally good, but differ in terms
of diligence (interpret political action), so they can not be convicted,
guilty, only God alone knows the group which is the most correct.
Outside of these Islamic groups throughout the history of
mankind has always characterized conflic and hostility to fight over territory,
power, or dispute the difference ideology (religion), you'll see a long history
in the country of China, thousands of years of conflict between the royal
dynasty with another dynasty, also in Indonesia, both in the Kingdom of
Majapahit, Srivijaya, Singasari, Mataram to the Portuguese colonial era,
Britain, the Netherlands and Japan.
Conflict peak (conflict) mankind is also the onset of
World War I and World War II, where three powerful countries militarily when
the ambitious master the world, ranging from Germany with his Adolf Hitler,
Italy by Mussolini and the Emperor Hirohito's Japan.
In the modern era of the Communist Soviet Union tried to
master the majority of the Afghan population is Muslim. Thanks to the help of
the United States (leader of the Block capitalist) that when the cold war with
the communist bloc (led by the Soviet Union) to help the Mujahideen fighters,
so that the Soviet Union was in power in Afghanistan (1980-1988) was forced to
withdraw from Afghanistan.
Vietnam War, the war between the North Vietnamese
communist bloc that helped China and the Soviet Union all-out battle against
the forces of the capitalist bloc, southern Vietnam that helped millions of US
forces and allies, so the expense of millions of lives. Victims are so many
also occur during World War I and II, the Korean War, the Iran-Iraq War, the
Falklands war (Malvinas war) between Britain with Argentina. Indonesia's
invasion of East Timor, war between India and Pakistan, war struggle of the
people of Bangladesh which helped India's independence from Pakistan. now
underway various conflicts and wars in the Middle East. Not to mention the
long-running conflict in the Middle East between countries by Israel with the Arab
/ Palestinian armed conflick between MNLF in southern Philippines (Mindanao
National Liberation Front) with Philippine troops, separatist war in Chehnya,
Russia, the struggle for 30 years between the Free Aceh Movement troops (GAM)
and the Indonesian troops, and thousands of other conflicts in Africa, Latin
America, Bosnia-Herzegovina, between Muslim separatists in Xinjiang China
Beijing army. Now the United States is leading a coalition of 50 countries,
including, UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates to help soldiers in
Iraq and Syria to fight with the soldiers of the Islamic State (ISIS) which is
now control parts of northern Iraq and Syria, ISIS itself helped around 15,000
his mujahideen who came from 150 countries, including those from the United
States, Germany, Britain, and Turkey including also from Indonesia and other
Arab countries.
ISIS conflict in the Middle East is so complicated.
Because it involves a militarily powerful country, the United States and
During this what Israel fears approaching the fact that
the growing influence of Iran in the Middle East. Is not Iran (Shia) Khomeini
regime has long vowed want to crush (shoo) the Jews of Israel, so that when the
Assad regime who fought against ISIS, Iran aided by soldiers Hezbollah
(Lebanon's Shi'ite) and is now controlled by the Iraqi government is getting
close to the Shi'ite group Iran. No wonder now Israeli warplanes instead of
pounding the ISIS soldiers, but the soldiers fired on Assad in Damascus, Syria,
because the more concern (fear) Israel now is the wider influence of Iran
(Shia) in the Middle East. Because the bullet muzzle Iran, Iraq and Syria,
getting closer Israel border. Because the military of Iran, Iraq, Syria would
be more threatening than ISIS.
So this is why the angel protested to God, why God
created man and appointed Caliph on earth so that only warring and hostile.
Allah in the Qur'an explains that he created people of
different races, ethnicities, different skin colors and different ideologies,
religious order that people may know each other.
Well, in order that people can live in harmony, not kill
each other-murder, then God also lowered prompts Qur'an and Hadith of the
Prophet Muhammad in order to human life can survive the next world (in the
world and hereafter).
Not whether in the Qur'an Allah says, that if we kill one
human life, sin borne same killer bear the sins of all mankind, otherwise if we
save one human life as the reward equal to the reward of all mankind.
Then, why are there still murder of fellow human beings,
even daring to bomb other groups although fellow Muslims in a house of Allah
If we interpret the ideology (religion) with the eyes of
basic concepts such as the above, that the killing of human life, sin is equal
to bear the sins of all mankind, and vice versa, then there will never be
suicide-murder among men.
The first evidence of human history kill each enshrined
in the Qur'an, when there is a conflict son Adam and Eve, who killed each
other, just because fighting needed a wife more beauty. However, because of man
created by God not as the Angel who only has a good appetite, but the man who
has a good appetite and lust (such as sex desire)) evil, much less than humans,
the earth also God created the Jin (kind of god ghost) and places the Syeitan (bad
devil) that '' renegade '' who has vowed to God '' tease '' humanity to man
entirely to Hell. But God has given recipe (tips) and the key, how do we avoid
the temptation of Satan, so that we all go to heaven, it is a clue Koran and
the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
Indeed, the edges of the conflict it is people want to
live in peace and happiness, the United States with the concept of capitalist
wants to teach (members know) that the concept of capitalist and democratic
people can live peacefully and happily, China, the communist system of the new
model can members know the world that system they could bring the nation to
live in harmony and peace, China has now proven to be the number two world
economic power, Japan shifts.
Then what is the concept of happiness, until there is the
happiest country rankings.
Then the concept happy as I've ever heard on radio / TV
Rodja, is situated in the heart, not the amount of money (material) that we
Then, if the seller Somay, meatballs, food hawkers, itinerant
vegetables the housing and villages life is happy, than those whose salary
disenfranchised hundreds of millions of dollars in stay in the Menteng, Central
Jakarta, Pondok Indah and luxury car ride.
At the time I served in Ambon, Maluku, 2004 I met a sweet
martabak seller and ice syrup in the market Mardika origin Makassar, Sulawesi,
male (50 years) living with his wife and children in Ambon already feel happy
and alive '' enough '' in Ambon, and this man claimed to have the pilgrimage
twice to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Peak desire of every Muslim who is able, both
physically (healthy) and materially (have enough money).
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