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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Greatest favors a Muslim

Unfinished journey (264)

(Part two hundred and sixty-four, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, April 13, 2015 14:29 pm)

Greatest favors a Muslim

Or fortune favors the Muslim world is the religion of Islam and the Sunnah.
Sunnah means al wisdom, or we run the commands of God in accordance taught and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad through the authentic hadith.
Therefore, armed with Islamic values ​​and teachings of the Quran and Sunnah through, God tells people that they are the most glorious sight of Allah is the cautious, not the most powerful or the most wealthy, or her offspring anyone, including those who claim descent of the Prophet Muhammad ( Habib Habib). Because no single verse of the Qur'an and Hadith mentions their most precious is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, but the most cautious, keep God's commandments according Quran and Hadith or Sunnah that exemplified and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad in his saying only ever mention the best and exemplary were his companions, among others, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Ma'rifatullah, Main Gate to Perfection faith in God Almighty (1)

Ustadz Abdullah bin al-Buthoni Taslim, MA

It may not be wrong to say that the term ma'rifatullah, which literally means to know Allah Almighty, including a term which is quite popular among the Muslims. Because all believers agree believes that knowing Allah Almighty and His love is the duty and the demands of the most important in Islam. Even the term ma'rifatullah always identified by the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah with the perfection of faith and piety to Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty says:

إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء

Indeed, the fear of Allah among His servants, only those who have knowledge (know Allah Almighty) "[Fatir / 35: 28].

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said: "The increased knowledge of a servant of Allah Almighty, then increasingly also fear and exaltation of the servant to Him ..., which then this knowledge will inherit shyness, exaltation, pemuliaaan, was always supervised, love, trusts, always returning, as well as pleasure and submit to His commandments. "[1]

Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah said, "The more knowledge a person of Allah, then Allah's fear to even greater, which then makes her fear (always) away from immoral acts and (always) prepare to encounter with the One who fears (ie Allah Almighty). "[2]

But ironically, this great ma'rifatullah term is often misunderstood and misused by some Muslims. Worse than that, some people would bring understanding to the understanding of this term is very distorted and contrary to Islamic law derived Allah Almighty to His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Sufism expert people who claim that the method of understanding they are the closest and easy to reach ma'rifatullah. However, if we look carefully, it turns out that they do not mean ma'rifatullah know the way of Allah Almighty through His revelation in the verses of al-Qur'ân and the authentic hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ma'rifatullah known among them is the way to know Allah Almighty derived from reasoning and feelings, or the creation of their group leaders, even by fantasy or dream that then they call mukassyafah (unraveling the veil) [3].
Even some of the adherents of this misguided claim that they are following the method in achieving ma'rifatullah better and easier than the method in al-Qur'ân and hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. This is definitely the accursed Satan's deception to mislead people on the road of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Allah Almighty says:

أفمن زين له سوء عمله فرآه حسنا فإن الله يضل من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء

What people are decorated bad deeds (by the devil) and he considers it good deeds, (same as with those who are not deluded demons?), Then surely Allah is misleading whom He wills and gives guidance to whom He wills [Fatir / 35: 8].

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Including the cunning of Satan is what is flung to the people ignorant of Sufism expert, in the form of ash-syathahât (sayings involuntarily / delirium) and large deviations, which portrayed them as a form of mukâsyafah (unraveling veil of nature) of fantasies. Setanpun then plunges them into various kinds of damage and lies, as well as for their open door admission (lie) which is very large. Satan whispered to them that indeed beyond science (law derived from al-Qur'ân and Sunnah) there is a way (other) that if they take it the way it will bring them to the unraveling (the essence of all things) clearly and make they do not need anymore to be bound by the (legal) al-Qur'ân and Sunnah (? !!) ... then when (they took the one) away from the guidance of the science that brought the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, setanpun appeared to them various kinds astray in their circumstances, and whispered fantasies into (in) their souls, then make the fantasy as completely real as disclosure (the essence of all things) clearly ... (? !!). "[4]

Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah believe and establish that the correct ma'rifatullah is to know Allah Almighty to His names are perfect in beauty, His attributes are infinite perfect and deeds of His mighty commendable, as described in the verses of al-Qur'ân and the authentic hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, without at-Tahrif (distorts the true meaning), at-ta'thîl (reject / deny), at-takyîf (membagaimanakannya) and at-tamtsîl (menyerupakannya with creatures). [5]

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal rahimahullah said, "We should not be the characterization of Allah Almighty except with properties that He SWT set for himself (in al-Qur'ân) and established by His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (in the hadiths are authentic), we should not go beyond the Qur'an and hadith. "[6]

Imam Ibn Jawzi rahimahullah said, "Verily ma'rifatullah (right) is familiar with his substance, to know the names and His attributes, as well as get to know his deeds." [7]

Similarly, pay attention to and reflect on the state of the universe and all the creatures of Allah Almighty in it which is a sign of His omnipotence and His perfect creation proof [8]. Allah Almighty says:

وفي الأرض آيات للموقنين)20(وفي أنفسكم أفلا تبصرون

And in the earth there are signs (of Allah Almighty power) for those who believe, and (also) on yourself, then do you not notice? "[Adh-Dzâriyât / 51: 20-21] [9 ]

So understand the names and attributes of Allah Almighty correctly is the only door to get to know Allah (ma'rifatullah) with the introduction of the right, which is the foundation of worship to Allah Almighty. Because one of the main runway is al-mahabbah worship (love) to Allah Almighty, that this can not be achieved except by knowing Allah Almighty [10] with the correct recognition through an understanding of the names and attributes of His . So people who do not have ma'rifatullah (know Allah) are true, may not be able to worship Him properly. [11]

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Whoever knows Allah Almighty with the names, attributes and His deeds then he would have loved him." [12]

Therefore, Allah Almighty describes the relationship between worship Him and understanding of the names and attributes of his in two verses of al-Qur'ân. The first verse:

وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون

And is not I created the jinn and mankind except that they may serve me [adh-Dzâriyât / 51: 56].

The second verse:

الله الذي خلق سبع سماوات ومن الأرض مثلهن يتنزل الأمر بينهن لتعلموا أن الله على كل شيء قدير وأن الله قد أحاط بكل شيء علما

It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and the earth a similar number. Allah commands them, so that you know (understand) that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah, His knowledge really covers everything [ath-Thalaq / 65: 12].

Both of these verses indicate that the worship of Allah Almighty would not mugkin can be realized by a servant properly but after he knew the names and attributes of Allah with true understanding. [13]

Here also need to be reminded that there are two kinds ma'rifatullah.
First: to know Allah Almighty with his only establish the existence and attributes of His Lordship. This kind ma'rifatullah shared by all human beings, who believe or disbelieve and obedient or disobedient to Him.

Second: Allah Almighty knows that cause embarrassment, love, longing, heart dependency, fear, always come back, happy and always lean towards him [14]. This is the perfect ma'rifatullah and is discussed in this paper.

Understanding the names and attributes of Allah Almighty correctly to achieve ma'rifatullah is the greatest science and foremost is absolute, because it deals directly with Allah Almighty, the One who is most perfect.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Verily virtue of a science to follow virtue objects studied, because the soul confidence will the arguments and evidence of its existence, as well as the magnitude of the need and benefit to understand. So no doubt, that the knowledge of Allah, the names, attributes and His deeds are the greatest science and foremost. Comparison of this science with other sciences is like comparing (kemahasempurnaan) Allah Almighty with all the objects studied (in) other sciences. "[15]

So the servant would not likely achieve the essential goodness in religion except after she understands this noble science. Get to know Allah Almighty to understand the names and attributes of His is the main foundation of Islamic religion brought by Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, even all the religion brought by the Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam [16]. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "The key propaganda (all religions) are derived by Allah Almighty is ma'rifatullah (know Allah Almighty to understand the names and attributes of His). [17]

Therefore, in the Qur'an, which is the best of guidance for human life, the largest and most important clue is the explanation of the names of Allah, the Most Beautiful and His attributes are infinite perfect.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said, "In the Koran there is an explanation (of) the names, attributes and deeds Allah more than an explanation (of) food, drinks and a marriage made in heaven. The verses that contain explanations names and attributes of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the main position than verses (about) days later. Then the greatest verse in al-Qur'ân is the seat paragraph containing explanations names and attributes of Allah. As mentioned in the hadeeth history of Muslim imam of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that he n said to Ubay ibn Ka'b radi anhu, "Do you know what the greatest verse in the Book of Allah (al-Qur'ân)? "Ubay radi anhu said: (The Word of Allah):

الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم

Allah that no true gods besides Him the Most of Life again stand alone and uphold His creatures [al-Baqarah / 2: 255]

Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam pat radi anhu Ubay chest with his hand and said, "Science will be a pleasure for you, O Abu Al-Mundhir (Ubay ibn Ka'b radi anhu)" [18].

Similarly, the most important letter (in the Qur'an) is the Mother of the Quran (Al-Fatiha), as mentioned in the hadeeth, from Abu Sa'eed Ibn Mu'alla radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to him (about the virtues of Al-Fatiha), "Verily never before revealed in (the book) the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and the al-Qur'ân like Al-Fatiha). Here are seven verses (read) repetitive and glorious Qur'an granted (by Allah Almighty) to me. "[19]

In this letter there is an explanation the names and attributes of Allah which is greater than the explanation (of) a day later in it.

And is mentioned in the hadeeth of the various paths of narration that letter:

قل هو الله أحد

Say: He is Allah the Almighty [al-Ikhlas / 112: 1]

This letter is comparable (with) one-third of the Qur'an. [20]

In the hadeeth (other), the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave the good news to the Companions radi anhu who always read the letter al-Ikhlas this and he said, "I love this letter because this letter (explaining) the nature of ar-Rahman ( Allah Almighty), (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said), "Verily Allah loves." [21] (In this hadith), the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam explained that Allah loves those who are happy to call his properties Almighty, and this is a vast subject "[22].

All of the foregoing clearly shows the position of primacy and majesty of this noble science. This science is the main foundation of faith at once the foundation of Islam is built on top of it all noble position and a high degree in religion. It will not be possible for a servant to achieve the essential goodness in life without knowing Allah Almighty who has created and bestowed her favors a wide range, both inwardly and outwardly.

Would not be a slave to worship Him with love, expect His mercy and fear of His punishment without him knowing kemahaindahan His names and attributes kemahasempurnaan him that all this shows how Allah almighty and all- high. He is the only one entitled to dibadahi and no true gods besides Him Almighty. [23]

One of the Salaf Ulema express this meaning in the words, "Really sorry for the people who love the world, they (eventually) will leave this world, but they have not felt the greatest pleasure in this world." Then someone asks, "Are The greatest pleasure in this world? "The cleric replied," Love to Allah, feel calm when to draw closer to Him, longing to meet with him, and felt happy when remembrance and practice obedience to Him. "[24]

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 02 / Year XVI / 1433H / 2012M. Publisher Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

Ma'rifatullah, Main Gate to Perfection faith in God Almighty (2)

Ustadz Abdullah bin al-Buthoni Taslim, MA

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء

Indeed, the fear of Allah among His servants, only those who have knowledge (know Allah Almighty) "[Fatir / 35: 28]

In an authentic hadith that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily I was the one who most fear of Allah and His most familiar among you all." [25]

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "The meaning of (paragraph above), 'Only people who are knowledgeable and know Allah the one who has the right to fear Allah. As more perfect understanding and penegetahuan (slave) to Allah, the One who was all-glorious, all-powerful and all-knowing, which has the properties of the all perfect and names are perfect in beauty, then fear (the servant) to him getting great anyway. "[26]

This is the main road even shortcuts to enhance faith and servitude himself a believer to Allah Almighty.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah expresses this in his speech, "The journey to Allah through (understand) the names and attributes of his situation (really) very amazing and (door guidance) are opened (through this) very great. A servant (who take this path) really has brought him true happiness (perfection of faith) when he was lying flat on the bed, without feeling tired and struggling ... "[27]

It is not surprising, especially if we understand that all noble and great position in Islam will not be achieved except by improving our understanding and appreciation of the content of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty.

Because each of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty has a strong influence in the fertilize faith and servitude to Him in totality. Or in other words, perfect self servitude to Allah Almighty in all its forms back to the understanding and appreciation of the meaning contained in the names and attributes of Allah Almighty [28].

For example, the nature muraqabatullah (always feel in control of Allah Almighty). It is a virtue and a very high position in Islam, even including the main stages in the journey to the good pleasure of Allah Almighty.

Muraqabatullah Itself is a servant always feel and believe in Allah Almighty surveillance against (all circumstances) and unseen. He felt his supervision when dealing with His commandments, for then he carry it out as well as possible, and when dealing with his ban, for then he tried hard to stay away and avoid it. [29]

This is revealed by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the highest level in Islam, namely the position of al-Ihsan. In the famous Hadith Jibril Alaihissallam, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه, فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك

(Al-Ihsan is) you worship Allah as if you see Him, if you can not see Him then surely He saw you "[30]

This high position will only be achieved by a servant with taufik of Allah Almighty, then with proper understanding and appreciation of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty, particularly with regard to supervision, testimony, vision, hearing and knowledge His almighty perfect. For example, the name of Almighty Allah al-Raqib (The Aware), ash-Shaheed (the All-Seeing), al-Bashir (The Seer) and al-'Alîm (The All-Knowing) [31].

Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah explain this important discussion in his speech, "including deeds liver muraqabatullah is highest (virtue in Islam), which devote themselves to Allah with (understand and practice the meaning contained in) His name ar -Raqîb (The Aware) and ash-Shahid (the All-Seeing). So when a servant knows or believes that all movement (activity) it, no (none) which escapes from pengatahuan him, and he (always) bring this belief in all the circumstances, it is (all) will make it (always trying to) keep mind (heart) it from (all) mind (bad) and the delusion that hated Allah, as well as keeping birth (limbs) it from (all) words and deeds of wrath of Allah, and he will worship or closer (to Allah ) with the position of al-ihsan, then he would worship Allah as if he saw him, if he could not see him then surely Allah saw it. "[32]

Similarly, the nature of resignation (always lean and surrender) to Allah Almighty. This is a great nature and has a very high position in Islam. Even the perfection of faith and monotheism in all kind will not be achieved except with perfect resignation to Allah Almighty. Allah says:

رب المشرق والمغرب لا إله إلا هو فاتخذه وكيلا

(He is) Lord of the East (eastern region) and Maghrib (western region), there is no Ilah (entitled diibadahi) but Him, so take him as a protector [al-Muzzammil / 73: 9] [33].

Realizing resignation properly is a major cause inviting aid Almighty Allah for His servants. Allah Almighty says:

ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا)2(ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه

Whoever who fear Allah, He will give him a way out (for all his affairs). And give him sustenance from unexpected directions-but thought tidada. And whoever put my trust in Allah, surely Allah will suffice (all purposes) its [ath-Thalaq / 65: 2-3]

This noble position also only be achieved by taufik of Allah Almighty and then with proper understanding and appreciation of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty, for example: al-Hasib (the Most Giving Sufficiency), al-Qawiyyu (the Most Strong), al-Matin (the Most Sturdy), and az-'Aziz (The Mighty) [34], also his specificity in rububiyah properties, such as creating, turn on, turn off, giving sustenance, giving benefits and prevent evil. [35]

Position Mahabbatullah (love Allah Almighty) and make him dearer than everything that exists in this world. This is the main characteristic of people who feel the sweetness of faith and perfection, as the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "There are three qualities, whoever owns it then he will feel the sweetness of faith (perfection of faith): make Allah and His Messenger are more beloved than ( whoever) in addition to the two, love others solely because of Allah, and felt hate (reluctant) to return to disbelief after being rescued by Allah as reluctant to be thrown into the fire "[36].

The highest position in Islam will only be achieved with taufik of Allah Almighty and then with proper understanding and appreciation of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Those who know Allah with the names, attributes and His deeds then he will surely love Him" ​​[37]

Also notch Rida billahi Rabban (pleasure to Allah as Lord), which means pleasure to all His commands and prohibitions, the provisions and his choice, as well as to what is given and what is not given him. [38] This is the position that very high in Islam, this is the main characteristic of people who have tasted the sweetness and the perfection of faith, as the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Will felt the delicacy or the sweetness of faith (that) people are pleased with Allah Almighty as his Lord and Islam as a religion and (the Prophet) Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the apostles "[39]

This great equalizer will only be achieved by taufik of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala then with proper understanding and appreciation of the nature rububiyah and that He is the only one who is most capable of doing all of it, such as creating, turn on, turn off, giving sustenance, governing the universe, benefits and prevent evil. [40]

Thus, all properties and a high position in Islam only be achieved with a perfect through a deep understanding and appreciation of the beauty of the names of Allah Almighty and the perfection of His attributes. So the servants of the most perfect in faith and self servitude to Allah Almighty that he is most familiar with the content of the names and attributes of His.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "The most perfect in servitude themselves (to Allah Almighty) is a person who devote themselves (to Him) with (understand content) all His names and attributes that (could) be known by man. "[41]

HOW TO GET THE RIGHT ma'rifatullah
The best way first and foremost is to pray to Allah Almighty, because in the hands of His is all good and He alone is able to confer all the great qualities to His servant.

Therefore, the priest Mutharrif bin 'Abd Allah ibn ash-Syikhkhîr rahimahullah said, "I remember (brood-ed) if that could collect all good? Because goodness it a lot; fasting, prayer (and others). All goodness is in the hands of Allah Almighty, then if you are not able to (have) what is in the hands of Allah Almighty except by praying to Him so that He gives it all to you, meaning you can collect (all) good is pray (to Allah Almighty) "[42]

Then try to understand and appreciate the verses of the Qur'an that the majority of the contents of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty, as well as the translation of all of it.

In summary, Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah explain how to achieve this great science through the appreciation of the content of the verses of the Qur'an, by presenting the meaning contained in the names of Allah, the Most beautiful and sought pervasive to the heart, so that the heart can feel the good effects of the content of these names and met with the greatest knowledge of this. As an example:

1. The names of Allah Almighty that contains the properties almighty, almighty, all-glorious and exalted. The content of these traits will fill the human heart with a sense of exaltation and glorification to Allah.

2. His names containing properties in beauty, all-good, all-loving and all-beneficent. The content of these properties will satisfy the human heart with love, longing, always praise and thank Him.

3. His names containing the properties of noble mighty, mighty have wisdom or wise, all-knowing and all-powerful over everything. The content of these traits will fill the human heart with a sense of subject, tawaddhu 'and always acknowledge weaknesses before Him.

4. His names containing the properties of all-knowing everything in detail, all-covering, maha maha supervise and watch. The content of these qualities will bring on feelings of the human heart is always in control of Allah Almighty in all movements and silence, always keeping her whisper of all the bad thoughts and desires damaged.

5. His names containing properties maha maha rich and soft. The content of these traits will fill the hearts of men to always feel the need, depending on and exposes himself to Him in all times and in all circumstances.

This great science when seep into the hearts of the cause of understanding (depth) of the names and attributes of Allah Almighty then servitude to Him with the content of the names and attributes, then it becomes a case that The most noble and honorable for a servant in the world. In fact this is the greatest gift that Allah Almighty has bestowed upon His slaves, and this is the core and soul of monotheism. Anyone who has opened the door for him this great then indeed he has opened the door (towards) the pure monotheism and perfect faith. "[44]

So, hopefully this article useful and a motivation for us to try to achieve the most exalted position in Islam is by Taufik and his guidance.

Finally we conclude this paper with the prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

Ya Allah, I ask Thee pleasure looking at your face (in the hereafter), and I ask Thee desire to meet with thy (as in the world), without any danger to harm and slander are misleading. [45]

(Ya Allah) I beseech thee to thy love, the love of those who love you and love to (all) deeds that bring myself to love to-mu [46].

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 02 / Year XVI / 1433H / 2012M. Publisher Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

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