Unfinished journey (252)
(Part two hundred and fifty-two, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, March 30, 2015, 21:54 pm)
The body of the primacy of prayer.
If we look at the medium of television, when one of our
celebrity or character, our leaders there who dies, there are usually thousands
of people participated and expressed condolences visit, but when it came to the
bodies of Prayer event, it is mostly just watching it, do not participate
menyolatkan bodies.
Indeed, the legal bodies menyolatkan Fard Kifayah,
meaning that there must be some people who menyolatkan the deceased in order to
escape kewjiban else, if to no one menyolatkan, then all Muslims will bear his
Besides prayer corpse was carried out as a form of prayer
that the deceased be forgiven all his sins during life, therefore, if the
deceased in sholatkan more than 40 people, it will be a member of intercession
for the deceased, among other sins forgiven by God.
But also important is the reward menyolatkan the
deceased, said Ustad in tauziahnya in Radio Rodja, such as quoting a Hadith, is
the equivalent of three qirod, (a reward menyolatkan, the two drove to the
cemetery) one qirod, Uhud mountain of gold equivalent, meaning that if we
menyolatkankan the deceased's given equal reward us so conglomerates (the
rich), but the reward will be given menyolatkan Mayit God in the hereafter.
If every Muslim enormity of the deceased menyolatkan
large reward once, then people in Merauke, would have been willing to pay
airfare and hotel for his brother who died on the island of Sabang, and vice
Moreover, our closest neighbor, let alone just one
village, district or a city. Definitely the deceased will be many times in
sholatkan, although taken to the Istiqlal Mosque though
Pillars, requirements, procedures guide pray prayer
deceased bodies or below is already our brief, and we are equipped with some of
the arguments of the hadith of the Prophet, pillars of Prayer The body consists
of eight pillars and run law is "Fard Kifayah" meaning that if
nothing is running , all would be sinful. Salah is not wearing bowing,
prostration, i'tidal and tahiyyat, only with 4 takbir and 2 greeting, which is
done in a standing state.
Here is a prayer pillar jenzah:
1. Intention
Every prayer and worship if not no intention considered
not valid, including the intention of doing Salah corpse. Intention in the
liver with determination and menyengaja will perform certain prayers at this
time to perform worship to God.
"Though they are not ordered except to worship Allah
with obedience to Him purifies the right religion, and that they establish the
prayer and practice regular charity; and that is the right religion." (QS.
Al-Bayyinah: 5).
Hadith Prophet from Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet SAW said:
"Indeed, every charity that depends on his
intentions. Everyone is getting fit his intention." (HR. Muttafaq
2. Stand When Able
Prayers corpse valid if done with stand (someone able to
stand up and not a uzurnya). For if while sitting or on the vehicle [animal
mounts], Salah bodies considered invalid.
3. Takbir 4 times
This rule is derived from the hadith of Jabir that tells
how the form of the prayer of the Prophet when menyolatkan bodies.
Of Jabi ra that the Prophet menyolatkan corpse King Najasyi
(supernatural prayer) and he Takbir 4 times.
(HR. Bukhari: 1245, 952 Muslim and Ahmad 3: 355)
Najasyi reportedly converted to Islam after being a
devout Christian followers. But when I heard the news of Muhammad's ministry,
he finally embraced Islam.
4. Read Surat Al-Fatihah
5. Read the segue to the Prophet Muhammad
6. Prayer For Bodies
The evidence is the word of the Prophet Muhammad:
"If you menyalati corpse, then murnikanlah prayer
for her."
(HR. Abu Daud: 3199 and Ibn Majah: 1947).
Among lafaznya exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, among
"Allahummaghfir lahu warhamhu, wa'aafihi wa'fu
'anhu, AKRIM nuzulahu wa, wa wassi' madkhalahu, waghsilhu bil-ma'i watstsalji
7. Prayer After Fourth Takbir
For example, a prayer which reads:
"Allahumma wa laa Laa Tahrimna Ajrahu taftinnaa
ba'dahu waghfirlana lahu wa .."
8. Regards
Here is the Procedures, Order and Prayer Prayer Bodies:
1. The body Prayer Intention wording:
"Ushalli 'alaa haadzal mayyiti fardlal kifaayatin
makmuuman / imaaman lillaahi ta'aalaa .."
This means that:
"I have the intention to pray over the bodies, fard
kifayah as a congregation / priest lillaahi ta'aalaa .."
2. After reading the first Takbir: Surat
3. After the second Takbir reading segue to the Prophet:
"Allahumma Shalli 'Alaa Mohammed?"
4. After the third Takbir reads:
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه, وأكرم نزله, ووسع مدخله,
واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد, ونقه من الخطايا كما نقيت الثوب الأبيض من الدنس, وأبدله
دارا خيرا من داره, وأهلا خيرا من أهله, وزوجا خيرا من زوجه, وأدخله الجنة, وأعذه من
عذاب القبر وعذاب النار
Dear Allah! Forgive him (corpse) grant mercy to him, save
him (of some things that are not preferred), forgive him and place in a
glorious place (Heaven), expand grave, bathe him with water snow and ice water.
Clean him of any wrongdoing, as you clean the white clothes from dirt, give a
better home from home (in the world), give the family (or wife in Paradise)
better than his family (in the world), the wife (or husband) better than his
wife (or husband), and enter him into Paradise, keep him from the torment of
the grave and Hell. "
or can be summarized:
"Allahummagh firlahu warhamhu wa'aafihi wa'fu anhu
This means that:
"O Allah, forgive him, grant mercy, peace and
forgive him"
5. After the fourth Takbir reads:
"Allahumma la Tahrim naa ajrahu walaa taftinnaa
ba'dahu waghfirlanaa walahu .."
This means that:
"O Allah, let us not give reward thee, and do thou
give slander to us afterwards, and give forgiveness to us and to him"
6. "Greetings" right and left.
Note: If the woman's body, wording 'hu' replaced 'ha'.
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