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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Islam respects the rights of animals.

Unfinished journey (254)

(Part two hundred and fifty-four, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, March 31, 2015, 11:32 pm)

Islam respects the rights of animals.

Islamic religion Allah has revealed through His Prophet Muhammad through the Koran and Al Hikmah (Sunnah / Word / Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad gave a mercy to all the worlds, not only to humans also to animals
Before the French artist Brigitte Bardot and non-governmental organizations in various countries which will mempejuangkan animal rights, 1,400 years ago in his saying of the Prophet Muhammad ordered his community to respect the rights of animals.
The Prophet said, God has cursed those who kill / hunt animals with arrows,
If now shot with a bullet.
We should only be slaughtered with a sharp knife while saying Bismillahirohmanirohim (In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and merciful).
Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith also tells the story of a woman who go to hell just because this woman locked the cat in the cage but not fed to death,
He also told me there eorang prostitutes Jewish Women at the time of Moses, who go to heaven just because giving drink to the thirsty dog ​​again.
This proves that Islam upholds the rights of animals, let alone human rights.
So this has been denied allegations that have branded the Western media Islam is cruel not to protect human rights, with the killing and burning of the prisoner, including prisoners persecute women and children.
There are 13 hadiths and verses in the Qur'an that mention that Islam was revealed God Mercy for all creatures including animals.

Islam and Animal Rights

Previously been spread video of how the procedure one of the abattoirs in Indonesia are torturing cows and treat with savage animals before they actually cut.

Such a scene according to the news was aired in one of the TV series The State of Australia, Hence impact could halt exports of cattle from Australia to the houses animals such pieces as a form of protest.

In a different case in the Netherlands was sticking rejection procedures according Shar'ie slaughter because they think Muslims do not have a sense of "perikebinatangan" or no regard for the rights of animals, Hence Dutch Muslims protest but not only this, Jews The Netherlands also participated in the protest because doing so with the same procedure.

According to those in the Netherlands animals piece it should be anesthetized before the cut, if in Australia was beaten unconscious manner (to reduce pain).

And if we tela'ah together besides cutting with Islamic law is the most appropriate way, but also only Islam that really take seriously HAH (Animal Rights), we can see as the hadith; "Do you want to kill him twice ?! Why do not you first sharpening the knife before merebahkannya ?! "So the Prophet rebuked one who was sharpening a knife in the presence of goats to be slaughtered (HR. Al-Hakim in Al Mustadrak no. 7570).

Sharpening a knife in the presence of animals for slaughter of course give bad effects to the animal. Therefore, he will feel very stressed, suffering and fear. Death came into his body before actually pick her up. That same death before actual death. Because the Prophet forbade doing so.

"Allah has set a good deed for everything. If you kill, apply all right in that regard. If you slaughter, applies all right in that regard. Should any one of you sharpen his knife and fun animals sembelihannya. "(HR. Muslim, no. 1955)
There are several animal rights that need to be considered in Islam:

1. The right to be protected
In the hadith stated; "One day Ibn Umar passed a group of youths who put up a bird as a target to throw the race. When they saw Ibn 'Umar, berhamburanlah them. Ibn Umar said, "Who did this? Allah has cursed the person who did this. Indeed, the Prophet has cursed the one who makes something that is her soul (living things) as a target throws. "(HR. Muslim, no. 5173)
Jabir ra. recalled that the Prophet passed the donkey that had been stamped his face, he also said, "Allah has cursed the person who had given him the stamp. "(HR. Muslim, no. 5672)

2. The right to be treated
Who just abandon their pets, either by not feeding it or do not meet the requirements he needs, then he is entitled to receive harsh punishment from Allah. The Prophet SAW said, "There was a woman who was tortured because he brackets cat to death. He's going to hell because of it. He did not give him to eat and drink when locked and nor release to be able to eat the insects of the earth. "(HR. Bukhari no. 2365)
Said Imam Ibn Qudamah in Al Mughni, "Who owns the farm animals, mandatory for him to take care of it and spend her anything she needed whether it is food or providing people who care." (9/318)

3. The right to be loved
"Who would be mercy despite the sembelihannya, Allah will have mercy on the Day of Judgment. "(Imam Bukhari in adabul simplex). "If you walk away and pass through a fertile area, give the camel right in the area. And if you pass through the arid, percepatlah trip and haste before his strength weakened. "(HR. Muslim, no. 1926)

The Prophet SAW said, "When one is traveling, he felt very thirsty. Then he found a well, so he descend and drink, and then exit. Suddenly there was a dog who is licking the ground because of thirst. This man said, 'This dog is really thirsty as I felt before,' So he was well down the back and fill his shoes with water, then biting his shoes with his mouth until he rose and gave the dog to drink. Allaah praised his actions and give forgiveness to him. "The Companions asked," O Messenger of Allah, whether by giving our animals drink get the reward? "He replied," Give drink every creature that has the spleen (living being) was rewarding. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 2334 and Muslim, no. 2244)

In another narration: "Then God praised his actions and give forgiveness to him, and then put it into heaven. "

4. The right to not be reproached and also damned
Imran ibn Al-Hushain recalled, "When the Prophet in one journey and there was a woman who was riding camels Ansar, the Prophet heard the woman was cursing his camel, then he said," Take anything that is on top of the camel and let it run (unperturbed), because he has got anathema. "'Imran said," I think I still look at the camel walking in the midst of today's man and nobody stirred him. "(HR. Muslim no. 6769). Purpose greeting Prophet "Take anything that is on top of camels and let it run (unperturbed), because he has got anathema." Is as a sanction for the woman because he had cursed the animal.

Subhanallah how not only human rights (Human Rights) anyway ?, that is why Islam is rahmatan lil 'aalamiin or mercy for all life on Earth. Be careful who have pets at home, do not diterbelengkalaikan. Therefore let us uphold Islam and also HAH (Animal Rights).
It is no better than talking or the listening, because the better the side GOD is that practice it.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Erick Ustaz Yusuf: Training initiator iHAQi (Integrated Human Quotient)

erickyusuf - erickyusuf@yahoo.com

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